Mcmaster mech eng course outlines. Tech) will be added to the final examination.

Mcmaster mech eng course outlines ca Office hours: Online or in-person at JHE 312 Course Topics Week Topic Course Outline . Peidong Wu Office Hours: JHE-326D by appointment peidong@mcmaster. Classification of problems in flow -induced vibrations (FIV), physical modeling and mathematical modeling of problems involving fluid-structure interaction. McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering. Room: MMRI Classroom, 230 Longwood Rd. Objectives . AUTOTECH 2CD3 Computer Aided Design 3 unit(s) Two-dimensional drafting: drawing Department of Mechanical Engineering . Please email me if you would like to see me at a particular time. Upon completion of the course, the student will be knowledgeable in the capabilities and limitations of the finite element method, and will gain COURSE OUTLINE. McMaster University . COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Winter 2022 Course Name Finite Element Analysis Course Code ENG TECH 4FA3 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures Thursdays, 18:30 – 21:20 Program Name Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Manufacturing Engineering Technology Calendar Description Matrix operation. ca khodaes@mcmaster. M. Statistical Mechanics with applications to problems originating in a modern laboratory or engineering environment. Three lectures; one term Prerequisite(s): One of CHEM ENG 3A04 (or 2A04), MATLS 3E04 or MECH ENG 3R03; and CHEM ENG 2O04 (or 3O04) or MECH ENG 3O04 Browse McMaster's Chemical Engineering courses. TIMETABLE. 20092 . Course Outline 2024-2025 ME4K03-6K03 (updated). Faculty of Engineering McMaster University September 2022 – April 2023 MECH ENG 4P03 Mechanical Engineering Composite Labs – 4 th Year COURSE OUTLINE and GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Purpose of ME 4P03 The Composite Laboratory course is designed to give students an appreciation of experimental techniques used in mechanical engineering. ca xul71@mcmaster. This course Faculty of Engineering McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA Term I (September − December | 2023) MECH ENG 2P04: STATICS & MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COURSE OUTLINE Instructor Phil KOSHY JHE 326E | ext. MECH ENG 3C03 (cross listed MAN TECH 3MF3 and PRO TECH 4MS3) Program Name . How co-op works. Gary Bone gary@mcmaster. Dr. user names for the McMaster e - mail accounts, and program affiliation may become apparent to all other students in the same course. MECH ENG 751: ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTROL SYSTEMS Winter 2025 . Office Location Course Outline 1. Books. Add Books. Tech) will be added to the final examination. ME4T03/6T03 Winter 2024 Finite Element Applications Page 2 of 6 The INSPIRE Office of Flexible Learning website is also the home for students to search and learn what courses are being offered during the Intersession, Spring and Summer terms. Engineering Mechanics . S. MECH ENG 3A03 . ca . D. CHEM ENG 2O04 C. Z. Hire our students. Flow Induced Vibrations . ca Yunsong Guo Naseem Alsadi Office Hours: guo37@mcmaster. Instructor and Contact Information . Collaborate Studying Mech Eng 4K03 Robotics at McMaster University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, practice materials, practical, summaries, mandatory assignments and (Mech Eng 4K03) Prepare your exam. Lecture 0(&+(1* 0 $ % )doo :lqwhu &rxuvh 2xwolqh 3djh ri &rxuvh ,qwhqghg /hduqlqj 2xwfrphv 8srq vxffhvvixo frpsohwlrq ri wkh frxuvh wkh vwxghqwv zloo eh h[shfwhg wr kdyh ghprqvwudwhg wkh delolw\ wr Mechanical Engineering MECHENG 4S03 Incompressible Flow Fall 2023 Instructor Information Shakirudeen Salaudeen Email: salaudes@mcmaster. MECH ENG 718: Biomass Conversion to H igh Value Products and Bioenergy Technology . Winter 2024 . Prerequisite(s): MECH ENG 2BA3, 3O04, 3F04 . 00 Course Delivery Mode: In Person Course Description: An overview of energy storage from the nanosecond scale to the Course Outline 2023-2024 ME 4ES3 TROWELLK 2023 This course focuses on internal combustion engines (ICE), including operations, thermodynamics, combustion, and characteristics of gasoline and diesel engines, as well hybrid powertrains. Any modifications will be made with an effort to minimize disruptions to student learning. COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Fall 2021 Course Name Professional Communications Course Code GENTECH 1PC3 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures C01 M 10:30-12:20 Program Name General Technology within the B. MECHENG 4T03 Spring 2024 FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATIONS Page 4 of 11 ME4T03 (2024 Spring/Summer) Lectures: Mondays & Wednesdays 7:00 – 10:00 PM (Online via MS Teams) Office Hours: Online, via Channel “Office Hour” on MS Teams – Date & Time: TBD Tutorials: Detailed step-by-step guides and pre-recorded videos available on A2L Instructor: Dr. Page 4 of 6 . Application of mechanical engineering principles to biomechanics problems including cellular MECH ENG 2C04 – Mechanical Engineering Design Project - Fall 2023 Instructor: Dr. Winter 2025 . Principles of mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, including Newton’s Laws, rotational kinematics and dynamics, torque, energy, momentum, angular momentum, and simple harmonic motion. Campbell, Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, Oxford University Press, 2005. FORUM ARCHIVE. Mechanical Engineering. Statistical Mechanics . Download the Outline. These expectations are described in DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MECH 368 /4M - Electronics for Mechanical Engineers COURSE OUTLINE (Winter 2016-2017) Session Day COURSE INSTRUCTOR:Time Room Dr. COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Fall 2021 Mechanical Engineering Design, 11. Chris Morton Office Hours: mortoc5@mcmaster. Antirequisite(s): MECHENG 4ZR3 . Design – Design Principles, Material Selection, Simple Machines Level IV Mechanical Engineering students must choose one of the following option areas and complete sufficient units of the listed required courses and technical electives. Eskandar Fereiduni Email address: fereidue@mcmaster. One of CHEM ENG 2O04 (or 3O04), ENG PHYS 3O03, ENG PHYS 3O04 or MECH ENG 3O04 Materials Science & Engineering. Wohl Lecture: Thursday, 9:30 AM-12:30 AM (start Jan 9) Email: wohlg@mcmaster. Calendar Description: Pre-Requisites: Website: Instructor: Teaching Assistants: Bridge loads and analysis for This course focuses on internal combustion engines (ICE), including operations, thermodynamics, combustion, and characteristics of gasoline and diesel engines, as well hybrid powertrains. For courses using such software, students will be expected to submit their work electronically either directly to Course Outline 1. For courses using such software, students will be expected to submit their work electronically either Faculty of Engineering . Browse McMaster's iBioMed courses. Sc. Term 2 (January – April 2025) MECH ENG 715 . Motamed * In this course, class discussion about the subject matter helps better understanding of the material. ca E-Mail: shiraeea@mcmaster. OURSE . Course Outline: ME 705, 2025 . Discover course details from biophotonics to lasers and electro-optics. COURSE INFORMATION E-Mail: mirzaa24@mcmaster. Biomechanics of Injury and Prevention cross-listed as BIOMED 715 (updated 09-July-2024) Instructor: G. 1. Peidong Wu, x20092, peidong@mcmaster. Advanced Finite Element Analysis . Eng. Three lectures, one Materials Science & Engineering. 276 ext. • Distinguish between the physical and chemical composition of biomass. philkoshy. ca geraeih@mcmaster. Del-Vecchio, Igor Araujo Sr. COMPSCI 6TE3 ChE 2O04 Outline, Winter Term 2024 Page 1 . Back to homepage; Nav: » MacInsiders Discussion - McMaster University » Mech ENG 4CC3 course outline 10-30-2018 at 10:08 McMaster University, Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 752: ADVANCED MEMS FABRICATION AND MICROFLUIDICS Course Outline: Introduction, Microfabrication and micromachining, Surface and bulk micromachining, 1. Course Outline . pdf. ca Course Outline – de Lange Page 5 of 7 The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds have equal access to education and are welcomed and treated fairly. 2 | Page . : 905-525-9140 ext. 4Z03 Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) Undergraduate Studies Winter 2023 Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION Solid modelling theory, part creation, assemblies a Course Outline 1. ca 1 hour following each lecture, JHE 307 or MS Teams Patrick Kosierb Yuandi (Eddy) Wu kosierbp@mcmaster. Electricity and Magnetism Engineering Physics 2A04 Winter Term 2022 Introduction • The course will be taught by means of lectures delivered fully in person. E-mail salaudes@mcmaster. ca Tel. CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to statistical distributions and their properties, and the statistical basis of thermodynamics at the The Course Outline Library is the repository where you can find all publicly available finished outlines. Eng, pinelld@mcmaster. 1 | Page. UTLINE. COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Fall 2021 Course Name Power Protection and Maintenance - I Course Code ENRTECH 4PM3 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures Fridays, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Program Name Power & Energy Engineering Stream, Bachelor of Technology Program Calendar Description Various power devices such as relays, circuit . Students should be aware that, when they access the electronic components of this course, private information such as first and last names, user names for the McMaster e -mail accounts, and Course Outline Page 1 of 6 MECH ENG 4Y03 Internal Combustion Engines Undergraduate Studies Fall 2023/24 yanfeng@mcmaster. Discover course details from medical robotics to image processing. INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. Course Outline - Department of Mechanical Engineering - McMaster EN. ca Harnoor to Li Mattias Shiravi Khouzani, Mechanical Engineering MECHENG 4ES3 Energy Storage Winter 2024 Instructor Information Email: mefrehm@mcmaster. 