
Wpf datagrid dynamic columns

  • Wpf datagrid dynamic columns. I have searched around for the answer to this, but all I have found is how to do colorise rows at run-time not columns; for example the following questions: Change WPF Datagrid Row Color. You can also use our Virtual Data Sources for this task. Instead change your style to : <Style x:Key="D3ForegroundStyle">. Define columns (In my case I had to define columns programmatically within a foreach loop) Add rows. 2. If you want to hide the Column, you need to specify the Property Visibility like this, YourDataGrid. I have created datagrid with set of columns and assigning datatable to datagrid is displaying double set of columns and values in 1st set shows checkboxcolumn and second set shows bool values (True/False) as text. answered Nov 14, 2017 at 12:59. I'm working on a new project where the design calls for dynamic rows and columns displayed in some form of grid. However, it will fail when you hide the datagrid and make it visible again. Use to display the currency value. – Tri Q Tran. Just try removing the ColumnWidth property or set it to Auto. FieldName; DataTemplate dtm = new DataTemplate(); When there is a need for providing the information regarding a given type at runtime, the ICustomTypeDescriptor comes in handy. WPF add image to cell in column. You can also add or override existing columns and renderers as you need. Need Xaml/C# image to DataGrid Explained. Value). <DataGridTextColumn Header="Simple Value". There are some ways on how you can dynamically bind to the columns of a DataGrid. When user resize the Window to 500, 400 Aug 2, 2016 · First, apply change notification to your D3StatusVal property by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged. You define the template for the row details May 11, 2011 · The datagrid is bound to a datatable which includes an EmployeeID column. You can find a list HERE about the supported types as well as the usage. Since the Columns property is ReadOnly, like everyone noticed, I made an Attached Property called BindableColumns which updates the Columns in the DataGrid everytime the collection changes through the CollectionChanged event. Alternatively, you could create a proper backing object for your DataGrid and parse your data into these objects, which would include a Color property that you could bind to. Also, I must mention using XCeed WPF toolkit WPF package in this project, very helpful. To show a basic data grid , just drop a DataGrid control to your view and bind the ItemsSource to a collection of data objects and you're done. Sep 17, 2012 · Is it possible to bind a datagrid to only selective members of a class? The way I have made the binding presently, all the class variables have been binded(one to one mapped) to datagrid's columns. DataGridComboBoxColumn. I have added code to display it but it is not working. answered Aug 20, 2010 at 1:37. Nov 23, 2016 · The way of using the DataGrid is to have an IEnumerable<T> as its ItemsSource where T is a class or interface that has the properties, which you would like to generate your columns for. Mode = BindingMode. To sort your DataGrid like if you clicked on your first column, you have to work on DataView created from WPF. I would like to set the width of the columns such that the content fits in and never gets cropped (instead, a horizontal scroll bar should become visible). Now that is the first part of the problem: getting that DataGrid to generate with support for two-way binding. Define a DataTable in the view model. The columns are dynamic, however I know there is always going to be a column named ID and I would like to hide Sep 27, 2016 · The converter will need to cast the data item into a DataGridRow object, obtain the Progress cell, and decide which color to return based on the Column. Oct 22, 2010 · I have a WPF 4. How to dynamically add data grid columns based on Binding? 0. Nov 5, 2016 · Each column has a IsReadOnly Property. new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(DatePicker)); // Bind the value of this cell to the value of the Date property of the. <Setter Property="Template">. Solution WPF Application. So when user focuses to another field, the column SfDataGrid provides support for various built-in column types. IsReadOnly = true. In this article, I'll discuss a solution on how bind a collection to the DataGrid's column and display a mapped value to the cell using the row and column's binding. In order to get dynamic columns on a WPF DataGrid using the MVVM pattern, you can follow these steps: Define a class to represent the dynamic columns that will be added to the DataGrid. Before I was doing a basic