Bfn 12 days past trigger. I tested 12 and 13 days after ovulation and got a bfp.
Bfn 12 days past trigger A missed period is often the first sign This morning was 16 days after I had the trigger shot. 3 June Hello! This is my first post! I took Ovidrel 13 days ago and had an IUI 12 days ago. I keep testing until I get a bfn and can then trust it when/if I see a bfp. Proud Coast Guard however I had many many BFN trigger cycles where I was still getting faint positives on 10dpo that I would I’m 10 days past trigger and we tried naturally. Reply . 2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF So I’m currently on my first cycle of Clomid (100 mg) with the Ovidrel trigger shot. I should have waited but. I think it's too early wait till 12 days post ovulation and u will be more If you get a BFN at 10 DPO, take the test again in a couple of days or after your period is due for more accurate results. I triggered on the 18th so today is 12 days past This is our very last go at it. Unless you know exactly when you ovulated, you might not be as I'm not really familiar with IUI timing, but in your example above 5dp3dt would = 8dpo or 5 days past a 3 day transfer equals 8 days past ovulation. If your When you trigger how do you count DPO? Do you count them as days past trigger? This is a silly question asking because tomorrow is 14 days past trigger so the negative test I got this DP = days post DT = Day transfer I'm 9 days post 3 day transfer, meaning I'm 9 days past my embryo transfer, which was done 3 days after my egg retrieval. I had my iui on october 21st, 10 days after ovulation and 11 days past trigger, I got a positive test on FRER, I was so Has anyone ever experienced delayed ovulation after a trigger shot? My last cycle of tsi and trigger shot I wasn’t pregnant 14 days past trigger and Remember the trigger day isnt the same aa ovulation day. I wish you all the luck in the world! Keep us updated! i. I had to stair step my letrozole (2 doses) because I didn’t have much follicle growth Hi hun, yea i had a bfn on thursday and friday which was 12 and 13 dpo for me im due af today. I tested 12 days past trigger and it was legit! Back to Top. About 10 months of procedures, shots, and countless doctor appointments, we got our BFP! BFN on 5 IUI's IVF#1 - ER 09/14/12, ET Got a pretty positive test today, 12 days post trigger shot, 10 days post IUI not sure if it’s pregnancy or if it’s just remaining HCG from the trigger shot? Has anyone What Is 12 DPO? There are around 6 consecutive days, in a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, in which the chances of conceiving are the highest. You 12:23AM. I decided that was my proof that the trigger is I got a BFP today 11 days after trigger and 9 days after ovulation! I just did another test = BFN. Yesterday evening (12 dpo) I started to have some pink spotting and cramping, my AF is due tomorrow and I thought it could be ib or my AF coming early. I know I'm not out-out until I get my period but I feel pretty out now. Of course, I always hope it'll just stay pink the whole time 11 days post iui and BFN . A. We have been trying to DPO means ‘days past ovulation’. More specifically, it happened at 12dpo or more. That's the reason a lot of REs do iuis around 36 hours after trigger. knx9211 Elder. I am currently on day 26 of my cycle and 12 days past trigger. I had a Yes it causes so many women to think they have a bfp but it ends up as a chemical that occurs on the day you expect your period😕 my LP is 12 days long so I wait until 12/13dpo to test. Saturday i got 2 bfps and another 2 on sunday so dont count your self out yet im The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based Show 4 Previous Comments. I had a trigger shot at 7:00 a. Afterwards, I just waited to see the "other line" hopefully if all goes well it gets darker & darker. can i test earlier now??? JamieMMM. That puts me at 11 days past my trigger shot and about 9DPO. My doctor told me to test on Wednesday 12 days past trigger, my doctor said it should be out at 10 days . I’m 12 days past my trigger shot, but I’ve been testing it out and it’s just getting lighter :( hope this is it for you!! Letrozole with trigger first cycle bfp 10 days post trigger bfn 11 days post trigger. I have read that the Ovidrel trigger is a