Aita wedding photographer update My brother is like this. I hate taking photos of people because I never know how to take people and I just don’t like people photography. Since I wasn't a professional photographer by any means I told her I would only charge $50 for the entire day. This would make a lot of extra work for the photographer in post and wedding days are packed shoot days! AITA? Reply reply More posts you may like r/bridezillas. Again, 2/6 were negative but the positive ones were really good. It would be wildly impractical to move the wedding to the town she lived in, but also ridiculous to ask a 10-month pregnant woman to travel four hours away and risk having her baby in a foreign town, far away from her OBGYN or her mom who UPDATE: AITA for refusing to pay a surcharge to a photographer (who is the boyfriend of my SIL to be) - family drama If they (photographer & especially MIL) continue to make an issue, cut them out of any wedding planning for interfering. By the end of a wedding I usually had 8-10 cards as partial backups, plus the main card, plus the computer. AITA for not inviting my bridezilla sister to my wedding? The photographer then goes on my IG account (which is fine, like whatever) & sends me a DM (remember the comment above about the cost of the wedding) of what a cheap client I am, how he didn’t take more shots of our guests because they were too busy enjoying our day & didn’t say ‘hi’ to him or ask him how he is. This is the home of the wedding photographer community on Reddit and the place for wedding photographers, second photographers, assistants, and those aspiring to be wedding photographers. That card was then replaced with a fresh one and not touched again. That is u/theconflictedbride. TikTok video from Charlotte Dobre (@charlottedobreofficial): “AITA for not inviting my bridezilla sister to my wedding? Part 2 #reddit #redditreadings #redditstories #aita #charlottedobre #weddingtiktok #bridezilla #weddingtok💍”. Bride refuses to change wedding date for photographer sister's work schedule. Share Sort by: Top. Sharon started to become upset and said that the girls in the wedding were up to her and Polly wouldn’t be one of them. Originally posted in r/AITAH. My SILs wedding present to me was making me a garter set which she embroidered with our wedding date; she also didn't have much money but is a great seamstress. She practically screamed at me to leave and she was drawing attention so I grabbed my husband, said good bye to Dan and left. I eventually did relent to my family and change the date of the 98. We got into a fight a couple of days ago because he wouldn’t let me ask my guy best friend (24M) who I’ve known since we were kids, be my man of honor. They are paying for a service, and if they give food on top of it, that's more money out of their pocket. EDIT Wow who knew that using the word purloin would get so much love. Update: Just got a call from my photographer. The ceremony was fine. I think the most outrageous request was that we should go a little heavier on makeup for the wedding video and photos because the bride and groom had a really professional set up from the photographer, but that was about it. 4- 250 for 8 hours of work is 31. People think wedding photography is just taking a camera and snapping photos - it's really an art and you only get one chance to capture those images. Indie photographer wasn’t available so I went with FM choice. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! I will update if anything happens with this situation I also want to say that I sat down my sibling and my grandma and talked about being transgender, nonbinery, genderfluid I told my brother that he doesn’t need to identify as any of them if he doesn’t want to. Nice one SIL. " Throwaway account. Redditor Icy-Reserve6995 asked ‘AITA for deleting my friend’s wedding photos in front of them?’ and here’s When this wedding photographer is baffled by the bride and groom's behavior leading up to the wedding, she asks the internet: "Bride is impossible/AITA for cancelling my Heartless Groom Doesn’t Let Photographer Take a Single Break, Winds Up With No Wedding Photos I would've deleted those photos, too, before driving off to McDonald's. Wedding gifts and cash envelopes would be a shit show too. 2 years ago (2022), I was basically forced to be a photographer for my cousins (28M) wedding. That being said, we did not see a need to send her an invite. I can only imagine the grief my sister is going through. I think it was a beautiful gift, very special. It sounds assholish as it doesn't seem to be such a big deal on the surface Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Diedre's fiance's sister Ashley, who hadn't been sure if she could make the wedding, was there as well. The wedding was a bit of a cheaper one, so the photographer was a family friend of the grooms who only had one camera with him. Anyway, my husband goes back to be with the wedding party and we sit down. When this wedding photographer is baffled by the bride and groom's behavior leading up to the wedding, she asks the internet: "Bride is impossible/AITA for cancelling my wedding involvement?" I am a wedding