Best founder belief civ 5

Best founder belief civ 5. While the Golden Age is nice to have, it doesn't help warmongering too much (unless you're Persia). Cathedral. As is, it's simply overpowered. Best beliefs are - crusade - defender - pilgrimage. There are four types of Beliefs in Civ 6: Founder, Follower, Worship, and Enhancer Beliefs. The key to religious dominance is spreading early before other religions start popping up. Jun 18, 2016 · The Holy City has naturally increased religious pressure, and you can raise the religious pressure of your cities by: Building Temples. _ - Divine Inspiration: Each World Apr 17, 2021 · Founder beliefs are probably a bit weaker then enhancer beliefs, but choosing one as your bonus belief allows you to build both national wonders associated with them, allowing for truly monstrous Holy Site Yields, which is a good idea for diplomatic Byzantium, as they are inclined to build Holy Sites because of the Holy Land Reformation Belief Back to Game concepts Go to the Social Strategy article Reformation is a social policy in Civilization V. Upon founding a Religion, you will first need to choose a Follower Belief that will affect any city following that Religion. +1 Culture from Shrines. (Pay for themselves really quickly). Worship Building - Wat. The numbers may look kinda low, but they'll get boosted quite The first is a "hands-on" approach using the bonus slot for Pilgrimage, a second Founder Belief (+2 Faith per foreign city following your religion). In a mature religious society, it becomes inevitable that a drive to change manifests itself at some point. This belief may be any remaining belief except Reformation beliefs. Ceremonial Burial IS the best Founder Belief, especially if going wide. founder belief: tithe, gives a lot of gold follower belief 1: pagodas, religious building that gives 2 happiness (local) 2nd great prophet follower belief 2: religious community (15% prod) or temple happiness last belief: pressure range these beliefs will give your tall cities a big boost due to the happiness, gold and production you receive! May 10, 2012 · Civ 5; Civilization V: Gods & Kings hands-on - religion, espionage, and steampunk The first is a Founder Belief, which gives you a bonus for every follower, and the second is a Follower Belief Feb 21, 2013 · 3 - Fertility Rites: 10% faster Growth Rate. Mosques. Here's a list of all the Beliefs I consider relevant to a Science victory in case you need to refresh your memory: Follower Belief- Jesuit Education. Sep 16, 2013 · If you want the best pick of beliefs for your Religion, it's wise to found one early for each Pantheon Belief, Founder Belief, and all other Beliefs are unique to the Civ that picks them. Pantheon belief: Go with whatever makes most sense given your map position. Step 1: Play as Enrico Dandolo. Tithe is generally best and most consistent founder belief for all civs for a classic optimal tradition game imo. Apr 5, 2021 · Citizen and Specialist Management: https://www. The Celts, definitely, and Ethiopia as a second. If those are gone, production and culture bonuses are ok too. Heathen Conversion: Missionaries convert adjacent Barbarian units to this civilization. Dance of the Aurora. I am finding Papal Primacy (15 resting rate) with Patronage and Aesthetics (20 resting rate) gives permanent religious friends on Marathon setting. Back to Civilization V Go to Faith (Civ5) Religion is a feature introduced to Civilization V in the Gods & Kings expansion pack. Annex the city, and make sure all the cities around it are converted, preferably with a GP. Religions aren’t mandatory for winning in Civ 5, but Founders Beliefs can have very powerful yields, and even your pantheons can make a drastic difference in your Culture, Food, or Hammer Having a religion can massively increase your ability to generate gold, culture, and happiness. Faith Healers. Can you destroy a religion in Civ 5? Jun 10, 2023 · 1 Desert Folklore. 3 = Good. Some of the uses of religion in Civ 5 are as follows: 1. The reason choral and feed the world are unmatched is that it negates the downside of a holy site. World Church (+1 culture for every 5 followers in other civs) provides a good mid/lategame culture boost. 