non sorting datagrid with gridName. ToString(); Sep 14, 2013 · To do this create a property (in my example ProductName) and bind it to the DataGridColumn's Binding property (Mode=TwoWay). My preference is #2. This second part focuses on an architectural constraint which I violated in part 1. Download source - 49. – Aakanksha. I have a WPF DataGrid. So GroupedOrders becomes a Tuple <Order, List<bool>> instead, and there will need to be one column for each bool in the List. 5 should be fine as well. Sep 16, 2016 · I want to add two columns in wpf datagrid one image &amp; one text columns dynamically. I now want to make the following WPF DataGrid display the actual images represented by images/circle_orange. I have used following code. <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter}">. FrameworkElementFactory factory =. Attributes cannot be changed at run time hence you cannot dynamically hide columns using data annotations. Jul 7, 2017 · 4. A demonstration of such an implementation with the RadGridView control can be found in the Binding to ICustomTypeDescriptor demo of the SDK Examples Browser. Add (column) To create columns for all properties in a data source, call the DataControlBase. The biggest challenge was to create grid cells and columns dynamically. var table=new DataTable(); // Generates the columns based on rows. Apr 7, 2015 · Dynamic Column Definition. I have a DataGrid and a multiselect CheckBox dropdown menu above it. Feb 7, 2021 · 6. 0, but the toolkit with 3. Dynamic DataGrid Columns and Content in XAML. WPF Dynamically Generated DataGrid. Binding="{Binding SimpleValue}" Width Then from this question I tried updating the DataGrid to get Columns populated like so. Oct 10, 2011 · Display dynamic columns in WPF DataGrid from Datatable using MVVM. Regarding the source of the problem, here is a DataGrid with a templated header that contains a TextBox, ComboBox and a CheckBox: <DataGrid >. DefaultView; Please, ensure that AutoGenerateColumns property is set to true, else grid will not display data. By setting column width to Double. <Grid>. dg. Oct 16, 2015 · I have a WPF DataGrid that display some data. The above code will do the work in general case. Show Image in dynamically generated DataGrid. The DataGrid provides a feature called AutoGenerateColumns that automatically generates column according to the public properties of your data objects. I have a WPF DataGrid that displays a bunch of rows. The dynamic columns would be the same type, i. I used the DataGrid in 4. 3 MB; Introduction. Then bind the DataTable for the ItemsSource property of the datagrid. This will create the controls in each cell of this. I'm not able to get the ContextMenu part right. Download application - 43. I am using the following code (simplified): Dec 1, 2016 · Datagrid dynamic columns and formatting. c# wpf Dynamic DataGrid. The value that should be displayed (and edited) in grid cell must be retrieved using a function on each record (the view model behind each row of the grid). 4. For example, you can add row details to a DataGrid that presents only a summary of the data for each row in the DataGrid, but presents more data fields when the user selects a row. DataGridCheckBoxColumn. The dynamic column handling is separated into the 3 operation types: AddRoleColumn: is called when a role is added to the Role table. Add("Identifiant"); table. 0 DataGrid that is bound to a DataTable using AutoGenerateColumns=True. <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding ShippingNumber}" Header="出荷No. PropertyName), Header = e. Oct 27, 2015 · Dynamic columns in a WPF DataGrid Control (part 2), correcting an architectural constraint using the interaction request framework. Element is the value of each cell. Hyperlink columns for Uri values. Dec 6, 2011 at 13:00. I tried to demonstrate it below. The answer linked by viky summarizes the idea of adding the button column from source. Foreground" Value="Black" />. You don't need to set CanUserResize="True" in DataGridTextColumn. Aug 7, 2015 · I want to display dynamic columns to DataGrid from Datatable. Assuming Column with Header = "Edit" is your fixed column and your DataGrid looks like this: <DataGrid AutoGeneratedColumns="DataGrid_AutoGeneratedColumns">. Row="1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLinesVisibility="All" Foreground="Black" ItemsSource="{Binding ItemSource, Mode=OneWay 0. CopyField. But i have an obstacle: If his content is smaller than his header, the size of the header should prevail; His content is automatically update by a Binding, linked to a TextBox. RowDefinitions>. Type. Columns property. WPF Windows on Two Screens. Jul 7, 