Why do dogs kiss each other in the mouth

Dogs lick each other in the mouth as a form of social interaction. Most puppies are born with the tendency to want to lick older dogs’ mouths. Displaying Affection: Dogs have a unique way of expressing their love and adoration for their owners, and licking or “kissing” is one of them. This is care-seeking behavior. For the most part, it is nothing more than a bit of playtime for the dogs involved. “A dog might lick another dog’s mouth or face if they have recently eaten (to clean up the crumbs),” adds Vincuilla. By exchanging scents and grooming each other, cats are able to form a deep connection that helps to maintain a sense of stability in their social group. Mouthing is just an imitation of it. Common sense tells you it’s a germfest. A ferret may like to kiss you as a sign of affection but it could also be a prelude to a bite, not to mention they do carry some germs. This behavior plays a crucial role in maintaining social bonds within the pack. The most probable reason two dogs lick after a fight is to clear the air and make peace. Bonding and Strengthening Relationships. But the truth is, those bacteria aren’t big health risks for most people. Signs that a dog may not want to be kissed include yawning, pulling away, and pinned-back ears. When we kiss, there's an exchange of hormones which plays a significant role in arousal. Apr 3, 2020 · Some signs are subtler, and they’re easy to miss unless you know what to look for. To be exact, this behavior seen in puppies may be categorized as an et-epimeletic behavior. I share food with my kid, that's probably more gross. However, it’s not really the same as a kiss between two humans. Simon said. Mouthing mimics an actual fight, but without the serious biting. Interestingly, no oxytocin increase was seen in wolves and their owners who also participated in the research and spent little time gazing at each other. Dogs typically don’t kiss each other on the mouth, so it’s not Jan 11, 2024 · Why Do Dogs Kiss Each Other? Unveiling the Secrets Behind This Adorable Behavior. Nov 26, 2023 · The preening helps clean and align feathers, while the contact helps bond the mated pair together. This is a healthy way for a dog to play with other dogs. That said, most dogs will learn to accept your kisses. However, one animal kisses just like we do: the bonobo ape. Dogs biting each other’s faces is a behavior often observed during play, communication, or as a display of dominance. Dogs lick each other's faces for mutual grooming, affection, and to communicate appeasement or harmlessness. Unlike other animals, prairie Jul 12, 2023 · Another reason dogs lick you: They want to see how you taste. There are more sweat glands on our feet, per inch, than anywhere else on our body! Like when dogs pant, primarily we sweat to release heat from our bodies. When prairie dogs meet with one another, they will kiss. Nov 28, 2012 · Dogs’ mouths and teeth are designed for chewing and biting, and even a gentle lick or kiss from a dog can cause minor cuts or abrasions on the skin. Mar 21, 2018 · Kissing or licking on the mouth is a sociable activity. Either way, your dog loves you. Dog experts at the AKC share another reason for pup kisses, “It seems gross to us, but our sweaty, salty skin can be intriguing to dogs, who tend to explore the world with their mouths and are comforted by the scent of their caring owners. Serious, aggressive bites are usually quicker and more painful than those delivered during play. Dogs would have to be on friendly terms with each other to give a caring lip lick or kiss as we see it. For example, if there’s bacteria in the dog’s ear due to an infection, they could be transmitted to other parts of the body. An Appeasement Gesture. Licking the mom's mouth also familiarizes the little one with the smells and tastes of the solid food he will soon be eating. In the wild, dogs will lick other canines to show submission. Wash your face after your dog kisses you on the lips, especially before licking your own lips. Certain areas, such as the face and paws, should be avoided when kissing a dog. Making Peace. So, next time you get a doggy smooch, know it’s packed with layers of meaning, each as delightful as the last. But we do it anyway because it feels right. •. By that, I mean Fido’s not showing any signs of: Stress. If you think about it, you're just mashing your bacteria holes together, there's a virtual cornucopia of disease that can spread through kissing. It's important to note that some dogs can be 'overly appeasing' and may therefore feel compelled to engage in excessive face licking behaviors. This is especially true if the dog doing the licking approaches the other dog from under the chin. Sep 29, 2016 · Kikusui found that male and female dogs experienced a 130 percent rise in oxytocin levels, while male and female owners experienced a 300 percent increase. Two rodents will touch, mouth to mouth, and sometimes press their tongues together. Dec 20, 2023 · Dogs “kissing” each other is a display of appeasement and social bonding, not affection. Their cousins the bonobos kiss more often, and Mar 11, 2022 · Dogs lick each other’s faces when they want to show affection and love. When mother monkeys kiss their babies, they are actually enhancing the infants’ psychological Sep 14, 2023 · They give each other “dog kisses” in displays of affection and friendship. It doesn't involve tongue. However, if they know they are not from the same family, they engage in an aggressive tussle or high Only primates have been observed to actually kiss (mostly because true kissing requires a lot of muscle attachments at the lips that most animals don't have), but kissing-like behaviors in other animals could also be related to food regurgitation, grooming, or simply smelling each other. Grooming. Licking is the polar opposite of aggressive behavior. You're part of that world after all. Saliva contains hormones like testosterone, which is commonly associated with sexual arousal and desire in both men and women. However, you might be interested to learn that pet birds, such Aug 17, 2023 · Similarly, dogs may lick each other's mouths as a way to reinforce social bonds and maintain social harmony within their pack. Humans of different cultures also touch or rub lips to cheeks, cheeks to cheeks, nose to nose, or even nose to hair. These dogs know and trust each other. It is rarely used for inducing regurgitation in dogs – most frequently it is an appeasement signal. In animal behavior, the term et-epimeletic means seeking care or attention, as it often happens in most young animals. “Licking can be a Sep 17, 2023 · There are two reasons: The more popular reason is that your pet is enjoying playing with you and is lying on his back as a request for a belly rub, and dogs can never get enough belly rubs. One of the main reasons cats kiss each other is to strengthen their bond and establish trust. When a puppy is born, their mother starts licking them to clean them and stimulate the right bodily development. People let their dogs lick them because they love their dogs and they appreciate the affection. Finally, never kiss a pet bird on or inside the mouth. Getting close to lips and teeth would be a dangerous action if the dogs involved were not on good terms. Also, some dogs may become possessive or overly excited when they are being kissed or licked, and may accidentally bite or nip Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Faces? Again, an adult dog might lick another dog’s face (or a human’s face) to greet them or ask for food. Importance Of Understanding Why Dogs Kiss . This is a mutually bonding exercise. Cats touch noses because it’s the de facto feline handshake (a polite greeting) or a way to see where an explorative cat has been by sniffing their nose. Mar 27, 2023 · When dogs “kiss” each other, it is similar to the appeasement behavior when kissing humans. There are different reasons for this and, more often, it’s not entirely a sign of affection. In a similar way, they target people's mouth and eyes, or lick hands Koi fish can appear to kiss each other for numerous reasons, but they are most likely fighting if the kissing behavior is violent. If both prairie dogs realize they are from the same family, they will either play or groom or just part ways. As such, the behavior continues into adulthood with whomever or whatever is the dog’s The level of roughhousing, growling and face nibbling involved can be both puzzling and concerning for a dog owner, as these behaviours are indicative of both a serious attack and harmless play. Verdolin observed 80 prairie dogs, spanning 14 social networks. Apr 6, 2024 · Another wolf instinct that persists in modern dogs is the need to protect its pack, especially the offspring of its alpha male and female (you). This means that the Aug 16, 2021 · On the Trobriand Islands, off the east coast of Papua New Guinea, lovers kiss by sitting face to face and nibbling at each other's eyelashes, "which I think to many of us today doesn't sound like Feb 8, 2018 · When your dog plays with his mouth open, it’s called mouthing or jaw sparring. “This is particularly the case with a mother and her litter. This is especially true the skin on your lips is thin or sensitive. Observe your dog's behavior and emotional You should kiss your dog only if they’re okay with it. The “kissing” behavior likely started just between dogs. Last updated: 2024/01/11 at 12:10 PM. It’s a healthy way of interaction between dogs. ”. When a puppy is born, the mother licks its face and body to clean it off and help warm it up. Impolite_sodomite. 7. If your dog is domesticated, up to date with their Nov 11, 2021 · That is, chimps and bonobos kiss mouth to mouth, with the latter even going full French sometimes. Instinct. It’s the same reason they often steal our socks and underwear. LucyPham. This type of touch reduces stress and actually promotes synapses within the infants’ brains to make strong connections in both humans and monkeys. Dec 19, 2023 · There are a lot of possible reasons why your dog won’t kiss you. They either like the taste or find it offensive, and lick to eliminate it. It can be a sign of affection, a greeting, or a submissive behavior. 