Cardarine cutting reddit results

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Now my goals are simple just to get cut while retaining the muscle ive built up during quarantine. Cardarine's main benefit is endurance. 1-8. SnooTigers2823 • 2 yr. Ostarine and Cardarine Stack. Like today i feel like shit my throat is fucked and im freezing so may have catched corona. Week 1. I did my cut using cardarine too but in my case my increased metabolism and more cardio also increased my hunger equally so I got the results I got natty later just a bit faster. Going to be running 10mg/day, I believe that is 1ml from the included syringe, but I could be wrong. Endurance will be noticeably improved, starting within just the first few days. It’s a great stack. Throw in L carnitine for a bit of extra mobilization. Studies and scientists consider GW 50156 to be a “miracle” drug for obese people or those with diabetes. I plan on using Cardarine to cut. Ephedrine for the appetite suppression and focus, caffeine for the usual stuff, and cardarine for endurance and fat burning. It really should be injected (and possibly even multiple times per day for optimal use, because it doesn't stay in your system very long. Background: 38-year-old male at 5’11’’ with SW of 190, CW at 187lb and GW of 175lbs. I really want to have a great cut again. In rare instances where you do actually get suppressed from Ostarine, I simply recommend cutting its dosage in half (from 15mgs of Ostarine a day to 7,5mgs a day). Finding no motivation to go to the gym which is unlike me. It's barely absorbed orally. Now 4 weeks into ostarine & cardarine cycle (10mg each, cutting phase)- test results attached. Taking 20mg of cardarine for my cut in a caloric deficit I work all morning till evening and workout at night when’s the best time to take my dosage, in the morning or before my workout. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Stacking these two compounds helps maximize muscle gain and fat loss in men and women. For the beginning I will take it 5mg in the AM and 5mg pre-workout. Apr 4, 2024 · Liver Damage. Anyways, I am planning a 12 week cut on Osta and was hesitating between 2 options. I’ve personally been under this stack and have managed to reduce my body fat percentage from a pudgy 20% to a respectable 10%, all in just eight weeks. 64K subscribers in the PEDs community. My rat is 6’1 190lbs, been working out for a few years and looking to do an ostarine an cardarine cutting vs stack. This user performed a 12-week cycle of cardarine at 20 mg/day. Im actually on a 700 cal daily deficit, taking 50mg of andarine and 20 of cardarine, but i have read that cardarine is not to much efective in fat loss unless im doing a lot of cardio, but actually im doing about 30mins dvery day. 5mg, Cardarine at 7mg, Enclo at 6mg. Going harder = deeper caloric deficit = fat loss. Benefits to nutrient partitioning. ⌛️ Cycle Length: 6 – 8 weeks. Hoping Cardarine helps out to give me some good cutting results. Cardarine before a workout or in the morning. From there is increased. If your genetics are decent you can expect a good body recomposition. Cardarine and Fadogia Agrestis. Here are recommended dosages for the Ostarine and Cardarine stack: For Men: Moderate Cycle: 8 weeks, Ostarine 15mg/day, Cardarine 10mg/day. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. I took nolvadex post cutting cycle and my balls were up and going in 4 weeks. 400-800 calorie sessions. Cardarine only cycle for first time. Why are you taking Enclo while on cycle? Cardarine is awesome - turns you into a cardio machine ie why it’s great for cutting. Just use a conservative dose of the RAD140 for 8-12 weeks and you’ll see plenty results. Search Comments. Either man up and take clen or don't take anything at all. Increased Strength. People should not be taking cardarine to last a bit longer in their 3 cardio sessions a week. Those will give a much better effect than any SARM on a cut. nac286. There’s a very cool nutrient partitioning effect that Cardarine has, and it will preserve muscle mass in a deficit. I never really saw improvements with cardarine. Helps with the cardio and endurance. A standard 8- to 12-week Cardarine cycle at 15mg-20mg will provide excellent fat loss and body composition results. /. Do you think its worth or should i change cardarine for what to improve fat loss? Thanks! Dec 12, 2023 · A popular option is the Ostarine and Cardarine stack, used for both cutting and bulking cycles. This user cycled cardarine for 12 weeks, starting at 10 mg/day for the first week, then 20 mg/day for the remaining 11 weeks. MK 677 and Cardarine. 25mg/day, week 6-8up to 6. 15mgs a day. 