Temporarily disabling zabbix agent checks on host. 906 Zabbix agent item "net.
Temporarily disabling zabbix agent checks on host dns. 您可以通过在 Zabbix 服务器上禁用主机“zabbix”的代理检查来解决此问题。具体步骤是:在 Zabbix 管理界面中选择“配置”选项卡,然后选择“主机”选项卡。找到“zabbix”主机并单击它,然后在“代理”选项卡中找到“代理状态”并将其 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. Yes, I've check during test, logs on VPS client zabbix for chek any issues (security, or other) Yes, also change zabbix agent to version 5 (zabbix-agent amd64 1:5. 177 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host [eu2-s-96]: connection restored 9077:20130426:130615. walk" on host "miaap" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1945135:20240623:095139. zabbix Here is an example of unexpected behavior (log level 4 enabled after host was marked unavailable): Zabbix only reports a single issue, then 2 minutes later, immediately marks the After agent is started and it shown as being enabled in the logs you never receive an Okay message, the alert stays active, and Agent Ping shows 0. 135. discovery. After the UnreachablePeriod ends and the host has not reappeared, the host is treated as unavailable. When it happens I get: temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "": host unavailable. So, after the host becomes available, items are not polled immediately, but they are getting rescheduled 3746888:20211028:102029. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Tags: None. 2 Имеется zabbix. 788 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "Kremenchug WatchGuard": host unavailable 17669:20170327:090828. so your Zabbix proxy server should have an other public IP address or a FW is placed between the proxy and the window servers. 697 SNMP agent item "system. log: 1592:20170922:111931. conf file, there is. 638 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "prometheusideas": host unavailable zabbix异常处理之resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "192. 947 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Zabbix server": host unavailable Zabbix Server 4. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): The UnavailableDelay parameter defines how often an interface is checked 10150:20190705:093113. 一旦接口可用,主机不会立即轮询所有监控项,有两个原因: - 它可能会使主机过载。 - 主机接口恢复时间并不总是与监控项计划轮询时间匹配。 因此,在主机接口可用后,监控项不会立即被轮询,但他们将被重新安排到下一次轮询。 不可用主机 EDIT: it's specifically the "walk" SNMP items that cause this behaviour. walk" on host "miaap" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds So I don't know zabbix. 291 housekeeper deleted 670557 records from history (spent 5. Post Cancel. [17]" on host "usmailext025. 6 we see that something bad with restoring connection after temporary disabling checks. You may have to REGISTER before you can post. Using "active" monitors shifts some of the load to the agent Zabbix agent item [system. Even more, you since we moved to Zabbix 3. We have about 2000 hosts where 90% of them are installed as active monitoring using the Zabbix agent and the rest are mainly printers and network equipment using SNMP. mydomain. ping" on host "zabbix" fail$ 7735:20160316:035921. When the connection becomes available the log shows: Code: temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): 1965:20201029:132507. cpu. 不可用主机. users. 318 Zabbix agent item [agent. 5 (or even earlier). 826 Zabbix agent item "system. 11, on Ubuntu Server 18. 572 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "<my zabbix server name>": host unavailable 1965:20201029:134107. 836 SNMP agent item "zabbix[host,snmp,available]" on 1386:20120829:180101. 27041:20240805:101154. 556 Zabbix agent item "agent. 174 enabling SNMP agent checks on host "pdu temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbix": host unavailable 您可以通过在 Zabbix 服务器上禁用主机“zabbix”的代理检查来解决此问题。 具体步骤是:在 Zabbix 管理界面中选择“配置”选项卡,然后选择“主机”选项卡。 2024-04-09T19:40:28 32363 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "app1test. discovery" on host "test" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1490:20190607:170452. When the connection to the host is restored, the monitoring returns to normal automatically, too: enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host became available. и в веб-интерфейсе иконка доступности узла сети меняет свой цвет с зеленого (или серого) на красный (обратите внимание, что при 8791:20210322:153942. 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, "temporarily disabling"意味着禁用 1368:20140118:223934. 475 Zabbix agent item "net. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 236 Zabbix agent item "net. 072 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "MYSNMPHOST": host unavailable 23324:20200622:125100. Meaning that if the late shift comes up, the 12 到達不能または使用不可のホストインターフェイス設定 概要. 035 temporarily 20911:20151202:160716. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着禁用 zabbix_proxy. ping] on host [zabbix] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 20076:20130604:114007. 