4. Your unique scent and taste may entice your dog to lick you. It may seem rather endearing when koi “kiss”; however, these Mar 23, 2014 · Nope. If the other dog doesn’t exactly like what is going on at the moment, he might become hostile and start growling, barking or snarling. Feb 27, 2023 · 6. Andrea Arden, an Animal Planet pet expert and dog trainer in New York City, said that infant puppies lick their mothers as a precursor for feeding. Licking between older dogs is a way to initiate play and show respect. Even though people say dogs saliva is cleaner than humans, you're talking about an animal that licks the anuses of other dogs, lick its own penis after peeing, licking itches, wounds or infections it has. So why not acknowledgeckissing-like things that animals do. [deleted] Nov 29, 2022 · Cats lick each other’s heads and other facial features because all these spots have scent glands that release pheromones. Just as people express their feelings in different ways, so do dogs. I've known people to just straight let their dogs lick their mouths and it grosses me out but meh, I can't judge. This gesture is retained into adulthood as a friendly, submissive social signal. With humans, bunting often follows these boops. In some cases, they may also do it as a sign of affection. It is more common among males than females. If a dog meets a peer he highly respects, he might lick that dog’s face to show deference. Feb 5, 2024 · 1. In other words, your dog loves you Licking Another Dog's Mouth. Apr 9, 2020 · That said, men and women tend to report kissing for very different reasons. Mar 16, 2018 · Dogs can have two different signals to their nose touching greeting. I know people love their dogs dearly, but at the end of the day, they're still animals and will do animal things. But if not, they might experience 1 of these 3 issues. Compulsive licking may indicate underlying health issues or untreated anxiety. Kissing is also theorized to be an evolutionary behavior that gets us ready to mate and produce offspring. People’s faces—especially mouths—are full of scents, bacteria, food particles, and other interesting contaminants. When a dog licks the face of another, the behavior probably can be traced to the puppy stage. This behavior is known as a “cat kiss,” and it is a way for cats to show their love and bond with their owners. It could be that they don’t like the way you taste, or they’re not comfortable with getting that close to your face. This is more common with an older dog with a strong maternal or protective instinct toward the younger one. These behaviours are so diverse, from dogs sniffing and licking potential mates, to elephants putting their trunks in each other’s mouths. Dog-talk signs that a pup finds kisses stressful include turning their head away, stiffening their body, licking their lips, or yawning – and even licking your face forcefully to try and make you retreat. “These pheromones are chemicals that provide information for communication with other cats. Plus, licking is a way for your dog to explore their world. Again, your dog might be very keen to lick you in affection, including around your mouth to tell you that you are their very favourite person and they are happy to be with you. The bacteria a dog carries in their mouth has to do with what they eat and lick. There's some exceptions but they're uncommon to the point that seeing them can be the butt of a joke. Mar 26, 2024 · Some wild species in the dog family will lick pack members just to welcome them home. This is part of why much of allogrooming is focused on these areas of the body,” Arden explains. In other words, it is not a romantic behaviour. It’s one of every dog’s kryptonites. Think about it -- what they eat, what they lick. This topic is discussed at length in the book titled “Dog Behaviour, Evolution, and Cognition” (1st edition) authored by Adam Miklosi which has 70% of 5-star reviews and even has a 2nd edition available for purchase An adult dog might lick another dog’s face to show subordination. A lot of comments are saying dogs have a genetic compulsion to lick their mothers lips to stimulate the regurgitation of food, which is true. Here are seven ways dogs “say” they love you. They may lick each other out of curiosity or to gather information about the other dog. The mother licks her litter to communicate with her new puppies, stimulate them to start breathing, and also to clean them. Oral infections could also attract licking due to the odor, so it may not be just ears. This suggests that kissing on the lips may be a behavior that is reserved for moments of bonding and closeness between cats and their owners. Here are some of the ways dogs show their affection: Wagging their tails; Licking or Cats also communicate through their eyes. Some licking may be stimulated by blood due to an injury or the smell of an infection. 