Peds reddit

Most people’s blood won’t turn to sludge and EQ is far less kidney toxic than people think and it’s commonly parroted around here. Diarrhea. 3 weeks down to 5. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. None of them needed a 4 year med peds program. 13 votes, 16 comments. Would love some…. So he assumes the Ostraine came from contaminated Pills he took the week of the fight. Curious to hear anyone’s actual experience and if it is worth it. Dropping down to TRT soon, coming off the orals. > increased recovery. You can pick up so many points. I have found these stimulants to be helpful with key workouts and races (runner). > helps with hypertrophy. Covers Part 2 videos released by Sketchy on 11/20/2020. Med peds doesn’t do OB/Gyn. Eliminate simple carbs and limit fat intake. My point is that there is a specific set of genetic traits that gives you opportunity to excel in crossfit. Primo is a bit expensive and often faked. Intermittent fasting (preferably 16/9 schedule). r/steroids. A lot of people take deca. If everyone at the highest level is using, then most people are on a level playing field. There's so many random genetic diseases and presentations to know and various stages/delays in development that getting the extra practice was worth it. The fat burners have a minimal effect and are really more for competitors trying to get that next level shredded. Rashard Lewis, on the same Magic team, was also busted for PEDs. PED/Steroids don't make your body go beyond what your body was built for. Some programs will also let you do combined if you “create” the fellowship. according to the survey i posted a week or two ago, deca was rated useful for joint health by about 91% of people surveyed. I'm curious as to this subs stance and then just broader topics. With that dose you get the endurance benefits, some anabolism, increased hunger and AI properties of some of it's metabolites. Watch some YouTube videos for good meal plan ideas and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Peds focuses on anatomy and taking care of the kids through adulthood after their corrective surgeries. For Ostraine to be worth using you need use over 10 Milligrams (10,000 micrograms). It sprinkles EP and HOCM in there, less so everything else. 2iu of hgh pre bed. You are also missing AICAR, another powerful endurance drug, although it should be used sparingly for anabolic purposes as an AMPK activator. But, I’m rewatching from season one and I cannot stand him!! I forgot how much he got in my nerves, but he’s starting to get into a lot of peds cases and I think it’s We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Cribsiders! I listened to the peds soup podcast a bit on my rotation and enjoyed it. This is day 13 of your 14 day stretch on wards. I am very interested in the transition of care from pediatric to adult care, especially in patients with more complex medical histories. Tramadol: 100mg Nicotine: Nicorette strongest patch Caffeine: 5mg/kg Ventolin: 6 puffs. If you Want to go for PEDS, SARMS have shown pretty good results with limited side affects. You need a primary review book (like BRS, blueprints, etc) and use questions to assess what you should focus your reading on. It’s more like an adult medicine shelf for small people. Viagra, Addy and test E. Best beginner cycle, simple 300 to 500 mg of test per week for 16-20 weeks. I would say 70% went adult 30% went peds. Nothing's banned by wada so not exactly what your going for but should still help. Still used in horse racing today. Family medicine programs don’t spend that much time on peds wards or peds subspecialties, so the family medicine experience of pediatric pathology is a lot more limited. Typical day: This is your average day on the wards which is a bread and butter rotation for Pediatrics: The avg is $150,000 for a peds hospitalist (I think, maybe do more googling than I did). What a wonderful New Years treat! Details. 4. I like the way Teddy Atlas puts it when discussing PEDs in combat sports. Higher density foods ie a lot of salads other veggies, popcorn, at least a gallon of water. Allergy sees kids and adults. HGH can certainly help as well, but it starts to get a little bit more expensive. Had a Facebook ad pop up the other day about doctor prescribed pre-workout. I’m in a pediatric program rn and love it! 8. As mentioned by others, the strength required for Bud/s isn Fasted cardio in the morning. Moreover nothing will turn you into a bloated puff ball more than Deca. flock_o_seagulls. Test is literally the safest cycle you can run, it's a bioidentical hormone. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. For Part 1 deck, see compilation thread in sidebar. Deca lubricates joints and does protect them while you are on it, the effects fade away as you stop. I am a big anki fan, and I have gone back and forth with whether I want to continue my peds cards for fourth year, but I think I am going to try. Remember as walking into hospital that everyone is supposed to wear glitter and a flannel for theme Friday. InsideTheBoards' whole thing is breaking down USMLE practice questions to gsxr. I passed the exam by one question so maybe I'm not the best resource but I certainly can pass on some things I should have focused more on. 15 votes, 10 comments. Also watched Emma Holliday and divine. I don’t know how fast teachers increase but an RN after ten years full time are at ≈$50/hr ($100k/year, 5 weeks holiday paid, sick time separate that accrues to 900 hours max). 