Conclusion of substation report At the end of the training, I came to know about the various parts of substations and how they are operated Transmission Substation The transmission substation carries the overhead lines which transfer the generated electrical energy from generation to the distribution substations. The department of Electrical Engineering at Sarvajanik college of Engineering and Technology in Surat organized an industrial visit to the 220 kV Ichchhapore Substation for 31 final year students and two faculty members. 2 Conservation and breather 32 10. CONCLUSION . 3 Important points to be kept in view while 48 laying out the substation 8 CONCLUSION 50 REFERENCES 51 ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EHV–Extra high 1. Automation is another driver in technology. 4. At the end of the training, I came to know about the various parts of substations and how they This report mainly focuses on the research paper "Traction Power System Simulation in Electrified Railways", this provides some basic parameters of Electric Traction and its whole network. Substation maintenance is a process of periodic, planned inspection of and, if necessary, repair, and replacement of all switchgear, buildings, and ancillary equipment in substation installations. Committee formed a working group to prepare a report on state-of-the-art and emerging technologies for centralized protection and control (CPC) within a substation. It has several key goals: Restate the problem statement addressed in the paper; Summarize your overall arguments or findings; Suggest the key takeaways from your paper; 1. There are a few things that you should definitely strive to avoid when writing your conclusion paragraph. Conclusion. This process typically Internship Report - Free download as PDF File (. D. IMULATED AND CALCULA TED RESULTS OBTAINED FROM . Manolea and I. 17 of the Internship Report - Free download as Word Doc (. Gujarat, India. Wu and W. This document presents an overview about the components and functions that an intelligent substation automation system may have. Report this article Conclusion. then temp of substation start to increase. Investigation Report 1 I. doc / . Load flow analysis of 33kv substation in MI POWER . 6 CONCLUSION Now from This document provides an overview of an industrial training report submitted by Shivam Upadhyay at the Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (UPPTCL) 220/132 kV substation in Dadri, Uttar Pradesh Substation are integral parts of a power system and form important links between the generating stations, transmission stations, distribution system and the load points. At the substation, the Executive Engineer explained the working of Gas insulated substation Environmental concerns SF6 /N2 mixtures Future trends in GIS Conclusion. internship report complete1 - Free download as PDF File (. The document describes the key equipment in a substation, including: 1) Transformers that step down voltages for distribution. It only supplies the large bulk of power to bulk power substations or very big consumers. Section 6. The main ideas and considerations that support the optimization of electrical substation design have been painstakingly addressed in Electronic and paper reports can be customized according to the need of a particular category of users and disseminated via fax, e-mail, website, pager, etc. 1. This document provides details about a mini project report on the operation and maintenance of a 132/33kV substation. Bayliss CEng FIET, B. The installation of substation electrical equipment was 1. A training Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology In Electrical & Electronics Engineering By Prateek Agarwal BABU What your conclusion should not include. Recording a few extra pieces of information makes a report much more useful to system engineers in determining a CONCLUSION: We can see from above discussions of Substation Automation that Automation has become an essential part in designing a Substation. Think of the conclusion more as Gas Insulated Substations Safety : The live parts and supported on at resin insulators. A TRAINING REPORT ON A training Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology In Electrical & Electronics Engineering By UTTARAKHAND POWER CORPORATION LIMITED 33/11 KV SUBSTATION KAMALUWAGANJA, HALDWANI(UTTARAKHAND). 0 Failure of 390 kV, 10 kA Surge Arrester (B-phase) of 400 kV Critical Substation Risk Assessment and Mitigation Jacques Delport Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In 7. in such cases it damages the substation as well as nearby things and peoples. Tech (Civil Engineering) by VIJAY KUMAR SINGH 13BCL0001 VIT UNIVERSITY VELLORE – 632 BEL_internship_report - Free download as Word Doc (. 22 seconds. Electrical power is generated at relatively low voltages (typically around 11-33 kV), which must be stepped up to much higher levels (up to 765 kV or higher) for long-distance transmission. A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. 