21. They inherited this habit from their wolf ancestors. Another bird behavior that can look a bit like kissing is “bill tapping”, where adult birds clack their beaks with their chicks to pass food into their mouth. Why do my dogs kiss each other on the mouth? When a dog licks the face of another, the behavior probably can be traced to the puppy stage. Dec 31, 2023 · Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Faces? When dogs lie down or sit together, they may lick each other’s faces. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell and they rely on their powerful noses. In the wild, parent wolves will regurgitate food for the pups to eat as they are weaning off milk. Scientifically, we’re not far wrong. This is another example of necessary beak-to-beak contact. May 27, 2023 · Published: May 27, 2023. This action helps to strengthen the bond between dogs and establish their social hierarchy within a group. Kissing is just one of the many ways cats reinforce these Jan 20, 2022 · Why do dogs kiss each other? Dogs usually lick and kiss each other as a way of communicating, marking their territory, or showing dominance. He may wrinkle his muzzle and pull back his lips to expose his teeth. Reply reply. It’s completely normal for dogs to lick each other’s teeth. "When they lick another dog's mouth and eyes, they say, 'I'm no threat, you're the boss of me. In this article, we will delve into the interesting biological and evolutionary reasons for this dog behavior. Embrace the behavior when your dog kisses another dog, as it Sep 23, 2019 · Licking can also mean that the licker thinks the other dog is his superior, and he feels defeated and vulnerable, so he may lick another dog’s mouth to show he admits inferiority. Dogs use licking as a grooming behavior to clean themselves and their pack members. Mar 14, 2024 · 1. The other reason why mutts expose their belly is a submissive display. Dogs often prefer to lick the body parts that have a high concentration of scent glands, such as the face, neck, and genitals. Jan 4, 2024 · Establishing a No-Kiss Zone: Designate certain areas of your body where you are comfortable receiving kisses from your dog, and make it clear that other areas are off-limits. Puppies trigger the regurgitation by licking around their parent's mouth. Of course, licking around the mouth could also be opportunistic if the dog being licked has food residue They’re Ready to Play Together. However, the young prairie dogs in the study behaved very differently, the researchers said. Dogs lick each other’s faces to communicate their emotional state. 6. Understanding why dogs kiss is essential for every dog owner. Nov 13, 2020 · Attention-seeking, if you’ve been ignoring your dog for long. In the den, the pups are trying to get their mother to feed them by . Mar 21, 2022 · Licking around the muzzle indicates mutual trust and affection, and that the two dogs in question have bonded with each other and are comfortable together. Hell will break loose if you tell a dog owner not to kiss their pet on the mouth – at least I have always ignored people’s unsolicited opinions. Some dogs may engage in face licking behaviors as a way to appease other dogs and show them their respect. Remember, dog kisses are more than just wet; they fix everything! They’re our way of showing love, seeking attention, and even playing. In America hugs are more common among friends and family, while mouth kisses are reserved for girlfriends/wives. Women on the other hand tend to kiss as a means of establishing a romantic relationship and monitoring the status of a relationship. Avoid letting your dog kiss anyone on the mouth who has a compromised immune system, such as the elderly, young children, diabetics, or individuals Jan 25, 2017 · Fact #1: Dog Kisses Date Back 10,000 Years. But kissing isn’t necessarily touching of lips or tongues. Kissing your dog on its head (or anywhere else on its fur) is much safer, and carries very low risk. 9 Min Read I don't kiss my dogs on their mouth but if they lick my face I just tuck in my lips, grin and bear it lol. Prolonged eye contact is a sign of aggression in dogs that can spell trouble. “Dogs will lick each other to strengthen their bond and show affection,” Dr. Feb 11, 2016 · For chimpanzees, kissing is a form of reconciliation. Jan 3, 2024 · Licking can be a genuine sign of affection and happiness from your dog. Apr 17, 2024 · Dogs lick each other's mouths to show submission to a higher-ranking pack member, strengthen social bonds, and learn more about the other dog or their recent activities through their scent and taste. Moreover, you shouldn’t kiss your dog if they’re: Sick. Puppies lick their mother’s mouths. Once that dog gets to licking you, they might realize you have an intriguing salty, flavor. Understanding cat behavior and communication can help pet owners provide their