2 = Decent. The lowest of the A-tier wonders, lake Victoria is essentially a workable Hanging Gardens. I didn't even have to rush to be the first founder of a religion. No. you aren't going to be spreading your religion a Sep 1, 2023 · Choosing the right Beliefs is important for both religious victory and useful buffs. Pagodas and Religious Community for follower, followed by Religious Centers and Mosques. ‘ Desert Folklore’ is a strong pantheon for players who settle in desert regions. 2. Ancestor Worship. Here is my "best" possible religion: Pantheon: Desert Folklore. Founder Belief: Sacred Places Enhancer Belief: Religious Colonization. Use your bonus belief on a second Founder Belief Pantheon: In a perfect world, Goddess of Love (eventually +1 Happiness in every city) Founder: Ceremonial Burial (on a Huge Map), Tithe, Church Property (Tithe might be better eventually, but Church Property will be better for most of the game) Follower 1: Pagodas Follower 2: Mosques Dance of the Aurora+Work Ethic+Peter is beyond broken. That will get you a pantheon. If you are planning sacred sites; then you want 2 (3 if Byzantine) follower beliefs with religious buildings. Byzantium for the extra belief. The Celts can develop faith without needing buildings, and depending on the terrain, they can develop a lot of it. Celts for early faith from forests. Allows for more aggressive mid-game expansion, which in turn leads to more science IMO, this is the most important reason to get a lot of faith. Personally I feel Tithe is still the best founder belief, but it does seem weaker with BNW (trade routes make getting gold so easy, Tithe is just another drop in the bucket). But for me at least, I usually tend to go for the same Founder and Enhancer beliefs every time. You get your Prophet and all your cities are pumping out an extra +10 production minimum. You might prefer Monasteries, as the cheaper price will allow you to buy them faster. Holy Order, Pilgrimage and Mosques are my other go-to beliefs for this victory. You need a lot of cities connected quite quickly to get benefit out of it. It grants +1 Faith for each desert tile with an adjacent desert tile, making it a great Dec 19, 2013 · Founder Belief: Many have suggested Hero Worship. Step 2: Found religion of Juadism, name it Money. This belief grants a nice +2 Science that is useful across a wide variety of scenarios and victory types. 1 = Poor. 1) Enhancer beliefs work exactly as Founder beliefs. Aug 25, 2014 · Founder Beliefs. Reliquaries Culture victory: Nov 1, 2016 · They are all situational. Cathedrals provide you with faith as well as extra works of art. Church Property is best at the mid-game, while Initiation Rites is best at early. Religion provides various bonuses to your civilization. This is completely overwhelming, and it will dominate the globe very quickly. Each type offers With the Enhancer Belief “Religious Texts” and a Grand Temple, you can usually manage to keep a decent amount of religious pressure on your citizens. Lake Victoria. However, both purchasing essential buildings (workshops, universities, factories etc. Apr 24, 2024 · What is the best pantheon in Civ 5? According to the article, the 10 best pantheons in Civilization V are: 1. #1. Feed the World is probably not necessary, as you *will* have sufficient food. There are other viable options, but they can argue about second place, Tithe is great in all situations. Tips and Strategies. I don't see anything better written, so here's a guide to the essentials of a culture victory. Tithe is amazing as a Founder Belief, as it counts for your incredible thiccness. Pantheon : the one that give bonus great person point. Single most broken religion + pantheon in the game. #3. 20. Oral Tradition 8. Pantheons. For example, I always go for Tithe. Pagoda or Stupa for your Worship Belief. ) and maintaing ally status of all city-states is very expensive if you are not sweden or greece. May 27, 2014. Why is it that I can have the majority of believers in a city yet a rival religion can still have the greater “pressure” within that city? Absent all other factors, the pressure corresponds to the number of followers of that faith. It gets better when you actually found the religion with a Great Prophet. You can pledge to protect as well for another 10 resting rate. I start by summarizing the sources of culture and the mechanics of golden ages and great people. +1 Faith from Tundra tiles without Forest. If