Moze 1hp build Blue tree is way stronger than green and red. 1- Full can of Whoop-ass. With this build, you want to use the “when your health is below 50%, you will deal 150% radiation damage” anoint. The former is maybe a little boring allthough good, and I like to not rely on stacks. New. 1 HP moze build with deathless 1 hp build for me. (since 1hp lol). Only healing comes from critical hits so if you're struggling hitting crits get yourself a transfusion grenade for some extra survivability. pics/92RSL. For every 3 point(s) of Charge consumed, Moze launches 1 follow-up attack to "Prey," dealing Lightning DMG equal to 80% of his [ Moze Build ] 🤖 Seem's all of them require the 4th tree and I don't have it yet. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I like a 1hp build with enough red to get Desperate Measures for Moze and Corrosive Sabot for Bear, which works for most non-Cub builds with the right class mod/relic. That said, if you want a decent understanding of how Moze works and what makes her so powerful, give my Endgame Moze 101 guide a quick read. Skag Den says it does +15% bonus fire damage UnHoly Moze is back this time at level 60. 0” Build – Borderlands 3. Any other Builds also appreciated :) Moze shield build [ Suggestions ] 💡 The Transformer is an entirely acceptable and also common shield for a 1hp build. MOZE BUILD. For this build you will need a deathless artifact and a bloodletter class mod. Increased Iron Giving 'em the old switcheroo. 1; 2; 3; Other Vault First video in awhile & it's Borderlands 3! :D ENJOY!! If you want to make a viable Monarch build with Moze, either ditch the 1HP and that anointment and use a Sapper class mod or use a Mind Sweeper class mod with Vampyr. Moze is easy to build Introduction. I have a Flakker and she destroys everything with it. The ward shield has a bugged interaction when you break it repeatedly with a bloodletter mod in which the depleted bonuses stack, allowing for a messy amount of damage on the face puncher shotgun. Why does my 1hp build have such a slow shield recharge? This could be caused by 2 factors. this build Heya Buddies, Revenge of the Cartels (2) Event just came out and just like many others I Immediately farmed the OPQ System Legendary as soon as I could but I I'm running a mind sweeper build as well and I'm pretty happy with it: light-show pistol, the blanc, complex root, kaosan, o. Its the backbone of 90% of Moze builds. I really only hop into IB during raid boss fights when I want to avoid FFYL. Read on for the only Moze build you’ll ever need. 1 hp with Flakkers. 250k base shield. So 1hp all the time is perfect for that build. Weapons: Slot 1: Lucian’s Call (World Drop) Slot 2: Lyuda (World Drop or Complete Zer0’s bounties) Slot 3: Preference Slot 4: Preference Weapons are mostly preference. I tried replicating the 1hp Moze, but am unsure of what Artifacts and shields to use appart from the Bloodletter. The Splash Master build for Moze focuses on splash damage. I'm using a Class Mod that gives +2 Thin Red Line, +2 Click, click and +1 Desperate Measures. Rushin’ Offensive vs. The benefits outweigh the downsides significantly. Im using a 1hp Im doing pretty much the same with moze. LOADOUT SKILL TREE I'm running a similar build and I freaking love to play Moze with 1HP. Hopped on Mayhem 4 (Lorelei quest) and been struggling with Moze. Desperate Measures alone gives me a permanent +67% weapon dmg. In 4 there's just so many enemies on the xlscreen you're way more likely to get health gated which means one shot if you have 1hp. Quel est le meilleur build pour Moze dans Borderlands 3 ? Moze dispose d'arbres de Started playing the game again after a month break. Full Can of Whoop-Ass now provides a way to recover shields without relying on using the Transformer and shock damage, for better build diversity and Survivability. Another method is to use the Double Downer Shield if you have the Resilient guardian perk Moze 1 hp build vs ??? Topic Archived; Product Deals. Scorching RPM's also grants increased Hard Point damage by 5% per level. Actualiser. Vampyr - When Iron Bear deals area damage, Iron Bear receives half the healing bonus. anyway spec all the way down green tree to get the ammo regen capstone so that you can take full advantage of the blast master class mod. The Only Winner (4 Stars) HP: 42-953. They don’t synergize. Up to 600k shield. No issues with him Bottomless mag: 5/5 matched set, 5/5 scrappy, 2/3 stake of embers, 1/1 redistribution, 5/5 scorching rpm, 5/5 iron bank, 3/3 click click, forge Some of these reasons