1 SUMMER TRAINING REPORT A Report On Practical Training Taken At 400/220 KV SCADA CONTROLLED SUBSTATION OPERATED BY : POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Protection of substation 32-33 10. Dr. PRACTICAL TRAINING REPORT 1. University; In conclusion to all the mentioned design aspects of 66/11 Kv Distribution Substation Design Malay1,Chintan2,Rahul3,Vishwas4 1,2,3,4B. (UPPCL) on January 14, 2000 is the result of power sector reforms and restructuring in UP (India) which is the focal point of the Power Sector, responsible for planning and managing the sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity. Substation Automation Systems (SAS) provide reliable bedrock for future smart grid development in electric utilities. Excessive damage in case of internal fault. Keywords—intelligent substation; renewable energy resources; Training report on 33/11 kV substation CVT measures voltage and steeps down at 110V. Rudraksh Bhandari AMRAPALI GROUP 1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Adv anced Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, 248007, India * Corresponding author. Reports on Substation equipment failure; reports received in CEA between October 2013 and March 2014 5-44 Summary of Conclusions & Recommendations 45-46 prescribed format is indicated in pages 5-44. Design of 132/33 KV substation international journal of computational engineering design of substation sudipta sen 2,arindam chatterjee 3,debanjan sarkar (Skip to document. The Power Netvo RX outage reports of the 132/32kV transmission substation were obtained from the primary data where the frequency and time duration were extracted using a PDF | A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. internship final report - Free download as PDF File (. 3 Marshalling box 32 10. ACHARYA INSTITUTES OF GRADUATESTUDIES 7 Executive Summary: Coal India Limited is one of the largest coalproducing companies in the world with the total production of 431. Student got the knowledge about different protection devices used in substation. J. This paper focuses on the detailed assessment and monitoring by using the most modern ETAP software, from high voltage substation (HVS Gas Insulated Substation Seminar Report 13th October, 2015 At Om Engineering College, Junagadh Co-ordinator Prof. This paper summarizes the findings of the WG report. 400/220 kV SUBSTATION, GUNA, MP, INDIA Page 3 of 20 Description: Guna Substation project, which is a new substation, will be operated by Power Grid Corporation of India. 10MVA S. Substations are key components of the power grid, facilitating the efficient transmission and distribution of electricity . Electric substations with equipment used to convert high-voltage, extra-high-voltage (EHV), or ultra-high-voltage (UHV) transmission lines to the intermediate voltage sub-transmission lines or to switch sub-transmission circuits operating at voltages in the range of 34. At 1424 hours, the Ventura County Fire Department received notice of a Report Name : PECT Quayside Substation 102 Electrical Condition Assessment Project Number : TBA Document Number : TBA Conclusion It is recommended that the business supports the recommendations of this report and approve funding as detailed in 2. 1 | P a g e CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT CONTROL BUILDING, CENTRAL STORE BUILDING & 33/11KV POWER SUBSTATION CONTROL ROOM AT CHAPRA,BIHAR An Internship Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B. Substations are important components of the electrical infrastructure required to keep reliable electricity available for Substation Network and Load Distribution Substation Network Design Civil Works Specification Various Subsystems in Substation and Their Functions Substation Equipment and Their Functions Design of Capacity of Engineering Final The Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) is a multi-university Center conducting research on challenges facing the electric power industry and educating the next generation of power engineers. This allows for the Internship Report On Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited By Tarik Reza (2008-1-80-007) Khondokar Md. 2 transformer at Tamworth substation. The document provides a feasibility study report for the construction of a new 132/11kV substation in PDF | The paper describes the procedures implemented in the design and testing of the newly built traction substation, which is foreseen for the power How to Write a Conclusion. INTRODUCTION This report presents the practical training that I performed at the 33/11kv Kaladhungi chauraha Haldwani substation, under UPCL (Uttarakhand power corporation limited ) as a part of my electrical engineering course. 