other civilizations are following the same … Feb 8, 2024 · Religion in Civilization 5 serves several purposes and can greatly benefit your gameplay. Jan 28, 2019. Next time its going to be "Critical Thinking" but I am just wondering what you witty folks have come up with. I also wonder if some of these are balanced or not (as in if they are much stronger than others or just underwhelming). No mention of Germany and free chance to convert Barbarians to units. Founders can take Tithe to get +1 gold for every four followers, giving support for a larger military and encouraging you to spread belief a little. The second Religious Belief you choose can be of any of the three kinds, but you will ultimately only be able to pick one of each. 10. It's very strong in the right context, but the benefit of the belief will depend on how many followers you're actually going to have in each city, and when, up to 15. For more information on it, see this May 27, 2014 · Missouri. Though here are my top five beliefs I chose when I play and what makes them so great. #2 seems overly complicated. In viewing other threads it seems like a lot of people always choose tithe or church property for their religion. even on deity at least, tithe usually isn't even that great itself because making your religion dominant enough to get a lot of gold is almost impossible, but it's still head and shoulders the best founder. Herpes. An early religion (sometimes even faster than stonehege !) and great person points during all the games, providing almost free science/culture. Enhancer: Religious Texts. If you have nearby Incense / Wine, this is even more attractive. Originally posted by jojouichanco: Yes. Belief Name. Goddess Of Love 6. I just played a game where I took Jesuit Education for the first time as the Shoshone. Reformation: Unity of the Prophets. Peace Loving: +1 Global Happiness per every 8 followers of this religion in non-enemy foreign cities. I hope to get some feedback on Founder beliefs and will be listing my thoughts about them. Or 2) Some Enhancer beliefs work as Founder and others as Followers. ) Have the Inquisitor "Remove Heresy" on the Holy City. Work ethic is obviously obvious. If you have other Beliefs that you think come in handy, let me know! Oct 14, 2020 · Worship beliefs are a lot like Founder beliefs in their own way. In the game environment this is represented through a system of bonuses, which have a diverse set of possible effects. Synergies for your second follower belief are those with happiness bonuses. Buddhism (520 BCE) Pantheon: One with Nature. But most importantly, it helps you win a Culture Victory. These wonders both provide high faith, which can have a formidable impact especially in the early game, as well as enough food to be self-sustaining tiles. Ethiopia for the stele and early faith. Mar 7, 2005 · What beliefs do you prefer when founding/enhancing your religion? I know that when it come to Pantheon and Follower beliefs, it is much more game-specific - different situations call for different beliefs. Apr 15, 2013. Feb 21, 2015 · It’s a feeling like no other. Getting a belief like mosques or pagodas is key in creating faith. Messenger Of The Gods 4. The best follower is situation dependent. Courtesy of their ability to adopt a bonus belief of any type, your religion will apply 10 pressure at a distance of 13 tiles if you take both of these Enhancers. The faith is unnecessary too. If tithe is gone I'd pick Initiation Rights, Church Property, or Ceremonial Burial (in that order). But most importantly it helps you win a Culture Victory . When you Enhance a Religion with the second or later Great Prophet, you get to choose your second Follower Belief and one of the below Enhancer Beliefs. 3 - Just War: +20% Combat near enemy Cities that follow this Religion. In Brave New World it requires Religious Tolerance. If you click on where it shows your faith points you can view the religion as a whole and it'll show you exactly what you have. . 