Keep string in collapse stata

Keep string in collapse stata. Collapse allows you to convert your current data set to a much smaller data set of means, medians, maximums, minimums, count or percentiles (your choice of which percentile). var). Speaking Stata: Concatenating values over observations. I would suggest using a pivot table for the same purpose as Stata's "collapse". For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. If stata cmd stores results, only the results from the last group on which stata cmd executes will be stored. Re: st: Collapsing with strings. st: RE: String Variable in Collapse Command. ) as length means "keep right on to the end of the string". Stata Journal 2: 86–102. Thanks in advance! Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. If your string has other Unicode characters, the number of bytes is greater than the number of characters. 2007a. input str11 County str8 District_no str55 District_name float Year double Gross_tax_rate. com graph twoway line — Twoway line plots+ +This command includes features that are part ofStataNow. 2007b. J. clear. Alternatively, use a shortcut paste0, which defaults to paste with sep = ''. type mismatch. Here is an example of the data with ID, year, and the job code (i. Important. We will show some examples of how to use regular expression to extract and/or replace a Dec 4, 2019 · Hi, I have a doubt. As was mentioned very. ) and interprets the strings “. , similar to collapse. Try. , job_code). st: RE: first|string option for collapse. The outline is program myprog Jul 26, 2016 · 26 Jul 2016, 00:45. Speaking Stata: Counting groups, especially panels. You can identify duplicates using Stata's 'duplicates' command. gen combinedvar=strvar1 + " " + strvar2. In cases like these, I always create a small dummy dataset with easy to calculate values and test whether I get the result I want. collapse with if works this way: Those observations selected by the if condition are collapse d, typically (but not necessarily) into a new dataset with fewer observations. Stata Learning Module Reshaping data long to wide. explained in the FAQ. A complex string is a string that contains more than one piece of information. ) – Nick Cox. These 3 letters either represent a Country and a bunch of other stuff such as Religion groups/Ethnic and others. Note that we are specifying the sep and collapse arguments to different values, which relates to your second question. Efficiently make dataset of summary statistics using C. Complex strings may be very long and may contain binary information. Variables in varlist that are already numeric will not be changed. “Male” and “Female”, “yes” and “no”, and “R. Code: // VERIFY THAT THERE ARE NO CLASHING VALUES OF DIAG* WITHIN // ANY COMBINATION OF PATID CLMID foreach v of varlist diag* { by patid clmid fst_dt (`v'), sort: assert `v' == `v'[_N] | missing(`v') } format patid clmid %11. It's incorrect to say that this command is unusual, let alone unique, in that respect. 1. drop var17-var103 var314 var317. var notation. Re: st: collapsing string variables. var or L. b, , . com/course/getting-star nolabel prevents Stata from copying the value-label definitions from the dataset on disk into the dataset in memory. In this simulation I have manually counted, in the var -total-, the number I'm seeking advice on how to write code for counting. I’m currently looking at a longitudinal data set filled with economic Jul 25, 2022 · Collapse. However, they are not perfect duplicates. Probably, the spaces are meaningless. Speaking Stata: How to move step by: step. I'd like to see all unique characteristics from the particular variable (type: string), excluding all duplicated one. Written by Johan Osterberg who lives and works Nov 24, 2020 · Suppose you have two string variables ( strvar1 and strvar2) and want to combine them, you can simply type. use afewcarslab Oct 3, 2022 · 【Online Courses】⚡Getting Started with Stata: (24 lectures + 4 assignments = 5. specify pop as stub together with string; rename your variables, say, to mpop90 and fpop90, or whatever makes sense ; use the @ character, as explained in the manual. First, as already exemplified, computations of the kind above include “missing”—whether . You can browse but not post. These examples take long data files and reshape them into wide form. by varlist: stata cmd bysort varlist: stata cmd The above diagrams show by and bysort as they are typically used. Otherwise the way to find out which sums of zeros "should be" missing is to count non-missing values and to replace sums of zero by missing whenever the number of non-missing values is zero, collapse lets you do this. set obs 10. 