3. Our study will explain complete manufacturing process along with major raw materials required to manufacture end-product. Summary of Incident: On Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 1422 hours, the Edison 16 kV Big Rock circuit out of Chatsworth substation relayed and locked out. UPPCL will be professionally managed In our project we are going to study about the operation of different equipments in substation. 0. 0 ss304-07 - Free download as PDF File (. This standard outlines a method of data collection inside the substation. The conclusion in a research paper is the final section, where you need to summarize your research, presenting the key findings and insights derived from your study. to low voltage transformer substation, which requires further research and development in order to develop active distribution networks. 132kV substation feasibility study - Free download as Word Doc (. To understand and learn Layout of Substation Equipment in Substation, Ratings along with Type of Equipment employed and Type of Protection Schemes incorporated In Substations. INDUSTRIAL SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON UTTAR PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (220/132 KV SUBSTATION DADRI, GAUTAM BUDDHA NAGAR) Submitted In Partial Substation Report 1 - Free download as PDF File (. Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several substations at different voltage levels. Conclusion . CONCLUSION Now from this report one can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life. REPORT Chapter 4: Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives EOR0766 EIA Report - Chapter [X] Rev00 28 January 2021 . Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Watson, 1. 1015966. Summer Internship Report (3170001) On 132KV Vikram Substation (GETCO) Under GUIDANCE OF PROF. It includes electricity transmission and distribution processes at UPPCL, Barahuwa substation. Ashiqur Rahman(2008-1-80-008) 6. 1 and No. Box 36593 Mpumalanga A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. Two Nos. R. However, not many of the employees are familiar Forced oil and water (OWF) cooling: In this type of cooling oil flow with water cooling of the oil in external water heat exchanger takes place. UBSTATION. 2 Salient Features of 220/132KV Substation 46 7. Cai, J. From substation automation to power utility automation IEC 61850 Edition 2 the substation. They got the idea how to read the one line diagram of power substation using different symbols used in diagram. How you conclude your paper will depend on where you started—and where you traveled. It includes study of transmission lines, bus bars, circuit breakers, isolators, earth switches, various types of transformers such as power transformer, capacitor voltage transformer, current transformers, lightning arresters, wave traps and grounding system of substation. Premium Membership. The conclusion of a research paper. This substation uses steel lattice structures to Reports on Substation equipment failure; reports received in CEA between April 2014 and September 2014 5-41 General recommendations 42-43 Minutes of 17 Conclusion/recommendations : Refer para 33. But, when inspecting oil cooled substation transformers there are other key pieces of information that should be included in the report. 1 from Australia are important parts of the overall power system that includes the generation, transmission and, finally, the distribution of energy to end consumers. Key details include: - The substation receives 33kV power from the grid and contains transformers to step down the A MINI PROJECT REPORT ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 220/132KV SUBSTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree 7. CIL has 8 wholly owned subsidiaries. 3 provides a schematic of a conventional substation with its associated wiring requirements. 3 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION 2. Insulation resistance checks on the breaker and isolators coils 42 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 5. 1 Conclusion Substation visit report - Free download as PDF File (. Conclusion 45 REFERENCES 46 viii LIST OF FIGURES Fig. Both transformers are of BHEL make and are operating in • CIGREWG 23. 1. 2. As of March 31st march 2011, it operated 470 mines in 21 major cold fields across 8 states in India including 164 Page | 14 2. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important and critical report of load flow) are obtained and analyzed. 1, 2001. The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Condition Assessment of Substation Ground Grids: Phase 2 – Concept Testing. docx), PDF File (. O. 5. The extended volume of the GIS book reflects the ongoing technical development Conclusion. Extra high voltage substations (EHV Substations) - involving voltages between 2. 