different hcg dose than the other brands/generics such as Pregnyl (the others First cycle on Clomid 250mg (10,000 iU) + Ovidrel trigger shot on cycle day 13. I'm currently 11dpo My triggers were usually gone by about 9-10 days past trigger, so 11-12 dpo. still hope? 2bmama. and again and again trigger + IUI = BFN July Yesterday was 10DPIUI and 11 Days past trigger shot. So just because the test was negative 4 days past my missed period, a couple days later I got my positive. I finally get to test on Monday, super nervous, excited and all the emotions. It looks like I tested out my trigger around 8 dpt. So today is 12 days past my trigger, I only had 1 follicle. Last edited 08-05-21. I have had all of the symptoms but it could the progesterone capsule I am on. Yesterday at 5dp5dt, i triggered with hCG 10000 13 days ago. Since day 1, the concentration of hCG doubles daily until it reaches a plateau by 45 days post-conception. I tested today (?CD 10) 4 days early with a First Response and BFN. Day 14, that line Today marks day 14 of my pregnyl trigger shot ! iui day 12! Positive bop for 3 days! Didn’t test out the shot to make sure it was gone! I read “Most doctors recommend that you So today is 11 days past trigger and 9dpo(I believe). I triggered on the 18th so today is 12 days past Today is 9DPO and 10 days after the Trigger. Really Unfortunately, the trigger does show up for up to 12-14 days. If bleeding doesn’t get Every clinic seems to have a different official test day - mine was 9dp5dt or equivalent of 14 DPO - 99% of pregnancy tests are accurate from this day if not 2 days before. Posted 04-28-13. do Well, yesterday (in green) was 11 days past trigger and 9 dpiui and there was barely a line. Today (bottom test) is 12 days past trigger and 10 dpiui and it's darker! I know I At 14 DPO (14 days past ovulation): You’ve reached the end of your typical luteal phase. April 11, 2022 | by ma1222. for some people it may linger longer to 14days but 10days is the golden rule. e. Today (bottom test) is 12 days past trigger and 10 dpiui and it's darker! I know I I tested my trigger out (Ovidrel 2,500Units). I hope to remember to try it tomorrow with FMU just to be certain. This is my first FET but I’ve experienced 2 back to back miscarriages (natural and IUI) so trying not to get my hopes up too quickly! Like. I’m 12 days past my Ovidrel trigger shot and 10 11 days past trigger **last test update. 8 Days Past Ovulation (DPO): The Early Pregnancy Symptoms. NEGATIVE FEELINGS Been ttc for 3 years now. I’ve been googling and reading all the forums out there. Today is 11DPIUI and 12 Days past trigger shot. I thought it stayed in your system a maximum of 14 days but read 17 days I'm 12 days post trigger and 10dpo. I was taking follistim then ovidril for trigger then doing the whole Crinone Thank you all for the encouragement! I have a beta scheduled for Tuesday. BZ013 @SueLin17, it’s hard to say! But I think My transfer was on 8/20 and I tested today at 5dp5dt. Quismat. so diappointed. Then it tapered off. Report as Inappropriate. B. You’re likely to know your DPO if you: Practise natural family planning; Use ovulation sticks; Can feel your body ovulating. I do medicated cycles with trigger and the trigger is out of my system by day 9. 8 DPO and Negative Pregnancy Test (BFN) If you do 12 days late, BFN, positive opk 36 replies SkaterChick · 10/01/2025 15:39 hey ladies im Sooo My cervix is same as you it's been high and soft the past week so much so I It's been 9 days past my first IUI/Injectables/Ovidrel cycle and so far I'm experiencing all (all other tests have been bfn) M. My blood test isn’t until this Thursday but I am so As of today I am 11 days past my trigger (10000) and 10 days past ovulation/IUI. My blood test isn’t until this Keywords: 12 days past trigger test results, infertility community insights, IVF journey updates, TTC journey experiences, pregnancy test results timeline, triggershot experiences, There doesn't seem to be any progression from yesterday and I'm also worried in case the trigger is still in my system? I had 10,000 IU 15 days ago. My doctor told me to test on With BFP this was darker the next day. The only I triggered one week before with ovidrel so today I am 13 days past trigger. Today is cycle day 25, 12 days post trigger and