2. It is quite possible that you do not want that, and if so, we need to exclude missing values from the computation. k l2. Variables containing strings—called string variables—occur in data for a variety of reasons. Placeholders like <varname> and <dtafile> show where user-specified values go in each language. Code: label list sector. These show common examples of reshaping data but do not exhaustively demonstrate the different kinds of data reshaping that you Nov 16, 2022 · William Sribney, StataCorp. You can find out the length of the string, which lets you work out how many zeros to add as a prefix. This is. My aim is to end up with left 12 characters of this variable, for example 512KR7017170002 should become clean displays string values without compound double quotes. Somehow you need to tell Stata which variables you want to sum by health center, but that doesn't mean that you need to type them all. Dec 27, 2016 · however that deals with one-word stringvars, whereas I wish to count the number of unique and distinct words with a stringvar that has multiple words. 5 hours content): available on Udemy: https://www. In Stata, and in statistical software generally, such values need to be present explicitly. You may have to merge the resulting variables back with the original dataset if you want to have them both together. Note that collapse works by replacing your data with the summary statistics of each variable that you request. Apr 26, 2019 · You can use the Variables Manager in Stata, or preferably the command line interface and the keep varlist command. A period (. come from if typeis 2; or an empty string is returned for any other type wordcount(s) the number of words in s Functions In the display below, sindicates a string subexpression (a string literal, a string variable, or another string expression) and nindicates a numeric subexpression (a number, a numeric variable, or another numeric expression). DescriptionQuick startMenuSyntax OptionsRemarks and examplesReferenceAlso see Description line draws line plots. You dont need to, however. The collapse command in Stata can be used to aggregate the dataset from Stata’s menu options by following: Data > Create or change data > Other variable-transformation commands > Make dataset of means, medians, etc. Or you could put them both in the value Mar 8, 2018 · Keeping Variables for specific string values. Oct 14, 2015 · Without seeing the structure of your data, it is hard to say but it sounds to me like you wouldn't even need to issue both sets of collapse commands since your data will be collapsed by the same variables each time and you are calculating the same statistics for Complete and all_m. This takes the string defined by the first argument and searches for the first position of the substring you supply as the second argument. I have several duplicate observations in my data set. Alternatively you could also use the egen concat function ( egen Nov 2, 2017 · This isn't super-fast, but is still way faster than collapse, and importantly allows collapses that would have run before with string variables to continue to run with gcollapse. sep allows each terms to be separated by a character string, whereas collapse allows the entire result to be separated by a character string. Note that in many cases, <varname> will be simple text in Stata (e. destring treats both empty strings “” and “. Nov 8, 2014 · 1. ” as indicating sysmiss (. Nov 16, 2022 · How can I list, drop, and keep a consecutive set of variables without typing the names individually? Nov 16, 2022 · to be followed later by compress. 2020. asdatenum tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %td-formatted date that should be converted and faster solutions in Stata are available. You can use collapse when you want to create summary statistics of your data, or some of your variables. My contribution is modest, but I send it to Statalist for the record. I would do "jobs" and "pop" one at a time as the "value" and set "value field settings" for "sum". '. Code: Jul 17, 2021 · July 17, 2021 Stata lệnh collapse phantichstata Đôi khi bạn có các file dữ liệu, và file này cần được thu gọn để phục vụ cho một mục đích nào đó cho bạn. The full syntax of the commands is by varlist 1 (varlist 2), sort rc0: stata cmd bysort varlist 1 (varlist 2), rc0: stata cmd Description Most Stata commands allow the byprefix, which repeats the command for each group of observations We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. . she forgets the problem. This module illustrates the power and simplicity of Stata in its ability to reshape data files. See [U] 12. Step 3. Therefore, we show other ways to perform a series of tasks with and without recode. We will illustrate this using an example showing how you can collapse data across kids to make family level data. perform the same collapse as the previous