💰 Average Cost: $59. ️‍🩹 Side Effects: Liver toxicity and stomach pain. 25mg of Ostarine is a waste in my opinion. Option 1 being the "safer" one but not sure how much results will come of the lower dosages, but since it's a cut maybe it could be enough to keep all gains This is actually what I'm doing RightNow. Let me know what you guys think and how should I dose it. After the cycle I’ll run blood work and run Enclo for 2 more weeks. Ability to recover from high volume training. Ive decided to go with Cardarine since it is one of the safest sarms to take for my first cycle. Also curious on which PCT to use, and where I could find mail-in bloodwork panels. Steabolic needs to be dosed twice a day because of its short half life. definitely don’t take mk677. There's no reason to take these things year-round. As little as 10mg per day is an effective dosage for Cardarine. I’ve been lifting for years now and have a solid base and diet. Lost solid amount of fat and increased muscle. Cardarine is only a viable option for runners/swimmers/cyclists. 📚 Best Stack: MK-677 / Testolone / LGD 4033. No alcohol, no sweets. Tldr; I'm a (moderately) experienced weight lifter that never I used Ostarine as my first compound too in combination With Cardarine. Increased Libido. You can dose cardarine at 10mg per day and sr9009 you’d have to take it like 4-6 times a day lol but use the endurance properties to its fullest to maximize results, i was doing like cardio everyday cause it felt easy. Was curious if 20mg ostarine and 20mg cardarine would be good for 8 weeks. Then finish off with the cardarine for a cut when your body is recouped. The only way cardarine will help is if it increases your cardio performance and you use that to increase you calorie expenditure. Good stuff, got jacked just in time for spring break. Apr 2, 2024 · Increased endurance. Cardarine. We would suggest starting as low as possible for your first cycle and not exceeding the range given by the specific brand you are using. Was diagnosed with prolactinoma in April of 2021. Cardarine mice studies are mildly alarming when you properly convert the numbers. Update; the cardarine countered the side effects of the ostarine pretty well, i could do HIIT yesterday it was easý on cardarine! Love it! But the reason why i almost passed out when doing HIIT on monday could also be because i was starting to get sick. Sure you can use sarms to preserve muscle in a cut but any and all androgens really shine and are way more fun when you’re in a calorie surplus trying to progressive overload. Skip the SR9009. I’m currently on week 2 of rad140 10mg ED and enclo EOD, I was thinking of adding in Cardarine (GW-501516) to help with even more fat loss and…. Hi guys, I plan to cycle cardarine (10/20mg) for a particularly tough 8 week training block, then come off it for 8 weeks before a 3 week race season where I will not be taking it. Award. You still need to be in a caloric deficit to see any significant fat loss. In total, he lost 40 pounds and achieved visible abs by the end of the cycle. Weeks 10-12 30 mg Stenabolic split 3 times a day. Fasted a little too. Anything more would be insane results. I didnt Even need a PCT since bloodwork didnt show any signs of supression. Doses as low as 10mg produce a fat loss effect for users, and Cardarine helps preserve lean muscle mass while dieting. Once I have done my 6 week cut on this, I will be looking at Super DMZ 2 or A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. . Currently in a deficit. PCT. 1. Now if you're talking injectables, I'm going to recommend TRT, primobolan, and maybe winstrol if you're very low BF%. Apr 7, 2024 · Ostarine. 0. Hopefully this will benefit someone else and if not just describe the ride. As for the cancer study I don’t want to start another debate like last time but the mice were on ridiculously high dosages, nowhere near what you’d be popping ADMIN MOD. 99. 10mgs a day. The T3 of the streets! Cardarine EC together works well for me. not to mention it increases prolactin so you can develop puffy nipples. Cardarine is good for periods of intense training/weight loss. Thoughts? I’m thinking to maintain 12. Use it to get to the place you want to be in your fitness and then once there maintain that with a steady and regular training regimen. My friend told me I could use cardarine instead but has anyone actually had good results cutting with this compound?? Mar 10, 2024 · Cardarine: Before and After – Cardarine GW 501516 Before and After Number 1: Month-long Cardarine – Results/I was 13% and am now 9. He lost 40 pounds in weight, going from 205 pounds to 165 pounds, reducing his body fat percentage by approximately 10%. In short, the main reason for these benefits is that Cardarine makes us burn fat and not glucose. Results come from the kitchen with abs. Regression analysis with both showed cardarine had a statistically significant effect on the amount of calories I burned per day but the same effect was not found with gw0742. I personally haven’t ever heard of anyone getting issues aside from some mild nausea on it. I plan on running for 6 weeks and depending on progress and feeling extending it to 8 weeks. RAD 140 is used for bulking but yes, users have cut body fat while on Rad. I wouldn't go higher than 20 and at your body weight 15mg is probably sufficient. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The best time to take cardarine is at a consistent time daily. CARD- 10 mg 4 weeks- 15 mg 7 weeks Fadogia agrestis 1500mg 7 weeks. Keeping blood sugar and insulin sensitivity in check with GW. Increased sleep quality. Cardarine also works extremely well when used to support anabolic steroids, making it an excellent addition to a steroid cycle thanks to the way We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sep 26, 2020 · Cardarine is a potent PPAR agonist, producing excellent results for cutting cycles. First cut I did, I did a ton of research and did it ped free, just a natural cut, 8 weeks lost 10lbs and 4% bf (18-14) measurement via dexa scan before and after With cardarine same exact cut routine and diet, Lost 9% in 8weeks (19-10) I didn’t do anything different in terms of exercises or calories in terms of the difference between the two. At higher doses the physical sides got worse though: terrible sweats, high blood pressure, some trouble sleeping etc. [Compound Experience Saturday] GW-501516 (Cardarine) Compounds. 5-15 mg and keeping it there the whole cycle or running it at that for 4 weeks and then upping the dose to 20mg after that. Im extremely lethargic and don’t want to do anything at all but lay around. Feb 13, 2023 · Cardarine Results: Before and After Pictures. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. Option 1 being the "safer" one but not sure how much results will come of the lower dosages, but since it's a cut maybe it could be enough to keep all gains We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Is that correct? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In this article, we'll delve into the transformative results anticipated in 2024, exploring the before and after experiences of those incorporating Cardarine into their fitness regimens. While Cardarine may not be a fat burner, one of many reasons people love Cardarine is that the increased endurance and energy during cardio allows one to go harder. Diet was pretty low carb, high protien so alot of egg whites, rotisserie chicken, chicken salads, lean ground Turkey. I still choose to be cautious with it as typical human doses aren’t too far off from what was used in the cancer study (despite what many falsely think… see MPMD). Before and After Number 2: My 8-week transformation on 10mg-20mg ostarine and cardarine. It's effective at fat loss in the same way that a ketogenic diet is effective at fat loss. Less is more (10mg). Basically enclomiphene plus an AI and maybe cardarine for easy cardio sessions. Understanding Cardarine: Then hop on just Ostarine or any ONE compound if it’s your first cycle and have pct on hand. ) I play on using 20mg Cardarine (10mg am/10mg pm) and SR9009 4 dosages of 5mg throughout the day. 7%. while also looking for symptoms of cardiac dilation. Crack is a good fat burner 👍😬🧠. No problem at all with hair loss. It has about a 12 hour half life so with 20mg you can take 10 in the morning then 10 in the evening and have 24 hour coverage. Luckily for us, you can always use liver support such as TUDCA or milk thistle with your stack. My first step is SARMS. As for cardarine, start at 10mg ED and keep it there until you notice a lull in fat loss. I am thinking about starting an ostarine cycle to get cut, but I am kind of hesitant if I am just going to go back to square one after the cycle. This was over a 16 week trainup, 12 weeks of it on cardarine. But it doesn’t hit me the same way SR does. ☢️ Dangers: Hepatotoxicity. Looking to keep my dosage low probably 10-15mg a day. I'm about to run a test/anavar cycle and was thinking about throwing clen in at 60mcg to get to lower BF. Cardarine is much better for cardio and lifting endurance IMO. Shot for 30-60 on the stairmaster a lot. I’m taking it rn 20mg tbh I notice to difference in anything. Apr 16, 2021 · The endurance, cardio and cutting were a result of the Cardarine (GW-51516). Now shitty diet varies from person to person for me it was having Mexican food ( cause I love it)steak+ rice + beans & chips. This weeks compound is GW-501516 (Cardarine) The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback Cardarine is widely accepted as one of the safest compounds out there. 25mg. As you can see, PCT is not really needed for such a stack. When to take Cardarine. PCT Required: No. I have both of these, I’m considering running them together. H- 5’8 Start weight 234 - lowest I got to 216. Please read the rules! Jan 18, 2024 · Cardarine (GW-501516) Overview. You should never immediately start cutting after a bulking cycle, but with Cardarine/SERMS you can start your cut right away and lose little to no muscle. Increased Healing Properties. I’ve started taking 12. Share. I have never been a runner or endurance kind of guy, always power/speed style so I will be trying out some jogging/running mixed in with some sprinting on different days. But if you want to just cut fat, it's probably a helluva lot safer to just jump on the treadmill I am going to run a test cycle for a bulk, about a month or two after the test cycle I will be cutting. 