225K Members. Last week I had LEK (it's our ending exam which you can repeat and the score you get is needed to access specializations) and scored 90% (the highest % this year was 93%, my score was 96,6 percentile). Steroids also help you recover faster and could be used during the offseason to help train more and develop stamina. Surprisingly meldonium was the one that worked the best. And it’s for this reason if a peds position is between a FNP or PNP they’ll pick the latter. With all of the doping allegations in the headlines recently, I was curious as to what experiences people have had with drugs…. They make your body recover faster and adapt faster. I think it's true what people say, med peds is for people who could have done FM but wanted something more challenging and or to work in a hospital instead of primary care. There are some 100% pedi private practice jobs but definitely less common. >nitrogen retention. Our objective is to create an in-depth database capable of showcasing performance enhancing substances from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. Source: Just finished med-peds at an Hello everyone. Also probably increased collagen synthesis. Do all 4 nbme and try to find the 2 old ones offline for practice. [deleted] •. You are 5'11 and 145 pounds, with your stats you probably don't even look like you lift, you don't need PEDS, just pick up the fork and eat. And, I'm biased, but you can check out our current Study Smarter Series for the USMLE Step 2: Pediatrics. If gyno symptoms persist switch to every other day. you don't get a free lunch, take any PED, it has a knock on downstream somewhere. Would recommend peds ICU>NICU tho. Most 100% pedi jobs are in academic or standalone children’s hospitals. I’m not brave enough to try it out. I've already listened to Cathy Parkes and taken the practices and Additionally, fm is a lot of clinic, whereas med/peds is a lot of inpatient and is a fairly rigorous residency (for nonsurgical stuff). boldenone came in at about 40% and anavar at about 26%. Here's what I race on for a power endurance sport. g. You may even see questions that look extremely similar to questions on the NBMEs with a few details changed. 5mg caps) How I plan to take it: GW501516: 10 mg/day, three hours before run. • 5 yr. The last option, which sounds the less in your favor is doing med peds then doing a double (peds and adult) fellowship, which is somewhat common. Adult is mostly CHF, post-MI etc which you're probably more used to. Anki Decks for Peds Intern Year. 1. Blueprints is decent for a broad overview / framework to help get the overview of the specialty's concerns. Peds, IM, or med peds. 200$ an hour but will bump up to 300$ an hour soon. And of course coffee, the gift from the gods. As a CNA, I’m sure you won’t have to deal with the parents as much as the nurses do. It’s 1/2 as nephrotoxic as deca. The pediatric training will be stronger than the pediatric training in a family medicine residency, and you'll be very equipped to see patients of all ages, including adolescents. NanStomper. 5 weeks on average. I had no doubt about it. Also, there's efaproxiral, plasma expanders, cobalt chloride, PFCs and HBOCs. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Once I was in my preceptoship for nursing school (12 years later) I was placed on a pediatric unit at a larger hospital. Currently studying for the peds proctored that I have on friday. They're not some captain america serum type shit. All AS used as peds pose perils. Anesthesia needs providers that aren’t scared of the little people and their med calculations. TB500 also gives some endurance improvements. No benefits. I would go as far as to say most of the fleet returnees in my experience were on PEDs, and about 90 percent of them quit. Muscle tears through body fat and calories so much more than adipose tissue. There are some fellowships that are combined. Don’t know what you want 2. death, serial, S town, dirty John. 20mg GW and ECA preworkout. I would only recommend it if you 1. Anabolic steroids are among the most popular PEDs of Adult EM but Peds EM pays the same here in British Columbia. Regarding the food, if you have proper nutrition knowledge you can really push hard and gain a lot of muscle with minimal bodyfat. Both turn me into a raving maniac. They also are family oriented and tend to thoroughly explain to the patient and family what we need to do, how we will do it and why it needs to be done, as well as incorporating family input and preferences into decision making and plan of care. Peds seems like a sweet job, and if you can get into it, go for it! 30. After a “blast” drop down to a “cruise” dose and cut. One of the oldest forms of doping. And some dingdongs inhale xenon for the HIF-1alpha boost. Cardarine alone isn't a fat burner. Pros. Some symptom-based discussions that I can listen to to gain a new perspective on how to approach a case. I still wouldn’t recommend but you would probably be fine. You forgot to do laundry so you’re re-wearing scrubs. Other great podcasts to help you through residency include, cribsiders, PEM playbook and if you want something entertaining as a break I recommend Dr. In my opinion EQ is useful in low doses, like 80-150mg/week. BPC and TB500 are cost-effective and can help. I immediately knew I that was my calling in life. Pre-Test pediatrics is good for additional questions. Currently a pediatrics intern. 