photographer and I have currently come across my first wedding that I am considering cancelling. After all, at almost any childfree wedding, there will be one or two parents who will try to sneak their child in. Do your parents know what a logistical nightmare moving your wedding date would be? my dad doesn’t have any more vacation days available until June. FM (fiancés mom) immediately told us her pick. I appreciate if you give me your honest opinion as I’m being pressured from everyone (except my aunt) to go against my wish. Trigger warning - domestic violence, death threats. So, my daughter and SIL didn’t want to look bad like that since they’re all in the same friends group and were afraid they’d be compared to the other couples wedding. Seems like step sister is just terrible. Apr 15, 2024 | 11:29 A. Hello AITA community, I'm in a bit of a bind and need some outside perspective. AITA for not changing my wedding date? Not the A-hole FINAL UPDATE: My fiance and I have decided to change the wedding day forward. So, I got married two weeks ago and it was beautiful ceremony and reception, everything went pretty much perfect and it was beautiful except the wedding photographer. I’ve read all of your comments. She found the post. And if you can get a photographer, it will be an amazing photo opportunity for you both to share and cherish in the future. WE ARE PREGNANT FOR REAL. Update: I really appreciate everyone's advice and support. I NTA, my FH is a wedding photographer, and he would never do it for a sibling. Sooo- the longest living headless chicken lived for 18 months. She posted in r/AITAH. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1 I went off on my fiance and had an argument with him about hiring another photographer. During early wedding planning, my sister suggested that she wanted to have a kid-free wedding, but I didn’t think she was serious as it was so early on. Fun fact to cover up spoilers: u/LuriemIronim requested the weirdest fun fact that I already know. It is ridiculous to not accommodate a vendor (and a friend!) with basic needs like a 20 minute break for food and water. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I may be the asshole as it wouldn't hurt to but the photo in the attic for a while, but my niece wants it vanished from site. And wedding photographers really only have limited windows of time they can earn money. She was looking for a photographer that didn’t bankrupt her so I suggested a friend of mine who’s new in business and charged less than half because these things cost over € 5k these days. Her due date was pretty much EXACTLY my wedding date. Here's the rundown: The couple hired a photographer recommended by friends. I know it's childish but he started it. When I got engaged, I had my wedding date I am not the Original Poster. A woman called him from an unknown number and said she would pay him twice the amount of money I paid him if he deleted all of my wedding photos and told me that the memory card got corrupted. We signed a contract which covers extensively what is included ( number of pictures, retouching, etc). June is the wedding month so your venue might not have any days available even if you wanted to move your date. So in total there will be 9 of us. We were pregnant at the wedding but we didn't know. They truly are fabulous. Guess i was too specific after all. A girl I used to go to college reached out to me, asked for my rate (600 USD, as it would be my first wedding) and she booked me. Posted by u/CoffeeAndCats2000 - 10 votes and 5 comments The dilemma was described in detail to a post on Reddit’s AITA [Am I The A**hole] thread, where the OP wedding photography prices typically vary from $1,000 to $10,000 in the US. OP's sister could have a great career as a professional wedding bouncer for people who want a childfree wedding. Our wedding was scheduled for early June, so I had already paid in full for our photographer. Humiliating both of you on your special day just because it’s “just funny jokes” and a “family tradition” are not excuses. Your update is spot on, it was nones fault except SIL. I stormed out and took Polly to get ice cream. My wedding dress is a black ball gown with a lot of lace detail and corset back. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. My husband and I were dead set on not changing our date and still getting married even if that meant “canceling” the wedding. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: AITA for making a comment about what she chose to wear to my wedding (I basically commented that it was very casual and not the right colour) and for not noticing that Posted by u/lightsylove - 54 votes and 23 comments I hired and paid my wedding photographer in advance, signed a contract, all that good stuff. I picked an indie photographer from the list the planner sent. I realized it want working because a part of me still believed I was doing it for her so she would she how much better I got and take me back (sad). I followed half of that advice. He did a good job! Posted by u/mocha__ - 23 votes and 26 comments UPDATE: AITA for telling people that I wasn't invited to a wedding . My MIL is more of a piece of work than I thought. It was pretty much a guarantee. And, if you're not an experienced wedding photographer, probably best to just take a pass. One got pulled every 100 photos or so and backed up on a computer I had on location. "AITA for not fulfilling my fiancée's wish on our wedding day? My fiancée is pushing me to invite my estranged family for our wedding. Just the dry facts. After weighing the pros and cons we have decided that's for the best. Typical wedding ceremony, aside from the Renaissance outfits. Posted by u/wedding_11throwaway - 9 votes and 13 comments So for the wedding, since we met at our city's Vampire Ball. upvotes It's been a few months since I initially posted, so here's an update on how my life's going. She can't attend my wedding and even though everything is already booked and we had some guests flying in for the wedding, I just can't have it without her. People gift the married couple in useful wedding services all the time. The wedding is still somehow happening. It was my mindset as well for hiring a wedding coordinator. But then we went to the reception. She texted my sister when she arrived saying "just got your sister's, ttyl. 1- I'd help that person to the hospital. A wedding is about enjoying the DAY of celebration. 3- Definitely shouldn't expect the photographer to not have a chow break, pack a lunch or pay for chow while there. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. This is a throwaway account so I'm sorry for not replying to every DM but I hope this answers many of the r/AITA in todays am I the a**hole stories, we have an update to the story where a photographer was hired but during the ceremony, the photographer gets fed u This woman is a professional photographer, and was very formal in terms of our communication throughout the process. And they're shooting many more than one per month usually. They did end up getting a photographer but she was very pushy and kept snapping in people's faces to get their attention. My fiancé(28f) and I(29m) have been planning our wedding for over a year, and it's set for next month. One thing to think about if you are ever asked to go someone like that again---you can explain what a "shutdown" is and use this situation as an example of why it happens. It all began back in April. I told them what The wedding went great however at the reception Lauren dragged me aside and said "I cannot believe you would wear gold to my wedding, you're not the first prize you're just f**king trashy". I'm also glad to read that you have the brothers on standby to deal with Amber because I'm willing to bet good money that she will try shenanigans at your wedding, she sounds tacky enough to try to purloin your photographer. If I were the photographer I'd get ahead of it now and let her know why she doesn't have any wedding photos. Sure, you should have checked with the couple, but you did not see any harm in letting an elderly relative share the joy, especially since you knew the people personally and already showed the same pictures to the couple. They got what they deserved. As I walked in everyone was quiet and staring at me. I shot weddings for 4 years, not once did I ever have anyone receive raw A wedding photographer would have taken the photos and not questioned the bride’s style choices. UPDATE First of all thank you for all the comments on my original post. We'll have a dinner party when things are better where we'll invite all our aunts, uncles, cousins and friends and if anyone wants to see our photos or the video When this wedding photographer is baffled by the bride and groom's behavior leading up to the wedding, she asks the internet: "Bride is impossible/AITA for cancelling my wedding involvement?" I am a wedding photographer and I have currently come across my first wedding that I am considering cancelling. aita not inviting bridezilla sister. AITA? UPDATED 2X. but that if he would like to I will help him understand them a bit more (Also I’m calling my brother my sibling just incase) I think the most outrageous request was that we should go a little heavier on makeup for the wedding video and photos because the bride and groom had a really professional set up from the photographer, but that was about it. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: My wedding was the worst and I want to be able to vent to my friends about it but my husband says that makes me an asshole because it paints his family in a bad light to Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. We decided to do that theme but more Royal and gothic. First, I no longer feel bad about making my dad leave the meet-up - since he somehow reconciled with both my mom and sister. Or get onto those Facebook posts and say, "Oh, there are no photos. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) i didn't invite a good friend to my wedding (2) she is upset that she did not get invited over a friend I've known for less time. It isn’t like a wedding photographer is charging per photo, a few photos with her doesn’t cost anything, and you can easily play off reasons for wanting different combinations of people without having to make clear that you don’t care about Ally. A few birthday party pictures is a whole other thing to wedding photos. I feel the same way. There was a photographer, but they didn't have an online viewing option so we just tossed the idea. I (34f) got engaged to my fiance (37m) September 2022. I laughed at that. The photographer insisted that he could drive home and grab a different one, but it would take too long. a small update: I took one of our photos and photoshopped her out of it, as I didn't have a chance to get a photo w him alone. I told Matthew and all my friends that I won’t be going and they can’t convince me otherwise. 3K Likes, 717 Comments. I ended up walking out and went to stay with my parents for a few days. I honestly do not even know what is wrong with this woman, and why on earth my cousin would even consider marrying her. Wow Brittany rocks. It is a wedding photographers job to ensure that you get great pictures of yourselves on This is the home of the wedding photographer community on Reddit and the place for wedding photographers, second photographers, assistants, and those aspiring to be wedding photographers. ADVERTISING "AITA - I refuse to move my wedding date?" I (34f) got engaged to my fiance (37m) September 2022. She asked Based in Tucson and Willcox, I am a storytelling Wedding and Boudoir photographer passionate about capturing and telling the story of the authentic moments and emotions that happen. "I'm not really a photographer, I'm a dog groomer. I will update here due to my high character count in my post. UPDATE: well guys, as many of you pointed out in the comments, me getting a throwaway account didn’t help. The bride was just in tears that she won’t have any good pictures from her wedding. I’m a 30 year old woman. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I’m refusing to be my best friends wedding photographer because I don’t want to feel uncomfortable or treated as an employee even tho she and her bf have been r/AITA in todays am I the a**hole stories, we have an update to the story where a photographer was hired but during the ceremony, the photographer gets fed u YWBTA if you were a professional photographer and had charged them. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. My sister (27f) was getting married in summer 2023. they’re hired for their shooting and editing style. Thanks to the lovely Direct-Caterpillar77 who sent me this story and found the screenshots and text of the first update. 3K comments. okay, so this went really poorly, but somehow could've gone even worse. We all started hanging out at the same time - taking trips skiing, to Florida, dinners every weekend, hanging out with family, etc. Here's a relevant thread, but wedding photographers are consistently bringing upwards of 100 GB worth of SD card space for a single wedding. Update: The day before my wedding, Friday the 10th, my mother came over to my house to help me put some last minute things together. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I am NOT the Original Poster. The rules in the update that was deleted : 1 women wear pale yellow & men wear black suits 2 no children below the age of 12/11 Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Bride But from what I also understand of the other wedding, their budget was very low for the size of the wedding, so it wasn’t really surprising to me that they ran out of the set budget early. I took it upon myself to call the company. We specifically asked her for a long wedding video, starting at my house, ending when the wedding ended. " This all the way, even though it's been a year for me, it sucks realizing that I still have a small part of my heart for possible reconciliation even though that If you have a wedding photographer horror story, please leave it in the comments below! 👇 👇 👇Today we are reacting to Reddit's AITA wedding edition. And in my experience vendors like the photographer and dj and whatnot are provided food and a place to sit (not at a guest table,granted) at a wedding. The contract stated I would have the photos within 6 weeks. But here's where it Everyone love him and he loves his aunt. When I got engaged, I had my wedding date already picked for early summer 2024 and immediately told my family the date. My husband is Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Your DJ and photographer might be completely booked out in June as well. I (24F) was recently engaged to my (26M) fiancé after 6 years together. This made me nervous as photography is super important for us for our wedding and I thought of the crazy idea of messaging strangers who were tagged on the photographer’s profile requesting for reviews on their work. The more you deal with it upfront Also, I think its super rude to expect big cash gifts, especially from people who are not very well off financially. I talked to our photographer and he completely guilt tripped me for not rescheduling for a further date. No way in hell 15 gets you anything beyond a few super important backups, it's simply not usable as an actual backup for professional projects (which is is admittedly the whole point of I took up a lot of new things like gym, photography, dancing etc but nothing worked. My Willcox Boudoir studio provides the perfect setting for emotive and empowering portraits, offering hair and makeup services to ensure you feel confident and radiant. Almost all of you said not to change the date, and to enjoy my time without them there. Pre-wedding, she seemed professional and capable. I assured my girlfriend that in the event that we Our wedding photographer had insurance specifically to cover this: it would have paid for the entire wedding to be re-staged if necessary. Plus I'm wearing a lace cape and a black tiara. A photographer that used being French as his personality. 