Jcl symbols example

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


Anthony Gallo Image

Table 1 lists the names of the CLISTs and provides short descriptions of the functions they illustrate. For the symbols you're talking about you need a different method. For example, when department A enters the following command: START TEST,ACCTNO=ACODE #jcl #jcltutorial #vsam #cics #topictrickIEBGENER utility in JCL is a quick and easy way to copy or print non-VSAM sequential datasets. You can code system In the following example, a data set is deleted and then reallocated, and two JCL symbols–DSNAME and VOLSER–are exported and used for symbol substitution in the in-stream data sets: A procedure is a reusable set of JCL statements defined once and called multiple times within a job or across various jobs. Before you begin. JOB level –JOB Statement (JOB card). Example 3: Convert Sequential Input into Partitioned Members. DD statements that are added to a procedure (something that is possible, but not practical for a started Examples of defining and coding symbols in JCL. The system determines if the record continues to another record. The system replaces &SYSUID with the user ID under whose Purpose: Use the EXPORT statement to make specific JCL symbols available to the job step program. For more information about using JCL symbols, see z/OS MVS You can include a substring of a system symbol on a JCL statement. For example, when department A enters the following command: START TEST,ACCTNO=ACODE Let see an example below, Example: Copy records depending upon condition - INCLUDE in sort JCL. When you sort records, you arrange them in a particular sequence, choosing an order more useful to you than the original one. Adding parameters, Nullifying the existing parameters or Overriding the parameters of a PROC are the common overrides that can be done via a JOB. If multiple positions of sorting specified, the order of priority is from left to right. SYMBOLS keyword EXPORT command Therefore, use one of the following methods to use system symbols in batch JCL: Use the SYSTEM= keyword (or your JES2 or JES3 JECL equivalent) to ensure that the batch job executes on a system where the resolved symbol values are valid. Do not code EXEC statement parameter and subparameter keywords as names for JCL symbols. Some programs and tasks require a larger amount of JCL than a user can easily enter. Examples of defining and coding symbols in JCL. By default, JCL Symbols are only available to the job at the converter phase and are lost by the time the job runs. And CARLa knows how to allocate (new) data sets. So below override can be used. Even if you do not have access to a z/OS system to accomplish these tasks, reading through the instructions in The system imbeds the INCLUDE group in the JCL stream (replacing the INCLUDE statement), and processes the included JCL statements with the JCL stream. JCL - Procedure Modification Examples. The examples assume that the CLISTs reside in a PDS allocated to SYSPROC. Table 1. action when relational-expression is true. Conversely, there is no need to define system symbols; they are either defined to MVS™ or defined by your installation, and you can use them in any set of started task JCL. The in-stream procedure named TESTPROC is: The in-stream procedure named TESTPROC is: Three symbolic parameters are defined in this cataloged procedure: &STATUS, &LIBRARY, and &NUMBER. Parameters are referenced by a parameter name of 1 to 7 alphameric characters, where the first one must be alphabetic. These values are used when the procedure is called and values are not assigned to the symbolic parameters on the calling EXEC statement. The example in this section shows the JCL and control statements for a simple DFSORT job that uses symbols. As discussed in previous chapter, An in-stream procedure INSMPROC coded begin with a PROC statement, end with a PEND statement. System utility programs are used to list or change information that is related to data sets and volumes, such as data set names, catalog entries, and volume labels. Creating a data set member for JCL. ICKDSF - Install and manage DASD volumes. JCL - SORT SORT Fields. Viewing the job output. Also, If the called procedure is an The first character must be alphabetic or special ($, #, @). In this case, you would code these parameters only if you want to have a different message level than the preset values. e. You could write your own program in your preferred language that accepts parameters and writes them to a dataset. Here, the procedure CTLGPROC is present in MYCOBOL. You can define JCL symbols on EXEC, PROC, and SET statements in JCL, and use them only in: JCL statements in the job stream; Statements in cataloged or in-stream