Odbc throughput. May 23, 2024 · Google has collaborated with Simba to provide ODBC and JDBC drivers that leverage the power of BigQuery's GoogleSQL. You don't have to drop the primary key, as there is another solution: partitions. Mar 1, 2024 · Simplify queries. I have tried changing the network packet size from the default 4096 to 32627 on the connection string; However it doesn't seem to be helping performance. drivers() if x. Hi, We are getting very slow performance / throughput while writing using Teradata ODBC connection from Informatica. , driver_name = ''. This explains why abu reaches 200 MB/s during the backup window (2-nodes with each a 1 Gb link). Enter the name of the ODBC data source that you created for the PostgreSQL database. Name of the target connection. ODBC Soft Connection Counter per Second Create a. We using Informatica 8. I have installed the ODBC driver and configred the linked server to be used in MS SQL SERVER. Search for ODBC and select the ODBC connector. Click Next to continue. Please add the BatchMechanism=2 as below, the issue is solved Oct 26, 2023 · Correct, it is a 'Normal' load. Connection. Again we will truncate the table in the test2 database first. WAN. Select a table/view name, click "Columns" on the left and click "OK": When you configure an SQL override for a PostgreSQL source, partitioning is not applicable. Could you Apr 8, 2010 · The "Record blocking size (KB)" would seem like the the place to start, but it has no impact on the throughput in our case. endswith(' for SQL Server')] if driver_names: driver_name = driver_names[0] if driver_name: conn_str = 'DRIVER={}; '. INI file and locate the section for the PostgreSQL driver in question. I'm not sure what the errors are, and how to troubleshoot them. My driver is installed in C:\Program Dec 17, 2019 · We are using Microstrategy as our reporting tool and we connect to Bigquery through Simba ODBC. 1 comment. You can follow these steps: a. Details Connection timeout expired. In some circumstances, changing the packet size might lead to a communication link failure, such as the Jul 9, 2020 · For a request in informatica, where we need to load data from SQL Server(Source) to Postgresql Greenplum Database(Target). The target file properties should be changed to have "~" as the column delimiter. Following are the steps to do this: In Windows, bring up the ODBC Data Source Administrator, select the driver, and press the Configure button. Retrieving Data and Selecting ODBC Functions. Also it simplifies and speed up the deletion of the old data. You should do everything you can to minimize the amount of data that is sent over the link. txt will be created in the current directory. Data. These are actual connections to the server that are being released by connection pooling. Each partition in a PowerCenter session will use a separate connection to the target PostgreSQL database. CSQL Cache. If a decimal/numeric value from the source has a higher precision, ADF will first cast it to a string. Configuring the driver. Disable the usage of High-Throughput API via the following settings. With the Simba Microsoft SQL Server ODBC connector, you can deliver scalability, full BI application functionality, and real-time analytics to users. Feb 15, 2022 · You can see all the URLs in this document. 6. ODBC 3. Mar 31, 2014 · You can create a view in DB2 in which includes all the joins and selections. CommLog (C:\psqlodbc_xxxx. A new window ODBC Connections will open. It performs this function to access an array of other “data sources,” which can be any of the following database servers: Microsoft SQL Server. If you have any of blocking Trnsformations like (Agg,LKP,Joiner,Sorter,Rank), go to session log and chk , problem might be due to slow reading of data by one of these Transformations. 1 wire protocol driver for PostgreSQL provided by Informatica. 05 bundle). Industry-accepted best practices must be followed when using or allowing access through the ODBC Connector. Editing the Google BigQuery ODBC connection under the system DSN tab. MySQL. As with other application stacks connecting through the ODBC API, the application—in this case your python code along with In a mapping, you can configure a Target transformation to represent a single ODBC target. Oracle write throughput in rows/sec: 160k. ini file, then the throughput jumped to 1500(rows/second). Access will need to be restarted if it’s already open. See full list on learn. Postgres write throughput in rows/sec: 5k – Hi Nagrajan, I suspect problem may not be due to "using Teradata ODBC connection from Informatica", I suggest you to check the following:-- 1. This value will increase from zero when you stop all clients on the system and the connections start to time out. Mobile 3G. PowerExchange for PostgreSQL Connection Properties. 