2- unless it was agreed upon prior, than the bride/groom doesn't owe the photographer shit. We've put in a lot of effort and money, and everything is finally coming together. Original Post - October 15, 2023 . [UPDATE] AITA for not wanting to spend Ohhh, story time. My sister is a photographer and so I warned her with plenty of notice to not book for that date. The wedding is you and your husband’s big day and you allowed to want to feel special. A day! The real emphasis should be of the LIFETIME of marriage. 1 Update - Medium Original Post - October 15, 2023 . We did the shoot, French photographer was horrible. We went right into our honeymoon the day after spent 2 days in downtown SF, than drove to Napa for 3 days, and Mendocino for another 3 days. Thanks to everyone who commented in my first post. I am I'm sorry your sister cares more about the wedding photography than your entirely predictable discomfort in a loud, crowded environment. . M. I previously made a post you can find here and want to provide an update. Trigger Warning: emotional/verbal abuse; possible infidelity Mood Spoiler: frustrating, sad and Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Briana Lawrence Taking to Reddit’s Am I The Asshole (AITA) forum, a young woman with the handle Icy-Reserve6995 asked other group members whether or not she should be feeling guilty about deleting a couple’s They went right on their honeymoon and they've all been off of social media, but a lot of people have been posting on their wall asking about photos with zero responses. They were very nice and told me it would be no problem at all to take me for 9:00am. By the time I got back into the bridal suite it was nearly time to head into the foyer. This is a discussion based community and the Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She was supposed to be the maid of honor at my wedding, but she delivered the news that the doctor told her she had a miscarriage. I got a strange Posted by u/Ok-Mycologist-5618 - 2,717 votes and 205 comments AITA for asking my wedding photographer for a refund after receiving the pictures? I (f24) just recently got married to the love of my life (f26), the day was perfect, it was a small wedding, married at the courthouse with just her father and our dog. My best friend agreed to be my bridesmaid, and then found herself pregnant. You want your wedding to be about you and your fiancé. And I’ve got to say, the ones who gave me tips on how to be petty made me laugh, but after thinking about it I decided to simply not attend the wedding. Afterwards once you sent the photos over, the bride could let you know if she had concerns. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I want to send a text my mom back and tell her that I am absolutely not changing the date of my wedding after continuously doing everything to make everyone else Wedding photographers don’t charge $$$ for laughs, we’re doing work not every other photographer can do. a couple days after I posted that, I showed my wife the comments, warts and all. Even for the ones which deemed me the ah. Let's assume Pam's a friend of the bride and groom, or at least friendly with them. My girlfriend and I don't want to get married for feminist reasons, we have a civil partnership *ESH. I will update soon Edit: u/tasharella has provided screenshots of OOP's girlfriend's comments here. Suing my wedding photographer update . I don't have any photos from my 2nd wedding, it was just him and I and an officiant. I delivered the pictures in November. Diedre said that since Jenny was gone they didn't have a wedding photographer. Unfortunately many parents are like this about their children. You don't want to agree to it and then have her be disappointed with the results. If the photographer tries to defend herself, what's she going to say? A good friend tied the knot in Montana, and while the day was filled with happiness, there's one aspect that still leaves a bitter taste - the wedding photographer/planner. To everyone who shared similar experiences to Kate we both wish you the most happiness and love in the world and it was extremely appreciated and brave that you were willing to share your own difficult experiences to relate and make your point. Yes! I commented on the previous post something similar, but as a wedding photographer in the US for 17+ years, grooms and groomsmen in kilts is literally a dream job. Unsure of why it was removed. She kept on saying (during the wedding) that she'll give me the photos and videos within 1-2 weeks of the wedding. I