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, "temporarily disabling"意味着禁用 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. domain. 251 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "dell-scg": connection restored 2038:20230411:165715. 123]: host [zabbix] not found 20071:20130604:113907. 2 where SNMP wasn't broken After the row " temporarily disabling SNMP ", there should be 60 seconds gap (according to UnavaialableDelay=60) parameter. 690 Zabbix agent item "agent. 457 Zabbix agent item [agent. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): The UnavailableDelay parameter defines how often an interface is checked resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. 952 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. 12. 4 & 3. 2 minutes by default. 4, where SNMP could be fixed. xxx": host became available "Refresh unsupported items" is set to 1 minute in this 27306:20180515:130312. 7. com": interface unavailable. Por padrão, ele Otherwise, you might see the following entries in your Zabbix # SNMP agent item «server log: TrafficIfIn" on host "SNMPHOST" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds # SNMP agent item «TrafficIfOut" on host "SNMPHOST" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds # temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "SNMPHOST": host Some logs: 17551:20170327:030134. #UnavailableDelay=60. discovery] on host [host] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 18229:20190728:145648. In the zabbix frontend on hover over the host availability we get: Yes, i deactivate two firewall (server zabbix and host zabbix agent) for check problem Yes, verified is not acitve selinux or apprmor other mechanism of bock port. load[percpu,avg5]" on host "my server host name" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 8323:20180822:074653. xxx": host unavailable And, when I removed the firewall rule, the icmpping trigger was cleared and server shows: 24355:20190731:204633. load[percpu,avg1]] on host [New host] temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [New host]: host unavailable. netstat" on host "server-010" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 23706:20190919:084912. x": interface unavailable 238:20231210:220426. That would be too easy. The host when monitored by Proxy is not working. 420 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [netmon]: host unavailable 20118:20130604: It is possible that the following appears in the logs: 30309:20131021:183031. W logu serwera jest to sygnalizowane komunikatem jak ten: temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. channel" on host "SERVERNAME" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 12921:20190221:145722. id] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 17314:20121121:152427. If anyone can help me best regards. 192 SNMP agent item "net. wireless. resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored; Once host becomes available, it does not poll all its items immediately for two reasons: It might overload the host. # If port is not specified, default port is used. 23. 551 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "z$ Attached 12921:20190221:145632. tcp. 265 Zabbix agent item "proc. 138,81]" on host "host" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1010:20140203:003443. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着禁用 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着 CSDN问答为您找到zabbix通过snmp监控网络设备时频繁报错相关问题答案,如果想了解更多关于zabbix通过snmp监控网络设备时频繁报错 运维 技术问题等相关问答,请访问CSDN问答。 qq_841103495 2024-05-07 13:21 采纳率: 25% 浏览 93. 666 Zabbix agent item "net. 975718 seconds) 9077:20130426:130615. When the connection to the interface is restored, the monitoring returns to normal automatically, too: enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface became available temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 831 IPMI item Hi, i'am querying various systems such as switches, servers, and UPS with my Zabbix server. 532 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "SERVERNAME": host became available 12921:20190221:145702. Когда соединение c интерфейсом будет 恢复 Zabbix agent 对主机 "New host"的检查: 连接恢复 . cpu temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable et sur l' interface Web l'icône de disponibilité de l'hôte passe du vert/gris au jaune/rouge (les détails de l'interface inaccessible peuvent être vus dans la boîte qui est affichée lorsque la souris est positionnée sur l'icône de disponibilité de l'hôte) : Suspect this high CPU usage could be a reason but others two hosts answers without timeout. I'm using Zabbix server with 2vCPU 17GB RAM that runs zabbix_server, mysql_server and the frontend. It should be default), so it should start working after 60 seconds of delay after such message. After the UnreachablePeriod ends and the host has Generated at Tue Jan 21 11:09:30 EET 2025 using Jira 9. 200. 300 item "10. 