Niagara region garbage complaints. Items can be placed out the night before after 5 p.
Niagara region garbage complaints 7268. , Pelham, ON, Pelham May 1, 2024 Ta2 You Infection Control Report a Disease to Public Health (for Health Care Professionals) These diseases must be reported to the Medical Officer of Health under Ontario Regulation 135/18 and amendments of the Health Protection and Promotion Act. The following changes to the fee rates will take List and map of roads maintained by Niagara Region Traffic complaints Traffic complaints can be made to the Niagara Regional Police Service by phone, email or online. Grey Box / Cart Weekly Unlimited (One Grey Cart per 11 units recommended) Blue Box / Cart Weekly Unlimited (One Blue Cart per 20 units Niagara Region Official Website - Serving the areas of St. Submit a traffic complaint Education Roundabouts Pedestrian crossovers Bicycle safety Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Basic boundaries of Bridgeburg (map) are: Central Ave. Catharines, Grimsby, Port Colborne, Thorold, Welland, Pelham, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Wainfleet, West Lincoln, Lincoln and Niagara-on-the-Lake Large item pick-up, hazardous waste, sorting look-up tool Conduct themselves in a way that maintains and promotes the public’s trust in Niagara Region Complaints Residents and businesses can submit complaints against Regional Councillors for violations of Council's Code of Conduct. 28, 2022, and June 5, 2024, Niagara Region's development charge rates were phased in due to provincial legislation changes resulting from Bill Sizes of garbage bag / containers allowed A garbage bag / can cannot exceed: Height: 91 cm (36") Diameter: 61 cm (24") Weight: 22. caNew Year will bring changes to Blue/ Grey Box program in Niagara This Jan. Catharines, Goodwill Niagara (228 Glendale Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Julie Jocsak St. 7590 or email inspect@niagararegion. If you would Regional Holiday Hours - December 2024 to January 2025 All essential services provided by Niagara Region are available through the holiday season. Garbage Every-other-week Two bags or cans per unit to a maximum of 24 bags / cans per building. Between Nov. The chat is for general inquiries. Page Feedback Did you find what you No Niagara Region will investigate issues of illegal dumping and work with local area municipalities to ensure that these areas are kept clean. In the first two years of the program, cameras will operate on Regional roads only. Garbage Limits Collection Schedule Boundaries 7 containers Garbage, recycling and organics Friday 8 a. 1, 2024 will bring a transition of Niagara Region’s residentialniagararegion. Q Residential is a growing apartment management company, focused on matching unique client needs and lifestyles, with well-appointed, secure and As an elected official, Regional Councillors have a number of responsibilities. Report illegal dumping If you witness illegal dumping or find dumped materials, report it. 3957 Tenant Support Representative Lynn Ward 905-682-9201 Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Some situations call for "municipal Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. by phone and email On-demand inspection: Done due to a complaint. Size limits for bag / can Garbage tags cannot be used for extra bags. Box 1042 Thorold, ON L2V 4T7 Canada 905-980-6000 Toll-free: 1-800-263-7215 Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Search Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. 1, including: For full details about recycling, garbage, hazardous waste, large item pick-up and organic collection please visit the Niagara Region website. There's no limit to the amount of recyclables that can be placed at the curb. Once approved, a unique customer ID number will be issued to you and Jim Bradley, Niagara Regional Chair, commented, “On behalf of Niagara Regional Council, I would like to thank staff for all their excellent work on the waste collection contract. All information is kept confidential. 5 cm (0. ) in length. If a recycling program is not established, the Ministry of the Environment could order you to establish one. Aging vehicles and staffing issues are the main factors, but many trash collectors were fired For all other emergencies, call 911. Don't place your Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Catharines, Grimsby, Port Colborne, Thorold, Welland, Pelham, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Wainfleet, West Lincoln, Lincoln and Niagara-on-the-Lake Large item pick-up, hazardous waste, sorting look-up tool Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Use the item disposal search tool to help sort your waste or find a location to donate your reusable items Garbage Tag Locations Never forget your collection day again. 5 cm (12 in. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of Public garbage bins Dumping is a crime. Composters are not available for pick-up at the following locations: Niagara-on-the-Lake, Municipal Offices (1593 Four Mile Creek Rd. com, the world's largest job site. niaga Regarding complaints from residents, the three-year average of 6,935 service complaints represents a decrease of 7,347 — a 51 per cent improvement over the previous contract with Emterra Fortunately, because Niagara Region is trying to encourage recycling, residents are not charged to have blue, grey and organics containers replaced. Submit a traffic complaint Education Roundabouts Pedestrian crossovers Bicycle safety Niagara Region Children's Services is here to help. Catharines Standard file photo Home Infection Control Lapse investigation reports from public complaints and surveillance Water Quality / Testing Beach results, private well water, water quality reports Beach Water Testing Status of public beaches in Niagara (tested from June to August) Report complaints of illness or occurrences of serious injury to Niagara Region Public Health at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074, ext. Niagara Region Official Website - Serving the areas of St. No refunds. Remember to stop at the scale upon entering Use the item disposal search tool to help sort your waste or find a location to donate your reusable items Garbage Tag Locations Never forget your collection day again. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Welland and Fort Erie - Call Miller Waste Systems at 1-833-621-0726 Grimsby, Lincoln, Pelham, Thorold, Wainfleet and West Lincoln - Call Green for Life at 1-855-971-4550 Branch collection is provided in the spring and fall to residents living in single family homes and apartments with six units or less. for all eligible items. Download the Waste Collection Guide. 24, 25, 26, 31 and Jan. Garbage, Recycling and Organic Schedules are maintained by For any inquiries please call the waste management hotline at 905-356-4141 or visit the Niagara Region's Garbage, Recycling and Organics website. Research, reports and consultations will inform the plan and be a guide for Niagara Region staff and Regional Council. Several smaller kitchen In Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Port Colborne, St. Catharines (905) 687-9605 Directions West Lincoln Community Care 2660 Industrial Park Rd West Lincoln (905) 957-5882 Directions Catherine Habermebl, director of waste management services for Niagara Region, says residents can continue to expect their recycling and waste collection to remain consistent over the transition Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Branch collection takes place for four weeks in the spring and four weeks in the fall, on your regular collection About the Project Niagara Region's new collection contract starts in October 2020. This commitment is demonstrated through health protection, disease prevention, health 5846 Drummond Rd, Niagara Falls May 15, 2024 Sleepy Hollow Tattoo Infection Control Report 632 South Pelham Rd, Welland May 7, 2024 Unique Nails Spa Infection Control Report 160 Hwy 20 W. ca if you are: Planning to operate a personal service setting Adding more services to your personal service setting Renovating your business Every operator of Waste Management of Canada Corporation 124 Cushman Rd. The 2023 full landfill liability cost (PSAB 3280) related to all closed landfill sites is projected to be $129. Waste Management of Canada Corporation 124 Cushman Rd. Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Seniors Services, Long-term Care Social Assistance Transportation, Roads, Trails Water and Wastewater Containers are only available for pick-up. Submit a traffic complaint Education Roundabouts Pedestrian crossovers Bicycle safety Blue Boxes are collected weekly in all municipalities. The new Blue Box regulation does not cover industrial, commercial, and some institutional (IC&I) establishments, so Niagara Region will continue providing Blue and Grey Box recycling collection services until December Grey Boxes are collected weekly in all municipalities. Zoom court links For scheduled matters, use the link or Meeting ID on your notice or the following applicable courtroom link. Apply for Septic and Forestry permits, check the status of applications, submit complaints, and apply for Grants & Incentives - all from the comfort of home. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Welland and Fort Erie - Call Miller Waste Systems at 1-833-621-0726 Grimsby, Lincoln Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Join Courtroom W101 (Zoom Meeting ID: 577 979 5028) Join Courtroom W102 (Zoom Meeting ID: 444 981 0366) Join Courtroom W103 (Zoom Meeting ID: 873 939 2401) Collection Day Details Find the day your garbage, recycling and organics is picked up Large Item Collection Book online or call at least two working days in advance of your regular collection day Pick-up / Replace Organics Containers Free for new homeowners or 1 Niagara Region | Fall/Winter 2023 | niagararegion. Catharines, Port Colborne and Welland Call Miller Waste Systems at 1-833-621-0726 Grimsby, Lincoln, Pelham, Thorold, Wainfleet and West Lincoln Call Green for Life at 1-855-971-4550 Restrictions and Traffic Signals Report a traffic light problem For any light failure, call 905-984-3690 to report it. Provincial regulation requires owners of multi-residential buildings and condominiums with seven or more units to provide garbage and recycling collection services to tenants. Valid complaints will be investigated and non-compliant items will be reported. Catharines and Welland, contact Miller Waste at 1-833-621-0726 or area19@millerwaste. ) St. from Mack St. Don't place your Blue Box at the curb any earlier than 5 p. to 4 p. Place the Niagara Region's Woodland Conservation By-law No. 7393 or complete the form. m. May to august 2018 Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Catharines (905) 687-9605 Directions West Lincoln Community Care 2660 Industrial Park Rd West Lincoln (905) 957-5882 Directions Niagara Region is spending more than $100,000 for a sprawling whistleblower investigation connected to its multimillion-dollar organic waste hauling contract, but the issue has become mired in political theatre and fact-free accusations of corruption that could lead to Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Seniors Services, Long-term Care Social Assistance Transportation, Roads, Trails Water and Wastewater. The Point-in-Time Count provides a snapshot of homelessness at a given time to help to better understand who is homeless and what their needs are. 1, 2024, Miller Waste Systems - Fort Erie, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, St. They must participate on at least one of our Standing Committees, and are encouraged to Garbage tags and refrigerant removal stickers are available for sale online for single-family homes and apartments with six units or less. Calls and emails will be returned Monday to Friday from 8:30 a. By communicating with us, you're agreeing to not share personal information. Categories: Garbage and Recycling, Residents from eligible properties can go to niagararegion. Property Manager Melissa Colitti 905-682-9201 ext. Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions Twigs and clippings must be no more than 1. Residents may purchase garbage tags for their additional bags. Let's keep each other safe. Be sure to check your junk email folder in case it is flagged as Infection Control Lapse investigation reports from public complaints and surveillance Water Quality / Testing Beach results, private well water, water quality reports Beach Water Testing Status of public beaches in Niagara (tested from June to August) Exemptions to the Two Bag / Can Limit Single-family homes and apartment buildings with six or fewer units can place up to two bags / cans of garbage at the curb for collection every other week. A nurse will contact you at the phone Waste collection information for single family homes and apartments with six units or less. by phone and email Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Residents can download the mobile app for Apple or Android smartphones. Every-other-week garbage collection, coupled with weekly collection of recycling and organics, will help to increase Niagara Region’s waste diversion rate towards our target of 65 per cent. 14, 2023, Niagara Regional Council approved a revised residential and commercial fee structure. from Nov. Every-other-week garbage collection is here for all residential properties and those businesses outside Designated Business Areas in Niagara! Blue Boxes, Grey Boxes, Green Bins and yard waste will Niagara Region - Every-other-week garbage collection is Niagara Region's closed meetings investigator is the Ontario Ombudsman. Items can be placed out the night before after 5 p. Connect with us online or by phone for questions about child care and financial help. ca In Grimsby, Lincoln, Pelham, Thorold, Wainfleet and West Lincoln, contact GFL Environmental Inc. Retailers who would like to sell garbage tags on behalf of Niagara Region are asked to email Waste Management or call the Waste Info-Line at 905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542. or mailed to your home. If you aren't already registered with Niagara Region and would like to sell garbage tags at your retail store, you can send your request to the Waste Info-Line. Niagara Region provides financial help to support necessary health and safety needs. Make your Own Compost Recycle your yard Sizes of garbage bag / containers allowed A garbage bag / can cannot exceed: Height: 91 cm (36") Diameter: 61 cm (24") Weight: 22. Niagara Region's current program has four cameras that rotate through community safety zones. However, most Niagara Region offices and facilities are closed on Dec. Several smaller kitchen Sizes of garbage bag / containers allowed A garbage bag / can cannot exceed: Height: 91 cm (36") Diameter: 61 cm (24") Weight: 22. Catharines, Thorold, Wainfleet, Welland and West Lincoln are all part of a two-tier system of municipal government, along with Niagara Region, the regional municipality. Exemptions to the curbside garbage limit can be considered for Niagara Region 1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way P. For health related messages, don't include personal information. Assistive Devices Program The Assistive Devices Program must be used first for all eligible items. the day Infection Control Lapse investigation reports from public complaints and surveillance Water Quality / Testing Beach results, private well water, water quality reports Beach Water Testing Status of public beaches in Niagara (tested from June to August) Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. 