1ZA3 course outline. ca Lectures: First class Second week of Jan. MECH ENG 4K03/6K03 Fall 2024/25 Course Outline MECH ENG 4K03/6K03 Robotics Undergraduate Studies Fall 2024/25 Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on robotic fundamentals, including forward kinematics, velocities, Jacobians and s COMP ENG 2SI3 Section/s: C01 & C02 Academic Year: 2024/25 Term: Winter Page 1 of 11 . ca Li Seth to Nasir Saciotto, Victor Rossi saciottv@mcmaster. Course Web Site: via Avenue to Learn @ McMaster For old course outlines from previous years, explore our Undergraduate Course Outline Archive. dishonesty and originality (outlined below) will be strictly enforced. The minimum course requirements are four half-courses; at least three of which should be at the 700 level, and two courses must registration in any Mechanical Engineering Program Corequisite(s) Antirequisite(s) SFWRTECH 4AI3, MANTECH 4AI3 Course Specific Policies All work must be shown to get full credit. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Chemical Engineering . P. Ameer Abdelhadi <ameer. mortoc5@mcmaster. Analysis, optimization, validation and/or testing to be MECH ENG 4Y03 Fall 2024/25 Course Outline . ca alsadin@mcmaster. Page 1 of 7 . Amir Partovi (A-series labs and lectures) Dr. degree in Mechanical Engineering can be satisfied through full or part-time study. 30pm-8. The library hosts all published outlines which have been set to either “General Public” or “Campus Course Outline 1. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions MECH ENG 4Y03 Fall 2024/25 Course Outline MECH ENG 4Y03 Internal Combustion Engines Undergraduate Studies Fall 2024/25 Course Outline CALENDAR Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the theory and application of finite element methods for mechanical systems. Statistical Mechanics Undergraduate Studies Winter 2024 Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to statistical distributions and their properties, and the statistical basis of thermodynamics at the microscopic level, with applications to problems originating in a modern laboratory or engineering environment. 3462; Office hours: TuTh 11:45-12:15 LAB COORDINATOR: Tianhe Wen Mechanical Engineering News; McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering. PRE-REQUISITES AND ANTI-REQUISITES Prerequisite(s): Registration in level IV or above of any Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering program. Calendar Description: Pre-Requisites: Website: Instructor: Teaching Assistants: Bridge loads and analysis for Studying Mech Eng 4R03 Control Systems at McMaster University? On Studocu you will find 13 lecture notes, mandatory assignments, practice materials and much more for. Amir COURSE OUTLINE. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MECH 368 /4M - Electronics for Mechanical Engineers COURSE OUTLINE (Winter 2016-2017) Session Day COURSE INSTRUCTOR:Time Room Dr. Motamed: ABB-C 307 MECH ENG 718 Winter 2024 Course Outline Course Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, students should be able to: • Analyze the properties of biomass, availability, and potential. Stephen Veldhuis Office: MMRI Classroom, McMaster Innovation Park, 230 Longwood Rd. Antirequisite(s): Dr. , McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) Course Outline Posted 2023-12-11 4:59 PM Page 1 of 6 The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds have • Use the McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) on-line self-reporting McMaster University, Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 752: ADVANCED MEMS FABRICATION AND MICROFLUIDICS Course Outline: Introduction, Microfabrication and micromachining, Surface and bulk micromachining, non-conventional machining, Microfluidics, Microchannels, Microvalves, MicroMixers, Micropumps, Droplet actuation, Integrated Systems. ME4T03/6T03 Winter 2024 Finite Element Applications Page 2 of 6 Course Outline Page 1 of 6 MECH ENG 4K03/6K03 Robotics Undergraduate Studies Fall 2023/24 Course Outline As a McMaster student, you have the right to experience, and the responsibility to demonstrate, respectful and dignified interactions within all of our living, learning and working communities. Course Description The aim of this course is for students to develop an understanding of cognitive systems principles and applications in engineering. ca. CONDUCT McMaster University, Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 752: ADVANCED MEMS FABRICATION AND MICROFLUIDICS Course Outline: Introduction, Microfabrication and micromachining, Surface and bulk micromachining, non-conventional machining, Microfluidics, Microchannels, Microvalves, MicroMixers, Micropumps, Droplet actuation, Integrated Systems. Course Outline 1. ca MECH ENG 3F04 Winter 2025 Course Outline . Lectures focus on a few of the ideas and concepts, with frequent demonstrations and discussions in class. McMaster University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars are its official repository for degree, program, and course requirements, along with the rules, regulations, policies, fees, and information about financial aid and scholarships. , estimation Busting out massive matrices in the theory portion was incredibly intimidating but we were walked through them properly. Partovi: JHE-326; Dr. ENGPHYS 3SM3 . Discover course details for these areas, as well as mechatronics. Undergraduate Studies . New. Instructor: Philip KOSHY . TEACHING ASSISTANT OFFICE HOURS AND CONTACT INFORMATION. Missed test marks due to legitimate reasons (officially verified by the faculty of Engineering/B. Department of Mechanical Engineering . 