2. My fat loss journey started years ago weighing at 260 but once I got to 235 I wanted to use a lil boost. It’s not really a SARM, but a maximum of 8 weeks is adviced due to the side effects. Jan 21, 2024 · Cardarine Before and After #1. 5 ED and maintain doses until 8 weeks, then get bloods and do a PCT for 4 weeks - dose depending on where my test is at after. You can use Cardarine on a solo cycle, or stack it with other SARMs or AAS for a powerful cycle. Purchased from Chemyo. Goal is mainly to keep on a maximum of muscle while cutting. Keep the card at a max cycle to be sure. SwoleTide. I've seen better results with 300mg test in the same time span and with no sides at all Cardarine is used mainly for endurance and it's only a misconception that it directly cuts fat. Felt really shitty mentally, depressed almost. He appears to have lost approximately 10% of body fat, which otherwise could have taken 20 weeks or longer by natural means (by eating a 500-calorie deficit diet). Please share your honest experience with Cardarine or other similar compounds below. Personal Experience from Coach Daniel: I used Cardarine on my latest prep for an IFBB show. Im not using an echocardiogram because i don’t have access to that kind of equipment but due to my low BF% i am able to see my heart beating from my chest after a workout and will be recording a difference before and after taking the compound. Our objective is to create an in Oct 8, 2023 · Cardarine (GW-501516) Cycle. 🧪 Form: Liquid, Powder. Weeks 7-9 20 mg Stenabolic split. You'll still cut at 1500 and hold muscle w/ osta, but I bet you feel like shit in week 5+. Increased Fat Loss. Will be upfront and say: Strongly evaluate your risk profile. My only warning to you is that Cardarine made sleep very difficult for me. Speaking from experience, if you want to lose weight cardarine will do absolutely nothing. 1700-2000 and don't slack on the diet a 19 votes, 15 comments. Cardarine + diet on point with no cardio should also be good. Proud of ya, good results but in the long run its sensible to only use compounds for gaining muscle. Nothing else helps. cardarine would help a little bit, but its not able to stop muscle catabolism like ostarine would so you might loose a bit of muscle depending on My cardarine results as a competitive fighter. I decided to take C-Dine 501516 from Crazy Bulk while doing high-intensity interval training and resistance training. Cardarine will not do anything directly for fat loss. TodayConsistent6191. Diet would slowly decrease in calories with the goal of decreasing BF while maintaining or improving strength. Apr 2, 2024 · Increased Energy Levels. Here are my expectations. Synccieru. Good for endurance and helping your lipid profile while on a cycle. Reply. It works good for a recomp. Dec 2, 2023 · Cardarine Cycle for Men. Hello guys, I've been lurking in this forum for a while and got interested in SARMS. Cycle report. Cardarine + shitty diet might keep you healthier than without cardarine. ⭐️ Top Benefits: Endurance and fat loss. Fat loss. The results was ok but not worth it. 5 weeks in on a 12 week cycle. • 1 yr. They’re competing for receptor space and aren’t gonna really make a whole lot more of gains in return you get a hell of a lot more suppression. Just be aware that like some people have mentioned you might start holding alittle water and bloat alittle. I started at 10mgs in the morning and even dosed at 430am I was having difficulty getting to bed at 830. Strength increase (from MK is often reported). A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Expect to be able to run/swim/cycle at a much higher intensity and for longer. Was looking for body recomp and it did the trick. Cardio with cardarine and diet on point is the best way to go for fat loss. Yes for cutting, no for bulking. Both Cardarine and Ostarine are hepatotoxic, which means that using them does elevate some liver enzymes which indicate that there is some damage being done to the liver. Best time to take dosage. This leads to increased endurance, improved fat burning, and better glucose Anyways, I am planning a 12 week cut on Osta and was hesitating between 2 options. Increased Bone Strength. I would recommend starting at 12. Well, first mk677 will make u starve, so be careful. Please read the rules! Plan for the cycle: 8 weeks long Osta 15mg/day, Cardarine 10mg/day in 2 doses (AM and mid day), Enclo starting week 3-5 at 3. These two have been scientifically proven to mediate the damage The