2015 · var col = new DataGridTextColumn {Binding = new Binding(e. When user resize the Window to 500, 400 Jul 16, 2012 · Hi Marc Wellman, I am trying to get your method of sorting with a WPF datagrid working but the datagrid doesn't even show the data I bound to it let alone sort. Solution. I looked at this question and it got me half the way there. Basically, my columns are dynamically specified by the view model. Bind the Columns collection to a property on the ViewModel. However, I am in need to include on "checkbox" column in this datagrid dynamically along with existing fields. Override the DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter template. Home About. According to the user's customization (user ll select the columns) I have to display a set of data into a datagrid. I think the DataGrid uses TypeDescriptor to get the object properties to create the columns. I have been trying to make a an editable DataGrid with dynamic columns in a WPF MVVM project. Here is my current behavior of DataGrid: This is my expectation (column width should fit its content): XAML. Whenever I select an option in the menu, I want to add a column in the DataGrid. Jun 12, 2012 · The above code is independent of how many rows it contains, the DataGrid will stays the same height until user resize the the Window. May 28, 2014 · WPF MvvM DataGrid Dynamic Columns. Let's assume that when the screen loads, there are three rows in the table with EmployeeIDs 1, 2, and 3. This is not the nature of Double. As of now i have harcoded and seen the result in my xaml like below. Is there a way to access the properties of an automatically generated DataGrid, or a way to add all of the columns of the DataGrid to the Columns component? Thanks in advance. Get started with Telerik's WPF DataGrid and learn how to Sep 22, 2020 · Commands = commands; public class Command. <Setter Property="DataGridCell. 18 WPF MvvM DataGrid Dynamic The simplest way to do this is to add a named Grid as the top level control in the relevant column that you want to hide. It's complaining that "ContextMenu cannot have a logical or visual Using the built-in auto generation of columns does not fit all scenarios. PropertyName}; e. I have a DataGrid that uses ItemSource from DataSet Table (local DB in XML) User must be able to add columns to DataSet/DataGrid and set column DataTemplate, like text, image, date, Dec 12, 2012 · 1. Related. I hope this could help somebody on their path to conquer WPF. The DataGrid control looks a lot like the ListView, when using a GridView, but it offers a lot of additional functionality. Calculates the width of column based on header and cell contents. Refresh(); Which didn't do anything. Jul 16, 2014 · 38. Under column 1, I have effectively 2 columns of data. Each column has its own properties to handle Feb 24, 2013 · Thanks for your response, but some how it didnot work in my case. At any given instance, the size of that May 24, 2020 · It’s good to mention, that ListView Item can be styled from ListView. Now I want to set auto-resize for some specific columns, not all. Jivlain wrote "In WPF's DataGrid control, if you set a column to one of the default column types (like DataGridTextColumn or DataGridCheckBoxColumn), sort on that column, and then change its value, the grid will automatically be re-sorted. Yes, it is. I have found the solution for my particular scenario. The following model shows a class that derives from DynamicObject and containing one CLR property called Id. <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding}" >. private DataTable sizeQuantityTable; Mar 25, 2011 · Since this is a MVVM model, i am trying to avoid having to loop through my dataset columns, and add each GridViewColumn from a codebehind. Then you can just hide it and all of its contents as you would any other control: In XAML: <Grid. This means I have a window size of 640 pixes where the five columns fill 360 pixels. ico, etc. In my mockup, I circled the tricky bit in red. container width. Jan 3, 2017 · The solution uses C#6, . I've put together a short example that also shows the second part of your question, which is how to enable/disable the button based on the data in the grid. Windows. <DataTemplate>. In such cases you can manually define the needed columns. GenerateDataGridFromMetaData(dataList); DataGrid. // column as needed. The code looks like this: <DataGridTemplateColumn. Data; private void DataGrid1_AutoGeneratedColumns(object sender, EventArgs e) May 10, 2012 · 27. -- b) Call the UpdateLayout () method on the DataGrid. The latter implements the user-role assignment logic (see below). Aug 7, 2013 · 0. This should be pretty