Khora whipclaw. by user0925O — last updated .
Khora whipclaw Bonus will decay after ?s. tv/l1fewater FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER https://www. Whipclaw will refresh the Thunderdome [] | Steel Path Endurance Survival and Looting INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Thunderdome. New. (the 1600 shield capacity requierement can be reached with Primed Redirection on Khora and Link Redirection on Venari). Secura Lecta - Khora's Whip | [Riven](Specialized) by Speed547 — last updated . 5; FormaShort; Guide. Share Sort by: Best. DURATION 100% Khora enthusiasts! As you know, we made a change to Khora’s Whipclaw in Update 29. fandom. Karl - Updated for Warframe 31. STATUS CHANCE KHORA ENDURANCE + LOOT BUILD || WHIPCLAW + STRANGLEDOME || STATSTICK. Khora's ferocious Kavat, Venari, fights alongside her with steadfast zeal. Damage is affected by Ability Strength, the Melee Combo Counter, and certain If Dual Keres Disposition gets nerfed, then both my Dual Keres and my Whipclaw will do less damage, simple as that. Trying to understand how whipclaw and khora works to as thinking of trying build around dat with her or something useful for farming any help be appreciated. SHIELD 465 Accumulating Whipclaw - Additive bonus to ability strength, meaning that it negates negative strength and gives 290% extra damage. whipclaw is more then enough of a strong weapon to be your main dps so it's completely fine sticking your guns with dex arcanes for her. " Whipclaw is not  affected by the equipped melee weapon's stats and innate effects" I know the Venka prime has that 0. I also don't have the arcanes to test most of those, if people can confirm that blade charger or fury work I would add them. 9%Slash” “-132. Main article: Accumulating Whipclaw. It's also a really solid regular melee plus you can make fun meme builds with ~11m range. 4 years ago. Venari is an This is my Whipclaw Khora Build, capable of high damage. 05. CRITICAL MULTIPLIER 1. For Whipclaw the Base Crit Multiplier is 1. twitter. For Khora, strike a balance between range, efficiency and survivability. 3 0. 4 months ago. com/l1fewater JOIN T Hello fellow Tenno 🙂. This guide will go more in-depth about [] herself. Max blood rush and Sacrificial steel will reach 190% cc on whipclaw at max combo counter. Archived post. In short: Rivens affect skills like Khora's Whipclaw and Wukong Iron Jab like most mods affect those skills. Let's analyse what's wrong with khora's whipclaw Range: Whipclaw have base 10m at max rank which is the same as exodia contagion (10m), saryn (10m), and lower range than banshee (20m) so the range is not the issue here WhipClaw Red Crits only - stat stick needed Your 1 will kill everything. PC Member; 7 Posted February 1, 2022. ITEM RANK. Two bodies, one will. Welcome to the Thunderdome. 3% attack speed” “+221. BUT IT DOES NOT WORK WITH [Condition Overload]Only mods matter, Whipclaw Shield Gate - AFTER ABYSS OF DAGATH - 4 Forma Khora build by BigJiggy - Updated for Warframe 33. 0 The [] build. Khora Whipclaw damage . If you're in a team and not the "Host" it doesn't work on Acolytes/Captu Yeah sure, crits are great, but geneteally on an ability like whipclaw you want to use as much raw damage as possible. c. Possibly. Khora is red in whip and claw. The reason I need to look it up all the time is that every year or so I try out a statstick frame again, just to see if I like them. —Lotus Release Date: April 20th, 2018 Basically the game treats Whipclaw as a weapon and then equips it with your melee mods behind the scenes. This is a Whole separate then the strangledome builds. by gendutgesit — last updated . High chance Melee Duplicate works, although I think you lose more damage if stick with yellow crits compared to go red crits. 50m Hello. So it not healing your venari with pack leader is quite accurate and seems to be working as intended. It was about time I updated my Khora build, just in time to ignore +60% to +40% Blood Rush nerf because new build does so much damage it just doesn't matter! dexterity arcanes. Controversial. Added body count & drifting contact for combo duration. Khora build for Steel Path. Damage is distributed evenly between Impact, Puncture, and Slash. ITEM. Range is your focus with her, strength isn't as important when you're using Accumulating Whipclaw, her main DPS here. okay so i’m been pretty confused over either slash is better or cc on a stat stick for khora whipclaw the riven rn i have is slash based (“+98. Khora doesn't really need anything added to her kit, but that just means you've got more freedom to play around! Dispensary is obvious. I've been maining my beautiful Khora for almost 2 months now and running a beastmaster/whipclaw build. Copy. PC; By Laero18, February 1, 2022 in Warframes. 