will apply to Moze in general, however, and I hear splash Moze is quite good atm) Moze finally has lifesteal: Zane and Amara sustain on perma lifesteal with a 14-20k health pool beneath their shields. Open comment sort options. Anyways, i was wondering what do you guys think is a good build for Moze, any ideas or tips will be great and well receive. Reply reply Legit_Merk • while deathless is the best artifact imo unless its a snowdrift deathless or a elemental projector deathless with good rolls its not "thee" best Get down to Short fuse in her Blue tree. Now you need just two legendaries to make this work: -big boom blaster shield -an anointed artifact that reserves all but 1 hp and doubles your shield value. Reply reply Alors retour de force et défense tenace sont complètement inutiles(défense tenace ne fonctionne pas avec le build 1hp,et retour de force c'est la même compétence que celle qu'il y a dans l My level 57 moze build. Nothing world changing but if you already there is a build (for 2 more days, nerfed with the patch) that lets you live with 1hp and 0 es :D stacks 100% ele resist and 100% phys to ele convertion via flasks and gear Reply reply It is the only reliable heal option if bloodletter is used in a red + green build. Front Loader, Transformer, Re-router. You are still going to do beautiful amounts of damage and lighting people on fire, but you will also be focusing more on survival and using Iron Bear as opposed to the “kill em to they’re dead” Moze build above. Thanks to Arekkz Gaming for the build! Below is a link to his guide. Anybody got a build including weapons,shields,mods etc that Also 5s immunity is useless on the 1HP build because as soon as your shield breaks you’re downed instead of getting the immunity. Take a look at this insane splash dmg build. In fact a rely good shield. My Class mod takes me to 1hp (5/3 Thin Red Line), and I'd rather have the 183% Elemental dmg. When using the skill Attack of the Nimble Feathers Moze deals 75-187. Shottys so op, cant find a gun even close to that dmg. If you use a 1 HP build, it's worthless. A Shadow Guard of the Yaoqing, Moze is taciturn and solitary, always acting on his own. Today we look into the Flare and why it is SO strong on Moze!Social Media:https Moze . Lyuda: Essentially a minigun with sniper damage in the hands of Moze. Combine with a frontloader or a transformer, a deathless relic and You basically never die. Grenade: multi-hitting grenades At first glance, Moze, the soldier of Borderlands 3’s roster of playable Vault Hunters, seems rather mundane. You do not need to do this build infact each tree of each character should have a build like this to exploit, they "fixed" the Testing out Moze 1HP build Today we are going to be taking a look at the best build for Moze in Borderlands 3. This is my standard infinite ammo build for this setup, with a good balance of damage and Iron Bear for when you need it. See All. My opinion is the 1hp builds aren't super great in higher mayhem. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone running it on that character as it’s more geared for a Moze build. Iron Bear now launches barrels when the player melees them. My Moze Build at 37 has so much splash Synergizes well with a Deathless for extra shields in a 1hp build, and lets you use a Blast Master or Mind Sweeper and still get a base damage boost from Desperate Measures. I'm not lvl 50 yet, but this is what I'm going for: Build. Khám phá hướng dẫn này để tìm hiểu cách build Moze tối ưu nhất, bao gồm đội hình, nón ánh sáng, di vật, nguyên liệu và bộ kỹ năng! Explanation: Quite weak strikes that, if the rotation is built correctly, won't even be used by Motse. Auto Bear will do a ton of supplementary damage with this setup, or just use Iron Cub with a minigun and let it Moxsy’s mighty Moze build had the best mobbing and bossing potential. Tenacious Defense now provides a 1 second invulnerability window, allowing it to properly work with 1hp Moze builds. Just make sure you have vampyr proccing. Page suivante Fin. 3- Thin red line. (Note: If you use a Front Loader, Moze loves the splash on crit and the ammo refund. You can use this Moze build in group content as Moze build tips? BL3 - Moze So if I understand my skill trees properly the two main routes you can take with Moze is a combo of bottomless mags and shield of retribution or demolition woman paired with shield of retribution and in both cases the This build used as a base the all mighty moze 2. A 1hp build paired with a Free Radical/Plasma Coil/Back burner/Light show destroys everything within seconds. for guns, a good tourge shotgun's fantastic, want something with like 4+ pellets, with 3+ shots, in sticky mode, for pretty good devastation (the stickies have a multiplicative effect, so landing several SOR has tons of survivability and gun damage boosts: the 1 hp and up to 100k shields build is very powerful, especially with multihit grenades and vampyr with the com that makes all healing = shield gains And mindsweeper moze is a great all-around build as long as you can hit crits consistently. 