5 in. Since 2017, complaints about garbage pickup in the Niagara Region have gone up more than 400%. Place tag around the neck of the additional bag or on top of the materials Use the item disposal search tool to help sort your waste or find a location to donate your reusable items Garbage Tag Locations Never forget your collection day again. 3935 Assistant Property Manager Jackie D'Andrea 905-682-9201 ext. Complaints Home Menu Business and Development Careers, Job Opportunities Child Care, Assistance Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws St. Region Unveils Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for 2024-2029 December 18, 2024 Niagara Region Approves 2025 Budget December 13, 2024 Budget and Taxes Regional Chair Bradley's statement on the passing of the Region's 2025 budget December 13, 2024 Water in Niagara Drinking water quality reports, wells and cisterns, small drinking water systems, water haulers and water rates Wastewater in Niagara Hauling sewage, combined sewer overflows, handling biosolids and the Sewer Use By-Law Locate Services in Fort Erie, Grimsby, Lincoln, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Pelham, Port Colborne, St. Large item pick-up: To book a large item collection, please submit online requests or call at least two working days before your regular collection day to make arrangements. This plan will provide a framework and direction for waste management over the next 25 years. Councillors participate on Regional Council and Committees of the Whole, including Budget, to make decisions for Niagara Region. The program will expand to eight cameras in 2025 and 12 cameras in 2026. The ombudsman promotes fairness, accountability and transparency in the public sector by investigating public complaints and systemic issues. * Select Area. ) in diameter and 30. Niagara Region is developing a Waste Management Strategic Plan. Emterra's original contract was set to expire in 2018, but Regional Council extended the contract in 2017 due to effects of the Province's new Waste Diversion Act. Don't place your Complaints Home Menu Business and Development Careers, Job Opportunities Child Care, Assistance Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. www. Place your Blue Box at the curb with your garbage by 7 a. Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions I acknowledge that weekly participation in Niagara Region's Green Bin program and Circular Material's recycling program is required and agree to fully participate in these programs. Diseases of Public Health Blue Boxes are collected weekly in all municipalities. 6380 Email Business Licensing Services are available Monday to Friday, 9 a. St. 7 kg (50 lbs) when full Garbage should not be loose inside of garbage containers and must be bagged. We will not collect, use or disclose personal Niagara Region 1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way P. Let's come together as a community Post any issues in the region or something we might find interesting. We're working with all 12 cities / towns in Niagara to reduce illegal dumping and hold those who dump responsible for their actions. 2020-79 governs the protection and preservation of woodlands in Niagara. to Niagara Blvd. These forms are not monitored 24/7. Catharines, Welland: 1-833-621-0726 or area19@millerwaste Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Tags can be picked up from Niagara Region Headquarters, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a. You may not be eligible for large item pick-up. Complaint process Did you Most Requested By-laws List of commonly viewed by-laws available to download or look up and request a specific by-law Municipal By-laws Information for noise control, animal control and property standards Retail Business Holidays Act Determine if your store can Niagara Region 1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way P. Grass clippings are NOT accepted in Yard Waste Leave clippings on your lawn or drop-off at landfill free of charge. 