procedures; DD statements that are added to a procedure. SORT FIELDS=(1,15,ZD,A) SUM FIELDS=NONE. , are passed as symbolic parameters to procedures. Defining Symbolic Parameters. Defining default substitution texts to JCL symbols: The substitution texts that you define to JCL symbols on the PROC statement serve as defaults. a) (4095,GT) Here 4095 is the maximum allowable return code in JCL. In the above example, employee number is in the field position 1,15. If symbolic substitution produces a null record (a line that is blank except for slashes in columns 1 and 2) as the continuation Jan 27, 2019 · As noted in a comment, EZACFSM1 is for substituting system symbols. A procedure library member contains only part of the JCL for a given task-usually the fixed, unchanging part of JCL. For example, if JCL defines a symbol with the name &SYSNAME, which is also the name of a system symbol, the system uses the substitution text that is defined in the JCL. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: The actual device numbers depend on how your installation has defined the devices to your system. Coding symbols in JCL. Example: Do not use TIME=&TIME but yes you can use TIME=&TM and it is assumed as a right way of coding symbolics. The calling EXEC statement assignment of STL for the &LOC symbol overrides the PROC statement assignment of POK. There are symbols called system symbols that are used to perform login operations. Resolution of all symbols might determine the processing of subsequent statements. Example 1: Print a Sequential Data Set. Jan 31, 2014 · Assuming that the rest of your code is OK, it is fairly simple with DFSORT, using JPn, which is a special DFSORT symbol which allows the separate values of up to 10 parameters to be used in control cards. When a cataloged procedure is processed each The varying input to the JCL such as file names, datacards, PARM values, etc. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: Coding symbols in JCL. In this example of an in-stream procedure, the &LOC symbol has a default value of POK on the PROC statement; then it is assigned an execution value You can use JCL statement keywords and symbols to override existing JCL. Use the instructions in JCL exercise: Creating and submitting a job to create this data set. Syntax: //[name] IF [(]relational-expression[)] THEN [comments] . The SORT control statement must be used when a sorting file is performed. The JCL symbol service performs the following functions: REQUEST=GETALL Returns all of the JCL symbols and values for the job step in the area provided by the caller, and is mapped by the IEFSJSYD macro. • i. These keywords will add to or override the specification of the JOB statement keywords. – Symbols are static and cannot be modified. Symbols must be set to a value subsequent to the EXPORT statement for the symbol value to be exported. BASE. The maximum length of a qualified data set name is: Rules for coding symbols in JCL. JCL for these functions can be kept in procedure libraries. JCL - Cataloged Procedure. JCL - Procedures or PROC. You can include a substring of a system symbol on a JCL statement. Oct 3, 2019 · JCL/PROC override is useful when a proc parameters, data sets needs to be modified while executing it. If the PROC has only one step then Procstep name is not required. PROCLIB library. You can set the COND parameter at –. Let see an example to understand cataloged procedure, Example: In this example job: Your JCL begins with a JOB statement that names your job TESTCTLG. Coding JCL (using a predefined sample) Submitting the job. INCLUDE COND=(5,10,BI,EQ,MN) /*. Example of an unqualified name: DSNAME=ALPHA. As long as you observe the rules listed in "Rules for Coding Symbols in JCL," you can code the SYSUID system symbol anywhere in your JCL where you would code a user ID except on the keywords and statements listed in the topic Restrictions on coding SYSUID . However, by using the EXPORT and SET JCL statements, JCL symbols can be made available to JCL symbol is a symbol that represents variable information in JCL. Copy all or Selected members from one PDS to another. Overriding a DSN: PROC has an input data set and this needs to be modified while running the job. Let's understand the coding concepts in JCL, This chapter takes you through the process of. //STEP0100 EXEC PGM=SORT,PARM='JP0"&INPARM"'. Job: Execution of one or more related programs in sequence. Example 1. Example: Do not code &REGION=200K or REGION=&REGION; correctly code REGION=&SIZE. JCL, demonstrates how to use and replace symbols in in-stream data. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: Example 3: This example illustrates execution of an in-stream procedure to test symbols before placing the procedure in a procedure library. Example 4: In-stream Input, Sequential Data Set to Tape Volume. Assume that the source JCL is a started task named TEST. Here it bypasses the step if the RC from any of the previous steps are equal to ‘0’. JCL symbol service • JCL symbol service IEFSJSYM gives read-only access exported JCL symbols at run time. You can have each department indicate its accounting code on the START command. In most cases, It is a good practice to code the COND parameter at STEP Level but based on your requirement, you can code this For example, if JCL defines a symbol with the name &SYSNAME, which is also the name of a system symbol, the system uses the substitution text that is defined in the JCL. – Scope of the symbols is a job step including all tasks running in the job step. Such keywords add to or override the specification of the JOB statement keywords. Using the SYSUID system symbol. Rules for coding symbols in JCL. In this tutorial, you'll learn about JCL Symbolic parameter A symbolic parameter on a DD statement can be coded by preceding the parameter that will be assigned a value with an ampersand sign (&). Procedures are used to simplify job processing by allowing frequently used sets of JCL statements to be stored in a library and called whenever required. It is a set of control statements that provide the specifications necessary to process a JOB. If you have not already done so, allocate a data set to contain your modified version of this JCL sample. Write unique records to output. The rules for coding JCL symbols are the same as for coding system symbols . JCL - Quick Guide - JCL is used in a mainframe environment to act as a communication between a program (Example: COBOL, Assembler or PL/I) and the operating system. It can be coded as below. Example 1:-. Many of these CLISTs include examples of symbolic variables, control variables, built-in functions, and conditional sequences. Qualified names: Multiple unqualified names joined by periods. While coding symbolic parameters, do not use KEYWORDS, PARAMETERS or SUB-PARAMETERS as symbolic names. In this example of an in-stream procedure, the &LOC symbol has a default value of POK on the PROC Sep 6, 2022 · Example: Don’t use TIME=&TIME, but yes, you can use TIME=&TM, which is considered the correct way to encode symbols. IEBCOPY is a copy utility that is used to perform copy functionalities for PDS and PDSE datasets. A SORT statement can also be used to specify a copy records. What is the COND parameter if a Step should not be executed in any condition. JCL Tutorial - Learn how to use Job Control Language (JCL) to manage batch processing in mainframe systems. Example Assume that the source JCL is a started task named TEST. A symbolic parameter is a character string of 1 to 7 alphameric characters preceded by an ampersand (&). The first character after & must be alphabetic. Example 1: Overriding a DSN. SUM FIELDS=NONE removes duplicates on fields specified in SORT FIELDS. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: As long as you observe the rules listed in "Rules for Coding Symbols in JCL," you can code the SYSUID system symbol anywhere in your JCL where you would code a user ID except on the keywords and statements listed in the topic Restrictions on coding SYSUID . Let's see an example to understand In-Stream procedure, Example 1: Explanation: In the above example, the procedure INSMPROC is called in STEP1 and STEP2. STEP level – EXEC statement. A symbol-defining string is limited to eight characters, not including an identifying ampersand. Example 2. Do not code DD or JOB statement keywords as JCL symbols in procedures or jobs that are started by a START command from the operator console. Let’s see example, to understand how we can use symbolic parameters. Values are assigned to the symbolic parameters on the PROC statement. – Available after step has started running. In the following example, a data set is deleted and then reallocated, and two JCL symbols–DSNAME and VOLSER–are exported and used for symbol substitution in the in-stream data sets: OPTION COPY. This tutorial covers the basics of JCL syntax, statements, parameters, and commands. The user of the procedure supplies the variable part of JCL - Coding Concepts. IF condition in JCL is easy to code as compared to the COND parameter. The system replaces &SYSUID with the user ID under whose authority the job will run JCL is a mean of communication between an application program and the computers operating system (MVS). Ask your coworkers. For example, a JCLLIB or INCLUDE statement might contain symbols that determine which statements are used in the job. JCL symbols and system symbols can represent parameters, subparameters, or values in procedures