5% damage, applies the Victim status to one, and gains 9 stacks of talent. PSN: Houndoom9. 0 is a powerful Moze Build by Ki11erSix that works on Level 72 + Mayhem 10 & 11. The deathless also leaves you with one health point which works well with her ‘desperate measure’ passive ability because you do more damage when on lower health. I'm running a 1 hp build and have a stop-gap shield equipped. All I'm seeing is either Sapper-based or Splashmaster-based, and personally I enjoy Moze's red tree the most. I keep changing between bottomless mags (green+blue) and 1hp (red+blue) builds and cant decide what I like best. However if Moze Build Mozerker 8. 1 Health" build. Did Moze get a new class mod as well? I see that all the rage now is the new Amara class mod. Début Page précedente. Her Iron Bear mech is a force to be reckoned with, and if you want to boost its damage and survivability substantially, while also doing a lot of incendiary damage, this is the perfect way to level up Moze for early game. Get a Transformer Shield and a Hex electric grenade, with 1 hp moze and tons of shields you become [ Moze Build ] 🤖 I'm back to the game after not playing for one year, you can will everything with any gun with moze but I want to know like what's the best guns for Moze nowadays and just in general gear for her, and the best rolls for each gear. My moze has base 60k shields. Bloodletter/Deathless is my favorite Moze build by far. Desperate Measures is such a small boost that its not worth the downside of having 1 HP. Since Moze is always at 1 HP, she always gets the bonuses. 1 2. It's excellent. Im currently looking for a good turtle shield, or a legendary variant of some sorts. pics/92RRV Orange Skill Tree: https://paste. A mindsweeper build is the damage king for on foot builds, but youll kill yourself quite often so its not so practical in mobbing. FL4K BUILDS Moze “FIRE HOZE MOZE” Build – LVL 72 – Borderlands 3. 98 new $17. The moment he Hi everyone, Been playing moze for awhile and absolutely loved using iron bear grenade with all my points in the blue skill tree. My Iron Bear is quite powerful and can go on forever, but still I feel underwhelmed. I'm looking for a way to make Moze not so squishy. c Madcap, Deathless and Blood letter Moze Build Guide. If you combine it with at least 2 points in thin red line youll always be at 1hp even without a deathless (though deathless will majorly buff your shields) This is the Moze build for all of you out there that like solo/leveling as Moze. Moze has major sustain issues on her own, but certain gear can help alleviate this. Open comment sort options At 5 points, that's 100% of your health converted (minus 1 HP, because it won't kill you). Once you get 3+ points in that skill, it's pretty much only good if you're going for a deathless bloodletter build, as you can no longer go above 50% health to prevent getting oneshot. Fun Moze build Snowshoe + Spark Plup + Bloodletter. Flare Bear Moze is a powerful Moze Build by Moxsy It’s kinda an update on his “Baby Boomer Moze” Build, which was a level 65 build, however, Flare Bear Moze I'm looking for a good moze build that will be able to survive anything that tvhm m3 will throw at it Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming comments sorted by As everyone else is saying, the best build is the deathless 1 hp full shields build, which you'll need a lot of legendaries for, so good luck on the Yep, this is the same thing I've experienced. There’s also the Big Boom Blaster which is great for Moze, especially true if using grenades to proc Vampyr. Blue Skill Tree: https://paste. I would just youtube moze 1hp build it should come up. See more posts like this in r/borderlands3 Moze's final skill in Shield of Retribution, Tenacious Defense, doesn't work with the "50,000+ Shield, 1 Health" build. With a 1 hp build and no Bloodletter class mod, you need a way to heal up in dire situations. Try this build, I find myself Wotan the Invincible is the final boss of the Borderlands 3 raid mission „Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite”. After allies attack "Prey," Moze will additionally deal 1 instance of Lightning Additional DMG equal to 15% of his ATK and consumes 1 point of Charge. For those wanting to run Mayhem 3 never wanting to be knocked down while dealing insane damage, this here is a build for you! Be warned, this can quickly suck the fun out of the game, and cause FPS Try the re-router with a scourge or hive. If your running a 1hp build the front end loader is good. Nouveau sujet Liste des sujets. You should take the other shield boosting skills as well, but this is the foundation. Use Iron Cub with Moze bear cub build . [ Moze Build ] 🤖 Share Add a Comment. Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming comments sorted by Have you tried the build without a 1hp build? It seems like it could be a bit more tanky and the only thing low hp provides This is a build built specifically for Endgame Moze. And they all have different strengths. Putting lifesteal on BL Moze, with an effective pool 2-6x that size was potentially game breaking, so the developers as 2 Guns and grenade. Attack Power: 22-476. The damage cap only applies to single instances of damage though so if you have multiple projectiles, fish or bear paw or something similar you can get around the cap, but you can never do more than 10mil damage in one instance. But there's different variations (rolls). Open comment sort options That's a Moze build based on the demolition woman tree with bearly any points in any other tree that allows for insane survivability and nearly endless mags (yes, without the bottomless mags tree) while also dishing a ton of AOE damage. $23. The only problem is the visual pollution Moze tends to create makes critting Deathless Moze gets insane with the right anoints, and the fact that all the benefits keep stacking even when you're below 1 hp. Borderlands 3 - Moze 1hp build - Fast Graveward 1 HP Moze build without the legendary relicthought it was cool because I thought I would have to grind more, nope! Got the class mod off the final boss. More posts you may like. Deathless Fl4k has 1 HP meaning shared spirit is always active, and combined with hive mind means 65% of the damage you would take (after mitigations) goes to your pet. And as for this guide we shall discuss about my lvl-1 char that i use for doing "Guild Maze". . GameStop. https://www. How'd you get down to 1hp? The Grave artifact? Moze “FIRE HOZE MOZE” Build – LVL 72 – Borderlands 3. Thanks to Killer6ix’s World Destroyer Fl4k build. 3 posts, 1/1 3:35AM. Defense: 15-331. Répondre. Im using the MIRV HEX homing nades that split like a mother*****. r/borderlands3 • Loot The Universe (Sept 21 - 28) Loot Moze is definitely awesome, especially when you get this build going! Reliant on a few pieces of gear, Moze can jump into a crowd of mobs and wreck face! pew Been trying out 1hp moze with a sir/demo build but I don’t use grenades that much or have a flakker. Here is the build in action: I have been using a urad 1 HP bloodletter deathless moze build practically since launch and its my favorite build so far. Hey guys, i’m trying to create a bear cub build. Torgue Cross-Promotion now boosts splash damage as well as radius. I was literally using this with the westergun and alchemist the past few days both and both those guns just got big buffs. Enables the whole build, as such it's required. I’m literally at 1 hp constantly because i also have the SoR legendary classmod, which reserves more health to add to my shield. Moze “Mozerker 7. Absolutely insane DPS build PLAYSTYLE. I’m not the biggest fan of her demolition woman or full iron bear builds. Also using the hex grenade and the vampyr perk that allows healing off of Heya, I am currently trying to build a Moze, am max level and have beaten the maliwan takedown with some random stuff, But i want to ask you what kinda Builds You‘d reccomend. This build has gone through a TON of work from myself constantly tweaking my Moze build. 5- Vladof Ingenuity. It was originally called the "205% gun damage Moze" build and it focused solely on shields and constant buffs. Reply reply nps2407 • Moze is a lot of fun, especially for the "dakka dakka dakka" playstyle. Last Stand Victory Rush Trading. Eternal Flame class mod grants a 15% chance to reset your action skill, each time you ignite an enemy. snowboarderkid6 5 years ago #2. Looking tryout a 1hp build that uses bottomless mags. The only use I got out 1hp build, fire moze build etc and etc, it ill make no sense to post this since you can find literally anywhere. Moze is the 4★ Lightning-Type crow-feather weirdo in Honkai: Star Rail following the Path of The Hunt who marks an enemy as “Prey,” provides Follow-up ATK Vulnerability, and contributes single-target follow-up attacks of Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide. That combo is great in the slaughter events. New comments cannot be posted. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies This is a build for Moze that basically gives you super high damage and super tough shields by exploiting the combination of Brawler Ward shield and Bloodletter class mod (with the Ideas are bulletproof perk). Edit : But you are right that all shield break effects should work with the 1HP build, especially the red tree capstone since the whole point of the red tree is low hp, high shield. Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming Yeah, like the shield break/fill anointment, or many other things, the wording is very specific. Q&A. Here are the skills for gear: The duc The Boomer Laser-sploder The Flakker The transformer shield The storm front Grenade mod Honor guard enhanced bloodletter classmod And the deathless relic Which drop constantly because you are at 1 hp Reply 14 votes, 34 comments. And pretty good survivability. Is just a pretty basic and functional build for people start MH11. There are better builds out there, but I already had a good Deathless artifact, Bloodletter mod & Transformer shield that I had just sitting in my bank waiting to be used. youtube. 1- Security Bear. This hits peak absurdity at 20th level where the capstone gives you infinite use of wildshape. In a simmer build I like 2 call the 60%hp. If you turn yourself into a mammoth that's 100 something HP per round that you can shrug off About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Press Copyright Contact us Creators rediteer342 linked you the community build doc. It is actually based on Moze's health not Iron Bear's, so a 1HP build works very well with the Railguns. Let's GEAR. class item and relic that drop your health to 1 hp and allow all healing to heal shields. Moze is stronger than ever ! This build is full of damage , and splash carnage , and a ton of survivability! I go The Deathless artifact gives you 1 HP at all times, but it doubles your shield size and increases your regen rate and reduces your shield delay. It doesn't do that, it activates too What are the best moze class mods (no dlc)? [ Question ] Share Add a Comment. There isn't a lot of complexity to the skill trees. Items: Bulletstorm Moze is an evolution of the standard Bottomless Mags build that rose in popularity after Means of Destruction nerf. Take all skills with bonus gun damage and fire damage. This build focuses entirely around getting a huge shield and damage. 4 posts, 1/8 11:23AM. But yeah its the items that make the build. No Nerfs PLZ The build is kinda specific as the guns that are good need the annointments that boost elemental damage after action end or Moze's exiting the iron bear. Druids, on the other hand, can survive more damage in a given day by being able to turn into things. Blast master is by far her best com. com/watch?v=oZDOp_X2-wUEnjoy!Borderlands 3https://store. Fire Hoze Moze is back and reworked for Version 2! This build puts out silly damage and is incredible versatile with whatever weapon you want to use! Join th At any given moment, this build will have the most HP. I’m still struggling with Maliwan - anybody recommend a non chucking build for Moze that uses the deathless artifact, transformer shield & green monster (+3 click click) ? Hey, question is pretty much in the title, I've been wondering if there is any really good Deathless (1hp) build for Moze at absolute endgame. xWeiisy MP. It says 5 seconds immun against every dmg when shield breaks. Add a super soldier shield for fun. Anyone still do the 1hp/super high shield build for moze? I just got back into the game Running deathless changes A LOT and honestly if you are going for a mindsweeper build then its not worth losing health gate and healing. Im running 1hp moze with bloodletter, frontloader, cutpurse deathless, recursion and Moze has more synergies with this build (mag size increase, splash damage, grenade damage), but Tediore shotguns + cutpurse artifact + Transformer works with anyone. As an expert in intelligence services and other operations that must remain covert, Moze rarely shows himself before others. Fun fact: Raging Bear IB damage caps at 50%. Depending on what skill points are on it, you can build up any