1 COMMENT. A single viral status doubles all subsequent damage while a single corrosive status strips 26% armor, which leads to an effective damage multiplier of 2. ; Rolling Guard: Enables you to void status Accumulating Whipclaw. 60 / 60. 1; FormaMedium; Guide. I have found through over 120 hours of Khora that her whipclaw struggles with any sort of accuracy below 150% range, which is ridiculous by itself. Refwah Hey guys and welcome to another warframe build article. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. ; Primed Surefooted: Prevents knockdowns, increases Survivability. en. Dex Pixia sets it off too, I think it's basically just Khora and Gara? Using Whipclaw will cause nearby enemies to be affected as if the ability was recast, ensnaring them as well. It also scale on melee combo, which means you should try to extend it with with This is Khora, and her deadly beast Venari. ; Overextended: Range required for Pilfering Strangledome and Ensnare. Therefore, you are too overkill for the content, everything dies too fast and you can't keep your combo up. Don't forget that you'll need a good Statstick for Whipclaw, a good Primer for Viral (like the Epitaph) and some way to abuse Shield Gating if you wanna Level Cap. 9 months ago. by General2811 — last updated . Normal exalted weapons are something like Mesa's regulators, Excaliburs blade, Titanias pistols since you can mod them directly. In my case, I have a Riven for Machette that I use as a stat-stick for Khora, given the 25% Crit of Whipclaw, I focused on a Crit chance with my Riven and Sacrificial Steel to reach around 100% crit chance, then I just go Crit damage and Elemental with Primed Fever Strike and Dual Status/Elemental mod to complete (Gas or Viral, they're pretty For Khora, you want ~200% Range and Accumulating Whipclaw. Accumulating Whipclaw is a Warframe Augment Mod for Khora 's Whipclaw that grants a stacking damage bonus to subsequent Whipclaws upon hitting at least 3 enemies in a single cast, which will decay after 10 seconds. KHORA MONGO - v2 - WHIPCLAW / STAT STICK - 3 Forma Khora build by Sir. I used to play khora a lot and used a Dual Ether stat stick. I personally prefer maximum range to save effort but tune it to Khora Whipclaw 1 Billion DPS - 3 Forma Khora Prime build by ricardo563 - Updated for Warframe 38. 12 3 0. Whipclaw stops scaling with range past 200%, so anything more than that is only going to affect Strangledome and Ensnare, and their range at 200% is already really good and if you want more coverage you can just cast them more often. 25x damage multiplier from the Combo Counter like other pseudo-exalted abilities, reaching 3. Replace mods with their Primed counterparts as you can. Khora Whipclaw Build - 5 Forma Khora Prime build by TheOsangar - Updated for Warframe 35. Riven. use Whipclaw(1) on clusters of enemies you either grouped up with Strangledome(4) or are walking around early on have Strangledome (4) up at all times in your defended area/on the Kuva Siphon use Rolling Guard to purge negative DoT effects and stay alive with shield gating by utilizing abilities upon receiving damage Khora Prime Whipclaw Build. She works together with her Kavat companion, Venari, to deal high damage and provide crowd control. Khora guide by ZeroX4. KHORA GOT BUFFED | Melee Arcanes Made HER STRONGER!-----What's good folks?!I'm here with a look at a insanely powerful nova build Without a riven, the best you'll get is orange crits. SHIELD 465 Whipclaw does damage equal to Base Damage * (1 + Damage Mods) * (1 + Elemental Mods) * (1 + Strength Mods). ,Pressure Point) Physical damage (e. (1) Whipclaw - This is your main way to kill groups of enemies. As you know, we made a change to Khora’s Whipclaw in Update 29. by Whale — last updated . This mod can be acquired by attaining the rank of General under Khora | Damage Cap Whipclaw. Quick Question: Does Steel Charge impact Khora's Whipclaw? Question/Request Need to forma her aura slot and I'm not sure if its actually useful or not, checked the wiki but couldn't find an answer. Hello, Is it still possible for Khora to hit high damage numbers or is this nerfed? Greets TARINunit9. Khora's statstick - 1000% GORE REAL BLOOD YOUR MOTHER WILL FROWN - 2 Forma Ripkas build by Qu9ibla - Updated for Warframe 31. ), with the addition of Spectrorage and it's augment [Spectrosiphon] to generate tons of energy orbs for you and your team so everyone can spam abilities. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (working on Khora will group them up with her 2 and then AoE them with her 1, which will also re-trigger her 2's pull drawing new enemies in the cloud of death, so she should be great at it. I am struggling really bad with hitting high numbers with Khora Whipclaw. I rolled a nice riven for my Prova that I'm using for Khora, but I don't really know how to mod it efficiently. com/wiki/Khora/Prime🎶Music: Atch- Freedom This means each Whipclaw hit has a guaranteed status effect, split almost to 43% chance for Viral and 40% chance for Corrosive. Khora Accumulating Whipclaw. Khora guide by Trippie. 0 VOTES. 5x. Melee Exposure is very strong, giving us 240% corrosive damage (acting as an elemental mod) on the Whipclaw. Khora Magistar Stat Stick (NEW BEST IN SLOT) WITH EXPLANATION - 6 Forma Magistar build by Big_Bwana_ Unlike the stat stick from my other build Gara Stat Stick, Khora´s Whipclaw scales with CC/CD etc. The only options that might fit would be Nourish to save a slot on Corrosive Whipclaw brute-force builds, Dispensary to give you a free Energize roll in between waves, For more information on Khora's Kavat, please refer to the tabs below and visit the Venari ability article. Q&A. 25x, removing that gives the 119. Whipclaw Augment: Hitting ? enemies will grant a ?% stacking Damage Bonus to subsequent Whipclaws. Whipclaw has an innate 25% critical chance, 200% critical multiplier, and 20% status chance. nekrosfordumb. At MR15 and 317 hours in (according to steam and i know that is nothing compared to many lol) it is basically my favorite thing ever in Every single patch feels like khora’s nerf They made gladiator mods not work on Helios so that’s a huge indirect nerf to whipclaw They also nerfed blood rush 20 percent So that’s -240% crit chance nerf Then the glad set which is 30 percent per combo making it another -360% crit nerf Khora Whipclaw Valkyr Talons Wukong Iron Staff Special note: Gara’s Shattered Lash will now scale with Melee Combo Counter, to be consistent with Khora Whipclaw and Atlas Landslide. 6. - 3 Forma Khora Prime build by dzlfps - Updated for Warframe 37. Check out Brozime’s recent build guide for a straightforward overview of Khora’s strengths. Enemies that are affected by Ensnare will receive 200% more I'm really enjoying Khora and I think her Whipclaw is a very powerful tool, but my one main issue with it is the ability's damage feels too inconsistent. Accumulating Whipclaw acts like a Power Strength mod just for Whipclaw, so with 100% Power Strength and 10 stacks of Accumulating the game will treat Whipclaw as if it had 450% Power Strength. Arcane Avenger gives a 30% additive CC buff for 8s 14% of the time when you take damage (which you will as Khora), giving you a 77% CC when it procs. Correct me if I'm wrong but. The gilded huntress and her loyal Kavat, Venari, Khora - Solo SP Interception, Defense, Excavation, Survival, and Resource Farming. Today I want to go over Khora Whip Claw Build. Whipclaw is an ability not a melee attack. So the problem is, I find that the Dome is a little too big. Artemis Bow doesn't deal Electricity damage naturally, either, but that too will trigger when modded for it. 0 COMMENTS. 0 Changes. Choosing the aura polarity for Khora isn’t as easy as it might seem. 200% is a good target for Range in order to maximize the reach Whipclaw Khora (w/ loot mods) Aura and exilus are preference, i only use them to stack double [Primed Animal Instinct] on + companion. 4 0. 5. Votes 26. ATTACK SPEED 0. t. Khora (Loot Collector with Pilfering Strangledome + Shedu farm and Venari High DMG) by ZeroX4. The 35 mainline update brought with us melee arcanes, which apply to the Whipclaw. Season with durability to taste, though I find Khora is very rarely in actual danger. ), with the addition of Spectrorage and it's augment Spectrosiphon to generate tons of energy orbs for you and your team so everyone Release Date: July 16th, 2022 Khora Prime is the Primed variant of Khora, possessing increased Armor, Energy, and Shields, as well as an additional Polarity, with Venari Prime also having That's because the spawn density on regular mission, even on full squads, is too low and Khora's whipclaw damage scaling is too high. CRITICAL MULTIPLIER 2. Open comment sort options. SPRINT SPEED 1. If the enemy is level 40 and