1. Oct 6, 2012. Otherwise, Tithe is excellent for Tall, Church Property if going Wide, Initiation Rites if you need cash now (normally for militaristic strategy/defense). In this game I purchased a couple of cheap Great Prophets after the Cathedrals since I had Messiah as my bonus belief for Byzantium. Reply. Founder Beliefs. Oct 6, 2012 · 23. Again, Gurdwara probably isn't necessary. ) or Wat (+3 faith, +2 science) Founder Group 1: Tithe (+1 gold for every 4 followers) is far and away the best. My go to temple is the synagogue. Enhancers. To simply things, say it's midgame and you have 4 Yes except for Founder beliefs, which apply ONLY to the founder nation. As one of the best religious buildings in the game, Cathedrals offer a great source of works for gorgeous art. I am currently planning a Persia play through and was planning on using religion to aid in a culture victory. When voting, take into account both the strength of the belief and how universal it is in its applicability. spain is the best civ period for basically everything barring perhaps poland if you can get natural wonders. Choosing holy warriors was the next best thing to do, giving my cities the opportunity to just create buildings while buying units with faith. For religious beliefs, I was thinking of doing something like this: Religion: Zoroastrianism Follower Belief: Choral Music Worship Building: Synagogue. The Piety tree seems to be designed for them. Selecting a pantheon or “ Belief” is always a hard one as it is very situational and varies with each and every game you play. Religion gives you bonuses (founder belief, follower belief). That means Religious Community tends to give you its full benefit in tall empires with high-population cities. Ceremonial Burial / Peace Loving (1 Happiness Per 2 Cities or 1 per 8) Tithing / Church Property (1 gold per 4 followers /2 gold per city) Interfaith Dialogue (Science when Religion Spreads) Aug 24, 2018 · 1,612. Tithe is one of the best founder beliefs so no disagreement there. Religious Victory: Choral music is the absolute best: Being able to completely focus on holy sites and pretty much ignore theater square and still get to theocracy in a decent amount of time speeds up this victory like no other belief. But @Minh Le took it, then wrote: "Hero Worship is strange. 3 - Holy Order: Missionaries and Inquisitors cost 30% less Faith. . Only the founder gets founder beliefs. Two things I observed: 1. Other Civs will benefit from a Pantheon or Follower belief if your religion is dominant in your city. Apr 19, 2013 · The list of Follower beliefs is here: Follower Beliefs: _ - Asceticism: Shrines provide +1 Happiness in Cities with 3 followers. First, you must conquer the Holy City whose religion you want to destroy. com/watch?v=OQTUPGUv5vE&t=267sKia ora and welcome back! Today I'm discussing faith and religion in Civ Civ 5 Religion Guide - Gods & Kings and Brave New World. Religious Fervor: Use Faith to purchase Industrial (and later) land units. I will fight anyone on the Inca being #1. Founder. Usually I go for Ceremonial Burial. Initiation Rites: 100 gold when a city first converts. A religion also may add a reformation belief by selecting the Reformation policy in the For a second follower, any happiness belief is usually a good choice. Founder: Pilgrimage. Thus, I often go Piety to get a reformation belief. In this post, we’re diving into all the Wonders in Civ 5 to create the ultimate tier list. FAQ NEEDING CONFIRMATION. So if you want a specific set of Beliefs that go well together, you'd best get a Shrine built early on and get to Philosophy Technology for Temples. I proceed with a description of the tech path and cultural policy path that I recommend. Religion - a set of beliefs, consisting of a pantheon belief, a founder belief, two follower beliefs, an enhancer belief and potentially a reformation belief. This will net you heaps of gold so you can rush purchase buildings and units or buy CityStates. Getting religious buildings that boost pressure (from the follower beliefs or world wonders) Organized Religion (Fealty) adds 50% pressure to nearby cities only for your own religion. Goddess Of Festivals 2. The extra faith and especially quicker building time for shrines works great with the Pyramid. Mar 29, 2024 · What religion is best in civ 5? All founder beliefs are decent if you play wide, as these empires generate the large amounts of faith. But let’s be real, with over 40 of these bad boys to choose from, it’s hard to know which ones are worth your time and resources. 