tree you want with it. On mayhem 10, if you're below health gate, you'll die before it triggers most of the time anyway. If you enjoyed the video, don't For my moze I use the transformer with a deathless legendary artifact because it gives you plus 100% shield capacity. I'd possibly swap to a Front Loader if I could get one, but the deciding factor is probably what annointments they roll. The description states that the shield should instantly recharge to 40% after it breaks with the skill reset after the shield fully recharges. Moxzy has a fine tutorial. You dont need to spam grenades with that build if u dont want to ive started just using my grenades as a shield replenishment/oh s*** button The other perks just increase shield capabilities and such. Definitely check out the video above. Imo, Bloodletter covers most of the worthwhile red tree skills anyways. EDITED MY BUILD!! My Moze now uses these perks: ORANGE TREE (railgun) 5- Armoured Infantry. q system and the pea-shooter really do good damage with it. Sit back far enough to hit that "sweet spot" where the bullet spread splits into 3 with each hitting there's a particularly nice tanky explosives build i like where you've got like 1 hp but like 200%+ shields an artifact that decreases hp but increases shields (there's like three of these effects - health's not dropping anymore but the shield's boosted well past 200%) and a class mod that converts health gains to shield (with 1 hp you drop Everything that I use in this video can be improve with better states and better equipment for Moze What build is better for moze, the infinite nades or the 1hp moze? Or a build that’s even better than those if so. Moze is the closest thing to Gaige from Borderlands 2. 1- Experimental munitions. +20% weapon dmg under 20% health and +15% splash dmg under 5% health). In most squads with a classic allied build, the Shadow Guardian's base speed should be enough, taking into account the additional trace for the action advancement, but Moze Additional comment actions This weapon with a shields of retribution and some into the green tree and this thing absolutely melts especially if it hits crits. As for the other gear, I am using the ghast call grenade, marksman class mod, transformer and a deathless artifact. For Moze, it applies to Big Surplus and Fire in the Skag Den, which is arguably the single most overpowered skill in Borderlands history. Sort by: Best. She has a very offensive playstyle, and you’ll want to keep using the Iron Bear to wreak havoc across #Borderlands3 #Moze #Best #Flare Hey folks! New year, new updated build here. Thanks for the advice! Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Some #Borderlands3 #BL3 #BorderlandsHere's an insane Moze build that'll have you one shoting enemies in no time, even in Mayhem 3. Each Moze build is different and we will be covering leveling, raiding, and solo builds for Moze. Embracing the adage "the best defense is a good offense" the following build offers little in terms of survivability, in exchange for the ability to melt bosses in a handful of seconds, at worst. I know it has been asked alot of time, but can some tell me what´s best M4 build and/or whats tediore build and so on? I´ve played the granade build Madcap and 1hp build! Ok. However now that I've been in endgame for awhile, I have switched to the 1hp deathless build which is nice but I feel too squishy (even with the transformer). Combining shock splash damage with the Transformer shield is the most effective method, especially given that all your health is shields and the Blast Master class mod boosts splash damage the longer we go without reloading. 0 build from moxsy If you can get a +2 TRL and +3 DM Bloodletter then you don't have to run deathless for 1 HP (to get the most out of Desperate Measures I assume). It was shown on AdmiralBahroo's stream earlier, though I'm not sure where he got it from. The skill Tenacious Defense is broken for a 1 HP Moze build. Controversial. Reply reply By heavily investing in the Bottomless Mags tree, this build coupled with specific Vladof and Maliwan weapons provide the fastest boss killing potential since Porcelain Pipe Bomb nerf. You'll need a Bloodletter COM, Deathless artifact, and a multi-hitting grenade BTW moze is very good using 1hp builds, the 1 hp artifacts that makes your shields double and using the transformer shield is amazing, you can regenrate your own shield by shooting at your feets with an electric splash Bloodletter with +2 Thin Red Line allows you to get to 5/3 points, which gets you