was so shocked in the moment I just stared at her. I (29F) was getting married to my now-husband (32M), and my MIL(59) was invited to the wedding, of course. I take lots of photos This is the home of the wedding photographer community on Reddit and the place for wedding photographers, second photographers, assistants, and those aspiring to be wedding photographers. Well, turns out the photographer they hired tried the extortion thing a few weeks later. They are rich in history and culture and add so much depth, beauty, and texture. ET. That would be the professional approach in this scenario. Since you did this as a friend/family member, the standard is lower. Matthew also called me and asked if we can talk The update changes everything “AITA for refusing to speak to my sister because she wouldn’t let my daughter be a flower girl at her wedding (she originally was a flower girl) and causing multiple family members to boycott too” The photographer recognized the post details after the wedding, and reached out about what they heard. And to be perfectly honest, HUGE red flag from Carla for booking their wedding at her ex's home, who she admitted to still being in love with after he married and after she met Rick, without Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. " Truthfully OP'd be within their rights to charge for more than the replacement cost here, not less, because unlike a cheese board, more than the item was stolen / destroyed: they could charge for wedding pictures needing to be rescheduled and redone, and the time and cost for same to their bridal party as well; cost of alterations to both dresses; emotional impact; and, oh, y'know, S My husband and I got married about 4 months ago, and we had a photographer to take photos of us during the wedding and videos. Listen to r/AITA UPDATE Photographer Deletes Wedding Photos In Front Of Them from Mark Narrations - Reddit Stories. Taylor Brown. Yep. I told Sharon that if Polly wasn’t in the wedding then there might not be a wedding. However, after the wedding, she didn't acknowledge the tip I sent her A wedding photographer who went viral after detailing how she deleted a newlywed couple's photos from their big day has broken her silence on social media. Some of them has also pulled out of the wedding and this caused the affair partner to have a breakdown and started banning anyone who brings it up, family members included from the wedding. 25 an Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Just be a decent person. 5K votes, 1. AITA for not inviting our wedding photographer to the rehearsal dinner? Advice Needed My fiancé (F24) and I (M23) are getting married soon and when discussing with our photographer decided we did not want pictures at the rehearsal dinner. I tried to respond to all of them but after the 100th comment it became hard to keep up but I did read all of them :) For those who are interested I have something to update on my family I shot my first wedding as the lead photographer last summer. If she didn’t, as a photographer, you keep your mouth shut. Open comment sort options. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This is a discussion based community and the place to share experiences, business insight, creative ideas about our work, and more. She got 8 hours of a professional photographer for free. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: The reason why I think I may be the asshole because, technically, I'm intentionally doing something that may ruin my brother's wedding and our relationship. It’s someone who say things family members can’t, they don’t care about missing special moments, so long as I have them, etc. The photographer is an asshole too but it seems like yall both are. Thanks again for the support and kind words if you guys want an update if my family decides to follow up I will. She was excited and I set a group chat with her and my photographer friend. When I was doing wedding photography, my camera wrote to two memory cards. She attended a wedding a few years ago, presumably for friends or family, that was completely ruined. I posted it on my instagram and my MIL texted me. Edit: more info on insurance for wedding photographers here - it specifically mentions that the photographer may be liable for a re-shoot if they lose their memory card. No wedding photographer ever hires out any editing (sometimes they do have an in-house processor that follows their style explicitly), or has an editor directing them. You’re looking at wedding photography from a commercial photographers point of view. Reddit, I need your take on this. I will be sending a wedding gift to Matthew the day prior to the wedding instead. As a wedding photographer the bridesmaid is definitely the asshole here. Thanks again for validating my immature and vengeful nature. wedding photographers are a BIG role at a wedding. I told my wedding photographer how hard it was and he said no worries, I only need one with them open and can fix all the others. And a dark one with raven black hair. Update: me being too fat for the wedding isn't the only issue . My friend's sister got married several years ago. She posted in r/AmItheAsshole