above I have to hit them way too many times with whipclaw. And Khora's Whipclaw can leverage Critical Damage, so feel free to add mods for that as well. Arcane Fury can be triggered by an ability, like Khora's Whipclaw, but I don't know if its bonus affects the damage the ability causes. SHIELD Test Fragor for Khora Whipclaw. The mods that affect Whipclaw include: Damage (e. CRITICAL CHANCE 40%. by Rockawear — last updated . Get a riven for a high disposition weapon, I rolled for crit chance + crit damage for Dual Keres (seems to be the best melee, though if you only use whipclaw the actual melee doesnt matter at all, just that it is high in disposition) I am trying to make a Khora build and have heard that Khora has a whipclaw build that is pretty strong and equal to Saryn map wipe. 5 dmg, 191. Nekros Prime guide by Trippie. ). ENERGY 225. if a Riven mod gives 170% Melee Damage, your skill will do that extra. 3; FormaLong; Guide. First brought to my attention by @DrBorris in his Feedback thread here: Medium Ranges: The e Khora Stat Stick - Red Crits - Khora build in description - 4 Forma Jaw Sword build by Trippie - Updated for Warframe 28. I found a very good riven for the pangolin which has a high disposition so I decided use it for khora whipclaw build For now I have I simply added the most CD I could (organ shatter, gladiator might, riven) damage (primed pressure point) Weeping W and Blood rush, 2 elemental mods (1 60/60 other 120, changing them depending on enemies or which element I want) and last one Khora expends 50 energy to thrash her whip at an enemy target within 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 meters, binding it in living metal for 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 seconds. [Corrosive Projection] and anything else works, I also like to use [Peculiar Bloom] bc there will be a lot of crits with my stat stick build. Khora Statstick | Millions of damage with Khora Whipclaw | Mid - End game. Picking Corrosive Projection looks like the best choice, especially if you manage to play with a group Sample stat-stick build for 's Whipclaw that requires no polarities and can fit on any melee weapon, shown here on the Skana. 10. Navigation. Lesty-88 • For khora is good Khora Whipclaw. It features decent range for her 1 WIP Khora Whipclaw Build - 1 Forma Khora build by Sevarogue - Updated for Warframe 31. That is what I use for Khora, plenty of ways to do her, I do have zaw weapons that have good Good melee weapon for Khora? Question/Request I was trying to build her a decent melee weapon to buff her whipclaw ability, but read about all the nerfs on Organ Shatter, Gladiator mods, etc. 2) Riven Ideal Stats Khora | Pure Whipclaw DPS Endurance (Nourish) by ninjase — last updated . If it doesn't affect, Molt Augmented is better. Other Khora builds. I’m also gonna talk a little bit about some of the Khora is red in whip and claw. To quote [DE]Ruu’s post: No longer will small rocks or detailed floor geometry block Whipclaw’s explosion! Enemies that hide behind cover will not be hit by Whipclaw if you hit the front of the object that enemies are hunkering down behind. That's all you need. “Whipclaw is not affected by the equipped melee weapon's stats and innate effects, weapon-specific mods (e. 75x damage at 12x Combo Counter. Whipclaw and Landslide) Khora is a good warframe, but very far away from broken. KEY COMPONENTS Ceramic Dagger | Built as a pseudo-exalted stat stick for her 1|Whipclaw , The arcane melee exposure also carries over to said ability. I’m also gonna talk a little bit about Pretty new to Khora, pseudo-exalted weapons, and modding in general. So I just hit "1" and pray it hit something. However, there are more ways than one to whipclaw nirvana. The explosion is redirected through or around targets, deflecting off to the right of the screen. Then, you are probably not hitting enemies with whipclaw. This is my Whipclaw Khora Build, capable of high damage. 75 multiplier with it's combo counter, but does Khora - Whipclaw. 30. 3. 26x compared to no armor strip. 3; FormaShort; Guide. After research I've been seeing statsticks as well use high riven disposition on said melee along with right mods like combo multi. , Vulcan All you need to know is that you will be moving around a lot to get the enemies at all angles, but Khora got incredible abilities to pull enemies together. 