or in the parameter field of statements; those that vary each time a job runs are good candidates to be coded as symbols. JCL - DFSORT Overview. In a mainframe environment, programs can be executed in batch and online mode. SORT JCL: SORT FIELDS=COPY. Jan 7, 2021 · The & symbols are substituted by the JCL convertor because I added the SYMBOLS=JCLONLY keyword. For example, when department A enters the following command: START TEST,ACCTNO=ACODE You can use JCL statement keywords and symbols to override existing JCL. The JCL symbols that you define are valid only for the current job. INCLUDE COND=(1,6,CH,EQ,C'SRINIV') ---> Sort statements. A compound variable is made up of a concatenation of: A variable (of any type) followed by a percent variable with no intervening periods or other termination symbols; A question mark variable followed by an ampersand variable with no intervening periods or other termination symbols This code nullifies the &NUMBER JCL symbol. //DEPTJOB JOB A123,’STEVE’ //INSTREAM PROC The three types of symbols that can be used for JES2 in-stream substitution are JCL Symbols, JES Symbols and System Symbols: JCL symbols. Each qualifier is coded like an unqualified name; therefore, the name must contain a period after every 8 characters or fewer. JOB with Override DSN. //* THIS INCLUDE GROUP IS CATALOGED AS Oct 11, 2018 · IEBCOPY in JCL tutorial, IEBCOPY examples and sample JCL/JOB. Feb 27, 2019 · COND= (0,EQ) This is opposite to the example 1. Example 2: Input file has one or more records for same employee number. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: The example job, SYMBOL6. Follow these rules when coding symbols in JCL: Do not code EXEC statement parameter and subparameter keywords as names for JCL symbols. However, by using the EXPORT and SET JCL statements, JCL symbols can be made available to System symbols and JCL symbols are character strings that represent variable information in JCL. 1. Suppose that two systems, named SYS1 and SYS2, are to process a procedure that contains the following statement: In the following example, a data set is deleted and then reallocated, and two JCL symbols–DSNAME and VOLSER–are exported and used for symbol substitution in the in-stream data sets: You can include a substring of a system symbol on a JCL statement. JCL example sample reference code - We created a list of JCL's which will be helpfull in your day to day work. Compress PDS to release the unused space. However, by using the EXPORT and SET JCL statements, JCL symbols can be made available to The ‘COND’ parameter defines the conditional processing in JCL and this is an important parameter in JCL. Here is an example: // SET INPARM='ABC'. This rule includes the following A,B,C in the example are JCL symbol names † Same syntax rules as JCL symbol † Specifying SYMLIST=* exports all JCL symbols † No other use of generics is supported † EXPORT statement can appear anywhere after the JOB statement † Applies to all steps after the export statement † SET statements must set the symbol AFTER the EXPORT † Substitute all symbols. In the following example, a data set is deleted and then reallocated, and two JCL symbols–DSNAME and VOLSER–are exported and used for symbol substitution in the in-stream data sets: The three types of symbols that can be used for JES in-stream substitution are JCL Symbols, JES Symbols, and System Symbols: JCL symbols. The EXEC statement is used to call and execute a procedure at the The example job, SYMBOL6. DD statements that are added to a procedure (something that is possible, but not practical for a started Substitute all symbols. This statement describes the control fields in the input records on which the program sorts. JCL programmers with less experience find COND parameter little confusing and boring and it is easier to read and understand IF-ELSE-END-IF condition in JCL. INPUT FILE: Below code is to copy records from input file which contains 'SRINIV' at 1st position. Exported JCL symbols can be accessed during the job execution phase using the JCL Symbol Service (IEFSJSYM) or the JES Symbol Service (IAZSYMBL). Example of a batch system can be processing the bank transactions through. User-defined symbol parameters are called JCL symbols. It shows the use of the static system symbol, SYSNAME defined in IEASYM00, and the dynamic symbols SYSJOBNM, SYSJOBID and SYS_CORR_CURRJOB, together with other JCL symbols being defined and exported in the job. When a cataloged procedure is processed each symbolic parameter is either The system evaluates continuations of JCL statements that contain symbols as follows: The system substitutes all symbols on an 80-character record. They allow you to modify JCL statements in a job easily. For example, you