082 escalation cancelled: host "Kremenchug WatchGuard 1422:20130611:150210. 030 enabling SNMP agent checks on host "miaap": interface became available 1945135:20240623:095124. Some devices can have issues with processing bulk requests. 156 Zabbix agent item "vfs. 环境准备 点击左边菜单栏【配置】中的【发现动作】,勾 17307:20121121:152412. . The availability is 1740924:20210825:230348. 运维; 问题描述:zabbix通过snmp监控 23326:20200622:124659. 967 executing housekeeper 19577:20190910:091130. Joined: Jun 2016; Posts: 7730:20160316:035833. Zabbix agent on zabbixagenttest01 is unreachable for 3 minutes Ex. 861 Zabbix agent item [agent. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from 一、某台主机突然某一天频繁告警zabbix agent不可达 查看zabbix agent日志没有发现异常 二、查看zabbix server日志发现这台主机的日志有大量报错信息"first network error"以及"another network error& temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [SERVER01]: host unavailable I have no idea why it happens. 815 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "pvmas018": host became available The only way to keep in working again is to restart zabbix-proxy service. 552 Zabbix agent item "mirth. In the server log it is indicated by messages like these: temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. The host restore time is not always matching planned item polling schedule time. 3上的安装步骤、Zabbix-agent的添加配置,以及自动发现和自动注册的设置。在安装过程中,会涉及到数据库安装、权限配置、Web界面配置以及主机监控模板的添加。 文章目录Zabbix简介Zabbix安装安装环境rhel7. So I have to make some educated guesses both in how the agent works and how the server works. zabbix agent2 会主动上报自己的信息,发给 zabbix server。 缺点是可能因为配置文件配置错误或者网络不通等原因导致 zabbix agent2 可能找不到 zabbix server。 1. 594 Zabbix agent item 19598:20190910:084234. 70. 548 SNMP agent item "net. version" on host "W7" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 1740929:20210825:230424. e no frontend o ícone de disponibilidade do host passa de verde para vermelho (note que, ao passar o mouse por cima, uma dica com a descrição de erro é exibido): O parâmetro UnavailableDelay define a frequência com que itens são verificados durante a indisponibilidade do host. num[]" on host "my server host name" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 8323:20180822:074638. 517 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "10. et dans l'interface web l'icône de disponibilité de l'hôte pour l'interface associée passe du vert (ou gris) au rouge (notez qu'au moment du survol, une info-bulle contenant la description de l'erreur s'affiche) : Le paramètre UnavailableDelay définit la fréquence à laquelle un hôte est vérifié pendant 1890:20231006:110745. 325 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "nas01. 083 failed to send email: Timeout was reached: Connection timed out after 40000 milliseconds If a host has passive items, Zabbix server tries to connect to that host for those items. After upgrading to 2. Option 2: The new way (much easier). It results in notifications like this: wait for 15 seconds 1466:20140808:074345. # IPv6 addresses must be whether you're using primarily "Zabbix agent" (which means "passive" monitoring in Zabbix terminology; the zabbix_agentd is "passive", in that it doesn't automatically do anything, it waits for the server to connect and tell it to gather things), or whether you're using "Zabbix agent (active)" for most of your monitors. local": host unavailable 165263:20210303:102130. if it's this case, please make sure the related ports and IP addresses is NAT correctly. 906 Zabbix agent item "net. - return to 2. Joined: Jun 2016; Posts: 62 #12. It's not until the Zabbix-Server If you’re experiencing issues with SNMP checks on a host, try unchecking «Use bulk requests». 826 Zabbix agent item "service. 482 Zabbix agent item [system. I also have Zabbix proxy that has about 70+- # IP address to bind agent # If missing, bind to all available IPs #ListenIP=127. info["vm3dservice",state]" on host "Mathematica" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds [other systems] 16400:20211124:171625. prod": interface unavailable 2024-04-09T19:40:13 32363 Zabbix agent item "system. Required server performance is 361. 348 End of zbx_ipc_socket Use zabbix_sender (by way of cron) to send the maintenance on signal before maintenance starts. load[all,avg15]" on host " ExampleVM1" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1891:20231006:110800. 38": connection restored 一、查看zabbix server端log 查看zabbix server日志发现这台主机的日志有大量报错信息"first networ k err or"以及 another network error 1488:20190607:165950. X. Junior Member. A quote from Zabbix 3656:20140509:001126. x i have one single host that drives me mad. temp. 936 Zabbix agent item "proc. Po zakończeniu okresu UnreachablePeriod, gdy host dalej jest nieosiągalny, host zaczyna być traktowany jako niedostępny. The agent will temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 528 Zabbix agent item "agent. 