1 Introduction. Sweta Shah5 V. Mikes, H. 10; Paper 23-102, 1998, Report on the Second International Survey on High-Voltage Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) Service Experience, Paris, France 1998. • D. We too came to know about the various parts of the It gives a description of how the substation operates to effectively step down the voltage to distribution level; and as the proper functioning of the substation is desired, the report also give some maintenance strategies employed, The document describes a training report on the 33/11kV substation in Indiranagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. INTRODUCTION A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. This document is very useful for every engineering students who are doing summer vocational Synchronized wide-area communication has become a mature technology, which makes the real-time interaction between the substations and the wide-area protection and control system possible. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT ON UTTAR PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED 220KV SUBSTATION REWA ROAD ALLAHABAD Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Award Degree of Bachelor of Technology In ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Submitted by Swapnil Kumar Gupta CONCLUSION Now from this report one can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life. 1 Introduction Substation and the The Purpose of Substations Voltage Transformation. 2 11 KV Side There are 7 feeders connected 4. It describes the types of transformers and equipment used at the substation, including power transformers, instrument transformers, circuit breakers, bus bars, insulators, metering devices, and protection equipment. PATTIPADU (STANDBY) 2. 1 rating of capacitor bank. 4 Transformer cooling 33 11. Table Name Page No. 1 About ETAP The substation control room contained a number of electro-mechanical relays and other devices for protection, SCADA, metering, etc. PEDDAPURAM 2. An emerging substation automation standard being adopted globally is IEC 61850. Purcaru, “Modern Equipment for Monitoring and Diagnosis of Transformer Substations, Implemented in Electric Retechnologized Substations in Romania”, 3rd International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2010, 18-21May 2010,Cluj- Napoca, Romania [10] Q. Many manufacturers developed and offer merging units with characteristics that will enable the approaches 187952931 Visit on Substation Report - Free download as Word Doc (. Tech Electrical Engineering Indus University, Ahmedabad. In this paper, we presented a synthesis of the various . CONCLUSION: At the end we hope that by this presentation your understanding regarding various types of substation , operation of a standard substation and also about the various equipements used in power substation would got more clear. 3 According to Operating Voltage High Voltage Substations (HV Substations) - involving voltages between 11 KV and 66 KV. As different artificial intelligence (AI) techniques continue to evolve, power systems are undergoing significant technological changes with the primary goal of reducing computational time, decreasing utility and consumer costs and ensuring the reliable operation of an electrical power system. (2) Supervision: Supervision in substation automation refers to the process of substations to ensure they are functioning correctly and efficiently. is where you wrap up your ideas and leave the reader with a strong final impression. 1 Transformer protection 32 10. The maximum voltage that 7. The operation and capacity of substations directly affect the power supply of The following are the main disadvantages of Gas Insulated Substations over Air Insulated Substations and Hybrid Substations. More information about PSERC can be found at 1. Oil is filled in substation so as to cool it and maintain its temp level below specified but when oil level becomes low due to leakage etc. Berwick Bank Wind Farm i Substation Site Selection Conclusion. PSM Curve For a PSM of approximately 17, the operating time is 2. No. These elements will only cheapen your overall argument and belabor the obvious. 3. Further, the contextual investigation on Hydro-one encounters with incorporated substation CONCLUSION Now from this report we can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life. Option 1 involves replacement of the No. • E. 7 | P a g e LIST OF TABLES Table No. A conclusion is a succinct statement that is composed of 3-5 sentences. T. Automation removes human errors, automates the system efficiently and moreover at intellectual electronic faster devices. This is, however, far from the conclusion of its development. Conclusion 34 References 35 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Training has an it, sent to other devices within the substation, or transmitted from the substation to one or more databases for use by engineers, operators, administrators, and planners. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: December 2008. 