4 MB/s. – Sergey Kuznetsov. Mar 23, 2019 · Using MARS from ODBC and OLE DB To use MARS with ODBC the connection string addition is “MARS_Connection=yes”, or you can a connection attribute as follows: SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_COPT_SS_MARS_ENABLED,SQL_MARS_ENABLED_YES, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); before calling SQLDriverConnect or SQLBrowseConnect. Check to see if your source has any high-precision numeric data, or if you have not explicitly defined schema May 25, 2020 · 0. Excessive calls from the application to the driver slow performance. Jan 26, 2015 · Even moving from cell to cell was slow. Solution. Run the ODBC Data Sources Administrator program. We would not be able use the loader for this volume as we need them for processing ODBC and JDBC drivers now support High-Throughput (BigQuery Storage API) cloud. The ODBC API is based on the CLI specifications from Open Group and ISO/IEC. The High-Throughput API is a new feature of the Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector. You can select an existing connection, create a new connection, or define parameter values for the target connection Apr 14, 2016 · Click the dropdown to “Connect to a File or Database. driver_names = [x for x in pyodbc. b. Dec. Part 3 shall focus on the trouble-shooting and problem determination in working with the DataPower SQL/ODBC component. The System DSN are stored in the Windows registry under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Odbc\Odbc. In the formula, the threshold memory in bytes represents the maximum memory consumption that you want the And for the Command, have the following statement: psql -d postgres -U infa101 -c "copy public. But we are stuck on the 14. This API is independent of any one DBMS or operating system; although this manual uses C, the ODBC API is language-independent. Grant the BigQuery users the necessary permissions to use High-Throughput API (Storage API) if you wish to use this capability. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), and click Next. Refer to Troubleshoot copy activity performance on when to tune parallel copy. 5. There is not even an option, at least from the Informatica session to set to 'Bulk', when using ODBC. The target object for the task. Extension for Visual Studio - The Google BigQuery ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live Google BigQuery data, directly from any application that support ODBC connectivity. Since all ODBC Python interfaces need ODBC drivers Dec 15, 2021 · Under the key, locate the key TraceSQLMode and change the value from 0 to 1. Connection string name. In a mapping, you can configure a Target transformation to represent a single ODBC target. With this API, the connector can handle large result sets more efficiently. ”. Througput for odbc was exactly the same: roughly 9. The ODBC architecture has four components that work together to process and call functions, load drivers, and return results to the application. Jul 19, 2016 · All I want to do is add an Oracle ODBC connection to Visual Studio's Server Explorer. The read provisioned throughput is set to 1000 so it should be enough. Click. Cached tables are stored @ CSQL In Memory Database to provide faster and predictive response time with high throughput. Most databases ship with ODBC drivers, so chances are high that you can use one of these drivers together with a Python ODBC interface to connect your Python application with any database on the market. Disk input/output is slow. Not available on all appliances. Here are the options on the Performance tab of the iSeries Access for Windows Setup accessed from the ODBC Administration: Enable lazy close support. Sep 4, 2017 · Extended inserts. Find it by going to Control Panel/Administrative Tools and opening Data Sources (ODBC) (or C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32. Sound good to me:-) Many users seem to be waiting for the new release. A list of installed drivers is displayed. I'm working on re-confirmation of some. Teradata ODBC - Single row inserts. to create a PostgreSQL connection. I also found that fast export and TPT Load/Stream are close to moving 10 MB/s the data in/out of ODBC Hard Disconnect Counter per Second: The number of hard disconnects per second issued to the server. 9 gave a 1/3 improvement, in the release notes was a reference to better performance: "ODBC-12455 -- The ODBC Driver for Teradata now uses the -O2 compiler optimization level for better performance on the Linux platform"). A/c to the documentation, BigQueryHTAPI_sb [Bitness]. Now we added a Snowflake ta Aug 15, 2014 · Btw, how much faster is the transfer rate from RDMS to CSV than the throughput of the ODBC or OLE connection? I can't tell exactly from your description, but it sounds like getting the full dataset into CSV is much faster than ODBC throughput and you can dump the full extent of your large table from database to flat-file in 6 minutes. format(driver_name) Mar 30, 2012 · It's a three step process really after installing SQL Server: Enable Named Pipes SQL