to 1 hp without Deathless or Front Loader. I'm a level 50 Moze and I'm built heavily into the "max shield with 1 HP" build (no idea what Can someone give me a link to a fun Moze build that works well with the most recent DLC's? You want all your weapons to have the <50 HP/+150% radiation damage anoint since it's always procced on a 1HP Moze (despite needing to watch out for enemies with shock or radiation weapons, you should have well over 100k shields despite the 1HP, which SRSLY THIS IS A GAH DAMN TANKY ONE SHOT EVERYTHING BUILD and you can find way better items than I've used. I finally beat it solo. Deathless says it "reserves all but 1 health", so it works, the loaded dice "reduce maximum health by 75%" (may have the wording slightly wrong, Here is the best Moze build in Bordrelands 3, the immortal grenade-thrower. It's possibly the most powerful way to play the game with any character. Is the 1 hp bottomless mags build still a good build to use. I am Finally super duper happy with a Moze build! Shout outs go out to all the other Amazing Moze build Here's how it works. An extra +3 Desperate Measures from a Bloodletter class mod is very close to 50% IB damage and doesn't need to stack. Sheriff Amara Build Guide. Thin red line is the skill that makes front loader and the deathless artifact obsolete on Moze. I have increased time and damage with my Bear and every kill I get with the rockets, I [ Moze Build ] 🤖 I currently have an artifact that reserves only 1 HP, while I have the +50 gun damage when health is low skill. If you want to play at 1hp you can grab desperate messures in red. It reserves 60% of your health to increase its capacity. No 4th skill tree required. Blast master. The first could be if you’re using a Bloodletter class mod. My Moze Build at 37 has so much splash damage my pistol kills me. Sujet : Ou loot les items du build Moze 1HP. Sort by: Bloodletter is the bread and butter of a 1hp build. Yay!Footage recorded du EDIT: Kaoson is a Mayhem 6+ drop not a Mayhem 4 drop. The Deathless artifact gives you 1 HP at all times, but it doubles your shield size and increases your regen rate When "Prey" exists on the field, Moze will enter the Departed state. Leveraging the ammo regeneration/capacity Bottomless Mags' Redistribution and Rushin' Offensive synergizes very well with Bloodletter, while the Demolition Woman is almost a must pick for any Moze build. You would generally run a Transformer with this build, so you are Moze là nhân vật 4 sao hệ Lôi thuộc vận mệnh Săn Bắn trong Honkai: Star Rail. A build that has Short Fuse has the Hello yet again. Posted by u/REmaster1989 - 1 vote and 4 comments Image of Talents and Gear for 21/21/6 Moze 1HP. p. There are some Now it's not a bad shield. It's supposed to instantly refill 40% of your shield when it breaks. Moze immortal build is fantastic for farming legendaries at slaughter-shaft. (anointments nd sht) to maximise this insane 160k armor/1 hp build + rlly insane one hit splash dmg. I've had a few requests for this build, figured I'd post it. 3- Behind the Iron Why do they "need to fix"? This is a story game not a PvP game like destiny, CoD, and Battlefield. Mostly use the plaguebearer and plasma coil If my Moze build only has 1 HP, does that mean Tenacious defense and Stop-Gap won't work as I will likely die beforehand? All the results I googled were 3-4 months old and wanted to see if the information was still current? #Borderlands3 #BL3 #BorderlandsHere's an insane Moze build that'll have you one shoting enemies in no time, even in Mayhem 3. Pretty tanky build overall with great DPS. Reply reply East-Specialist-4847 • Moze 1hp build Reply reply Posted by u/iceman5O69 - 2 votes and 9 comments. 1hp builds are popular and people still use them [Coop] Help with Moze Build? BL3 - Moze which will work great with having 1 hp/grenades restoring like 20% health/foe hit sort of thing. Which is a blast master build that goes all the way down red for the capstone 6 points in green for redistribution and 16 points in demo for 1 point in vampyr Looking for the best 1 hp moze build, I just started playing again since I just got my ps5 and switch. For this build, you’ll be focusing on the Bottomless Mags (Green) and Demolition Woman (Blue) skill trees. 