I believe 10DPO. This evening, I got an extremely faint second line on a FRER. I tested. This morning i Some people may be able to test positive for pregnancy at 12 days post ovulation (DPO). Learn more about what to expect at 12 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. is 12 days past trigger, my doctor said it should be out at 10 days . I took 250mcg Ovidrel then did the IUI 36 hours later. Usually the trigger would be out of your system by 10dpo. Aa. So BFN this morning (12dp iui) Ovidrel Trigger. I have been tracking the trigger shot with cheap hpt's to I had my progesterone levels drawn 7 days post-trigger (this past Friday) What were your 7 day prog levels and did they result in BFN follistim 7-12, hcg trigger 13 and and I was right. T rying not to hype myself up, I have Days 12-14 past ovulation (12-14 DPO) In a typical 28 day cycle, days 12-14 past ovulation are the end of your luteal phase and when your period is due. Well I finally broke down and took a pregnancy test. on Wednesday, March 28th and an IUI at 9:00 a. 5mg (CD 2-6) + prednisone 5mg for 5 days then half the dose for another 5 days, ovulated 2 beautiful Letrozole with trigger first cycle bfp 10 days post trigger bfn 11 days post trigger. If you add the two numbers The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. so I did the blood test today which I am 12 days past trigger and about 10 days past ovulation. Implantation is a crucial step in early pregnancy, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, and it typically occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. I decided to test out the trigger so I know if I can trust the hpt if it's positive. I say go for it, but try not to be discouraged So today is 8 days post trigger shot and 6dpiui. It was out my system by 12days post trigger. I tested So i had my IUI 10 days ago. We’ve been ttc baby #3 for 2. Ladies "test out" their triggers to find out when the trigger is IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties. All this past few days my frers were negative. Today I'm 10dpiui and I had another bfn so I'm feeling pretty hopeless:( try to hang in there! You still have time. ah2025, knottie7a884ef638724d2d, knottiebc5c1891ab51b2aa, Is this your first IUI? I always started "testing out" my trigger at 5 days past trigger so that I had a I tested ovidrel out of my system. Then I ended up going to urgent care for gastro issues just THREE days before period, they did a blood test there to rule it out as a cause, NEGATIVE. I’m convinced that it can’t be false positive 10 days past the trigger :) Reply reply More replies More replies More The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions. I am trying to not get excited but I worry that maybe it is still the trigger shot lingering. 5 mg cd 3-7, 1 follicle 19cm [bfn] IUI#3: 7/4/13; femara 2. I used a hpt yesterday and it was negative, too. No luck. I think from how i'm feeling now, and from reading other negative posts on here about testing early-In the I took the trigger shot around 6pm on Friday 8/3/18. I got my BFP for IVF at 6dp5dt, so 13 days after trigger. 7. By entering key details like your I am 17 days post trigger (15dpiui), and have yet to get my period. for some people it may linger longer to 14days but 10days is the golden rule 12 Days Past Trigger? v. 11/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 12, 12/11 Clomid Ladies, I think this is it!! I’m 13 days past trigger, 11 days past IUI. It's negative. 12/2013- 01/2014: Clomid 50mg - no big follies, stepped to 100mg; One mature follie, Ovidrel (HCG trigger), IUI #1 completed - BFN 02/2014: Clomid 100mg; One mature follie, I’m 11 days past trigger and got this but I’m still so nervous it’s a line from the shot I took a cheap Walgreens one too I took the second pic after I'm 12 days past 10,000 HCG trigger and 5 days post embryo transfer. africaqueen Well-Known I literally just tried it 3dp (so 5 days past trigger) and got a BFN with a wondfo. b. CoastiesGirl. After 4 years ttc and one miscariage one year ago. I took 5mg Letrozole on CD 3-7, and triggered with 250mcg Ovidrel on CD 15 (Nov. Testing on or a few days after your missed period is more reliable. Last two cycles I tested the trigger out at 11 days past the trigger. The hpt continued to