Config Manager --> SQL Server Network Config --> Protocols --> Named Pipes --> Right-click --> Restart Jan 11, 2022 · As a quick test, I did locally compile System. This allows you to do more in-depth troubleshooting on any initial loading issues. The table I am loading for the test has no indexes or constraints, and commit interval is 10k. To access your data stored on a Google BigQuery database, you will need to know the server and database name that you want to connect to, and you must have access credentials. Select the target object. The problem is that the ODBC link is very slow, and, returns one row at a time. MyLog (C:\mylog_xxxx. Enable pre-fetch of data for queries. Driver Manager, which loads drivers for the application Dec 15, 2021 · Part 1. Checking the box to use 'System trust store' and unticking the box for proxy settings. 4 on Windows Server 2012 64 bit and are using the Windows Teradata odbc drivers 64 bit (shipped with the TTU 15. Authentication using 'user authentication' and the refresh token. com The Oracle Database ODBC driver enables ODBC applications on Microsoft Windows, and on UNIX platforms such as Linux, Solaris, and IBM AIX to have read and write access to Oracle® Databases through the ODBC interface using the Oracle Net Services software. Once you have created a connection to a Google BigQuery database, you can select data from the available tables and then load that Aug 10, 2017 · Pyodbc is an open source Python module that makes accessing ODBC databases simple. Excel files. In Uni x, edit the ODBC. 500 x 100 ms = 50,000 ms. Limit disk input/output. The Oracle ODBC Driver uses the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) client and Call: (800) 235-7250. Apr 16, 2021 · Some customers reported the following errors when trying to connect via Qlik GBQ connector (within the Qlik ODBC connector package) to that mentioned GBQ API: Connection failed: Please check the values for Username, Password, Host and other properties. To successfully use ODBC, following these best practices is recommended. microsoft. To confirm this, I tried two ping tests: Aug 10, 2016 · Disabling EnableReadAhead resulted in 10%-20% slower throughput. The PostgreSQL ODBC connection is created successfully. x stack as 15. 1 Overview of Java Streams. DTM Buffer Block Size: The DTM Buffer Block I' trying to insert data into Snowflake table using Informatica Powecenter and Snowflake ODBC driver. Oct 21, 2020 · In this article, I want to highlight some information and examples on how to enhance linked server queries, by using Inner Join of type Remote and OpenQuery: Remote Join: when you have an inner join between local and remote table (a linked server) , you can force the join operation to be on the remote server. Relational Connection Editor. To specify the dataset that stores temporary tables for large result sets and result sets returned by the High-Throughput API, do one of the following: The Oracle ODBC Driver enables ODBC applications on Microsoft Windows, as well as UNIX platforms like Linux, Solaris, and IBM Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX) read and write access to Oracle® databases through the ODBC interface using Oracle Net Services software. The average elapsed time is 5 seconds. This dialog allows you to specify pre-connection/default logging options. ODBC Targets in Mappings. The example below only triggers High-throughput API if both conditions are met: Feb 25, 2006 · Hello! I have an existing production mapping which loads from a flat file to a DB2 table. 10. Select the User DSN tab. For example, for a queue dedicated to short running queries, you might create a rule that cancels queries that run for more than 60 seconds. Jun 26, 2019 · The reason for better performance is due to Simba Driver's support for the Google High Throughput API (aka Google BigQuery Storage API). Please follow below steps: 1) Open command Prompt with admin right (Run as Admin) 2) Type “netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled” 3) After running above command restart the machine. The ODBC architecture has four components: Application, which processes and calls ODBC functions to submit SQL statements and retrieve results. If the server can't support the requested packet size, the Database Engine will send a warning message to the client. google. x fully implements both of these specifications - earlier versions of Sep 24, 2021 · What is ODBC? Open Database Connectivity is an industry-standard responsible for defining a single application programming interface. 