5- Drowning in Brass. Deathless Relic: This is what gets you to 1HP and makes your shield double in size, while also buffing recharge rate and delay. Whole screen with be with nade crits/hp steal that goes to shield with mod. If the shadow guardian is the only one of all allies on the field who can fight, he cannot activate this skill. Share Add a Comment. If anyone could point me to a video or could share their build with me, I would be very thankful! Hard to say what the strongest is, Moze is so powerful it doesnt actually matter. It will explain the basics of setting up your build, and should allow you to use pretty much whatever you want. You will be running the Deathless artifact to here’s a build that’s a little more in depth about a 1 HP build. Full Auto x 2 Cryo Kaoson Trading. Best. Instead of putting points into the blue tree for vampyre I like to use the transformer shield with my deathless Moze build, and the 50/150 anointment shreds on select weapons. Niveau 7 I use blast master class which gives you up to double splash damage the longer you go without reloading. Any additional points won't give you any more shields. Search YT or the build subreddit list for Moze Splash builds. Top. I go with a deathless 1hp build using a transformer shield and using a shock weapon with splash(lob) to boost the shield. Amazon. Today we will only focus on the build so other stuff regarding " Guild Maze" will not be discussed in the post. The use of the word instantly implies that the shield should recharge and excess damage would be taken from the restored 40%. Old. As usual. 1; 2; 3; Other Vault Today we are going to be discussing the best Moze builds for Borderlands 3. playstation. Also, if you don't use Cub for damage/Killing things then I'd take out the point from Specialist Bear and put it into Tenacious I hit 35K on Zane and my friend on Moze has over 40K Frontloader shield reserves 60% of your health as extra shield capacity + Relic that lowers your health to 1 but gives double shield = Stack together for utter lulz and lose nothing for Frontloader because you only have 1 health to begin with, then spec out of health regen because why bother Typically Weapon Type is better for Moze, however, due to the use of 300/90 we actually have a v2 overload, so Weapon Type would offer nearly nothing. Just about any 1 HP build for Moze results in a lot of damage, survivability, and no need to rely on the 4th skill tree. With Phalanx Doctrine up at 7 stacks it's very easy to be well over 200k shields for brief intervals, and be doing massive stacking damage. Why the hell get I down Nous allons ici vous détailler le meilleur build selon nous sur Moze et les raisons de ce choix. Right off the bat, stop gap doesn't work with 1hp build. SKILLS. Moze has a skill in her red tree that converts 60% of her max hp into shields. Note that 2 point in that skill is almost always good. If you enjoyed the video, don't I've copied this build but still have like 2500 hp. Reply hashtagnerdgame All Mighty Moze is back! To download the savefile join the discord and download the save from the Save file PC only Section!Get Your Merch and Support the Da Look up blast master moze/splash damage moze on youtube Your build should be-Hex or any variety preferably cloning or recurring-flacker pref c***y I beleive-laser sploder but i don't think the relic that reserves all but 1 hp would help with this idea, as i think it reduces your max hp to one, also (meaning you can't heal via vampyr anymore Moze has a build that deals very much damage the lower health she has. With four (4) different Action Skill Trees to pick from – namely Bottomless Mags, Shields of Retribution, Demolition Woman, and Bear Mother Today I show you the best Moze build in Borderlands 3! If you enjoyed feel free to subscribe and leave a nice comment!#borderlands #borderlands3 #bl3 Since Moze is most effective in boss fights, activating the passive completely is not difficult. So i constanlty have 83% dmg bonus due to missing health as well as a stacking damage bonus after kills ehich puts me to 143% bonus damage from sheild of retribution alone. Locked post. Now that the game has been out for awhile ive been able to work a bunch of stuff out and have come up with what I believe to be the absolute best Bloodletter/Deathless is my favorite Moze build by far. 06 used. Yeah the deathless is vital for the 1HP moze build. You'll die before it triggers. Compared to characters that can summon animals, clones, Hey guys, first time really diving deep into BL forums. 99 used More Topics from this Board. Theres also a billion build guides for whats realistically like 20 or 30 builds. General Use: Run around throwing Mirv This is the build I use. Of course there’s the Transformer Shock healing method. Moze “Mozerker 6. $9. jkhli ugwo kznakffd pitrgnr qkcsqr vqzq tdig jjcttg obal tisqsed