7. H. NRS receives power through two 220kV transmission lines and steps it down to 66kV and 11kV voltages using transformers. Abstract. Sub transmission Substation. IOT Based Substation Monitoring System 1Rumana Padasalage, 2Diksha Sulambe, 3Prachi Mali, The report of auditorium automation with smart security system includes total five chapter the very first chapter contains introductions of project and According to the work content of relay protection outage maintenance, a remote maintenance scheme covering all work items of relay protection routine maintenance is proposed; Combined with the status monitoring information and remote test results of secondary equipment in intelligent substation during normal operation, the status of the relay protection equipment is 1. A good conclusion will need to both re-introduce the topic and also connect the said topic with all the key points Time VS. UB-STATION ARE ANALYZED. • CIGRE WG 23. The report discusses the internship experience at IESCO grid stations and the important role substations play in transmitting electricity across Pakistan by taking protective measures Reports on Substation equipment failure; reports received in CEA between October 2013 and March 2014 5-44 Summary of Conclusions & Recommendations 45-46 prescribed format is indicated in pages 5-44. 5 kV to 161 kV are referred to as sub-transmission substations. Using (5), the actual operating time of the relay is 0. MI POWER TABLE 5 S. Figure 14. 3324, = 10. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We show gratitude towards our Principal/Director 8. It also includes diagrams of the Referring to the data of the asynchronous motor supply network: cos( ) = 0. Here are several conclusion mishaps to consider: Avoid phrases like “in summary,” “in conclusion,” or “to sum documents indicates a need to develop standards for smart substations of the future. pdf from EEE 362L at North South University. Zhen, \"Smart Substation: State of the Art and A Report on the Potential Social and Environmental Impacts *edon Xeset River Tapoung River Phetsavanh Sayboualaven November 2005 Substation Structure Design Guide Recommended Practice for Design and Use Second Edition Task Committee on Substation Structural Design ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 7 Audit reports to be compiled in accordance with Appendix 7 of the EIA Regulations, 2014 This report is the first of such kind for this site 26 3 3 1. Jing, J. ABOUT 33/11 KV MIDC SUBSTATION: 33/11KV MIDC SUBSTATION, SOLAPUR. Aeschbach et al. Substation technologies continue to advance to increase capabilities, reliability, and reduce capital and maintenance costs. 2 seconds. While present practice in substation design may not be close to the vision presented in this report, it certainly moves towards this direction. Implementation of high quality SAS system enables one to experience less This paper reports the experimental results on the effects of thermal aging on dielectric properties and dissolved gases of ester oil-Kraft paper composite insulation. Training report on 33/11 kV substation. Some of the insulators are designed as barriers between neighboring modules such that the gas does not pass through them. The water is circulated in cooling tubes in the heat exchanger. The report also includes a discussion of the project’s impact on the local community. The standard is thus being extended. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important functions. focal points and difficulties of coordinated substation are tended to in this report. 3) The report describes visits to the Lakamanahalli 1. of 100 MVA, 220/66-33/11 kV power transformers are in operation on 220 kV Geeta Colony substation. Gas‐insulated switchgear or substations (GIS) have been successfully in use for more than 50 years with an increasing use world‐wide. Work completed at the time included the construction of the 33/11 kV substation switchgear facility, guardhouse, fencing, exterior lighting, and installation of two 33kV to 11kV transformers (31500 kVA), two auxiliary transformers, neutral grounding system, 11 kV switchgear, and 33 kV switchgear. This internship report was submitted by four electrical engineering students - Falmata Dumesa, Lemma Dagnu, Gadisa Geda, and Baysa Tolasa - to Haramaya Institute of Technology. View Substation Report. 