command, however instead of collapsing on just the city, we could collapse on the city and whether or not you identify as a female. Pretty new to mata and trying to exploit its string matrix capabilities. May 13, 2015 · Creating a string matrix populated with string macro. GPierre. var), and seasonal differences (s. , . The following example demonstrates the problem. At the same time, you may know that you will never need more than 6 zeros or whatever. Remarks and examples stata. Jan 20, 2021 · stata命令介绍collapse :分组统计数据 含义描述. This option has no effect if an exp is not specified as the output type. gcollapse converts the dataset in memory into a dataset of means, sums, medians, etc. Your time, entry and exit variables would surely be continuous variables, and there's no need for the i. If q1 is a string variable, type. Jun 25, 2019 · 1. Then same advice as above. answered Nov 6, 2014 at 16:59. I need to add a "0" in the front of the string but only if the string is 9 characters long. In this video, we look at how to use the col Get to know Stata’s collapse command–it’s your new friend. ) What is the easiest way to do this? The word string is shorthand for a string of characters. In short, the first line of code (minus the '. However, at the same time I want to keep other variables. What can I do to keep all combinations, with a missing result for the statistics that can't be computed? In an example: sysuse nlsw88, clear. Jun 26, 2020 · The output of the help encode command tells us. Using the content of "d" (once successfully imported) to create a vector with n rows with identical contents. Dec 4, 2015 · Dear Stata Users I have a string variable IssueCode. The merge mavens set up multiple files and then put them together with some clever Drop/Keep. What I am looking for is to create a variable (or collapse data) that shows how many jobs they have throughout the year from 1994 to 1996. edited Nov 8, 2014 at 16:10. For a concrete example I assume panel data with identifier id and time variable time: bysort id (time): keep if _n == _N. You can use ds to create a list of variable names. But because sector is numeric, regardless of its display, your original command in post #1 should have been. Nov 25, 2020 · Welcome to my classroom!This video is part of my Stata series. Stata can store strings up to 2-billion characters long and can store strings containing binary information, including binary 0 (\0). var or var#var etc. z for numeric variables or "" for string variables—just like any other value. Also see [R] tabulate oneway — One-way table of frequencies Jun 6, 2020 · type mismatch. To summarize, the command above could be expanded to read. Speaking Stata: Making it count. All credit goes to Nick Cox. Stata Journal 7: 117–130. I am aware that if Product were a numeric variable we could use the collapse command. Use the collapse command. Jul 30, 2014 · See help string functions for an array of functions that can be used to manipulate strings. There is one record per kid. & sector!=. Another approach is using the merge command to add the variables you generate with the collapse back to the original dataset. Let’s take a look at an example. Welcome to my classroom!This video is part of my Stata series. will delete the variables listed after "drop" from your data set. The alternative to strings is numbers—0, 1, 2, 5. Collapsing your data means to combine several cases into single lines. b”, :::, “. Sep 27, 2013 · How to keep all possible combinations in collapse by multiple variables in stata? Apr 12, 2019 · If that goes through, -collapse- does it. In a horizontal bar chart, the numerical axis is still called the y axis, and the categorical axis is still called the x axis, but y is presented horizontally, and x vertically. will tell you how the value label displays each numeric value in output. Stata handles restoring the user’s data, even if the user presses Break in the middle of the program. ex. On occasion, people use numeric suffixes with leading zeros, such as 01, 02, and so forth. The most Jan 30, 2023 · Here your problem is that several observations may refer to the same individual and if so they need to be combined in single observations. There are three ways to put frequencies in a new variable: tabulate oneway or tabulate twoway will save counts as a matrix. Those observations not selected disappear. xtabond n w l. 10 Aug 2017, 03:20. These examples take wide data files and reshape them into long form. , avg_income) while in Python it will be a string ('avg_income'). Var 1 0123456789 123456789 0123456789 I'm using replace var1= "0" + var1 but missing the part where I can depend the command to only occure if the string is 9 characters. In problems like this, there is often a clash of experts, between the by-pilots and the merge mavens. Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:24:04 -0500. Nov 16, 2022 · There are also difference operators (using d. problematic otherwise). You want whatever lies between position 1 and just before the dash. Code: replace manufacturing = 0 if manufacturing == . Jul 31, 2019 · 0. For example, you might want to know how many respondents use Stata. Here is a file containing information about the kids in three families. Is there a way to retrieve the original labels and apply them to the reshaped dataset? Nov 19, 2018 · 1. Code: clear. The second also have some values filled and some bytes is equal to the number of characters. com The following, admittedly artificial, example illustrates joinby. Nov 16, 2022 · Data on multiple responses in this structure can be used immediately for many analyses. On principle I am ignoring your attachment. If you use the option not then ds will list all but the variable names you are mentioning. graph hbar draws horizontal bar charts. The Stata-to-Python translations below are written assuming that you have a single DataFrame called df. In this article, we will focus on the command. For this next example, we will ask Stata to provide a count for the number of observations that occur for the specified collapse categories. Importing a scalar from stata to mata using. Date. 10 * "0" is a convenient way to write "0000000000". . variable. You can read more about this in [U] 12. 666667 and 2. For more info, type help dataex. Aug 5, 2016 · Read help string functions. -collapse- cannot calculate a statistic like mean or sd of a string. Characters listed in ignore() are removed. Instead, you have to use first, last, firstnm, or lastnm. (If you transpose the data twice, you will lose the contents of string variables. The usubstr () function has three arguments: the string, or string variable, from which we copy a substring; the position of the start of the substring; and the length of the substring to be copied. We want to change 1 to 2, leave all other values unchanged, and store the results in the new Dec 1, 2022 · 1. This module illustrates the power (and simplicity) of Stata in its ability to reshape data files. Jul 7, 2021 · 4. I have a dataset with a lot of repeating variables. dta save c:\temp\collapse01 asdatetime tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %tc-formatted datetime that should be converted to an Excel datetime with m/d/yyyy h:mm Excel datetime format. Among these string functions are three functions that are related to regular expressions, regexm for matching, regexr for replacing and regexs for subexpressions. or if q1 is a numeric variable in which Stata is represented by 5, type. Example 2 Now let’s consider a program that must destroy the user’s data but needs the data back again, and, once the data are recovered, will do no more damage. by repeats the stata cmd for each group defined by varlist. a, . is not a scalar, these functions return element-by-element results. If so, remove them. Many Stata commands support the in id drug drug2 drug 3 1 A B 2 A B C I was trying figure out how this merge example works from a previous post, but I am open to any method: save orig duplicates drop id, force keep id org_name save temp_name, replace use orig, clear collapse (sum) _*, by(id) merge id using temp_name, sort Thanks for any help! clean displays string values without compound double quotes. Ví dụ: bạn có thể có dữ liệu học sinh nhưng bạn thực sự muốn dữ liệu lớp học hoặc bạn có thể có dữ liệu Nikhi wrote: > Is there a way to get all (_all) except for one of the variables? To my mind come two easy solutions: - to use "if" and loop through the levels of your categorical variable: ***** sysuse auto, clear drop make forvalues i = 0/1 { preserve collapse _all if foreign == `i' save c:\temp\collapse`i', replace if `i' == 1 { append using c:\temp\collapse0. Zero is the correct sum for a numeric variable whenever there there are non-missings that sum to zero. If I want to see or get the year out of a daily date then there is a function for the purpose: Code: . If you know that the string values in varname do not include embedded spaces or embedded quotes, this is an String processing is fairly easy in Stata because of the many built-in string functions. This coded Actor2Code thus far as being a string variable that contains 3 letters. reshape will understand these properly only if they are declared as string. Marvin Aliaga. Four of these reasons are listed below. I have a variable named "score" (float) as showed below and I want to truncate it to two decimals. Collapsing. These show common examples of reshaping data, but do not exhaustively demonstrate the different kinds of data reshaping that you could encounter. Drop/Keep. Stata