26113 COURSE WEBSITE/ALTERNATE METHODS OF COMMUNICATION The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures The requirements for the M. Jim Cotton, JHE 212a, cottonjs@mcmaster. This course teaches you what the computer's doing and whether we can trust its results (Important in the field) Mech 4J03 - CFD: I'm currently taking this course and it's an incredible experience Department of Mechanical Engineering Course Outline 1. Some courses may . E-Mail: gary@mcmaster. 11:20-12:20 JHE/305 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering . Tutorials – Section 1: Wednesdays 4:30 - 6:20 PM The Faculty of Engineering is concerned with ensuring an environment that is free of all A course for engineering students. ca ext. JHE-326F, Ext. ca Class Schedule Day(s): Lectures: Tuesdays 12:30 - 2:20 PM 2. Course Objectives: To realize a fundamental understanding of the physics of metal cutting and grinding, through application of the principles of mechanics, materials, and allied Course Outline Page 1 of 7 Mechanical Engineering MECHENG 4M06 Faculty of Engineering – McMaster University – Undergraduate Studies Fall/Winter 2023/24 Course Outline Calendar/Course Description A major mechanical project including quantitative design. com Schedule Lectures: Tue, Wed, Fri | 3:30 – 4:20 | JHE 264 Tutorials: Browse McMaster's Computing & Software courses. Rangarajan, Shreenivas rangas6@mcmaster. 2DA3 Winter 2023 Course Outline Page 4 of 8 In the event of an absence for medical or other reasons, students should review and follow the Academic Regulation in the Undergraduate Calendar “Requests for Relief for Missed Academic Term Work”. Lech, Greg lechg1@mcmaster. The lecture schedules in the outlines below show the order that chapters are covered. The University rules on academic . Other Supplies Source names for the McMaster e-mail accounts, and program affiliation may become apparent to all Materials Science & Engineering. Content: Central to the course is to solve nonlinear problems in solid mechanics with finite element method. Course Name . COURSE INFORMATION . Courses. (2020-21) Course Outline 1. Amir Mechanical Engineering 2W04: Engineering Thermodynamics . You don't have any Studylists yet EP 4X03 Fall 2021 Course Outline Page 4 of 6 AUTHENTICITY / PLAGIARISM DETECTION Our course will use a web-based service (Turnitin. docx Created Date: 9/2/2024 1:52:07 PM Course Outline Posted 2023-12-11 4:59 PM Page 1 of 6 The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, As a McMaster student, you have the right to experience, and the responsibility to demonstrate, MECH ENG 4Y03 Fall 2024/25 Course Outline Page 5 of 7 A UTHENTICITY / P LAGIARISM D ETECTION Some courses may use a web-based service (Turnitin. course provides a fundamental understanding of battery modeling Unformatted text preview: MECH ENG 2B03 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS Winter 2016 Course outline Instructor: Dr. CONDUCT EXPECTATIONS . cllmcmaster. ca seyamm@mcmaster. Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) Facebook this Page (opens a Course Outline Page 1 of 6 MECH ENG 4K03/6K03 Robotics Undergraduate Studies Fall 2023/24 Course Outline As a McMaster student, you have the right to experience, and the responsibility to demonstrate, respectful and dignified interactions within all of our living, learning and working communities. Elizabeth Hassan Email: hassae3@mcmaster. Session Offered: Winter 2025 . ca See course website . C. 0. Internal Combustion Engines . Videos: 3Blue1Brown's calc playlist covers most of the material on a conceptual level. 21171 Course Information Course Format and Expectations The course is organized as follows: 0(&+ (1* 5 :lqwhu &rxuvh 2xwolqh 3djh ri d z v ] o v p ] v ] v p ðz ì ï kedzk> ^z^d d^ 8qghujudgxdwh 6wxglhv Mech. COURSE Course Name Advanced Mathematics Course Code ENG TECH 4MA3 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures Wednesday 18:30 – 21:20 Program Name Civil Engineering Infrastructure Technology / Energy Engineering Technologies / • Check the McMaster/Avenue email and course websites on a regular basis during the term. Patterson, Joseph E. ENG PHYS 709 Advanced Topics in Biophotonics (Not offered 2023-24) 3 unit(s) Qiyin Fang, Michael S. 21525 Or by appointment . Manufacturing Engineering . PRE-REQUISITES AND ANTI-REQUISITES Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in ENGPHYS 2NE3, 2QM3, and 3L04 markevis@mcmaster. 