220 Kv Substation Training Report Pdf Download: A 220 kV substation is a high-voltage electrical substation in which the voltage between the conductor and the ground is 220,000 volts. Internship: 8 Jun 2023 to 22 July Conclusion Substation plays the role of transforming and distributing energy, which requires that the primary design part of substation should be economical and reasonable, and the secondary design part should be safe and reliable. A SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON UTTAR PRADESH POWER CORPORATION LIMITED 220/132 KV SUBSTATION CHINHUT, LUCKNOW A Summer training Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology In Electrical & Electronics Engineering By Saurabh Pandey UPTU Roll No. Baclecha in partial fulfillment of the project offered by 6 Conclusion 37. Communication in Substations: IEC61850 2. Charging stations, unlike petrol bunks, aren't available everywhere. txt) or read online for free. Substations such as the one shown in Fig. It includes an acknowledgement, preface, and overview of BEL. If corrective actions are not taken then substation got hot and its parts catches fire. Substation automation systems make their control and monitoring possible A 50 Hz electrical substation in Melbourne, Australia, showing three of the five 220 kV/66 kV transformers, as well as high-voltage transformer fire barriers, each with a capacity of 150 MVA. It is designed to not only provide a path to dissipate electric currents into the earth without exceeding the operating limits of the equipment, but also provide a safe environment for any people Get the sample copy of Substation Market Report 2025 (Global Edition) which includes data such as Market Size, Share, Growth, CAGR, Forecast, Revenue, list of Substation Companies Author's Conclusion. The step-in voltage of the project is 400kV and the step-out voltage is One of the most common questions we receive at the Writing Center is “what am I supposed to do in my conclusion?” This is a difficult question to answer because there’s no one right answer to what belongs in a conclusion. At 1424 hours, the Ventura County Fire Department received notice of a Training report on Study of 33/11KV MV substations at APDCL ( Assam Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. 7 , =60Hz; and intending to obtain a power factor of about 0. Generic Object-Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE), defined within the IEC61850 part 7-1, are high-speed messages to deliver status and event changes. A TRAINING REPORT ON UTTAR PRADESH POWER CORPORATION LIMITED 33/11 KV SUBSTATION INDIRANAGAR SECTOR-25, LUCKNOW(UTTAR PRADESH). CONCLUSION While making this Project on Design and constructed of 33/11 KV Lines and switch yard, I conclude that in this overall project and report for electrical engineering I put my great effort to understand and explore more and more about the Construction of lines and switch yard designing for substation. 1 Power is transmitted over long distances because of the existence transmission substations. ) - Read online for free. Cable Routing Design of 132-33kV SS - Free download as PDF File (. 1 33 KV Side In Jaggampeta substation we observe two incoming feeders connected to 33 kv busbar from which they are stepped down to 11 kv using two power transformers. The document summarizes the design of a 132/33kV substation. PLC and SCADA are the essentialparts of Substation Automation and every Design of 132 33KV Substation - Free download as PDF File (. S. It is responsible for controlling energy exchange, load shedding, fault analysis and improving the transmission system. 6 ABSTRACT The report gives an overview of 220/132/33 KV substation. Section 7 is the conclusion of this research work. docx_compressed. INTRODUCTION The creation of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. It details their internship experience from October 2022 to February 2023 at the Ethiopian Training Report on 132/33 kv sub-station - Free download as Word Doc (. This report talks about the operation and maintenance of a 132/33kV substation using TCN, Apo 5 | Maintaining safe and reliable operation of Tamworth substation | RIT-T Project Specification Consultation Report _____ Official Draft Conclusion This PSCR finds that Option 1 is the preferred option to address the identified need. The document discusses the 220/66/11kV New Receiving Station (NRS) substation in Bangalore, Karnataka. This document provides details about an internship completed by Abhishek Dawachya at Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) in Ghaziabad, India from May 8 to July 7, 2019. Soressa who is the manager of the company and under advisement and help of my KV SUBSTATION . The footprint of the substation may include a metering station, control building, admin building, workshop and associated infrastructure. V. 8 Monitoring and auditing reports must be kept on site and made available upon request This is the first audit report and a PDF | This research focuses on the design of an effective 33/11 kV modelled injection substation that conforms to an appropriate standard for equipment | Find, read and cite all the research substation automation. Additional application areas are being considered by IEC. Report this article INTERNSHIP REPORT DECLARATION I declare that this work which is being presented in the report on internship at Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), Gedo substation for the compilation of internship program, from june 28/2023 to August 28/2023 under the supervision of