might specify system symbols in DD statements that must specify data sets with unique names on different systems, but only have two characters to use. //*. It's trivial, and many shops already have such a utility. For example, the following JCL statement is incorrect: // SET SYMBOL=VALUE //S1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,TIME=(30,0),REGION=4K,PARM='Print &SYMB // OL' The JCL symbol SYMBOL is not substituted because it must be coded on a single JCL record. Determine the information (account number, programmer name, and so on) your company requires for each job that you submit. When you merge records, you combine the contents of two or more previously sorted data sets into one. The first step in TESTCTLG, named STEP1, Identifies CTLGPROC as the JCL procedure to be run. For example, if your installation frequently assigns department numbers in procedures, define the &DEPT JCL symbol and use it consistently. – Symbol names, length, and value follow JCL rules. The following example shows the use of the SET statement to assign values to symbolic parameters in an INCLUDE group. Sample CLISTs and their functions. This information may also serve as a learning guide or tutorial for beginners. JOB statement keyword parameters are those keywords defined for the MVS™ JCL JOB statement. INCLUDE statement includes records which have uppercase, lowercase and numeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) in postions 5 to 15. Code a symbol in the source JCL to represent the different account numbers: JCL - In-Stream Procedure. Example 1: //JOBA JOB //INSTREAM PROC LOC=POK //PSTEP EXEC PGM=WRITER //DSA DD SYSOUT=A,DEST=&LOC // PEND //CALLER EXEC PROC=INSTREAM,LOC=NYC //. Most functions that system utility programs can perform are performed more efficiently with other programs, such as IDCAMS, ISMF, or DFSMSrmm. Create multiple PDS in a single IEBCOPY job from one input PDS. In the following example, a data set is deleted and then reallocated, and two JCL symbols–DSNAME and VOLSER–are exported and used for symbol substitution in the in-stream data sets: #JCL #COBOL #CICS #Topictrick™ Welcome back to another JCL Tutorial on "JCL SYMBOLIC PARAMETERS". It executes when RC is greater than Zero. This example provides a quick reference document and sample programs for IBM mainframe JCL used with MVS or OS/390. See sample JCL and control statements for a simple JOINKEYS application to do an inner join (also known as a cartesian join) which joins all paired records. Example 2: Create a Partitioned Data Set from Sequential Input. The variables available for substitution are listed in the EXPORT command that must precede assignment (SET) of each symbol. //EXMP3 JOB ,GEORGE,MSGLEVEL=(2,1) In this example, the JOB statement requests that the system print JCL statements, JCL messages, JES and operator messages, and SMS messages. This tutorial will sh The IEFSJSYM JCL symbol service provides JCL symbol information from the submitted JCL to the program running under the submitted JCL. In this example of an in-stream procedure, the &LOC symbol has a default value of POK on the PROC statement; then it is assigned an execution value JCL - Examples. Describes system symbols and JCL symbols and the differences between them. For example, you can define a Using JCL substitution, you can form compound variables. . DFSORT is a program you use to sort, merge, and copy information. In this example of an in-stream procedure, the &LOC symbol has a default value of POK on the PROC statement; then it is assigned an execution value The three types of symbols that can be used for JES in-stream substitution are JCL Symbols, JES Symbols, and System Symbols: JCL symbols. There are three departments (A, B, and C) with three accounting codes (ACODE, BCODE, and CCODE) respectively. With the exception of the keywords listed in Note 2 below, JOB statement keyword parameters include those keywords that are defined for the MVS JCL JOB statement. Defining names for JCL symbols: IBM recommends that your installation define standard names for frequently used JCL symbols and enforce the use of those names. Symbols on JCL records are treated as if they were resolved simultaneously. Only use symbols that have the same value on every system in your JES complex. Job step: Each program to be executed by a job. Values are assigned in the operand field for both the PROC and EXEC statement. PROC has an input data set and this needs to be modified while running the job. Do not code DD or JOB statement keywords as JCL symbols in procedures or jobs that are started by a START command from the A symbolic parameter is a character string of 1 to 7 alphameric characters preceded by an ampersand (&). se fa gc kz gq eu ob qs kc ow