205x multiplier from mods alone. Whipclaw has an innate 200% critical multiplier, 25% critical chance, and 20% status chance. it's practically a mandatory Mod for Khora, as it lets Whipclaw have ""max"" Strength even while you increase Range for all of the Abilities and push the other Stats. Votes 1. The attack will damage all enemies in the Strangledome if it hits one enemy affected by the Strangledome. 2. To my disappointment, only later on I realized it didn't activated on my Khora Whiplash and several other Warframe with similar abilities. Well, it’s actually gonna be several builds for Khora, Venari, and melee weapon. INFINITE RED CRIT WHIPS | STEEL PATH KHORA PRIME. SHIELD 465. To get the actual damage Whipclaw would deal, you'd do: INTRODUCTION. 25. by whatsup365 — last updated . I also have a statstick with my Kronen Prime. g. No blood rush on khora would cripple her whipclaw. the most desired stat for a Khora statstick riven is damage Keep in mind Whipclaw's base statistics and critical chance when selecting a weapon/riven for it. Mod Choices: Brief Respite: Increases Survivability through Shield gating. The Blood Dome (CC and bonus loot) Khora guide by Taurael. How do I survive? This build uses Shield gating through [Brief Respite], [Catalyzing Shields] and [Augur Reach], however Shield gating is not required for this to be viable in Steel path. Khora Whipclaw statstick pls dont take this away DE. Melee Exposure works on pseudo-exalted which synergizes well with Khora whipclaw spam. For the rest of your stat stick build, viral is really not very good on whipclaw. Passive - Venari gives Khora a 15% speed boost affected by Ability Strength which works out to 6% on this build. The Best Khora Builds. RIVEN DISPOSITION 1. Steel Path viable (Test Run: 2hr Sedna Survival). Votes 321. Instead Khora ★★★ 7 Accumulating Whipclaw. 5: Deimos Arcana that added a Line of Sight (LoS) check to its radial damage (AoE). so, as long as If you ask me what among those that can bypass obstacle that I feel annoying the most, I would say it is khora's whipclaw. It may be the last thing you hear. It is not good for the balance of the game, to one tap a large group of level cap enemies, more or less once a second, at almost no energy cost, even through walls ceilings and floors. and attack speed which doesn't affect the whipclaw. Reply reply More replies. ATTACK SPEED 1. Build As i melee i end up using Dragon Nikana - because i got a decent riven for it (285. Dependent on Venari to cast them, but still offering a passive, reliable Khora's Whipclaw line of sight checks are now a little more generous. Sign in. Accumulating Whipclaw is a Warframe Augment Mod for Khora's Whipclaw that grants a stacking damage bonus to subsequent Whipclaws upon hitting at least 3 enemies in a single cast, which will decay after 10 seconds. Now I'm not running an absolute top-tier setup on her (because I don't like my melee weapon being just an unusable stat stick and only ever using Zenurik all the time), so I don't expect it to do much to very high level Does the Melee Duplicate arcane apply to Khora’s whipclaw? Question/Request Archived post. KHORA - Whipclaw - Xoris. Fleeting & Khora Whipclaw. I was always fond of a spetrorage+eruption build on Khora. Khora is mostly about the Whipclaw. What you have to decide is whether you're going full on range (which pretty much means using the aug) I just made Khora this week, and was reading up on the best stat stick for the crazy cat spiderlady. 1) 35. With both Sacrificial mods, you'll sacrifice a bit of damage, but it will push you over 200% cc. Social. #warframe #tennocreate #warframebuild Watch in UHD!☑️More info on Khora Prime- https://warframe. Melee Retaliation is also very strong, giving us an additive base damage boost (similar to Spoiled Strike). Khora: Base Abilities/Dispensary/Nourish - Whipclaw - 4 Forma Khora build by F1ameBlade - Updated for Warframe 29. Crit Whipclaw (Raw Damage) for []. I have a few questions that I'm not finding in google. It dips on multipliers a bit too often. 2 0. 5 slash, -87. RANGE 2. So its like a small scratch of "nerf" that can easily Khora Whipclaw. Damage is affected by Ability Strength , the Melee Combo Whipclaw High Shield. I have one build with 265% range (or 235%, I cant remember). 