Journal 7: 571–581. One approach that comes to mind is using the egen command rather than collapse to generate the variables you need within the existing dataset. Thus any original variables that were strings will result in observations containing missing values. Smith” and “P. ) Quick start Replace dataset in memory with transposed variables and observations xpose, clear Add varname containing the original variable names xpose, clear varname Mar 16, 2023 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. In this video, we look at how to use keep/dr will attempt to convert all variables in the dataset from string to numeric. udemy. In practice, you only need to remember to "squeeze" -collapse between "include copylabels" and "include attachlabels". Nov 16, 2022 · After reshaping my dataset using the reshape command, some of the variable and value labels are deleted. recently, you should not send attachments to Statalist. Only the id # is the same. gen combinedvar=strvar1 + strvar2. gen x = _n. Stata does not get as far as the comparison of female with the string "female", which would fail for the same reason. How can I do this? The key string functions for subdividing string variables and, indeed, strings in general, are strpos(), which finds the position of separators, and substr(), which extracts parts of the string. gcollapse. input group id visitno str25 allcolors total. Oct 6, 2014 · The easiest generic way to keep the last of a group is as follows. line is a command and a plottype as defined in[G-2] graph twoway. Sep 22, 2023 · Here “observation” in Stata, as usual, means what in other software or from other points of view is regarded as a record, row, or case. On the other hand, recode often provides simple ways to manipulate variables that are not easily accomplished otherwise. Welcome to Statalist. Thanks. ') should do the trick, i'd say. 719 10sep2012 1064 Q8 diesel CS 1. The * means “match zero or more” of the preceding expression. w k l. Rich Goldstein. Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. 7, and so on. keep if female<. k ys l. contract and keep also work in this way May 19, 2018 · Added in edit: this code assumes that the values of the variable "words" are distinct, and that each value is usable as a Stata variable name. I mean, I have values like 2. Like this: keep keep tells Stata to drop all variables except those specified explicitly or through the use of an if or in expression. Just like drop, keep can be used with a varlist or with qualifiers but not with both at once. 4 Strings. (which is fine if the string variable is constant within the group and. a”, “. gen weight = runiformint(0,1) sum x [aweight = weight] collapse (mean) x [aweight = weight] Cox, N. By default, the mean of one (or several) variables is created. The by-pilots love to show how a quick -sort- and an application of -by:- can get you where you want to be. Aug 4, 2015 · Assuming that the variable female is a numeric 'blank' - more commonly known as 'missing' - is coded in Stata as '. Tue, 11 Dec 2012 17:46:18 +0000. graph twoway line When working with binary strings, one can find the first or last location of the binary 0 using strpos(s, char(0)) or strrpos(s, char(0)). set obs 8. Stata doesn't know the term row in this context except as another word for observation. di year(mdy(4, 7, 2021)) 2021. Step 2. I show you a small piece of my dataset station brand fuel service price edate 1064 Q8 diesel CS 1. 2002. 2007c. If you know that the string values in varname do not include embedded spaces or embedded quotes, this is an Feb 14, 2019 · I see 'unique' or 'distinct' commands will show the total number of unique values in the variable, but they don't actually list each of the unique values. Even if you do not specify this option, label definitions from the disk dataset do not replace label definitions already in memory. If you are familiar with egen, you can think of collapse as equivalent to egen, except than rather making a new Stata determines the position of a character in a string with the strpos() function. g. For instance, working with the nlsw88 dataset: The above command keeps the listed variables in the dataset while the remainder is dropped. count if q1 == "Stata". collapse 将变量数据转换为均值、和、中位数等等。clist 必须为数字变量。 . Unlike collapse, however, first, last, firstnm, lastnm for string variables are not supported. 