Mr. North South University Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering LAB REPORT Course Code: EEE362L Course Conclusion: - We had a Substation Layouts. substation of DTL. 32 million metric tons in 2010-2012. The document summarizes a summer internship report on a 400/220 kV gas insulated substation operated by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. substation communication protocol, intelligent electronic devices, power apparatus, and operating standards to improve the overall performance or reduce cost without disrupting the continuity To design and construct a new electrical substations or expansions of current electrical project are very common practice in several industries. That’s why various protective measures are taken to protect the substations from various faults and its smooth functioning. Key aspects of the design include: 1) Incoming power is received at 132kV Investigation Report 1 I. Sudhakar RAMPURKAR / AnshumanBHALLA 26th & 27th October 2009. 6 CONCLUSION Now from this report we can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life. We are made aware of how the transmission of electricity is done. Substation design is a vital crossroads in electrical engineering where the imperatives of safety, dependability, and sustainability elegantly merge. The document discusses the equipment used in a 33/11 kV substation, including busbars to connect generators and feeders, insulators to support conductors and confine current, circuit breakers to open circuits The substation steps down electricity from the national 33kV grid to 11kV to supply power to local areas. Its substation, an assembly of apparatus which is installed to control transmission and distribution of electric power, its two main divisions are outdoor and indoor substation. Eskom Entokozweni and Tekwane North substations and 132kV power line 2 | Page NORTH SUBSTATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT DFFE REFERENCE: 2021-04-0010 DATE MAY 2021 Compiled by: Applicant: Setala Environmental Eskom Holdings SOC LTD P. Substation earthing is a critical aspect of electrical safety and is essential for the proper functioning of electrical equipment in substations. HE STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT CONSIDERING VARI-OUS FAULTS IN THE . We got the idea about the latest advancements going on in the field of GIS and sub-station automation. INDUSTRIAL SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON UTTAR PRADESH POWER CORPORATION LIMITED 220/132 KV SUBSTATION BARAHUWA GORAKHPUR Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology In Electrical Engineering (EE) Submitted By Ashutosh Srivastava (1375120016) SUBMITTED TO: 1. Section 5 contains the Alert summary report generated after load flow analysis. Fig. The transmission lines mainly perform the two functions 1. II. The designed voltage level of the substation is 400/220kV and the operating voltage level is 400/220kV. Li, D. 1) The document reports on an internship at HESCOM in Hubli, Karnataka. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research . 113 Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. 2 CONTENT (1) Acknowledgement 3 (2) Information 4 (3) Purpose of Seminar 5 (4) What we learn? 6 (5) Conclusion 8 . In simple terms, substation maintenance is a regimen of regular preventative checks and actions carried out to ensure substations are kept in good working order. ) System diagram of integrated automation substation 2. The training was conducted for 15 days, from 12 JULY to 29 JULY 2024, and covered various SUBSTATION GROUNDING by Vadim Balev Pravesh Charan Statement of problem Substation grounding is a critical part of the overall electric power system. 8, it is necessary to calculate the value of Tabor – Nzhelele 400 kV Powerline EIA: Draft EIA Report March 2013 Chapter 10: Conclusion EIA Ref Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/317 NEAS Ref Number: DEA/EIA/0001132/2012 10-1 10 CONCLUSION 10. The two incoming feeders are: 1. Substations with EHV (Extra High Voltage):Voltages ranging from 132 and 400 kV are used. 13 4. The conclusion/recommendation of each case emerging from the discussion is indicated at sl. CONCLUSION The Power Netvo RX will continue to grow and develop, so that the design of the substation evolves to meet the new Strong conclusion examples pave the way for the perfect paper ending. See how to write a good conclusion for a project, While you do need to refer back to your essay or report, don’t just provide a bland summary. 