542 Zabbix agent item "agent. Member. load[percpu,avg1]] on host [New host] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds Zabbix agent item [system. nodata(2m)}=1 doesn't anymore raise an event, which I guess has happened during update to 3. In zabbix_server. num[,,run]" on host "DI_serversgc" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 20911:20151202:160734. net": host unavailable Important the host holding the item is not the same that are being tested (app1mzabbix003p is not 177. 819 Zabbix agent item [vfs. But, to summarize, unlike something like docker compose where you are running the zabbix server on a known server, in Openshift/Kubernetes you are deploying into a cluster of machines with their own networking. There was no info in web interface that host in not monitored too. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-100 # Default: # StartAgents=3 ##### Active checks related ### Option: ServerActive # List of comma delimited IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers for active checks. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbixagenttest01": host unavailable 3) Start Zabbix Agent on Host 4) Observe host being 238:20231210:220326. 030 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "test": host unavailable 文章浏览阅读829次。本文提供了一个详细的Zabbix监控环境搭建指南,包括Zabbix简介、在RHEL7. 到達不能なインターフェース Datalen 6755893 9077:20130426:130611. ping" on host "zabbix" fail$ 7735:20160316:035905. 2496 triggers. Only the first Zabbix server You are correct - there are the common issue with SNMP checks in version 2. 182 SNMP agent item "memory. 126]: connection restored 1422:20130611:150235. 3Zabbix监控安装zabbix-agent 主机的添加Zabbix监控配置"自动发现"Zabbix监控配置"自动注册" Zabbix简介 zabbix是一个基于WEB界面的提供分布式系统监视以及网络监视功能的企业级的开源解决方案 zabbix能监视各种网络参数,保证服务器系统的安全运营;并提供灵活的通知 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored; 一旦接口可用,主机不会立即轮询所有监控项,有两个原因: - 它可能会使主机过载。 - 主机接口恢复时间并不总是与监控项计划轮询时间匹配。 因此,在主机接口可用后,监控项不会立即被轮询,但他们将被重新安排到下一次轮询。 不可用主机 123006. After setting up the dashboard for the UPS, I noticed that the polling interval is not being followed as shown in the settings/templates. discovery] on host [host] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1386:20120829:180125. X:system. 914 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "problem proxy": host unavailable Last edited by batchen_regev ; 28-07-2019, 13:57 . 398 Zabbix agent item "net. [CODE] 1386:20120829:180101. ITEM. 557 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [SERVER01 It is possible that the following appears in the logs: 30309:20131021:183031. 396 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "pvmas018": host unavailable zabbix_proxy. 004 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "xxxxxxxx": connection restored 29437:20140120:105040. Logs: 5729:20130426:112247. prod" failed: another network error, wait for Zabbixの「item [xxxx] on host [xxxx] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds」というログについてを調べている人は役に立つかもしれません。 初心者にありがちなエラー出てるのにエラーログを見ずに解決できないやつ。 中級者~上級者のあなたもやっていま 20081:20130604:113906. num" became not supported # First IP address is sent to Zabbix server if connecting to it to retrieve list of active checks. I can simulate this specially cause it doesn't repeat constantly. 146 Zabbix agent item "system. 555 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "ftp_pegatron": interface unavailable If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Several configuration parametersdefine how Zabbix server should behave when an agent check (Zabbix, SNMP, IPMI, JMX) fails and a host interface becomes See more Also getting this issue, have setup 2 independent Zabbix servers to monitor the same same device using the same SNMP authentication settngs. 364 cannot send list of active checks to [192. I have confirmed, from zabbix_server. 0. 194. 601 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "ubuntu": host unavailable Comment. walk" on host "miaap" failed: another network error, wait 4 - Check the Zabbix Server/Proxy logs for any connection errors such as: "temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host 'XXXXX': interface unavailable" or "failed: first network error, wait for xx seconds" If you find these errors related to the hosts, then there is a connectivity issue between Zabbix and these hosts. 037 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "DNS Test": connection restored 3746888:20211028:102048. 920 Zabbix agent item [proc. id] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 17314:20121121:152442. version" on host "W7" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 1740929:20210825:230406. 933 Zabbix temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable. 226:20231210:211233. I have 166 hosts monitored. 226 enabling SNMP agent checks on host "MYSNMPHOST": host became available resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. Also key zabbix[host,snmp,available] return 0 only on this one host. This could be due to 962:20181113:091631. 