4 = Very good. What is your go-to Founder Belief? Explain away in the comments. " The best time I've ever had playing Civ 5 was with the Maya. This alone will remove the Holy City status. Sep 18, 2021 · A strong nation always has a strong belief and/or religion behind it. Which makes this one an ideal worship belief to get if you intend to go for a cultural victory, but you aren’t leaving religion behind. Religion can give you lots of advantages, depending on what religious enhancements you choose. With the Piety policy that gives a 20% Jan 20, 2018 · Civ 5 Religion Guide - Gods & Kings and Brave New World. youtube. Closed • 453 total votes. A well-crafted Oct 12, 2012 · In this thread, please rate the Founder beliefs. Cathedral 10. Religion is related to the Faith yield. Apr 29, 2020 · Religious Communities or Zen Meditation are good picks for your Follower Belief. Religion gives you bonuses such as founder belief and follower belief. That’s where we come in. As Paralytic notes in the comments, spreading into an established religion requires tremendous effort that is often not worth it. God Of The Sea 5. Tithe is by far the best, most powerful Founder belief there is. Messiah isn't bad if you have to fight a Missionary spamming Civ like Ethiopia for converts, or if you've filled out Piety and are planting holy sites for the tile yields. Jan 12, 2021 · Follower Beliefs - Provide some kind of yield or other inherent bonus, such as the +1% Production for each follower bonus provided by the Work Ethic Follower belief. Aztec are at least tier B, probably A. Then you should buy all the great scientists you can and bulb them. Feb 21, 2014 · Pantheon - a pre-religion belief that is absorbed into (and superseded by) a religion. Your religion is doomed to be quite inferior in comparison. Usually Glory of God or Jesuit Education for reformation. Most of the other Enhancers are fairly poor, IMO. Nov 9, 2023 · Religion gives you bonuses (founder belief, follower belief). While certain beliefs are better for certain kinds of victories, we prefer the “slow and steady” nature of the Wat belief. I like Shoshone, Spain, Babylon, Poland, Washington, and Korea. Messenger of the gods can be an OK pick sometimes, but usually isn’t a top tier belief. Religious Community is a big deal because housing is the primary restriction on city growth in almost all situations. Jesuit Education: May build Universities, Public Schools, and Research Labs with Faith. A religion consists of a series of Beliefs, which provide gameplay bonuses. Reformation. World Church: +1 culture for every 5 followers of this Oct 16, 2012 · With Peace Loving as a founder belief, I was gaining 50 excess happiness from that belief alone by t200. Prophet #2: Guru ship (Useful when your scientist specialists can be making up to 5 science + 2 production, as well as workshops specialists making up to 5 production and 2 science) (Enhancer): Either Religion spreads to cities 30% father away, or religion spreads 34% faster (68% with printing press). Give votes between 0 and 5, where 1 is worst and 5 is best, like this: 5 = Excellent. Even other civs holy cities will be hard pressed to maintain a majority presence vs. Tithe gives most gold, and it's most powerful at late game, but have to get there. 6. So while you may prefer something like Cathedral We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Providing one of the broadest list of victory conditions Best beliefs are Tithe by far for founder, followed by Church Property. _ - Cathedrals: Use Faith to purchase Cathedrals (+1 Faith, +3 Culture, +1 Happiness, Artist Specialist slot) _ - Choral Music: Temples provide +2 Culture in Cities with 5 followers. Jan 19, 2024 · What is the point of religion in Civ 5? The main purpose of religion in Civilization 5 is to provide various bonuses and advantages to your civilization. On higher difficulties you typically need to prioritize a faith generating pantheon to actually get a quick religion. Interfaith Dialogue: Gain a science boost when a missionary or Great Prophet spreads this religion in a non enemy foreign city. 0 = Bad or Very Bad. Follower beliefs my top 3 are: Work ethic (MOAR HAMMARZ!), Religious Community (housing), Reliquaries (triple relic output). Founder Belief - Stewardship. As religious practices stagnate and become too gaudy and empty of Feb 21, 2014 · Religion - a set of beliefs, consisting of a pantheon belief, a founder belief, two follower beliefs, an enhancer