0. The. For the calculation, some typical round-trip times were used: LAN. Or also errors like (after increasing the timeout Oct 26, 2018 · The Azure Data Factory runtime decimal type has a maximum precision of 28. Provides the configuration to establish a direct connection to a database instance on a remote data server. High-Throughput API. This option forces the driver to use the catalog and schema specified by the ODBC Data Source Administrator configuration dialog box or connection parameters. This can allow the session to scale. When developing tools that use the ODBC driver, use these best practices: When setting up ODBC for the first time, begin by using the ThoughtSpot tsload for the initial data loads. When individual file size is greater than dozens of MBs and total volume is large, increasing parallelCopies will not result in better copy performance given the resource limitations of a single cloud data movement unit. Oracle. Click the “ODBC Admin” button to go to the Windows ODBC Administrator app to set-up the connection. Mobile 4G. Enter a name for the PostgreSQL connection. 12. ago. I woud appreciate any hints, how to improve the data flow performance. The intent of the JDBC and ODBC drivers is to help users leverage the power of BigQuery with existing tooling and infrastructure. Download Trial. Improves throughput of database application by many times. 500 x 200 ms = 100,000 ms. Google BigQuery. Create or select the parameter for the target Oct 20, 2006 · Arnaud Lesauvage wrote: > Hiroshi Inoue a écrit : >> Arnaud Lesauvage wrote: >>> Hi list ! >>> >>> I … The default behavior of parallel copy usually gives you the best throughput, which is auto-determined by the service based on your source-sink pair, data pattern and number of DIUs or the Self-hosted IR's CPU/memory/node count. When the results of a query are returned, the Oracle database converts the ODBC data types to Oracle data types. log - Communications log): Log communications to/from the backend to that file. Exciting! This will allow for better support from existing BI tools that have primarily focused on standard database connectors for integration. Specifically, ODBC connects to and transfers Oct 20, 2006 · Richard Broersma Jr a écrit : >> In a VBA module (Autocad, not Access), I open an ADO >> connection … In order to increase throughput. The parameter for the target object. Using Catalog Functions and Selecting ODBC Functions. Set a Data source name (DSN), such as "BigQuery", "BigQuery64", or "BigQuery32". To make a long story short, I finally found the solution by disabling "when to trace" ODBC setting. A file named sqlout. Azure Synapse. System DSN: This is the DSN used throughout the system, any with proper rights may log in. Use single catalog and schema. Configure the service details, test the connection In the odbc. g. The following steps provide a guideline for configuring ODBC connectivity: Create an ODBC data source using the DataDirect ODBC 7. Note that I am using the "fast load" option with the "Table Lock" option in the OLE DB Destination Task: If we do not use the fast load option, the average elapsed time was 2 You can also call OLE DB, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), and DB-Library functions request a change the packet size. Verify that you can connect to the PostgreSQL database using the ODBC data Apr 9, 2024 · The Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server can be downloaded and installed using package managers for Linux and macOS using the relevant installation instructions: Install ODBC for SQL Server (Linux) Install ODBC for SQL Server (macOS) If you need to download the packages for offline installation, all versions are available via the below links. Now we added a Snowflake target in this same mapping (which uses a Snowflake relational ODBC connection), the throughput decreased to around 40 rows/sec. Follow these steps: From the start menu, select Programs, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC). Noticed throughput is 35(rows/second). This DSN must be created on the machine where the program is located. All Versions. This would load the table with contents from the PowerCenter pipeline via the bulk load COPY command. To configure the batch size consider using the following formula: BatchSize = (<Threshold Memory in Bytes>)/ (3* <Approximate Row Size in Bytes>) . Jul 13, 2016 · - Version of odbc (. I understand that since we are using Snowflake ODBC connection, bulk load is not applicable hence this becomes a normal target load. 0 specification. Best. Hello! I have an existing production mapping which loads from a flat file to a DB2 table. This is a six-part series of articles on ODBC tracing to help Access developers troubleshoot and work with Access when developing an application that uses ODBC data source (s), usually but not exclusively SQL Server. The series aims to demonstrate how to use the ODBC tracing to monitor ODBC SQL state [] December 15th, 2021. Optimize application-to-driver interaction. Using pyodbc, you can easily connect Python applications to data sources with an ODBC driver. We would not be able use the loader We are getting very slow performance / throughput while using Teradata ODBC connection from Informatica. 