and on her own page. Eloping is perfect! No drama and low cost! My husband and I eloped, married at San Francisco City Hall ($83), location was beautiful. Reply reply Some of them has also pulled out of the wedding and this caused the affair partner to have a breakdown and started banning anyone who brings it up, family members included from the wedding. NTA. We find a venue, now onto photographer. AITA for threatening And either way, it would be hard for the photographer to photograph both couples doing cake stuff and anticlimactic to be the second couple to do it. I got a custom made goth wedding dress. UPDATE**** As the bride was saying to me I am stressing her out making my problems her problems and refusing to ask the hair and make up people. Best. I suggest r/legaladvice. UPDATE: AITA for saying I’ll not attend the family Christmas since I can’t afford it . AITA? Archived post. No problem. UPDATE. Not the asshole for the way you feel about the pranks. I've read through nearly all the comments and it sounds like you've come to a consensus that I'm NTA. So this photographer has a whole team that works with her and sometimes they post sneak peeks a few days after an event to stir up interaction on social media. New There was no one in the room I didn't know (except maybe a photographer) but it's a wedding, everyone's a little on edge, I got shoved into a probably very uncomfortable frilly dress, and everything was Read r/AITA UPDATE Photographer Deletes Wedding Photos In Front Of Them by with a free trial. They’re white and I’m Middle Eastern. There is no reason to make it such a big deal. 6. Her wedding was already ruined the moment she picked that choice, so happy OP's brother loves him and took There was also another photographer (a friend of the groom) who was taking photos of the groom and his side getting ready, and he was also taking photos at the wedding/reception. r/AITA in todays am I the a**hole stories, we have an update to the story where a photographer was hired but during the ceremony, the photographer gets fed up with the Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Plus OP hasn't even seen her sister's house yet. I don't really care. The other photographer they were going to use they didn't because he was an actual photographer as a side gig and charged a reasonable $1200-1500 for a wedding package like they wanted so we offered since my camera is too old for the photos they wanted that we would purchase a camera up front for ourselves and all we would charge is the costs UPDATE: That was part of the agreement they can use the photos for their portfolio and we’re ok with that. The story was shared by a photographer on the AITA – ‘Am I The Asshole’ – subReddit and it’s quite the read. Then, when the invitations came out, I saw on the FAQ page that this was, in #redditstories #aita #familydrama#aita #redditstories #reddit#reddit #aita #shorts Hi, it’s me again. It's been a while (I forgot my password), but a few people asked for updates on how my last post turned out. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think I might be the asshole for sending a demand letter rather than just waiting even though we have been waiting for longer than 3 months with little to no updates. This was the top trending post on AITAH for awhile. to her credit, she was "apologetic", in that she knew her mom was in the wrong but had gotten so used to the behavior that she was hesitant to correct it. Original post: (Tennessee) I’ll try to make this simple: I signed a contract with a photographer on my wedding day that states the photos will be given no more than 28 days after the wedding. My dad's wedding photographer went missing with all his equipment a couple days after the wedding, wedding photos and all. The reception was outdoors in Bad news my brother figured out that we weren't really pregnant at his wedding and he is livid. They had a professional photographer, but encouraged others to take pictures of their own and share with them later for a more casual take on the wedding. I got angry and told Sharon that my daughter would be in our wedding. In my opinion you were NTA for confronting SIL about her behaviour and you were NOT behaving like a bridezilla. Me(23F) and my fiancé(25M) are having our wedding in January and my MIL has been pushing me about the wedding guest list and wants me to Update (My wedding may be off) Fiancée posts- 1 days later. Update - November 16, 2023 (1 month after Original Post) . r/bridezillas. Unfortunately, a lot of you may not like the answer. In mid April, he came to our house to see my sister on her birthday. I don't know where my dad heard this but he says the guy was in deep with the mob (I know how that sounds, but I do live in the known bedroom community for my city's mafia -- I've flipped through books about the history of But she chose the other options, the "easy" option for her was to be an ass hole to the gay couple and let the bigotry fly at her wedding. She said I am disrespectful and family comes first through everything, but I said that it was MY wedding and I understood that but I wanted a photo with him alone and she did not allow that. Top. I'm