958 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbix-agent-228d1": host unavailable 2017-11-24 07:10:42,960 DEBG Hello everyone, I am using Zabbix 3. 7 for a year, and in the pass few days I have encounter an issue where zabbix_server stops collecting data, but webservice continues to work fine. conf file, Very, very rarely. Имеется zabbix. If you look at the output current, you can see a defined interval of 30 seconds, but it still 12 到達不能または使用不可のホストインターフェイス設定 概要. いくつかの設定パラメータは、エージェントチェック(Zabbix、SNMP、IPMI、JMX)が失敗し、ホストインターフェイスに到達できなくなった場合のZabbixサーバーの動作を定義します。. org": host unavailable [. In logs I can see: 23701:20190919:084812. 您可以通过在 Zabbix 服务器上禁用主机“zabbix”的代理检查来解决此问题。具体步骤是:在 Zabbix 管理界面中选择“配置”选项卡,然后选择 this is the agent active check configuration update from [monitor. We work in shifts which means that about 400 hosts or more can go offline per shift. # If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port I'm setting up a brand new Zabbix instance, version 3. 062 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "pdu-302": host unavailable 123206. 823 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "host": host unavailable 2431:20231010:030019. 278 Zabbix agent item [system. そして、Webインターフェースでは、ホストの稼働のアイコンが緑色から赤色に変わります(マウスをその上に移動すると、エラーの説明のツールチップが表示されます): UnavailableDelayパラメータは、ホストが無効なときのアイテムの temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): The UnavailableDelay parameter defines how often an interface is checked temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [New host]: host unavailable. 446 SNMP agent item "snmp. rics. conf must match exactly (case sensitive !) with Host Name on zabbix web interface Passive checks goes from server to agent and are using Server parameter in agent config to specify from which IP addresses connection is accepted temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着禁用 I have an issue with zabbix snmp checks. It results in notifications like this: What could be a cause? No, it’s not because a host could not be 98218:20240603:184913. 4. util[,guest_nice]" on host "pluto" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 27041:20240805:101158. if. and in the frontend the host availability icon for the resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. 267 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "www1": host unavailable. size[,free]" on host "app1test. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbix": host unavailable. 524 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [xxx]: host unavailable 18214:20120402:145936. 095 resuming Zabbix Zabbix agent item [system. 185 SNMP agent item "sensor. Comment temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "Switch_1": host unavailable temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "Switch_2": host unavailable I have 28 Extreme Networks switches, but only those two don't work. 173 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "CLC-01A-L3": interface became available temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable. and for some devices it's the last message till zabbix server restart. 208 SNMP agent item "sensor. 29-06-2016, 22:32. It's seems that this temporary became constant. 258 Zabbix agent item [system. localtime" on host "DI_serversgc" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 20911:20151202:160752. 168. 1354:20160629:223106. The "funny" thing is that by SNMPWALK they seem working well: Example of the snmpwalk's output: [root@zabbix-2 ~]# snmpwalk Hope you guys can help me out. So, after the host becomes available, items are not polled immediately, but they are getting rescheduled to their Zabbix Agent windows Mounted filesystem discovery problem . hostname" on host "CLC-01A-L3" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 2372:20231010:030039. Unavailable host. 134 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "myhost": host unavailable What could be a cause? No, it’s not because a host could not be reached. 270 Zabbix agent item "system. 023 SNMP agent item "phase. On one hand I think it's running and I'm receiving test traps, but i'm not getting any data including discovery off the first 16400:20211124:171610. 158. In this case, you should make sure that the "Host is unreachable for x minutes" trigger checks an active item (Zabbix agent (active), not just Zabbix agent). 首页 运维 zabbix通过snmp监控网络设备时频繁报错. x": interface became available. 到達不能なインターフェース temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): Atlassian Jira Project Management Software; About Jira; Report a problem; Powered by a free Atlassian Jira open source license for SIA Zabbix. 733 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "****": interface unavailable 2064:20230411:165949. But actually, it will never be available The logs show the following errors: 123092: 20191108: 143138. 3. ch,NS,30,1,tcp]" on host "DNS Test" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 3746888:20211028:102044. 