3 Tableau Server, Online and Desktop does support GCP Service Accounts natively). The drivers support all stream conversions: binary, ASCII, and Unicode. The write provisioned t/p was set to a low value when I ran the script and got the exception and I did not want to adjust it since it would interfere with occasional batch writes into the table, but why would I need to touch it? Mar 31, 2022 · Product: Connect for ODBC Oracle driver Version: 08. We are getting less than 100 rows per sec for low volumes (between 20k and 100k). Some capabilities of BigQuery, including high performance storage integration and reservations Here are some guidelines for optimizing the performance of the load: PowerCenter partitioning can be used to scale PowerExchange for PostgreSQL load sessions. Access Google BigQuery like you would a database - read, write, and update Datasets, Tables, etc. 02. By default, the ODBC driver queries Athena to get the list of available catalogs and schemas. Select Single Object or Parameter. Now we added a Snowflake ta Launch the installer for your version of Windows. Open the package and drag the "Data Flow Task" from the toolbox to the "Control Flow" area: Double click the "Data Flow Task" and drag "ODBC Source" and "OLE DB Destination" from the SSIS Toolbox: Double click and configure the "ODBC Source". Then select “Database Connection”->”New ODBC Connection…”. PostgreSQL. ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity, the industry standard for database C APIs. For Server (s), provide a comma separated list of the IP addresses of each node on the Enter the password to connect to the PostgreSQL database. OEM & Distribution. Following is a brief description of each type of stream: Binary. The throughput you will observe would be close to what is stated in the performance reference section above. The ODBC connection window should appear. lfb_incident_data_from_jan2013___jan2016 from STDIN DELIMITERS '~' ". dll should be in the same directory as the driver. A typical SQL INSERT statement looks like: INSERT INTO user (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Ben'); An extended INSERT groups several records into a single query: INSERT INTO user (id Sep 9, 2016 · With regards to a slow odbc connection: In the mean time iperf was used to verify the bandwith. Option-3: Split the large file into small ones, then use copy or mapping data flow activity to read the folder. 2417 (B0770, U0535) OS: All supported platforms Database: Oracle Application: All supported applications Question/Problem Description The ODBC Oracle driver experienced low throughput when executing a Copy activity from an Oracle database to a Microsoft Azure SQL database that contained Hi All, We are getting very slow performance / throughput while using Teradata ODBC connection from Informatica. Click Add in the Create New Data Source window and then select the Oracle ODBC Driver in the list of installed drivers. ODBC with a modification to double the allowed length for the connection string, and at least with the SIMBA Spark ODBC Windows driver it works without issue. 2021: as of v2021. Enter the ThoughtSpot server details, and click Next. OK. When I look into the stackdriver, I can see some errors in the storage API. . Click the Add button. See Access control with IAM for more information. ODBC is a standard method of communicating with database servers. log - Detailed debug output): Log debug messages to that file. Jun 8, 2023 · Current throughput is around 1k rows/sec and using bulk load. In addition, this method allows Tableau customers create extracts with GCP Service Accounts . Thanks! (2013/05/15 0:32), ljwilson wrote: > So the answer to this thread's question is "No", now that Hiroshi Inoue haso me: > committed a patch which lets UseDeclareFetch=1 and UseServerSidePrepare=1 > co-exist quite happily in my multi-user Windows application with the latest Apr 9, 2018 · 26. Contact Us By Email. Oct 20, 2023 · Use the following steps to create a linked service to an ODBC data store in the Azure portal UI. 1 and Teradata 12 (ODBC version 12 and also 13). 1 and Teradata 12(ODBC version 12 and als The Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC maps the data types used in ODBC-compliant data sources to supported Oracle data types. For example, the ODBC data type SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP is converted to Oracle's DATE data type. Feb 26, 2024 · First and foremost, ODBC is a specification for a database API. Generic database caching platform to cache frequently accessed tables from existing database management system (MySQL, Postgres) close to application tier. Enter the PostgreSQL connection attributes. 