impact on cardio is definitely the most significant but it also has fat loss benefits without that being a byproduct of increased cardio training. Impossible_Cup8288. I ordered 100ml (10mg/ml) of GW 501516 / Cardarine (I know, technically not a SARM) from Recepter Chem and it arrived this morning. Cardarine 20mg a day split into 2 doses, and MK677 20mg a day split into 2 doses. Apr 12, 2024 · What results should you expect. I have been on MK-677, cardarine, and SR-9009 for a little while with good results. What else can I take with the Cardarine to preserve all my muscle mass while cutting ? Great results bro congrats. Currently overweight, eating at a caloric deficit, gym daily, on TRT. The strength and drive I felt I attribute to the Ostarine (MK-2866). 5, then 9 and 10 back to 3. 4 and cruising 218 currently. Week 1-2 10MG GW split or once a day not sure yet Weeks 3-12 20mg of GW split twice a day Weeks 4-6 10 mg Stenabolic either split or at once pre-workout. ago. Second, assuming my stenabolic was legit I didn't feel shit (poor bioviability) and cardarine i did feel a endurance/stamina boost. Improved liver and kidney health. Cardarine will be beneficial in a cut if you’re dead set on hopping on Dec 31, 2017 · I've been getting some really good cutting results from using Apple Cider vinegar along with Cardarine, has anyone else tried this How to take Cardarine. If you’re cutting, not only will you gain around two to three pounds of lean muscle, but you will also lose quite a lot of fat. LGD 10mg a day. Compounds used: (Ostarine: 20mg-30mg) (Cardarine: 10mg-20mg) Time used: (Ostarine: 12 weeks) (Cardarine: week 6 onwards) Increasing the dose: (Weeks 1-3 were 20mg ostarine every day, weeks 4-8 were 25mg ostarine every day, and weeks 9-12 were 30mg every day. CARDARINE results. true. The very first time I took cardarine my endurance shot up. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Please read the rules! I’m currently at 210lbs at 5’10 and am looking to lose some weight and keep my muscle. Might’ve needed a larger dose but the proliferation effects on cancer cells makes me nervous with my family history. The results were great since your androgen receptors are sensitive af on your first cycle. Ive done my research etc. ) Not really worth it if all you're trying to get out of it is enhanced fat loss. Rad-140, MK-2866, Cardarine Stack. Hey, you can definitely stack LGD with Cardarine while cutting, from personal experience I had good results. The Andarine (S4) gave me the cut and dry look and helped me cut. Hey, looking to run LGD and Cardarine. So I recently began my first SARMS cycle and figured I’d document it weekly on here for research or reference purposes. For sten I take 10mg in the am and then two doses of 5mg at lunch and at pm. • 7 mo. To my experience and knowledge it's burning more fat than normal in the process because A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. SARMs have undergone a lot of testing in the last twenty years and the outcomes of numerous studies have shown promising results with little to no side effects. Im trying to figure out if this is the MK-677 or the suppression. I’m going to be running Ostarine at 12. ADMIN MOD. Especially for salbutamol, since your body will adapt to it, just like it does with clenbuterol. This can open doors to results in multiple areas from fat burning and muscle growth by taking advantage of your ability to push harder, to improved athletic performance. Highly recommend. Will my body use cardarine as a crutch for endurance and adaptations taper off after cycle making it counter productive. Wanting to drop a bit of body fat whilst not losing muscle possibly still be able to get muscle and strength gains whilst cutting my calories right down, I'm 5'11 191lbs at the minute and my last body comp had me at 17% body fat. Improved cardiovascular health. Increased Vascularity. Reply reply. r/SARMs. I'd recommend at least 1700 cals w/ good macros to help keep things balanced. The shredding part all comes down to caloric deficit. Edit: Title should really be AC-262 + Cardarine + Enclo + DSIP + Tirzepatide: Extensive Review with Monthly Labs & DEXA Scans. I'm roughly 200lbs at 11% bodyfat at 6'2. [GW-501516, also known as Cardarine, is a PPAR agonist that works by activating the PPAR delta pathway, which in turn increases the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism. Hey guys i am delving into the ped world. So, getting running. Rad isn't necessarily a "cutting sarm" its ability to increase your muscle mass would then increase your BMR and daily calorie expenditure so in practice, you'd burn more calories by doing nothing but you would still have better chances cutting if you used something like cardarine or if you just went on a cut. 5ml Enclo ED as I have it on hand. literally does nothing but make you bloated with water and hungry. kg nd mw zn xw fc fa xn mn um