02 Demonstrate an understanding of how extracellular matrix Busting out massive matrices in the theory portion was incredibly intimidating but we were walked through them properly. Modeling and Numerical Solutions . UTHENTICITY / P. Mahalec Check the McMaster/Avenue email and course websites on a regular basis during the term. or MECHENG 2P04 and Registration in Mechanical Engineering; or permission of the department decision trees, network flow problems, graph algorithms, route planning, applications to engineering problems. You don't have any books yet. Course Outline COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS MECHENG 756 Fall 2024 Students will delve into the core principles of fluid mechanics, numerical methods, and the practical application of CFD for solving engineering challenges. Tel: (905) 525-9140 ext. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Book an event; Experiences catalogue; Career readiness and resources (Opens in new window) Research & innovation. 27044 email: veldhu@mcmaster. Page 1 of 4 . I REALLY wish I had them while I was taking the course. Students must maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4. JHE 326E | extension 27833 | koshy@mcmaster. Graduate Studies . Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) Facebook this Page (opens a Browse McMaster's Engineering Physics courses. Faculty of Engineering McMaster University September 2023 – April 2024 MECH ENG 3M03 Mechanical Engineering Composite Labs – 3rd Year COURSE OUTLINE and GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Purpose of ME 3M03 The Composite Laboratory course is designed to give students an appreciation of experimental techniques used in mechanical engineering. • Explain the various generations of biofuels. Mechanical Engineering 710 – Machine Tool Analysis Winter - 2025 Instructor: Dr. 21171 Course Information Course Format and Expectations The course is organized as follows: Course Outline & Lectures 2012. Contact Information. Once you are logged into the Course Outline Portal, you can access the library by clicking on the Course Outline Library button, located on the left side of your screen. Admission to Level II Engineering programs requires completion of all 31 units of required Engineering I courses. 10% mark is considered for contributing to class discussions during the lecture sessions. The curriculum includes the formulation of governing COURSES WITH AN ON-LINE ELEMENT McMaster is committed to an Department of Mechanical Engineering . Email: hassins@mcmaster. Course Code: CIV ENG 4Y04 . Sklad Office: JHE/209 Course website: https://avenue. Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext. Instructor Contact Information Course instructor: Dr. This course teaches you what the computer's doing and whether we can trust its results (Important in the field) Mech 4J03 - CFD: I'm currently taking this course and it's an incredible experience Course Outline . You can also just search the professor for each course and on their mac website page you can find the course outlines. yanfeng@mcmaster. INSTRUCTOR Sumanth Shankar office: JHE/102 IBEHS 4B03 / MECHENG 4BB3 / MECHENG 6BB3 (Fall/Winter 2023-24) Page 3 of 12 Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes (LO) Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: LO. COMP ENG 2SI3 . ENGPHYS 3SM3 Winter 2025 Course Outline . Department of Chemical Engineering . of Mechanical Engineering ME 4V03 THERMO-FLUIDS SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Fall 2012 OBJECTIVES/RATIONALE: The objective of the course is to integrate material learnt in prior themo-fluid courses, and to provide students with an COURSE OUTLINE 1 | P a g e COURSE INFORMATION Course Name: Instructor: Sonia Hassini Phone: x 24914 1. Discover course details from biomechanics to robotics and much more. Fall 2024/25 . ca Friday – 12:30 pm Or by appointment . 1 hour following each lecture, JHE 308A or MS Teams MECH ENG 723 Fall 2024 Course Outline Page 1 of 6 . MECH ENG 723 . Pourhajiaghashafti, A pretty smooth but quick transition from grade 12 calc. Corequisite(s) Antirequisite(s) Course Specific Policies . Collaborate Mechanical Engineering MECHENG 4S03 Incompressible Flow Fall 2023 Instructor Information Shakirudeen Salaudeen Email: salaudes@mcmaster. Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have the ability to: 1. Studying Mech Eng 4K03 Robotics at McMaster University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, practice materials, practical, summaries, mandatory assignments and (Mech Eng 4K03) Prepare your exam. W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology. 4. A. To teach the fundamental concepts in thermodynamics and the application of these Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE D Prerequisite(s): Registration in the final level of a Mechanical Engineering program INSTRUCTOR OFFICE HOURS AND CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. 27833 | koshy@mcmaster. com. Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) Registration in level IV or above of any Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering program. COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Winter 2024 Course Name Systems Modelling and Optimization Course Code SEP 773, CHEM ENG 753, MECH ENG 732 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures C01: Thursday 09:30-12:30 PM; ETB 535; V. INTRODUCTION TO FLUID MECHANICS . com Class Schedule: Please refer to MOSAIC timetable. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds have equal access to As a McMaster student Course Outline Posted 2024-04-24 12:08 PM Page 1 of 7 ME3O04 - Fluid Mechanics hamedm@mcmaster. 3. com) to reveal authenticity and ownership of student submitted work. ca I am usually available through the day for consultation; you are welcome to drop by my office. th. MECHENG 2B03/2BA3 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS 1 of 6 MECHENG 2B03/2BA3 Mechanical Engineering Measurements Syllabus for Winter 2024 Instructors: Dr. ca The information in this course outline is accurate at the time of writing but may be modified at the instructor’s discretion. Lecture Schedule: Mon, Wed | 4:00 – 5:30 | JHE-323 . ca Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM or by appointment. Summer 2024 Courses; Summer 2024 Courses. Instructor Dr. OURSE processes. J. MECHENG 4R03 – Control Systems: Browse McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering courses. It starts with the kinematics of large deformations, together with Mechanical-engineering document from McMaster University, 12 pages, MECHENG 2DA3 Winter 2024 Course Outline - de Lange MECHENG 2DA3 Mechanical Engineering Design Elements Undergraduate Studies Winter 2024 Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION Design synthesis, fundamental principles of standard design elements, mecha Course Outline Posted 2023-12-11 4:59 PM Page 1 of 6 The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds have • Use the McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) on-line self-reporting Admission to Level II Engineering programs requires completion of all 31 units of required Engineering I courses. Test 1 2017, answers. Discover course details from human-centred design to biomaterials and tissue engineering. Level IV and Level V Mechanical Engineering and Management students must choose one of the following option areas and complete sufficient units of the listed required courses View 2A04 L1 - Course Outline. ca Shadi Shahriari, shahris@mcmaster. smithna2@mcmaster. Course Outline 2024-2025 ME4K03-6K03 (updated) Practical None. INSPIRE Office of Flexible Learning. 20pm- Online • Check the McMaster/Avenue email and course websites on a regular basis during the term. Search button Menu button. 01 Calculate the static load across a simplified diarthodial joint due to applied forces and moments. Three lectures Pre-requisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above of any Mechanical Engineering program or Engineering Physics program TERM 1 CALENDAR/COURSE DESCRIPTION Mech Eng 4W03: Re-examination of laws of thermodynamics, multicomponent systems, psychrometry, air conditioning, mechanical vapour compression refrigeration, absorption refrigeration, heating and cooling load calculations, air quality and human thermal comfort. 26113 The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, cultures, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds MECHENG 4T03 Spring 2024 FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATIONS Page 4 of 11 ME4T03 (2024 Spring/Summer) Lectures: Mondays & Wednesdays 7:00 – 10:00 PM (Online via MS Teams) Office Hours: Online, via Channel “Office Hour” on MS Teams – Date & Time: TBD Tutorials: Detailed step-by-step guides and pre-recorded videos available on A2L Instructor: Dr. ca> Office: EV3. A. Salaudeen. 21525 TEACHING ASSISTANT OFFICE HOURS AND CONTACT INFORMATION Francesca Madan Hosna Geraei madanf@mcmaster. pdf from ENGPHYS 2A04 at McMaster University. ca Office Hours: Thursday’s, 1:30 – 4:30pm (in-person or MS Teams) Alternatively, send a chat message vi a Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for MECHENG 4Y03 : at McMaster University. MECH ENG 3F04 . MECH ENG 4Y03 . For courses using such software, students will be expected to submit their work electronically either directly to Turnitin. ca TBD McMaster University . Course Outline Page 1 of 6 Mechanical Engineering MECHENG 4M06 Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Project Faculty of Engineering – McMaster University – Undergraduate Studies Fall/Winter 2024/25 Course Outline The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to creating an environment in which students of all genders, MECH ENG 2P04 . The course provides a theoretical understanding of the perception‐action cycle (e. . 6. 4Z03 Winter 2023 Course Outline Mech. MECH ENG 4D03: MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ⎯ METAL REMOVAL Course Outline Instructor: Phil KOSHY JHE 326E | extension 27833 | koshy@mcmaster. 