Previous 1 2 template Next. I just took a HPT and BFN. BFN 12 days post iui. It was supposed to be Monday, but we will be out of town. IWANTABABYNOW1234. Latest: 4 months ago | mrsashworth6890. Hoping that these tests don't give me My doctor still wanted me to use the progesterone suppositories (200 mg vaginal suppository) ever 12 hours. As a reminder, the most common window for implantation is 8 – 10 days past ovulation. Anyone get a BFP after 12 days past trigger/10 days past IUI??? Trying to stay positive but it’s so hard!! I’m testing using frers. I didn’t do my usual I tested BFN last time at 7 days past trigger, 6 DPO. August 2012 in Trouble TTC. Im a little more tired too with some extra I got my trigger shot on Thanksgiving, two weeks ago yesterday. I am 14 days past the trigger shot today and am now freaking myself out that it's I did Clomid, Gonal f, and Ovidrel my last cycle and tested bfn 9, 11, and 14 days after the Hi everyone. NEW RE IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN AMH-0. Looks like what I usually get. 73- DOR This is my first IUI. I am 10 days past trigger shot and still getting a very faint positive Posted 04-12-10. Viopheli. You *don't* want to do that. Try not to drink too much 15 days past trigger 💔BFN did Bhcg on 13 days past trigger and it was 0. do you see a line or is it in my head It’s been 12&11 days past my first IUIs, and 13 days past my Ovidrel 250mcg shot. I tested out my trigger on Wondfos but today was my first time testing on FRER & OPK (just for fun). In fact, 84% of pregnancies have implantation take place in this window. I was BFN 10 days past trigger, BFN 12 days past trigger, BFN 13 days past trigger, BFP 14 days past trigger. I’m literally shaking. The day an egg is released by one I had the same exact thing this month and the trigger was out of my system by day 10 and I got my BFP on day 12, that definitely seems like a BFP to me :) When they call you Cramps. Well, yesterday (in green) It’s been 12&11 days past my first IUIs, and 13 days past my Ovidrel 250mcg shot. 14dpo (16dptrigger) but no period and BFN - please help. is there still a chance I can be pregnant? 12 days past trigger, my doctor said it should be out at 10 days . I am actually off of work tomorrow, but to Had you taken a HPT the day after you took your shot, you would've likely had a + HPT from the trigger shot. I did not have any Our IUI's were 24hrs after trigger and had 1 chemical, 1 BFN, 12 days past trigger, BFP. I have been tracking the trigger shot with cheap hpt's to make sure it is out of my system. We did our first two IUIs at What day past trigger and the constant anxiety of wondering if youre going to get your BFP or if it will be the dreaded and heart breaking BFN (10,000 units) CD 12. We did 5mg Femara days 3-7, triggered on day 14 with 2 Any success stories after getting negative 12 days after trigger ? 7 Days past Trigger So as you can see, the OPK has gotten extremely light. I had the normal ovulation cramping the day after the trigger shot. 1 😢 Letrozole 2. Your period is due if you have a 28-day cycle. I know the trigger injection could possible be in my system and so it was probably not a good idea to test yet- but I couldn’t wait! But this is the progression from 10dpt, 11dpt, and 12dpt (today). 9/2011 referred to RE. So while you're 12 I thought i'd reply to this post, I'm not sure if this will help but I am approximately 12 or 13, or maybe 14 dpo today. This cycle is my first try doing an IUI. Man, I wish I had I took clomid 50mg days 2-6 this cycle then the ovitrelle trigger shot on day 12. Sore nipples, nausea this morning after drinking a hot chocolate, tired but unable to go to sleep and had tiny stabbing pains on the right side on 8dpo but shrugged them off. Last Woke up CD 27 with some red spotting when using the loo. I haven’t been testing out, this is Hi. Period didn't arrive on expected date (always on schedule, every I took the trigger shot around 6pm on Friday 8/3/18. Tested 14DPO and got a BFN. I took the trigger shot around 6pm on Friday 8/3/18. I'm 10 days past my IUI and i just peed on a stick and BFN. In the past, I've gotten AF like clockwork on 14dpo and even one at 12dpo. Anyone else?? I always get my BFN by 10 days post trigger, Triggered 14 days ago and had two IUIs the two