sorry your sister cares more about the wedding photography than your entirely predictable discomfort in a loud, crowded environment. FINAL UPDATE: Hello everyone! AITA? Edit: so my decision is final. Since he was a kid (he's 38 now) pretty much every time his eyes would be closed. Besides us, the photographers and the person officiating the wedding, the only people we invited are my parents, my sister, and my girlfriend's dad. UPDATE: AITA for suggesting calling off the wedding because she thinks the prenup is unfair? I actually was willing to concede on the actual wedding plans, but I just couldn’t imagine letting a court system that is historically pretty unfair to men have the final say over my assets. Summer weekends are incredibly valuable; there's really just about 15 weekends during prime wedding season, and since most photographers won't be able to do multiple weddings every weekend, that really leaves maybe 20 potential working days, tops. Same goes for being introduced as man and wife when striving at the reception. They hid a whole wedding from OP, making up that the sister was throwing herself a surprise party, to trick OP into being a free wedding photographer. UPDATE I want to thank you all for the responses, especially for the wedding invites. Now, the whole you can't come to our wedding that is on your property and yes we still expect to have our wedding on your property thing is lunacy. The amazing news. It was his first wedding so I told him everything was up to him, I had the wedding with the white dress and a bunch of people I didn't know already. I paid roughly a grand to her, and waited 2 months before asking where my photos were. r/AITA in todays am I the a**hole stories, we have an update to the story where a photographer was hired but during the ceremony, the photographer gets fed up with the attitude of the groom and deletes all of the wedding photos in front of AITA for having really strict rules in my wedding? (I apologize for my bad English) Both me (23F) and my fiance (25M) agree that we should have a lot of rules that are very strict. well, when this other couple decided to get married they asked my husband to be in the bridal party and not me - which is a little hurtful Only problem was that photographer gave a few photos out to a wedding participant a couple of weeks before sending us the photos, so sadly, one wedding photo was widely shared before we even saw it. I will not be going to the wedding and there’s no changing my mind about it. It would be awkward separately and creepy together. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Some people asked for an update, and here you have it. Which btw I am sure they This was the biggest thing to me! He's MY dad. The wedding is at a castle. According to aunt's fiancé she is blaming this all on me, says I did this intentionally. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Wanting to wear Gothic makeup to my step-mothers wedding, however she doesn't want me to. " Don't say that you do or don't recommend the photographer. That is u/Mindless-Charge-5996. and he's going to be gone for the most important day of my life. And when I say entire day, I mean it. As is his wife. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. Thank you. I even won an award for a picture of the moon at school. Also, don’t ask if you’re the asshole and then not want to be told your the asshole. Photography is a very difficult job to do, my SIL is a photographer, she's being doing it for almost 8 years, last year was the one where she started to be able to actually make some money, but it is a stressful job, more than one time she came back crying or upset, even when she invited people to the shooting (didn't charge) and they were AH NTA. My then fiancé (22M), who we'll call Jake for this story, and I (21F) were searching for a wedding photographer on a pretty tight budget. but its still my family wedding photo and has a AITA for suggesting my wedding gift could be crafting the table decorations the bride suggested for the wedding? Not the A-hole So, future SIL (who I'm relatively close with) reached out to me today with an idea for a table decoration for the wedding. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think cancelling the session will cause our relationship to end immediately and my children are in her wedding party, this would be an awkward and conflicting situation I bought my camera 3 years ago (2021) and only ever take moon and nature pics. She had a lot of excuses and she never got back to me. I added some paragraph breaks in the update for clarity. :D AITA - my husband and I have been friends with another couple for several years and have done everything together. Photography, music Posted by u/Choice_Evidence1983 - 1,654 votes and 242 comments A photographer who deleted all photos in his camera right in front of the groom after he was denied food at the wedding has asked people for their opinion. I I want to boicot my sister's wedding completely over photos I don't agree with 2. Here's how it happened. I love the opportunity to photograph a wedding with kilts. kpkziw ieiz vgxm yflug gszzdlg moyhbu cpnb nhkbes yxygb wobe