9 finisher). Whipclaw will refresh the 200% range to cap Whipclaw's AOE, 175% efficiency for spamming, ~100% duration plus whatever you can spare to keep Pilfering Strangledome up, no strength mods because Whipclaw gets 350% strength from Accumulating Whipclaw. Khora ★★★ 7 Accumulating Whipclaw. But I honestly thought we were past such childish consideration when the meta was CO melee + primer (so might not use elements) and bramma/ Khora is red in whip and claw. Khora Prime guide by ChrisW. A harmony of mistress and monster. My stat stick has S. ENERGY 190. Optimal Khora Whipclaw Builds vs Armor (Graphed) Resource If you're having trouble reading the graphs I've got a plaintext summary at the end. I personally recommend a different weapon, and not mess with your current Kronen Prime setup, which likely has been modded with status chance. A pressure point, true steel, organ shatter, buzz kill (and lacking forma on it right now - an unranked rending strike). Around the second hotfix for the Jade Shadows update Khora has had a Whipclaw bug, I don't know if this is an intentional change or it's truly a bug. Now, if you use your whipclaw, it should have heavy attack stats like doubled crit chance. Account. CRITICAL CHANCE 15%. Can anyone link a build? Archived post. Obviously khora whipclaw scales so much higher than Nekros but the fast is you can just slap on a polearm and run around slicing things up and giving you loot Hello everyone I have Khora , Archon Continuity and my Melee Weapon Tenet Agendus has Primed Fever Strike (Toxin) When I use Whipclaw (1) I see it applies toxin status to the enemies but when using Archon Continuity does Price: 15 platinum | Trading Volume: 289 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Accumulating Whipclaw Reinforced Bond: Currently bugged with Venari. Best way to use is 4,2,1 4 for crowd control, 2 to latch everyone/link them together, 1 for DPS and you'll hit red crits like its nothing. For some reason, using your whipclaw doesn't update the combo counter in this state (might be a whipclaw bug too). Khora - Solo SP Interception, Defense, Excavation, Survival, and Resource Farming. ; Mystic Bond: Do works with Venari's moves (Snare, Tail Whip, and Revitalize). a year ago. 5 years ago. [Accumulating Whipclaw] and [Pilfering Strangledome] are standard augments to enable Whipclaw DPS and Strangledome looting respectively. Whether Molt Augmented does or doesn't provide more damage than Arcane Fury clearly depends on what else you have equipped. Venari | Built to synergize with this setup, everything needs is here, meaning you're free to bring whichever companion you prefer. 5 0. The gilded huntress and her loyal Kavat, Venari, dominate the battlefield with their will. HEALTH 465. Old. News; Whipclaw is a pseudoexalted melee which means all melee mods that you equip in your melee and the combo counter affect it. Khora - Steel path whipclaw - 175& efficiency | 150% range. Needless to say this is a nuisance because the goal builds for the weapon and for whipclaw are going to be different in most cases. HEALTH 465 Hello fellow Khora Mains. Recommended Posts. Average 1 million damage per hit. Whipclaw Augment: Hitting 3 The better your melee is, the stronger whipclaw will be. . Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. * Pilfering Strangledome - Helps with the process of farming. Got a few questions about how it works: 1) Do pets benefit from Pack Leader's effect if i use my Whipclaw? 2) Do melee arcanes apply to Wh as aforementioned, don't forget to use Accumulating Whipclaw. facebook. Modding them for support though is very good and its easy to keep them alive with khora. Social Media. A beautifully forged instrument of devastation. Don't forget, whipclaw uses the riven stats from your melee too, so for the best results, you should use a max disposition weapon and a really strong riven with lots of raw damage, I personally use the pangolin sword, Mire gives extra toxin damage but it's only 10%. Ensnare has a synergy with Whipclaw, where the originally-Ensnared target will propagate more chains every time it is hit with Whipclaw. With True Steel (+60% CC) you have 40% total CC and with Sacrificial Steel (+88% CC) you have 47% total CC. I welcome such additions and remove the Umbra Polarity to make room for new Galvanized mods. This is a work-in-progress build that I put together having ran a similar non-umbral build. If it affects, Arcane Fury is better. steel essence farm, arbitrations e. For instance you first multiply with damage mods which I presume are your physical damage mods, and only after multiple with elemental mods which is not how the formula works. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. I haven't ever made a post on here so I'll try to be as thorough as I can. She works together with her Kavat companion, Venari, to deal high damage and provide crowd control Bind a hapless target in living metal, entangling others who stray too close. Whilst I was devastated knowing such great mod to be released. This is my current build. Whipclaw also gains a stacking 0. Jagged Edge) Elemental damage (e. This build specifically min/maxes her [Accumulating Whipclaw] augment. Sometimes I just can't find the enemy to whipclaw. by Ketua — last updated . 0. Whipclaw's base CC is 25%. a month ago. This build can be applied to any melee weapon. So im just now understanding how good Accumulating Whipclaw is for Khora and am building her for farming resources in steelpath. APPLY CONDITIONALS. The damage is calculated this way : Base crit stats of Khora whipclaw are 25%/x2, normal Magistar incarnon adds 18% base cc and x1 cd, resulting in 43%/x3 bas4e crit stats (you have to use those for calculations not the weapon ones). 8 5 0. TLDR: Certain Warframe Abilities and Exalted weapons will reset the Melee Combo Counter only if the Xoris is being used Khora whipclaw. Since then failure to damage enemies within LoS has been reported, which we cover below in this brief overview of what changed, what we know, and next steps. Khora: Whipclaw | Damage - 5 Forma Khora build by IIInitiationnn - Updated for Warframe 27. Whipclaw works with Pack Leader, so Affects Exalted Weapons of the appropriate class. Orokin Reactor. Posted February 1, 2022. Max efficiency along with Arcane Energize to ensure you don't run out of energy at any point. 80. Khora Khora Prime guide by HairlessPersian. So now I'm not sure what to build around. I will take Khora's Whipclaw as an exemple, but it do not work this way for every ability. Im just wondering if Whipclaw works with Pilfering Strangledome, can I whip the enemies stuck in the Dome and will I First, let me just say that I think Khora's Whipclaw was brokenly overpowered and it was appropriate to nerf the ability. 5 VOTES. It benefits a lot from syndicates mod, like Jaw's augment that add 100%damage or Mire augment. Warframe: KHORA'S OVERPOWERED MILLION RED CRIT WHIP | NEWLY BUFF WHIPCLAW*****Come join us: https://www. Kavats/venari can do decent damage if you mod them fully for damage but its just slower and less convenient than whipclaw. Pilfering Strangledome is a Warframe Augment Mod for Khora that allows enemies caught in Strangledome have a chance to drop additional loot when killed. You'll be using it lots if you're doing things right. like a normal meele, that's why I build the weapon like this. So in order to mod Whipclaw, you have to mod your melee weapon as a proxy. Yet I have seen videos of Khora Prime / ULTIMATE / whipclaw. I don’t run Khora but some of the builds I’ve seen run a really high riven dispo weapon like the jaw sword and put a riven in with like +250% damage and +180% crit chance because I’m pretty sure your damage comes from your melee when using whipclaw. Use Magus Agress for more melee dmg on melee transference (whipclaw doesn't consume charges) Evo II: Either one works (just using this evo for the +100 dmg) Evo III: Also a whatever choice EVo IV: Critical parallel for +16% CC and +1x CD multiplier. You didn't need to make it more difficult to hit things with it. Graphs take into account the health multipliers of IPS and Corrosive, and the average It's the same kind of Pseudo-Exalted Ability as Shattered Lash and Whipclaw, which both don't. Overall, I would not recommend putting virals on a khora statstick. Votes 292. This is a standard Khora Whipclaw farming build for endurance survival/looting missions (e. If you have no riven, your build should look like this: BR, PPP, OS, glad might, spoiled strike, 2 elementals, drifting contact. Whipclaw propagation refresh is considered as a new instance of Ensnare, therefore it KHORA - Accumulating Whipclaw + Ensnare Umbral Build. SHIELD 370. Ultimate Endmage | Millions of damage with Whipclaw | red crits all along | DPS build - 4 Forma Khora build by DriFlex - Updated for Warframe 30. Khora Whipclaw + Pilfering Strangle Dome. [Accumulating Whipclaw] and [Pilfering WhipClaw Steel Path - 1 Forma Khora Prime build by Ejin - Updated for Warframe 32. Take a look at these Statsticks for Melee Weapons: [Venka Prime], , , Zaws (Or anything you own a fitting Riven for) [Brief Respite] may look odd as an Aura but its pretty bonkers on Spamming Frames like Venari Build Venka Statstick Example. Yes, but khora benefits from different aura mods. If you were to replace drifting contact with mire's augment in this configuration, assuming the 2 elementals are shocking touch and prime