1, 2023: A technical issue is affecting the Niagara Region Waste App and collection calendar on our website. Intro to Green Bins List and map of roads maintained by Niagara Region Traffic complaints Traffic complaints can be made to the Niagara Regional Police Service by phone, email or online. O. 7 million based Fort Erie, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, St. Curbside Recycling Collection Collecting Blue and Grey Boxes at the curb Recycling Centre Processes at the Recycling Centre Niagara Region Green Bin Program Collection and You must notify Niagara Region Public Health at 905-688-8248 ext. Site Information Contact Us Address City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls View the presentations below to learn more about waste management topics. Acceptable forms of payment (credit card only) Visa Mastercard Receipts Emailed receipts come from Niagara Region via webmaster@niagararegion. Niagara Counts 2024, Niagara's fourth homelessness Point-in-Time Count, is part of a national strategy typically completed every two years. Apply for Septic and Forestry permits, check the status of applications, submit complaints, and apply for Grants & Incentives - all from the The Niagara Region is responsible for all residential curbside collection of green bin organics, garbage, appliance, and bulky items collection for Pelham residents. Provide as many details as possible when reporting, including location, time, materials dumped, car make/colour, licence plate and description of people. Collection Day Details Find the day your garbage, recycling and organics is picked up Large Item Collection Book online or call at least two working days in advance of your regular collection day Pick-up / Replace Organics Containers Free for new homeowners or Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Several smaller kitchen Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. ca/waste for up-to-date information on these programs Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Projects subject to development charges You may be required to pay development charges for any residential, industrial, institutional or commercial development if Niagara Region has special holiday hours for garbage, recycling and organics pickup for the next two weeks. The CityView Portal is the first step in the Region's plan to Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. The intent of the by-law is to conserve woodlands and ensure that, where tree cutting occurs, Garbage tags are $2. ca, the Niagara Region Waste App, or call their collection contractor to book a large item pick-up on their garbage day. 85 each. Outbreak inspections and re-inspections: Done when there is a declared respiratory or gastroenteric outbreak at a long-term care home or retirement home Purchase Garbage Tags Order online or find locations that sell garbage tags in the region Container Pick-up Locations Buy or replace residential-use organics containers and composters Order Free Alternative Container Stickers Identify any container as a Green Bin Community safety zones help to change driver behaviour, including reducing speed and distracted driving, and improving safety on certain sections of road where public safety is of special concern. Requests The Region's new web portal is now online. Box 1042 Thorold, ON L2V 4T7 Canada 905-980-6000 Toll-free: 1-800-263-7215 Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Search Tobacco Hotline If you want to quit smoking or have a smoking related complaint, call 905-688-8248 ext. Retailers are required to sign a Letter of Understanding and provide a Contact To report an incident, file a complaint, make an enquiry or for general information, contact the Business Licensing department: 905-980-6000 ext. These zones let motorists know they are within an area where fines have increased through a special Garbage tag purchases are HST exempt. Box 1042 Thorold, ON L2V 4T7 Canada 905-980-6000 Toll-free: 1-800-263-7215 Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Search Niagara Region is well respected by the general public, clients, employees, elected officials, suppliers, The procedure for filing complaints alleging that a member of Council has contravened the Code shall be governed by the policies of Council as amended On Dec. Courtwright St. 3907 Community Programs Coordinator Julia Chikombero 905-682-9201 ext. ca. at 1-855-769-3760 Search 14 Part Time Garbage jobs now available in Niagara, ON on Indeed. To find your garbage collection week, see the garbage collection schedule . Place your Grey Box at the curb with your garbage by 7 a. Dispose of your items at one of our landfill locations or call: St. (Toll-free: 1-877-552-5579) What traffic lights mean Flashing red: Treat the intersection as a four-way stop No lights working at intersection: Treat the intersection as a four-way stop Calling 911 in Niagara Examples of when to call 911, information to provide, and ways to help while waiting for an ambulance Special Events Request a paramedic or Ted-E Medic mascot for your next event Niagara Safety Village Providing hands-on safety and This led to changes to the Development Charges Act which impact the development charge rates collected by Niagara Region. Would like Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. on your regular collection day. - 4:30 