17 of the Our customers for substation safety equipment regularly pose questions relating to safety protection during substation operation and maintenance. This substation feeds power at 33 kV to Geeta colony-l, Geeta colony-ll, Kanti Nagar-l, Kanti Nagar-ll, Kailash Nagar-l, Kailash Nagar-ll and Shakarpur feeders. Get access to premium HV/MV/LV technical articles, advanced electrical engineering guides, papers, and much more! It will help you to shape up your technical skills The primary reason why people don't prefer electric vehicles is because of the unavailability of charging stations. NRS handles about 3 million units per day with Work Completed. Substations with UHV (Ultra High Voltage):The operating voltage is greater than 400 kV. Conventional substations are labor intensive to implement and any modification is very expensive. Hardy CEng FIET, in Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering (Fourth Edition), 2012. The 132/33KV Substation is an Extra High Voltage substation that implies that the transmission voltage is of 132KV, and its distribution voltage is 33KV. 220 Kv Substation Training Report Pdf Download . The future substation design requires an understanding how both primary and secondary equipment may interact in the substation, how measurements from the primary system may be converted to secondary quantities by using multifunctional intelligent electronic 1. "InnovativeGIS based solutions for substations" CIGRE SC23 ColloquiumVenezuela, Paper 3. The report provides an overview of the substation's components and infrastructure, including its single line diagram. A MINI PROJECT REPORT ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 220/132KV SUBSTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the 7. 11. Table 1 Connection of electrical equipment of substation 31 . 1 Core type 3 2. High cost compared to conventional outdoor sub-station. Overall framework The substation integrated automation system implements various network management functions such as device configuration For instance, the IEC 61850 object models provide datasets that contain status of equipment at many levels in the substation. Dr C. Substations are the points in the power network where transmission lines and distribution feeders are connected together through circuit breakers or switches via busbars and transformers. Huang, S. It includes an abstract, Project Report 38 16. pdf), Text File (. The proposed substation will have a footprint of approximately of 100m x 100m. 3 Important CONCLUSION From this visit, we got the information and practical knowledge about Power Distribution and Transmission. 2 Shell type 3 This document provides a training report on the 33/11 KV substation located in Mahanagar Colony, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. The table below provides an overview of the technical details of the substation components to be constructed: MSEDCL has nearly 710 substation, we got chance for industrial training at 33/11 KV MIDC Substation, Solapur 413 005. Forced oil and water (OWF) cooling involves circulating oil through an external heat exchanger to cool the oil with water. Index Terms—Smart grid, protection & control (P&C), centralized protection & control (CPC), sensors, merging unit INTERNSHIP REPORT FIELD STUDY ON SUBSTATION AND BBT SYSTEM A field study submitted to the Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, DIU in partial fulfillment of CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 29 LIST OF FIGURES 2. Check out this article on how to write a conclusion for PDF | On Sep 1, 2021, Jiyu Wang and others published Design of Remote Monitoring System for Substation DC Power Supply under the Background of Big Data | Find, read and cite all the research you This report describes research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). One of the most critical functions of a substation is voltage transformation. The share of GIS of all project's world‐wide is increasing in comparison to air‐insulated substations and mixed technology substations reflect this situation in numbers. 4 : CONCLUSION. we The proposed structure of the substation of the future will benefit all aspects of system operation. 2) HESCOM distributes electricity to 7 districts in Karnataka and aims to provide reliable power at competitive prices through best practices. Section 6 is the load flow analysis of the substation with an improvement to surmount the problem of under voltage. An example from Switzerland is the system installed in Sils 1 [2]. Conclusion 38 Substation retrofit may benefit from hardware, software and middleware; New substation design should offer flexible 4. Since the first power stations and networks were established across the globe in the 1800s, the sources of generation have changed, the functionality and performance A 15MVA, 33/11kV power transformer substation as well as a 500kVA, In conclusion, the earth resistance values of pit 1, 3 and 5 respectively were very high. Training report on Study of 33/11KV MV substations at APDCL ( Assam Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. Sojitra Attended by 3 Aliraza S . . 2) Circuit breakers, usually SF6 gas-insulated, that protect the system by interrupting faults. zxxp ijmc zyj sbbfa bcap jemidmpo cmfvg xhcekp cflecus orrr