fever strike, it would net you at most ~37% dps increase - and that's (seeing we needed to have 5 formas on it for rank) if I need to kill anything with the Paracesis I know it'll do it easily using Cleaving Whirlwind stance and the combo Broken Bull (worked well on Wolf of Saturn Six) I use the mod Accumulating Whipclaw. by Gulliven — last updated . Brozime recommends building for Range and survivability. Khora's whip visually consists of a handle that resembles the Hystrix 's model, alongside living metal spikes lining the thong, spine, and fall; four claw-like extensions comprise the lash of Khora is red in whip and claw. Warframe abilities that inherit modded stats of melee weapons will also inherit Archon Shard buff (e. 60m. Allows Whipclaw to deal high crit damage with Viral/Heat as guaranteed status procs. Votes 559. The same Xoris restriction will still apply. On to the question Both Khora and hydroid require you to be bound to an area for their abilities to work. by user0925O — last updated . Khora Prime Nice lycath build. With bladed precision, she is a mistress of entrapm Don't get caught on the wrong end of a whipcrack of Khora's steel. I set up a statstick, either making a new build or seeing what I tried to cobble together last time. Shocking Touch) Conditional mods (Weeping Wounds and Blood Rush, but not Condition Overload and Healing Return) For argument sake and as a learning opportunity, let's pretend condition overload works on khora. SPRINT Also, Khoras whipclaw isnt an exalted weapon, its a pseudo-exalted weapon. Laero18. Khora's Whipclaw has some sort of aiming bug that is causing it to miss targets at close to medium ranges. Hope this helps, Khora's my top 3 frames so i Which usually isn't worth slotting for Khora anymore. a little note before we start: I Have a Nami Solo Build that I use with this Khora build, and I lightly talk about Khora in there. Overshield on reload works, but no fire rate boost. 2 years ago. Votes 0. I am a player who just started to use Khora Prime. Khora Whipclaw Whipclaw has an innate 200% critical multiplier , 25% critical chance , and 20% status chance . 6% CC”x2 for heavy attack) recently i passed up on a riven with +201 CC i don’t remember the rest but it didn’t have Khora Whipclaw Statstick - 2 Forma Kuva Shildeg build by chadlymasterson - Updated for Warframe 37. Alright, I'm slowly getting into the nitty gritty of modding, and it's great. 7. Khora: Whipclaw. Jump to content. by ubi — last updated . I assume you gonna run at least INSANE DPS WHIPCLAW KHORA! | WARFRAMEWATCH ME LIVE https://twitch. Steel but no CC Riven and I crit all the time. General gameplay is to pick a nice and cozy place to spam her Whipclaw in. if you don't have sp or just don't have them maxed yet then naramon tree will do just fine till then. Something that can happen and most players don't realize is that Dangledome counts as an object/obstacle that can block you from hitting enemies directly (which build combo counter) but still damage them due to the damage spread (to linked/trapped enemies) property of Dangledome and does not add to combo counter. Top. I don't think fury and blade charger do anything for whipclaw, but bonuses like avenger, harrow, and adarza are additive after so you would just add those bonuses to what the spreadsheet gives you added a box for these bonuses. That little bit of extra Range is lost on Whipclaw and could be better suited to more tankiness, and Accumulating Whipclaw is already a +350% Power Strength mod so anything Umbral Intensify can provide will pale in comparison. Best. 2 VOTES. Her whipclaw's hitbox already was unintuitive and cumbersome. Amphis guide by DriFlex. For example, primary buffs will affect Artemis Bow and secondary buffs will affect Balefire Charger. 2; FormaShort; Guide. Whip the enemy out of their ill-gotten gains; double credit drops on kills. Playing around with pseudo-exalted abilities, namely Khora's whipclaw right now. I've been getting into play a lot of Khora and I want build around her 1 "whipclaw". What Is The Best Damage Type For Khora’s Whipclaw? Question/Request I’ve seen build videos majorly using slash and toxin setups but I asked in game and was told corrosive, I all show decent numbers but I would like to know what the best is. com/GHSNatio So there are some issues with Khora's Whipclaw, It uses mods from your equipped melee weapon, and not all mods even do anything (speed for example, or weapon specific mods). tlxl xbawpwk lcpl qcjobo dprpb ctxyu vxtd dxsh kyfi bzerzxaz