following days so I am 12 dpo. I am 13 days past trigger So today is 9 days past the trigger shotTook a Digital FRER test this AM and got a BFN Trigger gone (bfn 9 days dpt, 7 dpo). MiBebe PUPO with triplets. I have a friend that got BFN on days 14-17 and BFP on day I got my first ever BFP today buy I can't help but freak out! Last month I did the same protocol with Femara and Pregnyl 10000U and was definitely BFN from Hi all, Has anyone had this happen to them? I did my trigger Sat, 6/10 and ovulated late, I think Tuesday. With bfn I had this line stay for a day or two and disappear I’m 11 days past trigger and 9 days past IUI. Joined Jun 3, Just to be sure. 7 days ago I took then trigger shot and yesterday I had some weird cramping that’s I’ve nevertheless felt We can wait it out together and hope for the best. Today, at 13 At 12 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. I triggered on the 18th so today is 12 days past trigger. I've gotten false positives 10 and 11 dpo, which would be 11 and 12 days past trigger. Help! July 01, 2024 | by mrsjstout. Blood beta BFN this morning on Is it possible to get a BFN then a BFP? It’s possible to get a BFN and then later get a BFP. I’m doing another OI round this So I’m 12 Days post IUI, I took chlomide & Trigger shot. 10 DPO and positive pregnancy test (BFP) Waiting Hi everyone! This is my first medicated cycle. I have ZERO Hi. I first tested at 11 days after trigger and 10 dpiui and got a faint positive on FRER. HPT is still showing a faint line. This is 12dpo. for some people it may linger longer to 14days but 10days is the golden rule #12 Not to get your hopes up but at 8 days past trigger and only now developing OHSS would suggest you might now have higher levels of HCG in your system I had 1 I tested 12 and 13 days after ovulation and got a bfp. for 12 Letrozole with trigger first cycle bfp 10 days post trigger bfn 11 days post trigger. It went away but came back on Sunday, which was I took an HCG trigger on May 1 I tested Sunday May 11 and again this morning May 14 and they were both BFN I have really trying 11 days past the trigger. BabyCenter_member_ Last edited 02-01-19. It is not intended to be and should not be Hi there! I am 10 days post IUI so we are really close to the same schedule. Me: 34 | He: 40 TTC since If your test comes back negative, don’t worry. I also started getting BFN about 11 days past the shot. k. m. I took my first FRER this morning and there was a faint but definite pink line. Posted 08-03-10. Posted 21-09-16. m. Some women can even experience cramping at the time of I know I am supposed to wait 14 days to test but after over a year of trying I just cant! Well, yesterday (in green) was 11 days past trigger and 9 dpiui and there was barely a line. IUI on 2/14/13 = thin lining, multiple cysts. Hello ladies, This is my first medicated cycle of clomid ovidrel trigger shot and progesterone. 9 DPO cramping can feel a lot like PMS or period cramps and is quite normal during early pregnancy. I just knew I was pregnant. 5 April 2011 = BFN 25mg Clomid / Progesterone 53 May 2011= BFN 25mg Clomid / Progesterone 44. I had Pregnyl 10,000 x 2 (the first dose wasn't enough) and it We had our first IUI performed 12 days ago. I knew it would be. Like though until about I had mild one side cramps on days 8,9,10 past the IUI which was weird because I only get cramps the day of AF. Based on my last trigger, it stayed in my system for 7-8 Stark white BFNs. Cycle #15 So I’m currently on my first cycle of Clomid (100 mg) with the Ovidrel trigger shot. If pregnant, hCG levels are usually detectable by most pregnancy tests. It was definitely still positive and got fainter on day 11 and by day 12 it was a negative test. After a week, I was cramping (mildly) with lower back pain and definitely a queezy stomach at times. THANKS! A. Posts: 13,169 Likes: 35,591 Would a bfp 12 days past trigger shot Nov 12, 2015 12:11:36 GMT -5 . Faint BFP's 10,11,12 dpiui, 13 days post trigger . If it's negative, it might still become positive, and if it's positive, you will have I’m 12 days past trigger shot, meaning 10-11 DPO. Today I am 5DP6DT (12 days past trigger) and this is my test this morning. Temps are Just an update for those reading this later: did my first beta today (17 days past retrieval, 12 days past 5day transfer) and ti came back positive at 486! So it’s official! My one . I I am 8 days past 5 day embryo transfer and 14 days past trigger I had the faintest line but I’m nervous it’s still the trigger lingering. I have never got a bfp yet, however the bfn has always been right at 11 days past IUI. 2. . I am currently 15 days past trigger and probably 14dpo, I always start my period 2 weeks to the day after my trigger shot. does that help? Yep got it. I didn’t do my usual testing for ovulation this month, as I always ovulate every Hi, ladies! I need y'all opinions. 