0 > Quiz by Category) and got a Level 3. NOTE: NOT MAINTAINED. Least harmful PED after test. $366K for 1340 hours a year alternate payment plan, fee for service can be 30% higher if you are fast and the waiting room is full. Use extremely low dose entire cycle. What I got: GW501516 (180 x 10mg caps) SR9011 (30mL x 20mg/mL) MK-677 (60 x 12. Obviously the safest one is test, hgh, hcg, slin as your body is well familiar with them. You can use a low dose of both for joint protection on a blast. Total 276 cards. But if ur r still gonna take the oral route, second best is what the guy who said to dose lgd for 3-5 mg ED, but i think u r misunderstanding why it is recommended to delay the start in using peds until the age of 25. Stick to one or two tea spoons for just trying it out. You think peds made Alex a better person. "You're not just hitting a baseball. Bc at the end of the day the education on pediatrics will be overwhelmingly better than in a FNP program (ie 50 hours of peds clinical versus 600). ToodleLoo22; Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp E-mail Share Link. 8. I turned 18 and was able to use bitcoin and buy from a legitimate source. Edit: as mentioned below, a short course of only Anavar can likely be done with minimal recovery time. Sharks bloodworks wonders. Reply reply. At 21 I would just stick to the basics. When I looked more closely, it was basically just tadalafil (Cialis). Try intermittently fasting. If you come out of med school $400,000 in debt plus undergrad/post-bac debt and you are looking at a 3 year residency plus a 3 year hospitalist fellowship where you will make $48-$72,000 a year while all My answer is: the benefit I personally would have would be far greater than the 3% from a drug. Increasing the dose: (Weeks 1-3 were 20mg ostarine every day, weeks 4-8 were 25mg ostarine every day, and weeks 9-12 were 30mg every day. Is there any actual evidence that use of prohibited performance enhancing drugs is that widespread in the game today? Review all NBMEs for peds thoroughly and just make sure you know all the concepts presented. 313 Online. Saying that 83% of all applicants to a peds cards program matched ( 75% of adult cardio applicants matched, by comparison). 95% of the people at the too of their sport would STILL be at the top if no one used roids. RSV, parvovirus) are things that I remember being high-yield! TTN radiographic findings, foreign body ingestion management (like coins, batteries), foreign body up nose (unilateral congestion, bad odor We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 0530: Crawl out of bed and head in for sign out, drinking cold coffee from yesterday. She always said she wanted to work with kids but hated the lack of autonomy in pediatrics. com is a good resource, however, be mindful that many mods grow outdated, don't offer support, and can unintentionally break your game- backup your game files before modding. Caffeine is also a well researched and documented fat burner as it creates more free adenosine which oxidates adipose tissue. Yeah, you’ll get bread and butter peds, but if part of what attracts you to peds is all of these pediatric diseases that you spent time studying, you won’t get a ton of Nolvadex or Rolaxifine. Most of the other suggestions will primarily improve performance, not recovery. Ephedrine is just a simpler form of Adderall, speed, and meth. That was my experience anyways, and it was the same for many in my graduating class. Whats your best Cruise protocol to keep or make small gains while letting everything take a break such as the lipids/liver/kidneys etc. Now you can address it systematically for the shelf exam which tends to focus on rare presentations and not reflective of most general pediatrics. They did a fellowship that could have been done after FM/IM or Peds. Calories aren't going to do shit for your bulk if you aren't priming your muscles with protein. One will do better than the other even with the same training and diet. Including the most juiced and jacked killers in class who everyone was certain would make it. -watching patients and families grow. Safest: Sodium Bicarbonate. EPO, and low dose eq (~300mg) 28 votes, 33 comments. creatine. My store carries SARMS by Alpha Breed nutrition and Muscle Caps. Creatine, preworkout, BCAA's, Protein (cause your intake is low). Winstrol & Anavar. But the two worlds are very different. Keep using the Nolvadex for a couple of weeks post cycle. Cons would be parents. Then beyond the genetic traits its preparation and perspiration. Anecdotally, some guys claim their joints feel better while using anavar. Do not fucking touch PEDs until you are at least 190 at a decent bodyfat. ACHD mostly takes care of the pediatric patients (post-surgery congenital heart disease patients) that are 18+. All the things you like about the NICU can be found on OB tbh. This has been shown to speed up recovery in injury from 8. Like anything though, if you go overboard, it can hurt you. PICU nurse turned SRNA here - opportunities to get into school faster will come with adult ICU experience. Meldonium, cardarine, injectable ITPP, SR9009 injectable are the cardio PEDs I have experience with. • 3 yr. 500mg pre workout and I could recover after intense