belief and potentially a reformation belief. You get a +40% tourism bonus to other Civs that are following the same religion as you (the religion that a Civ has adopted in the majority of their cities is the one they follow). When founding a religion, you can choose a founder belief that grants specific My top 10 in order: Inca, Poland, Babylon, Korea, Shoshone, England, Egypt, Russia, Austria, Aztec. Later, you can get the Enhancer Belief, Holy Order, which combined with Mandate of Heaven halves the Faith cost of Missionaries and Inquisitors . For Follower beliefs, I like Pagodas. Follower: Religious Center, Religious Community. Civ 5 Gods and Kings Pantheon Religious Beliefs. Pantheon belief becomes part of your later religion. Once you have a Great Prophet, you can convert 4 Apr 13, 2013 · Staryn Apr 13, 2013 @ 7:41pm. Just as in the real world, Religion consists of a series of Beliefs, which define the religion's ideas and goals. I will explain how to use a single city or Pantheon: God of the Open Sky. Game Description. Gold producing founder beliefs are very good, because gold can be used for almost everything. Whilst a religion can be beneficial to your civilization, there is no victory condition related to religion. Jul 25, 2013 · 20. Founder belief, I am a fan of zen meditation or the 1% bonus per pop in the city. Favorite/Best Founder Belief? Discussion. Religion in civ 5 confuses me a little bit. After founder everything is situational Follower Dec 23, 2012 · Introduction A religion consists of a set of beliefs that are intended to enhance your ability to win the game. This thread is meant to be fun and hopefully highlight the impact BNW will have on the Religion/Faith aspect of the game, specifically with the inclusion of another tier of beliefs. Mosque of Djenne is an underrated Wonder, and it already provides a free Mosque in the city, rendering “Mosques” as a Follower belief a little less attractive in Tall empires. If you have 3+ local Wine and/or Incense: Monasteries. Tithe, for example, is a founder belief that gives you (the founder of the religion) 1 gpt per 4 followers of your religion anywhere in the world. the problem with all of the founder beliefs is they come at the expense of tithe if you pick them, and tithe is unequviocally the best one. A classic 4X game by any measure, Civilization V allows you to guide your nation from inception to world domination in any way you see fit. Easy A tier. Founder belief: Tithe is single/handedly the best belief, it will solve all your cash troubles by itself. By spreading your religion around you can get a very decent amount of gold out of it, which helps you out enormously starting in the Medieval Era for whichever victory route you're following. If a Religion has converted at least half the Citizenry, a City becomes Religious and gets that Religion's benefits. (If there is one/two cities left, save at least one spread religion use. It is part of the Piety tree and requires Organized Religion. Aug 19, 2012 · Enhancer Beliefs: 3 - Defender of the Faith: +20% Combat near friendly Cities that follow this Religion. Bonus: Itinerant Preachers Enhancer: Religious Texts Reformation: Unity of the Prophets (very good to counter other religions spreading) 4) Patriot Religion Follower Belief: Work Ethic (+1% production for each follower) Worship Belief: Meeting House (+3 faith, +2 prod. It's not bad, but Culture from Plantations, Pastures, Gold/Silver and other bonuses clearly pass it in usefulness. That leaves me two alternatives. Beliefs like Choral Music and Religious Center are indicated when The best 2 religions is choral and feed the world. Evangelism: Missionaries' Spread Religion action erodes existing pressure from other religions. Take Norway for example, the civ usually wants most cities Jun 13, 2008 · On the other hand, many of the other enhancer beliefs could act purely on a city level and could (plausibly) work as follower effects. Obviously if you get a faith NW nearby then it might also make more sense to pick up a culture generating pantheon instead and use it for faster sp. Each Religious City will send out +6 pressure for its Religion to all Feb 12, 2021 · There are four different types of Religious Beliefs in Civ 6. They provide +2 happiness when built in a city (with Faith). I'd ask you to put your vote before