02 Demonstrate an understanding of how extracellular matrix Course Outline & Lectures 2012. Winter 2020 . S. Co-op, career & experience. Should a student need to use the McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) for an assignment or in Course Outline 1. ca Tel: 905-525-9140 Ext. com or via an This course focuses on internal combustion engines (ICE), including operations, thermodynamics, combustion, and characteristics of gasoline and diesel engines, as well hybrid powertrains. ca Tues. ca https://philkoshy. You don't have any courses yet. Attendance/Participation: Attendance for lectures is required. McMaster University General Sciences Building, Room 206 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1. Three lectures Pre-requisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above of any Mechanical Engineering program or Engineering Physics program TERM 1 For more information on course schedules and delivery method, Community Leadership at McMaster: HUMAN 3W03 – Applied Humanities: HUMAN 4W03S – Applied Humanities II: Human Behaviour. COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Fall 2021 Course Name Finite Element Analysis Course Code ENG TECH 3FE3 Date(s) and Time(s) of lectures C01- Th-5. Instructor: Dr. Trending. TIMETABLE IBEHS 4B03 / MECHENG 4BB3 / MECHENG 6BB3 (Fall/Winter 2023-24) Page 3 of 12 Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes (LO) Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: LO. Rheology of polymers, extrusion, moulding, films, fibres, and mixing. Lecture If possible, if any current 2nd year Comp Eng students could express their thoughts and ratings of the courses throughout this academic year, I (and possibly other's in a similar situation) would be very thankful for your input regarding stream selections. Courses at the McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering. 2. Lectures . Gary Bone . All programs have limited enrolment; should there be more applicants than the limiting number in any program, admission to that program will be based on the MECHENG 4BF3 Biofluid Mechanics Dr. ca/ Office hours: Friday: 13:00 Teaching Assistant s: TA email Office hour * Room 1 Saini, Pankaj sainip3@mcmaster. INSTRUCTOR . ETECTION. Another great resume-builder. g. McMaster English Language Development Office. Home; McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering; ENG PHYS 3O03, ENG PHYS 3O04 or MECH ENG 3O04 Cross-list: BIOMED 6T03/CHEM ENG 4T03. Phone . ca Class Times Course Dates: 01/08/2024 - 04/10/2024 Units: 3. Data abstraction; algorithm analysis; recursion; lists; stacks; queues; trees; searching; hashing; sorting. Microsoft Word - MechEng_4P03 Course Outline_v00-20240812-JC. Practice materials None. All programs have limited enrolment; should there be more applicants than the limiting number in any program, admission to that program will be based on the Mech. 4Z03 Winter 2022 Course Outline Page 2 of 8 T EACHING A SSISTANT O FFICE H OURS AND C ONTACT I NFORMATION Nathan Smith Vahid Khodaei Mahmoud Seyam smithna2@mcmaster. This course will be using a range of software. Instructor:Phil KOSHY. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to provide a practical introduction to several advanced methods for digital control of dynamic systems. https://www. Mech. McMaster University, Faculty of Engineering, Winter 2025 . ca Office Hours: upon request L Anwar Mirza and registration in any Mechanical Engineering Program Corequisite(s) Antirequisite(s) SFWRTECH 4AI3, MANTECH 4AI3 Course Specific McMaster University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars are its official repository for degree, program, and course requirements, along with the rules, regulations, policies, fees, and information about financial aid and scholarships. of Mechanical Engineering ME 4V03 THERMO-FLUIDS SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Fall 2012 OBJECTIVES/RATIONALE: The objective of the course is to integrate material learnt in prior themo-fluid courses, and to provide students with an. Zahra Motamed (B-series labs and lectures) Email: mecheng. COURSE INFORMATION Course Name: Bridges and Other Structural Systems . ME 2D03 Fall 2020ME 2D03 Fall 2023 Course Outline ME 2D03 Fall 2023 – Course Outline Mechanical Engineering Design Elements Instructor: Daniel Pinelli, M. ca MECH ENG 718 Winter 2025 Course Outline . measurements@gmail. MECH ENG 728: MANUFACTURING PROCESSES I Course Outline . LAGIARISM . It starts with the kinematics of large deformations, Course Outline Calendar/Course Description Working in groups, students approach an open-ended design problem, cmcdona@mcmaster. Mechanical Engineering Courses. Data Structures and Algorithms . Add Courses. G and Nisbett, K, McGraw Hill. Please refer to course website for updated information. ca https://www. The available information is Fall 2024 Course Outline . Hope this helps Edit: I took the first two on the list so if you have more McMaster University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars are its official repository for degree, program, and course requirements, along with the rules, regulations, policies, fees, Discover the best homework help resource for MECH ENG at McMaster. COURSE OBJECTIVE This course aims to provide learners with knowledge of the critical aspects of managing Li-Ion battery systems in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). Hayward, and Thomas Farrell MATLS 724 / ENG PHYS 724 / CHEM ENG 724 / MECH Prerequisite: MECH ENG 4R03, SFWR ENG 3DX3 or ECE 3CL4 and registration in any Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, or Electrical Engineering program; or permission of the department. Three lectures Pre-requisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above of any Mechanical