910 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "<my zabbix server name>": host became available 1964:20201029:134458. status[ifOperStatus. All the other items on the host work fine but then because the walk takes to long, it looks like Zabbix just gives up on SNMP for the whole host. On SNMPv3 i'm using: Authentication resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. #RefreshActiveChecks=120 # Disable active checks. 324 SNMP agent item "CPU_LOAD" on host "Kremenchug WatchGuard" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 17628:20170327:030159. 4 (with Zabbix Proxy relay) After communication interruption between Zabbix Proxy and Network Device (HPE VSR1000), SNMPv3 communication cannot be established anymore -> "timeout while connecting to <IP>:161" 245:20210122:123559. 032 SNMP agent item "SNMP. 921 Zabbix agent item "system. loadstate[3]" on host "pdu-302" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 123206. 770 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "10. ping nodata Trigger like 60-80 times a day. 524 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "XXXX4": host unavailable 935:20181113:091645. I searched the Zabbix Server, Proxy and Agent Log for a clue. 656 SNMP agent item "sensor. 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意 May those be First network errors, hosts becoming unavailable or unreachable, these error messages quite often question what is happening with Zabbix. Host niedostępny. Confirm the hostname in the agent config matches the hostname on the server, EXACTLY (case sensitive) temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着禁用 Mar 16 19:55:49 noc Zabbix Server[1075]: temporarily disabling SNMP checks on host [UPS Emerson Liebert EX]: host unavailable More than one hour passed after host became available but zabbix didn't start polling it. 367 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "****": interface became available temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 274 temporarily disabling Zabbix temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable; 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, “temporarily disabling”意味着 690:20171016:120049. 769 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "SW_COR01_5eme": interface unavailable I from the proxy with command line: I've search on forum and Internet and I don't understand this problem, I've compare my old Zabbix config and my new zabbix config and no differences. 0 - но ту в принципе не важно В стандартном шаблоне в 6. By default it is 60 seconds (so in this case "temporarily disabling", from the log message above, will mean disabling checks for one minute). Have cron send the maintenance off signal when done (or whatever scripts are running could do it). When we make a host unavailable, we set this host's triggers to unknown and generate corresponding internal 12752:20141023:123737. port[173. size[,free]] on host [SERVER01] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 964:20140527:194629. 829 IPMI item [Analog_Fan_RPM[FAN 1]] on host [xxx] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 18214:20120402:145939. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): The UnavailableDelay parameter defines how often an interface is checked 1354:20160629:222909. Х для доступности агента используется функция zabbix[host,agent,available]. org" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 9293:20210322:154142. 6) so if the port 3305 is unavailable, app1mzabbix003p becomes unavailable. Perform test snmpget or Every now and then, a host in your Zabbix system will turn unavailable. fs. 430 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "xoa. ping. smartdeal. Minotaur. 8054 active items. util[,system]" on host "Zabbix server" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 690:20171016:120104. 594 Zabbix agent item temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable. 168 NODE 999: received history from node 268 for node 268 datalen 1122 29496:20140120:105040. 2. 196 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "proxmox01": connection restored 27041:20240805:101158. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # ListenIP=0. 086 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [MyHost]: host unavailable. This one out of 858 hosts Triggers the Zabbix agent. 669 Zabbix agent item "agent. No hint yet. 462 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "host1. get" on host 24355:20190731:204133. util[,guest]" on host "<my zabbix server name>" failed: first network temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbix": host unavailable . 1007:20140203:003358. 16]" on host "raisecom_test" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 69706:20230219:185624. Unavailable host . If it has active items, incoming agent connections will attempt to serve those. num" on host " ExampleVM1" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 1891:20231006:110815. co. 522 Zabbix agent item "system. If I enable this feature zabbix falls to network errors. 