the name of each belief, like this: 3 - Fertility Rites: 10% faster Growth Rate Give votes between 0 and 5, where 1 is worst and 5 is best, like this: 5 = Excellent 4 = Very good 3 = Good 2 = Decent 1 = Poor 0 = Bad or Very Bad Feb 21, 2014 · Religion - a set of beliefs, consisting of a pantheon belief, a founder belief, two follower beliefs, and an enhancer belief. I've always found myself struggling to decide which one to pick. For example, you could choose enhancements that gives +1 happiness per city converted to your religion, or you could get +1 gold from every 4 believers in your religion, or increase the rate you gain faith. If you can spread your religion around, Preachers will usually end up stronger than Texts (unless you're Arabia). Jun 14, 2005 · 898. Founder Belief - Cross Cultural Dialogue. A religion also may add a reformation belief by selecting the Reformation policy in the Piety social policy tree. Religious Pressure is generated by Cities that have converted to that Religion and are Religious. Oct 4, 2016 · When founding a religion, you may pick a bonus belief in addition to the founder and first follower belief. The one that gives 5 culture and tourism to the Hermitage is actually not too bad if you're playing tall and cultural and don't have many choices left. Aug 20, 2013 · Founder: Tithes - clearly the best of the Founder beliefs for a super religion. Follower: Pagoda. Aside from tithe all the founder beliefs are weak. Instead, you want to be the established religion that requires tremendous effort to dislodge. Plus you can do awesome things with the right Reformation belief (see below). Converting & Religious Pressure. Follower Beliefs. Back to Vox Populi Front Page Go to the Faith Go to Beliefs Religion is a feature reintroduced in the Civilization V:Gods & Kings expansion pack. Only Mali + Desert Folklore + Work Ethic and Brazil + Sacred Path + Work Ethic are comparable. And oh my god is it ever powerful. Yes, you can, but only if it's your religion! While Missionaries and Inquisitors always correspond to the majority religion in the city they are produced, Great Prophets will always spread the religion founded by your Civilization, rather than the dominant religion of the city they appear in. Subsequently all remaining faith was used for Great Artists. your religion. ACeremonial Burial has the best syngergy with spamming cities, while Church Property is better than Title for wide empires. Spain with any natural wonder and +8 faith from natural wonder pantheon. I've usually either taken the one that lets you purchase any great person or the one that gives tourism for faith-bought buildings. 5. Establishing a religion includes two major steps: founding the religion and enhancing the religion. Many of the beliefs will benefit any civilization following a religion, but a religion s founder beliefs -- which can provide happiness, gold, science, faith, culture or City State influence -- only benefit the founder of a religion. In the first part of the game, they're a religion powerhouse, and they can start a pantheon in a minimum of 5 turns into the game. Founder: Tithe. 18. with exception of tithe because no other founder belief compares. Judaism (founded 1300 BCE, codified into present form in 70 CE) Pantheon: Religious Settlements. Only the civ who founded. I wouldn't pick that again, there are many Founder Beliefs which suit a warmonger better than this. Fertility Rites 7. Faith Healers 3. Founder Beliefs - Founder Yes. Iterative Preachers or Religious texts, depending on your layout, for enhancer. A lot of founder beliefs only work if the majority religion in a city is yours, but Tithe will work even if you only have a few followers spread out across the map. This means you should plant great prophets throughout the game and horde faith until 8 turns after your labs are built. Every worked tile yielded one point of faith. Here's what I have gone with so far Satanism, Cult of Cthulu, Party Drugs, Rock and Roll and Dank Nugs. 5 - Itinerant Preachers: Religion spreads to cities 30% further away. God Of War 9. Third would be work ethic (in single player) as it gets buffed from adjacency cards. Feb 28, 2011 · Choosing the '+1 faith from deserts' pantheon was a no-brainer. Jun 17, 2013 · List of Already implemented beliefs is: here. mt de ph rd ig rs cu su fw tb