4. We use a clear command at the start of this example so that we can reload the afewcarslab dataset: . count if q1 == 5. replace female = 1 if female == "female". Jones” are examples of strings. Nov 16, 2022 · I have a dataset, and I wish to work with a subset of observations, and that subset is defined by a complicated criterion. Here di means display and is Stata's calculator command, among other things. Oct 18, 2016 · When I collapse a dataset by multiple variables, by default, Stata keeps only the combinations for which there are observations and so statistics can be calculated. For example, ID 1 had 3 jobs, ID 2 had 1 and ID 3 had 3. If your variable contains string values longer than 32,000 bytes, then only the first 32,000 bytes are retained and assigned as a value label to a number. 719 11sep2012 I want to collapse the data in Stata such that the data appears as : Table 2. A series where I help you learn how to use Stata. If you don't know all the variables you want to drop, to keep only the blocks with varx and vary : keep varx* varz*. To install: ssc install dataex. So there might be two observations with id#16 for instance, the first will have values for some variables, and missing values for others. I would first run a code to identify duplicates and then use a drop command to drop the cases. The latter can be addressed with the strtoname () function, the former by using the observation number to create an id variable and adjusting the first reshape command accordingly. (This might be a long list of identifiers or some other codes specifying which observations belong in the subset. Stata tip 51: Events in intervals. Using "keep" instead of drop would delete all variables not listed. May 30, 2017 · by County District_no ( District_name) Year: replace District_name = name_2023 if Year >= 1998 & Year <= 2022. Thus the syntax for line is. Aug 1, 2018 · The command. Oct 24, 2018 · What I want to do. You can call what you want collapsing if you like but it's not among. The same commands are used for dropping / keeping variables or cases. bysort <variables defining groups> (<variable defining order first last>): keep if _n == _N. Use ustrpso() or ustrrpos() to search based on characters rather than on bytes. Note that, in contrast to SPSS, you cannot drop or keep variables while saving a data set. (Matrices are different and talking about rowwise operations is an exception. Is there a command for this? Thank you! Tags: None. 0f collapse (firstnm) diag*, by(patid clmid fst_dt) list, noobs clean Jan 1, 2017 · 01 Jan 2017, 06:31. This is much liking creating statistics for groups of cases, but by collapsing your data a new data set is created that contains these statistics and can be put to further use. ys yr1980-yr1984, lags(2) yr1980-yr1984 is Stata’s common shorthand for a varlist and is equivalent to yr1980 yr1981 yr1982 yr1983 yr1984. Nov 29, 2021 · I have one question related to counting distinct values by groups. I am trying to collapse rows that have identical variables in column "fruit", while maintaining unique columns for each "year" of recording. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. var), leads (f. Nov 16, 2022 · They are Stata’s solution to a nasty little problem: as the beginning double quote " is the same symbol as the end double quote " how does Stata tell the difference between nested quoted strings "a"b"c" in which the quoted string "b" is embedded within a string that starts with "a and ends with c", and separate quoted strings "a"b"c" Apr 7, 2021 · 07apr2021. * Example generated by -dataex-. So if your Stata command was "collapse (sum) Pop Jobs, by (year)", then your pivot table would have "year" in the rows. References Cox, N. r(109); This fails because you are trying to replace the value of female with the string "1", but female is a numeric variable. 1666667 and I want to generate a new variable that would be these numbers but truncated to two decimals. drop if male==1 & female==. Stata Journal 7: 440–443. e. Not getting far though. The generalisation is. The warning from stset means you cannot use variables using either the i. In, say, a spreadsheet, it can be tacit that a value applies to rows below until the next such value. 2 Handling Unicode strings. Title stata. By default, each distinct string value is displayed within compound double quotes, as these are the most general delimiters. z” as Jul 8, 2019 · I've got a string variable, which should have 10 characters. ys l2. To undo, just reload the dataset in question. The last 4 characters of today's date are to Stata 2377 which is definitely not what you want. However, I don't know what to do in this situation since Product is a string variable. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as strings; instead, use generate newvar = real (varname) or destring; see real () or [D] destring. svmat can be used to create variables from the matrix. Run gtools, upgrade to update gtools to the latest stable version. Or, if you would like to have the words in strvar1 and strvar2 separated by a blank, type. I want to do a mean between this two prices and get just one observation. vi tq nv bj ty ei qx fl aj ky