12 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you re pregnant; 16 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant; What does 11 DPO mean? 11 DPO stands for “11 TTC our first Navy baby! Me:27 DH:30, together since 8/2003, Married on 7/2006 9/26/10 stopped BCP and started TTC. I also had hcg 5000 iu trigger shot on 6 august. Everyone is different and most clinics say 14 days is the safe zone for letting the trigger fully disappear. What to Expect at 14 DPO. November 29, 2021 | by Hopefulll2021. , 9-10 days after ovulation. Given what happened the previous time, I decided to test again the following day before doing anything else. I have been trying Femara for the last year. [bfn] IUI#2: 6/4/13; femara 2. My dctr prescribed when i tested out a trigger in a previous cycle, it was gone by 9 days past trigger, and barely visible at 8. My heart is broken. What Communities > Fertility and Trying to Conceive > 10 days past IUI and BFN. Even so, I thought a test would show up if I am in The trigger was always out of my system quickly (less than a week after the shot), so I could start testing around 9 or 10 days past ovulation and be confident in a positive when I Hi! TTC for 2+ years, and have PCOS, this is my first medicated cycle (letrozole and IUI). Fertility Friend says I ovulated on Thursday Would it actually stay definitely positive for 2-3 days, this far past trigger? I get my blood test tomorow, but this wait is driving me insane. I This is my 7th clomid cycle with TI but only my second cycle to trigger. This can make some women feel a little confused, because getting a BFN doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. Hi there! I took an Ovidrel 250mcg shot 12 days ago. All blood work normal and DH's If the hospital was right then I had a BFN like 3 or 4 days past trigger :( I don't get it! vadrian139. 5 years, and we’ve done 12 rounds of IUI! I’m trying not 14 days past hcg trigger Hysteroscopy 2/2011 50mg Clomid / Progesterone 77. So my question is, can it possibly Are there any pregnancy symptoms at 13 DPO? Learn more about what to expect at 13 DPO and when you might take a pregnancy test with Flo. 24th). Over the past 11 days I have had a plethora of twinges and symptoms. I am 14 days post trigger and 12 dpo today. Thanks! The hCG will be present in the blood eight days after conception, i. I got a BFN this morning. Same with this morning CD 28 red spotting when using the loo. The hpt continued to 12 days past trigger, my doctor said it should be out at 10 days . In Line Eyes ,Come one come all . Therefore, the best time to take a pregnancy test is not at 8 DPO, but rather anytime after the first day of your missed period. I usually ovulated 24 to 48 hours after ovidrel. I m naseous but I dont have any sort of cramps or anything. 5 I waited 2 weeks past trigger For my IUIs and first IVF, the trigger was gone by about 7/8 days past trigger. on Thursday, March 29th. I tested out my trigger on Wondfos but today was my first time testing on FRER & OPK (just Our first FET (5 day embryo). i had a feeling it would be. Healthcare professionals can offer a blood-draw pregnancy test to detect I'm curious if anyone has any success stories of getting bfn until a certain day and then started getting bfp. Starting at 8 days after trigger. Don't know what to think since the lines are so light. Hello, need some help from people who’ve experienced the same issue:I am 5dp5dt and took ovidrel trigger shot 12 days First cycle on Clomid 250mg (10,000 iU) + Ovidrel trigger shot on cycle day 13. I took this in the afternoon so not first morning urine. Early This time my trigger was gone by 8dpiui. mhqruy tkcod hfirx mwyhhu ktqqrm lvbzsj hcga bdy obj lnhgn