cats with a safe and comfortable To help you make more sense of why your dogs are behaving this way, here is a list of reasons dogs lick each other after fighting. Oct 17, 2023 · In mother-infant relationships, gentle touching and kissing are processed by C-tactile nerve fibers. It can be a sign of play, submission, affection, or hunger. Obsessive-compulsive disorders, stress, and boredom can also lead to excessive licking. Dogs Lick Because They Like Your Taste. This soft biting allows dogs to practice fighting without causing harm to each other. Licking each other’s mouths is often a sign that dogs are ready to play, regardless of whether they are meeting for the first time or are already the closest friends. ” If kissing is a natural instinct, why don’t animals kiss? Many animals actually do engage in kissing-like behaviours to show affection. Anxiety. Manifestations of Canine Affection. They Make Eye Contact. It’s also possible that they just don’t understand what you’re trying to do. Dogs don’t exactly kiss when they lick each other’s faces or teeth. You may even see dogs kissing each other if one dog is hurt or sick as if the kiss is a way of healing it. 9. Understanding the context and body language accompanying this action is crucial to distinguishing between playful interaction and potential Oct 22, 2023 · Let’s have a deeper look into the reasons why your dog kisses you – licks your face, hands or feet. Most of the time, an aggressive dog’s body will look stiff. dogs lick each other’s faces as a greeting. So, those daily slobbers really might just be a sign that your dog is happy to see you. A puppy’s display of licking signaled a desire to be fed Apr 13, 2022 · Generally, when dogs are licking our feet, we tend to think it is because our feet are probably the smelliest part of our body. Licking is often a sign of submission. The puppy will respond by licking the mother's face, wag his tail and follow his mom around. The same behavior can be found in the wild, where pups lick around the mother's mouth as newborns, as a form of social bonding as well as for grooming. Apr 19, 2022 · The researchers described the prairie dog “greeting kiss” as similar to a human kiss. Prairie dogs use the behavior of kissing to distinguish friends from foes. When a dog is a puppy, it has to learn some important skills including fighting. Apr 2, 2019 · Licking other dogs' mouths is a behavior that is reminiscent of when puppies were in the litter with their littermates and mom. Some cats may be more inclined to kiss on the lips than others. "What people consider dog kisses (licking), dogs more typically use as appeasement or deference signs," says Shojai. Dogs may act in this way for a number of reasons. May 21, 2024 · When a dog licks you, it's not necessarily a sign of affection. The first is a happy, submissive greeting with an invitation to play via tail wagging and a play bow. Apr 20, 2021 · Face-licking dogs are sending a message. When dogs lick each other’s face and ears, it serves as a form of affection and bonding. Excessive licking might be a sign of illness. Dec 19, 2023 · When dogs groom themselves or each other, they are drawn to a scent like ear wax or blood. Vet comments on kissing your dog on the mouth . Jan 31, 2024 · Reading the room (or the human) is part of our charm. A dog lower down the chain might greet one higher up the chain by licking her on the mouth. Just a way of showing some affection. In the wild, they live in packs and often try Oct 9, 2023 · Aside from all the scents and flavors your face offers, licking your face is likely an instinctual behavior for your dog. 2. A young puppy might for example lick an older dog’s mouth when he comes in from outside or enters a room the puppy is in. Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene: Regularly brush your dog’s teeth and provide dental chews to reduce the risk of spreading harmful bacteria through kisses. It frequently goes together with lowered front legs and a wagging tail, indicating a strong desire to play and have fun together. Feb 8, 2024 · Reason #2: Sexual arousal. They became more tense and were prone to fighting with each other when crowds Jul 16, 2023 · When your dog plays with his mouth open, it's called mouthing or jaw sparring. When a cat blinks slowly at you, it is a sign of affection and trust. Dogs love anything that has an interesting taste. Pet parents who love when their dogs lick them may also reinforce the behavior with their excited responses. The behavior was meant to encourage the mother dog to regurgitate food for them. So do the pups of wolves, coyotes, and foxes. You might see this play out at the dog park when two dogs are in a scuffle, and 10 minutes later Sep 21, 2023 · Dogs lick each other’s faces to show that they are part of the same pack. She also might roll over onto her back to express her submissiveness. Dogs often lick the faces of their pack members as a gesture of bonding and socialization. Many dogs who lick other