p. What this means for Niagara Region and its residents How this affects Niagara Region As of Jan. The Region's new web portal is now online. I acknowledge that my regular household garbage will be Regional development charges are not charged for water or wastewater management where those services are not available. to Courtwright St. Dufferin St. Infection Control Lapse investigation reports from public complaints and surveillance Water Quality / Testing Beach results, private well water, water quality reports Beach Water Testing Status of public beaches in Niagara (tested from June to August) City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street Niagara Falls, ON Canada L2E 6X5 905-356-7521 Connect Let's Talk Niagara Falls Sign up for Newsletters Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube City Sites 60+ Older Adult Programs Business Development Gale Centre Duties, responsibilities and salary of Regional Councillors Accountability and Transparency Lobbyist registry, councillor conflicts of interest, codes of conduct and submitting a complaint Government Relations and Advocacy Efforts Niagara's priorities Contact To report an incident, file a complaint, make an enquiry or for general information, contact the Business Licensing department: 905-980-6000 ext. Buy them: Niagara Region - Garbage tags and refrigerant removal Zoom court links For scheduled matters, use the link or Meeting ID on your notice or the following applicable courtroom link. Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services is committed to providing public health programs and services, and an efficient response to the changing public health needs of the communities we serve. Niagara Region has launched a new waste management app, called Niagara Region Waste, which makes it even easier for residents to obtain current information about waste and recycling collection programs. Search for an address to find your collection day and sign up for reminders Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Niagara Region Waste app Download the Niagara Region Waste app Green Bin tip Putting food waste in your Green Bin rather than your garbage bag means that smelly, leftover food waste doesn't hang around your house for an extra week. This structure better reflects the true cost of managing certain material types at the Region's disposal sites. Page Feedback Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes No Water Water Quality Reports Water Rates Waste Info-Line: 905-356-4141, toll-free: 1-800-594-5542 After hours: 905-980-6000, toll-free: 1-877-552-5579 Payments Accepted: Cash, Interac, VISA, MasterCard ® Loads must be secure when entering all site. iOS / Apple App Store Android / Google Play Store Put your Items out by 7 a. If you've missed a pick-up or have other problems with your service, please contact the Niagara Region directly on their Waste Info-Line 905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542. Single family homes and apartments with six units or fewer are allowed two bags / cans of garbage every-other-week. smartphones. Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. 19, 2020, regular household / daycare garbage will only be collected every-other-week on my regular collection day List and map of roads maintained by Niagara Region Traffic complaints Traffic complaints can be made to the Niagara Regional Police Service by phone, email or online. Join Courtroom W101 (Zoom Meeting ID: 577 979 5028) Join Courtroom W102 (Zoom Meeting ID: 444 981 0366) Join Courtroom W103 (Zoom Meeting ID: 873 939 2401) Medical Waste Tags If your application is approved, you will be issued special tags to affix to your extra cans/bags of garbage. Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions. Niagara Region will continue to manage residential curbside garbage collection, including large household items, organics (Green Bin), and leaf and yard waste. The proposed development must meet Niagara Region's definition of Industrial Use as per By-Law 2022-71 Garbage, Recycling and Organics Government and Council Health and Safety Property Taxes Provincial Courts, By-laws Seniors Services, Long-term Sizes of garbage bag / containers allowed A garbage bag / can cannot exceed: Height: 91 cm (36") Diameter: 61 cm (24") Weight: 22. Eligibility Niagara residents receiving Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program benefits. Download the Niagara Region Waste app to get notifications to your phone for collection day reminders and service disruptions I also acknowledge that participation in Niagara Region's Blue and Grey Box and Green Bin programs is required under the Waste Management By-law and I agree to fully participate in these programs I acknowledge that as of Oct. from Dufferin St. ) Port Colborne, City Hall (66 Charlotte St. Niagara Region’s Waste Management Landfill Liability Reserve is used primarily to fund capital projects related to closed landfill sites. damwupsl wzoe flczth ttkrwb axqhe gzecjnnt fddo slyf wbuld fymb