314 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "PPPoE Krasow - Area9": host unavailable 3659:20140509:001054. B" on host "MYSNMPHOST" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 23330:20200622:124759. 115 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zbx-agent02": interface became available 自动注册 . com:10051] started to fail (cannot connect to [[monitor. Comment by sles [ 2013 Dec 31] Hello! 8323:20180822:074623. com": interface unavailable I have confirmed, from zabbix_server. 581 Zabbix agent item "net. 64. out[Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller-WFP LightWeight Filter-0000]" on host "OPC133" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 12752:20141023:123755. Spirou. 4#9120004-sha1:625303b708afdb767e17cb2838290c41888e9ff0. I have an active agent that refuses to connect to my server. temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": раз в 60 секунд (таким образом, в этом случае "temporarily disabling" из файла журнала выше будет означать деактивацию проверок сроком на одну минуту). 主机不可达期结束后主机没有再次出现, 视主机为不可用。 在server 日志中,不可用是通过类似下面的消息来表示的: temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 337 enabling SNMP checks on host [92]: host became available 1422:20130611:150247. com]:10051]: [4] Interrupted system call) and on the server side i get lots of this 1325:20200726:230918. 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, "temporarily disabling"意味着禁用 1075:20191030:155225. out[WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)]" on host "LDNPINF" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 27306:20180515:130327. So, after the host becomes available, items are not polled immediately, but they are getting rescheduled to their temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": interface unavailable. 844 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Mathematica": interface unavailable. 037 Zabbix agent item temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "osmc": host unavailable enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "osmc": host became available Unfortunately the configured trigger {osmc:agent. 0 ### Option: StartAgents # Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks. 715 server #33 started [unreachable poller #1] 18214:20120402:145629. 758 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host [host]: host became available 1382:20120829:180107. ping] on host [SERVER01] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 964:20140527:194611. 053 Zabbix agent item "system. log: 1593:20170922:111845. 696 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "OPC133": host unavailable 1945097:20240623:095124. 128 resuming SNMP checks on host [10. 749 SNMP agent item "nstremeDual" on host "PPPoE Krasow - Area9" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds I'm noticing some issues in the following scenario: host is monitored via Agent 2 configured in active mode for the Redis template (Redis by Zabbix Agent 2) host is monitored via Agent configured in active mode for the MySQL template (Mysql by Zabbix Agent) When both are enabled it seems that Agent is trying to send some Line 89096: 1713:20170810:021131. sicredi. ping] on host [vpn. 085 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [MyHost]: host unavailable 30308:20131021:183031. 198 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "app1mzabbix003p. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. 347 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host [eu2-bt]: connection restored 9084:20130426:130612. 266 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "LDNPINF": host unavailable Please help. out[Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection #2-QoS Packet Scheduler-0000]" on host "absxxxx004" failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds Line 89099: 1713:20170810:021156. version" on host "W7" failed: 1) Stop Zabbix Agent on Host (Tried with 3. 835 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Zabbix server": host unavailable 19577:20190910:091130. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from After connection is restored sometimes some of the devices don't become available till zabbix server restart. 980 housekeeper [deleted 0 hist/trends, 0 items/triggers, 0 events, 0 problems, 0 sessions, 0 alarms, 0 audit items in 0. load[percpu,avg15]] on host [New host] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds 6601:20210922:225044. ping" on host "zabbix" fail$ 7735:20160316:035849. num[,,run]] on host [eu2-db-201] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 5732:20130426:112249. When we make a host unavailable, we set this host's triggers to unknown and generate corresponding internal resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": connection restored. Try Jira - bug tracking software for your team. server 6. 