Engineering program or Engineering Physics program TERM 1 Course Outline CALENDAR/COURSE D Prerequisite(s): Registration in the final level of a Mechanical Engineering program INSTRUCTOR OFFICE HOURS AND CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. ca Thursday – 4:00pm to 6:30pm Or by appointment Course Outline - Department of Mechanical Engineering - McMaster EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český Mechanical Engineering 2W04: Engineering Thermodynamics McMaster University, Faculty of Engineering, Winter 2012 INSTRUCTOR Dr. 905-525-9140 Ext. Please join the lectures at the scheduled time and attend the full class period. COURSE OUTLINE. Course Description This course introduces the fundamentals of materials science and behavior, emphasizing conditions characterized by large strain, high strain rates, and elevated McMaster University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars are its official repository for degree, program, and course requirements, along with the rules, regulations, mechanical and fluid power elements, component specification and optimization Course Topics: 1. The course will also cover design for additive manufacturing, applications, microstructure, mechanical properties and future trends in the AM field. Find MECH ENG study guides, notes, and practice tests for McMaster University. Tech Program Calendar Description Students will develop their written and oral communications skills with an COURSE OUTLINE. com Office: Dr. Physics 1D3 is an introduction to mechanics for students in Engineering. McMaster University Dept. use a web-based service (Turnitin. Discover how the university's wide range of courses prepares you for this exciting field. Eng, P. Session Offered . Course Code . Bachelor of Materials Science An introduction to the basic principles of polymer processing, stressing the development of models. ca (Please use your McMaster email account and include “Mech Eng 4H03” 3 unit(s) Introduction to measurement and computational techniques of surveying, the theory of measurement and errors, adjustment of observations; laboratory measurement and instrumentation with a focus on geometric profiles for road networks and construction; formal Civil Engineering drawings, interpretation, and communication of information. Edition Budynas, R. Studylists. 1ZB3 course outline . O. Fall 2024 . These expectations are described in Course Outline As of Sept 3, 2024 Page 1 of 4 ME753 – Advanced Fluid Mechanics Fall 2024 Office: JHE 203 Email: hamedm@mcmaster. Cotton, JHE 212a, ext. All programs have limited enrolment; should there be more applicants than the limiting number in any program, admission to that program will be based on the MECH ENG 4B03 Topics in Product Development – Winter 2025 Instructor: Dr. 27591 . COURSE INFORMATION Session Offered Fall 202 2 Course Name Manufacturing Engineering Course Code MECH ENG 3C03 (cross listed MAN Course Outline . Term Project: All students will be required to work on a research project individually or in a group McMaster University Help, News, Course Reviews, Online Student Community. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Skip to main content. ca Office Hours: Thursdays 2 – 3 pm, JHE 308 (sessional office) Teaching Assistants: Eddy Wu, wuy187@mcmaster. MECH ENG 4SS3 Fall 2024 Course Outline – 2024-08-16 Page 1 of 7 MECH ENG 4SS3 Smart Systems Undergraduate Studies gadsden@mcmaster. Degree options; Courses; Research. 21171. MECHENG 4Z03 . LO. Browse McMaster's Mechanical Engineering courses. COURSE OBJECTIVE The purpose of this course is to provide learners with knowledge of the criticalaspects of managing Li-Ion battery systems in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). COURSE DESCRIPTION. For more information on course schedules and delivery method, search the Spring-Summer schedule MECH ENG 4R03 Spring 2023 Course Outline Page 5 of 6 C ONDUCT E XPECTATIONS As a McMaster student, you have the right to experience, and the responsibility to demonstrate, respectful and dignified Department of Mechanical Engineering . This . Shakirudeen A. Page 1 of 8 . Office Hours: 8:30 McMaster logo. 24899, cottonjs@mcmaster. FFICIAL DESCRIPTION: Properties of fluids; Instruments for measuring and controlling fluid flow; Macroscopic balances for mass, momentum, and energy; Basic principles and design McMaster University, Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 752: ADVANCED MEMS FABRICATION AND MICROFLUIDICS Course Outline: Introduction, Microfabrication and micromachining, Surface and bulk micromachining, non-conventional machining, Microfluidics, Microchannels, Microvalves, MicroMixers, Micropumps, Droplet actuation, Integrated Systems. docx Created Date: 9/2/2024 1:52:07 PM MECH ENG 3R03 Summer 2024 Course Outline . abdelhadi@concordia. ca Department of Mechanical Engineering . 3462; Office hours: TuTh 11:45-12:15 LAB COORDINATOR: Tianhe Wen This course will primarily be delivered using practical exercises to bolster experience using CAD software that may be applied in an industrial setting. Reactive processing. Outline. effsvs aepoly ffti lidr asgp qbyj zkwsazn axw lvpqip ipuegtc