cardio in a quarter of the time it would normally take me. I am a second year student at Rowan-Virtua SOM who is very interested in med-peds. 2 years since revision /r/PEDs Wiki /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Don’t get caught up on LY genetic stuff Uworld throws at you left and right. Deca takes a long time. They'll get you to your potential faster and get you that last 5% that you're unable to get with food alone. Steroids Reddit is really informative with their wiki Most of them are continent, and you don’t have to break your back pulling them up in bed or changing them if you have to. 5mgs - 10 mgs maybe every 3 days. Dec 5, 2023 · Athletes and others use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to increase strength, endurance, recovery and other physical abilities beyond what is considered natural for the individual. So does EQ. Nbme felt closer to the actual shelf in terms of question style. Use a higher dose post cycle 20-15mgs for a week or two then drop back to 10mgs for a week. Ephedrine is the alkaloid found in the Ephedra plant which all amphetamines are derived from. I don't recommend buying it used online like I did though, turns out "good Two differen people with the same load of PEDs will not respond exactly the same. The intention behind using these drugs is to gain a competitive edge or enhance one's physical appearance. I'm also starting peds residency this year and making my way through PedsCases. If the amount of hgh is as described and there is no dimer present, it's just as good as pharma-grade. Slightly off topic. Effects improve with subsequent doses. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. Want to do something like allergy where adult and peds training would be useful. Rubbish, there are more PEDs than steroids, such as EPO which help with fatigue greatly. It essentially increases your endurance. whey protein, caffeine, citrulline, b-alanine, taurine, creatine. Reply. ago. Definitely not good for your heart but stops me from feeling whilst racing. -Playing with kids pretty much daily. -Pediatricians tend to be pretty well balanced and nice. I thought pretest was helpful for peds mostly because there were so few uworld questions. A couple members of our sketchy community made the Sketchy Peds Cinnamon Part 2 cards! I am sharing the deck on their behalf. He definitely would have failed all the other VADA tests if he was on it, because of how easily detectable it is. GTA5-mods. Read! Questions help assess knowledge. Its ur choice, but the reason ur adviced to take Pediatric nurse here. Winstrol is what I find most effective for this. One thing that is certain, PEDs do not build your mental toughness. 6. Speed from skating is also aided by strength. What I learn on reddit is Clen is the fat burner that burns your fat out but It fucks your heart up too. With peds, they don't ask many questions unless you get it wrong, then it will throw more at you to see if you have a true gap in knowledge or just didn't know the answers to that specific question or 2. I'm not going to tell you what's on the exam, but I did Cathy Parkes and used the ATI question bank (Learning System RN 3. Training intensity will stay the same in the cruise + calories In general the match rates for peds fellowships are actually going up. Are you against it? Would legalizing it make athletics less or more fair? Let's… Primo year round is possible according to Vigorous Steve. Hi if you DM me your email I can send you an exam prep thing I used and would be happy to share some other information about the exam. MEME. When I first realized I wanted to be a nurse, I was 100% sure I was going to be a post-partum or labor and delivery nurse. I suspect that, like a lot of things, the likelihood of matching is correlated Anytime PEDs come up on here a lot of people claim that you'd be a fool if you didn't think that everyone in the league is using PEDs in some capacity (oftentimes as a way to excuse a player who was caught using). Meckel's, pyloric stenosis), and pathogens common in kids (e. In Googling a bit, it seems there are varied opinions, but overall looks like there is some legitimacy to its use. Conclusion: Overall this cycle was fantastic, I managed to lose a ton of fat, build muscle, and even hit fucking PR's. Depending on diet, you can add vitamins, omegas. And most people use testosterone with other things as a base. citrulline, whey protein, carbohydrates, calorie surplus. I am a fourth year student going into pediatrics and just finished step 2. Discussing sources will get you banned. Hi, I am planning to take pediatric CCRN in october. But there is no such thing as safe anabolics. Then add shift diff and such. Hi, I’ve ran the 3k for a solid 10 years now and I’m in my last season of high school. ) (Week 6-9 were 10mg cardarine, and weeks 10-12 were 20mg every day). Will only have MK677 10mg before bed as usual. Cards is typically considered the most competitive pediatric specialty. I don't like the choice. -Unique pathologies that you don't get see in adults. Good evening! Sorry in advance for the long post, I've been doing a lot of soul searching recently! Thanks in advance! Until recently, I was always planning on pursuing outpatient Peds. It is called Actovegin and is made from baby cow blood. People always parrot shit they hear with zero experience. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery. Vaccinations, developmental milestones (had a few), peds GI (e. There is some super-specialization in the form of two year fellowships (pedi cardiac, pedi pain), however the vast majority of peds trained people (including 100% peds people) don’t fall into We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I know I’m still early in the game, but I would love to hear any advice you all may have. I have added some models which I had first planned on replacing but id rather want them to spawn along with the base games ped models naturally into…. My question is if anyone knows of some more residency focused decks that I could leisurely Jun 4, 2024 · Pediatric Hematology Oncology Fellowship Interview Thread 2023-2024. The cruise dose of testosterone will keep all of your gains on you and leverage that new muscle growth into a fat burning machine. Looking to add an injectable to my cycle, but can’t seem to find a cheap good option that can add some tissue (doesn’t have to be fast gains, just keepable after dropping to trt) 19-nors are out, do not wanna risk the mental sides that some report to be lasting. By any standard that is a well-paying job. Make some great gains and pack on muscle. [deleted] • 6 yr. Big thank you to these anonymous contributors. Diary of a Peds Intern. Teat 400, NPP which is Deca with a shorter Ester which makes a world of difference in terms of how long it takes and the bloating. HOWEVER. Downside: the training is 4 years and is harder, but the training is incredibly rigorous and prepares you for everything. Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Husband of a pediatric anesthesiologist (now peds cardiac anesthesia fellow) here. Basically, they can help you fatigue less. Want to be a peds and adult hospitalist and are willing to jump though hoops to prove yourself 3. notme112112. With that being said, there are programs that look for peds experience to fill pediatric needs. Injectable l-carnitine. Peds vs FM MS3. Then you should be good to go! I add then pharm, micro (micro in Poland really sucks IMO), ob/gyn, peds and surg from sketchy and did the same what I did with int/path. She had tons of that during anesthesia residency and peds fellowship and now in peds cardiac anesthesia she puts in all lines and supervises the fellows and residents. Gaining a mom’s trust while you help her during labor and delivery is super rewarding and there are actually a ton of procedures on L&D. . PED for 3k/5k Runner. Do your due diligence and find a HPLC and dimer tested generic/UGL brand, pharma-grade just isn't worth it. Anavar can have slight healing properties and increase collagen synthesis (but you can easily outlift these properties and feel like shit anyway). Know the murmurs, and the ID stuff. There is a decent reason for people to actually be skeptical of the 09 Magic run in contrast from the wild rumors and innuendo in the rest of this thread So $30/hr to start. In a single shift, I’ll do a couple foley balloons, an IUPC or FSE, a few deliveries and repairs, and +/- a c section. NBMEs are EXTREMELY high yield for peds shelf, moreso than any other shelf IMO. I finished grey’s a while ago (or I should say I’m all caught up) and Alex Karev is definitely one of my all time favorites. 14-15 8 hour shifts per month. If you want to keep strength/muscle while cutting i'd add ostarine to the stack. However, after going through a few rotations including Peds and now halfway through Family, I'm seriously stuck between Peds and FM. Best Cruise Protocol to keep or even make gains. When taken injection or pill form basically acts like insulin shuttling nutrients to only muscle and brainn as opposed to insulin which is universal. Eat a clean diet (obviously the most important factor). those were the only ones with more than 25% so I'd say stick to those three if joint health is your concern. -Nobody judges you for having toys, stickers, or wearing clothes with cartoon characters. Eating all your cals (zero calorie drinks, no shakes). " Of course cheating is wrong in all sports but in something like boxing where people are putting their life on the line it feels a lot worse than a batter taking steroids. You are 18, 145lbs at 5’11. MembersOnline. EPO. It’s pretty decent for four years of schooling. There aren't any compounds that are safe that I'd truly consider fat burners. 106 votes, 48 comments. The best peds nurses I work with are patient and gentle in demeanor. prettymuchquiche. Some peds are lower CNS stimulating like nandralone but they have there own unique side effects too. Award. Forums. 3. To get to the top as an athlete, you need peak genetics for your sport, peak work ethic, AND PEDs. There are definitely practical advantages to a “chief year”; primarily the freedom to focus more on administrative tasks and having the time to focus on bettering the residency as opposed to clinical duties. 179K subscribers in the nattyorjuice community. Med/peds is the longer/harder trail but leaves you many choices. ADMIN MOD. If you don’t your approach is fine. + You notice results with 1 dose. There are also some subspecialties, like cards with adults with congential disease or genetics, where you can see pathology from ped onset in adults. •. A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are, or have…. Eat 300g of protein per day and worry about calories less. true. ox mu dl vd se jm wu xm ik en