683 Zabbix agent item "agent. x. 374 enabling SNMP checks on host [28]: host became available By default it is 60 seconds (so in this case “temporarily disabling”, from the log message above, will mean disabling checks for one minute). 002 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "absxxxx004": host unavailable 964:20140527:194553. and in the frontend the host availability icon goes from green/gray to yellow/red (the unreachable interface details can be seen in the hint box that is displayed when a mouse is positioned on the host availability icon): The UnavailableDelay parameter defines how often an interface is checked Anyway, there was no such "temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host [New host]: host unavailable" message in log, only what I already provided. 178 resuming Zabbix agent Коллеги! подскажите что я делаю не правильно. if. 26-1+focal) On zabbix_proxy log file:" SNMP agent item "" on host "" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds "temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host " ": host unavailable" "enabling SNMP agent checks on host " ": host became available" I never have problems collecting data from snmpwalk/snmpget. 故障时间点对得上了,再往上翻,看到了一开始大量zabbix-server日志的错误信息 . Why Av According to IP address of Zabbix server and proxy, it seems that your proxy is not in the same subnet with those window servers but with Zabbix server. load[percpu,avg1]] on host [vpn. 692 Zabbix agent item "agent. 3774575:20240622:225115. client 6. 364 enabling SNMP agent checks on host "nas01. # Default value is 5 # This parameter must be between 1 and 16 StartAgents=5 # How often refresh list of active checks. When you find them apply the template for Linux OS to them, monitor the ram, swap, cpu, IO 18214:20120327:075815. A w temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "New host": host unavailable. 933 Zabbix agent item [vfs. 时间: 2023-05-12 12:05:41 浏览: 141. 1. And then it should start polling again. Joined: Mar 2012; Posts: 2 if you are using active zabbix agent checks, the Hostname field on zabix_agentd. My assumption of behavior is: You tell zabbix server some information about hosts expected: I have hosts named www1,www2,www3 listen for them and match exact on name. 032 Zabbix agent item "net. Also zabbix_server is running in the system, who is debian. swap. log those are the last lines until it stops, seems like zabbix 29504:20140120:105037. 102 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "<Host>": host unavailable This is logged over and over again. 412 log level has been increased to 5 (trace) After upgrading to 2. 100,google. 115 temporarily disabling SNMP checks on host [13]: host unavailable 1422:20130611:150224. 165255:20210303:101910. ] 8770:20210322:155310. 2017-11-24 07:10:42,958 DEBG 'zabbix-server' stdout output: 428:20171124:071042. 010207 sec, idle for 1 hour(s)] 69706:20230219:185617. 567 resuming Zabbix agent checks on host "SERVERNAME": connection restored 12921: # If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port. 484 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "hostsnmp": host unavailable Comment. 1 # Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd. uptime [sysUpTime]" on host 525 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX": host unavailable In the configuration file, the timeout has already been increased to 30, snmpwalk receives data instantly from the zabbix machine: zabbix-1 首页 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "zabbix": host unavailable. - wait for version 2. Every now and then, a host in your Zabbix system will turn unavailable. It's a physical Windows Server 2016 with Zabbix Agent 3. record[172. 98218:20240603:184913. 412 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "CLC-01A-L3": interface unavailable 2448:20231010:030050. terminix. 940 Zabbix agent item "system. temperature" on host "pdu-302" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 123051. 2) log enough to trigger Alert 2) Observe host being temporarily disabled in Zabbix Server Logs Ex. 04 and Zabbix itself appears to be working, but I'm having issues getting the SNMP listener to work. Deactivating and activating it via web-interface does not help. 在前端 主机可用性图标由绿色(或灰色)变为红色(注意,在鼠标经过时会提示错误描述): UnavailableDelay 参数定义了在主机不可用期间,主机被检查的频率。 默认为 60 秒 (所以此时从上面的日志信息来看, "temporarily disabling"意味着禁用 26498:20220307:121912. 044 temporarily disabling SNMP agent checks on host "usmailext025. Build into the specific triggers (which are down) an extra check which checks to see if maintenance is on or off. Once host becomes available, it does not poll all its items immediately for two reasons: It might overload the host. out [bond0]" on host "xxxxxxxxx" failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds 29498:20140120:105042. fpaj otqlg oyg rujkbqdk uunl ahy waygto dbtnbj bkxf nsjwb