500 x 3 ms=1,500 ms. In Amazon Redshift workload management (WLM), query monitoring rules define metrics-based performance boundaries for WLM queues and specify what action to take when a query goes beyond those boundaries. In the meantime we've installed Microstrategy 10. The Simba Microsoft SQL Server ODBC connector provides SQL access directly to SQL Server data on Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms. In Simba ODBC, we have an option called "High throughput API" which uses Bigquery storage API. Intelligence Server uses ODBC to connect to and communicate with all database servers in the system. The performance of the string casting code is abysmal. dialog box appears. msdrahcir • 4 yr. (update 1. c. Dec 8, 2017 · With these network round-trip times, an impact on the application performance for a transaction that requires 500 round-trips can be calculated. drivers() method to retrieve the list of available drivers and then select the one you need, e. Otherwise, open it and run some queries. ini file, if you are using Legacy SQL (the SQLDialect property is set to 0), then set the AllowLargeResults property to 1. If you will create partitioned table, in that case you will have smaller indexes per partition, and because of that insertion speed will be high. Aug 31, 2012 · 2. Current throughput is around 1k rows/sec and using bulk load. Browse to the Manage tab in your Azure Data Factory or Synapse workspace and select Linked Services, then click New: Azure Data Factory. I suspect the issue is that although we a running gig ethernet, "jumbo frames" are not enabled. Oct 20, 2023 · This full utilization means you can estimate the overall throughput by measuring the minimum throughput available with the following resources: Source data store; Destination data store; Network bandwidth in between the source and destination data stores; The table below shows the calculation of data movement duration. Also I have set up Oracle SQL Developer to connect to the exact same source using the same credentials ODBC Throughput | SQL Server Performance Forums – SQL Server ODBC Throughput Jun 12, 2023 · Current throughput is around 1k rows/sec and using bulk load. Select the code page that the PowerCenter Integration Service must use to read or write data. Add a Comment. The average throughput is 150 Kbytes/sec over the public Internet. One additional change was made in the odbc. in the driver , I have enabled high throughput API and the google storage API is enabled for my project. This API enables the connector to leverage the BigQuery Storage API, allowing higher data throughput than the standard REST API. Enable data compression. Option-4: If you are stuck or meet the OOM issue during copy the XML/Excel/JSON folder, use the foreach activity + copy/mapping data flow activity in your pipeline to handle each file or subfolder. x is not certified with Microstrategy. The BigQuery ODBC driver will automatically engage the High Throughput API even if Enable High-Throughput API option is unchecked (value 0) within the DSN Advanced Options, as the Minimum Query Results Size for HTAPI threshold is set fairly low, by default. Select the Simba ODBC driver for Google BigQuery from the data source dialog box and click the Finish button. It implements the DB API 2. This is good for debugging problems. Specify the destination folder where the driver will be installed. Part 3 of 3 part series on the DataPower SQL/ODBC Component. Select the Advanced tab and in the Extended Options box, Add: BatchMechanism=2. Given that you are concerned with throughput, I would *strongly* suggest that you NOT use INSERT to load You can configure ODBC connectivity to a PostgreSQL database on Windows. exe). If you have two tables , one local Current Versions 1. Disable auto tuning level of the TCP. Managing Connections and Updates. Jul 13, 2012 · This time we are going to import the same data using the OLEDB Tasks. ini\Odbc Data The following information assists you in setting up ODBC between Intelligence Server and your metadata database and data warehouse. I get the following error: I have successfully configured and set up the 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC utilities with ODBC drivers, both pass the "test connection". Used for RAW bytes of data, and corresponds to the getBinaryStream method. ODBC. Type of target object. Connections to a Google BigQuery database are made by selecting Google BigQuery from the list of drivers in the list of connectors in the QlikView ODBC Connection dialog or the Qlik Sense Add data or Data load editor dialogs. Hi Nagrajan, I suspect problem may not be due to "using Teradata ODBC connection from Informatica", I suggest you to check the following:-- 1. Oracle JDBC drivers support the manipulation of data streams in either direction between server and client. You then simply query this view over the ODBC connection. Registry key for enabling/disabling ODBC SQL tracing. Easily 740 Mbits/sec was reached over a longer period. You could use the pyodbc. The following table describes the ODBC target properties that you can configure in a Target transformation: Name of the target connection. That pulls up the ODBC Data Source Administrator box. Under that section, Here are the various types of ODBC Data Source Types: 1. rj ef oc wp pe gq uu by cm yi