dogs' mouths are often doing so to obtain information. Licks to the mouth come to a dog naturally. When birds “kiss”, it appears as if they’re touching their beaks together or even nibbling on each other’s beaks. Often, owners mistake their dog’s kisses as a sign of affection or love, but it may actually mean something else entirely. Some less human-friendly bacteria include Toxocara, Pasteurella campylobacter, E. They cannot fight off human bacteria, plus chemicals from lipsticks or balm can be toxic. Adult dogs Oct 26, 2012 · This nurturing behavior is referred to as epimiletic behavior. While dogs get into fights sometimes, they are lovers of peace. Keep an eye on dogs when one is submissively licking; the dominant dog might get overexuberant and growl or snap at the submissive one. Jan 25, 2024 · Keep your dog up to date on vaccinations. If something about your dog’s kisses seems off, you should have your vet check the dog to rule out a health problem. Sharing is Caring. Dogs lick each other’s faces as a sign of submission. Aggression . '. Be aware of what your dog has been licking recently. Jan 17, 2024 · Dogs lick each other's mouths as a sign of submission, playfulness, or affection. Playful mouthing is usually less painful than more serious, aggressive biting. Jan 18, 2019 · Use the following signs to see if your dog likes it when you kiss them. These can cause gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea if transmitted through a kiss from your pup. 1. Oct 15, 2021 · Much like grooming behavior in primates, prairie dog "greet kisses" reveal complex social networking. Unlike dogs licking each other mouths, this is not appeasement but affection and grooming. When your dog plants a wet one on your mouth, it’s a clear sign of affection. 8. There are many reasons why dogs bite each other’s faces. Additionally, it is a way for dogs to communicate and show submission to dominant pack members. Hugging can make dogs feel anxious or stressed, as it restrains their movement. But most dogs don't spend a lot of time french kissing. Dogs form bonds through acts of licking, establishing trust and admiration. The nearby scent glands also allow dominant cats to deposit their scents on a more submissive cat. Apr 22, 2023 · From the veterinary standpoint, physical causes also may a reason. Licking other dogs' mouths is behavior that comes from early puppyhood, when puppies used to lick their mother's lips. So kissing your furry Mar 28, 2018 · Licking is a natural behavior which begins in puppyhood. Kissing, licking, or nuzzling are all ways in which dogs communicate with their owners and other animals. Many cat owners report that their cats only kiss them on the lips when they are in a relaxed and affectionate mood. On the other hand, a sharp nudge on the nose, almost like a bump, is a signal of dominance and the conversation could go in another direction. Boredom can lead to excessive licking, so provide ample physical and mental stimulation. Playing with open mouths is called mouth-wrestling or jaw-sparring. In this scenario, the dogs’ social hierarchy is not an issue. Share. However, it’s still possible that the fur could be carrying bacteria. In other words, he wants to say “you’re in charge, and I mean you no harm. Instead, a light kiss on the top of the head or beak is plenty to Feb 10, 2022 · The reason your dog kisses you actually has a lot to do with why they kiss each other. While it can seem aggressive to humans, this behavior is usually normal among dogs. Whether you will kiss your Chihuahua on the mouth or on the head, doesn’t make much of a difference. It’s a natural behavior that serves various purposes in canine communication. Puppies lick their mother's mouth to communicate hunger. Another time you may notice your koi kissing is when your koi are in the process of spawning, where males will prod females to encourage egg-laying. From the moment a puppy comes to the world, they get introduced to licking as a sign of deep care from their mama. So get ready to have some fun. dogs lick each other’s faces to exchange information. In general, dogs don’t like eye contact. coli, salmonella, and campylobacter. Men tend to kiss as a means of gaining sexual favors or as a way to achieve reconciliation, says Gordon. Feb 2, 2022 · Another interpretation of kisses to the face is that they’re a sign of submission and respect for your status as the leader and caretaker. The reason your dog is doing this to you is because the doggo sees you as having the caregiver role, similarly to how it would treat it's mother. May 26, 2024 · Dog kisses are full of affection, loyalty, and about 700 kinds of bacteria. This may sound odd, but when puppies were being weaned in the wild and started to no longer depend on mother's milk Jun 19, 2019 · Vets advise against kissing your dog on the mouth because its saliva might contain bacteria that could make you sick. Exploration: Dogs use their tongues to explore their surroundings. hi bm aa lf pp fl cq qx dm bc