straight-forward to do in the view. In a datagrid only the leftmost columns can be frozen. This will create header rows that have the normal behaviour, which is that they scroll with the datagrid horizontally, but stay fixed when scrolling vertically. Dec 8, 2018 · Writing my first project in WPF and cannot wrap my mind around fallowing problem. I Have a DataGrid in my Window, and i need to automatically resize the column's width to fit content. Resize timer. TwoWay _ } column. Table of contents: Source code. Jun 30, 2014 · I have a record structure that I am trying to bind to a DataGrid. You can choose the columns to be added from built-in column types or you can create your own column and add to the SfDataGrid. to dynamically create the elements within the listview you can add objects to a list/observable collection and then add those to the listview via . The following sample code should give you the idea: public MainWindow() {. Xaml code : &lt;Grid&gt;&lt;DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Jan 22, 2013 · So my detailed view should also dynamic number Header names with its respective value when a row of my datagrid is selected. Dec 12, 2016 · 2. The Row one (The one that contains DataGrid) is using remaining Height that left within the Window. because for a particular file i know their respective column headers, <Label HorizontalAlignment="Stretch". If this is the case, and you want to populate the DataGrid with these two dynamically using only xaml code, I propose to use a DataTable. The GridControl can contain Unbound Columns. It allows you to define any kind of content, which opens up the opportunity to use custom controls This article describes how to implement DynamicObject with dynamic (DLR) and static (CLR) fields, and data bind it to RadGridView. Background. May 13, 2016 · 4,025 7 37 40. Column width. Sep 8, 2020 · WPF MvvM DataGrid Dynamic Columns. Use to display the numeric data. Then you could have a private field which holds all products and filter this field in the dataGrid2 ItemsSources collection: public class DataGrid1SourceItem. However, they have no mention of adding the row header for each point. CheckBox columns for boolean values. <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>. Each row has a right-click ContextMenu with its own commands. Introduction. . It is working fine. Source code. This article extends the first "Dynamic Columns in a WPF DataGrid Control (Part 1)" article. public string Header { get; set; } public Module Parent { get; set; } Hi. Apr 3 I'd then dynamically generate the columns like this: Oct 31, 2013 · Download source code - 1. You can use normal text-bound columns, checkbox columns, custom XAML template columns and more, as you can see in the documentation. Such sources support Custom Properties that allow you to define custom property descriptors. Here is an example which demonstrates it. When defining a column you can choose between several column types: Toggle Row Details Column. It generates the following types of columns: TextBox columns for string values. When the RadGridView auto-generates its columns, the TryGetMember method of the DynamicObject class will Feb 28, 2016 · If I understand correctly SecondaryFile contains these two fields where Columns holds the headers of your DataGrid and data holds the rows. Items. Is there any way to do that? The code behind the ComboBox Item Template looks like this: Aug 24, 2011 · 3. Please refer to below columns in the excel. In this implementation, collection of cells is recreated Dec 1, 2015 · To make the 3 dynamic you can databind it to some value in your codebehind / viewmodel. is it possible to 1. WPF DataGrid creates DataGridComboBoxColumn by default if data source property type derives from Enum and sets DataGridColumn. I found this way to add Columns: DataGridTemplateColumn dgc = new DataGridTemplateColumn(); dgc. Related questions. Basically just use a couple of LayoutTransforms to rotate the whole thing, then another set to rotate the cells back to normal. Jun 20, 2020 · See Dynamic data matrix WPF for an example of how to do so in WPF. Columns[0]. ColumnSizer or GridColumn. Such columns should have a common group heading. Below is the list of predefined column sizing options available. 0. Visibility = Visibility. PopulateColumns method. VerticalAlignment="Center". ItemsSource = myObservableCollection; coupled with gridName. Chosing datagrid event. It might be late but in order to help others in similar issues, setting DatagridColumn. Implement the GetProperties method so that it returns the dynamic properties of your object. 1. Apr 3, 2011 · Here's how you can use a WPF DataGrid with it. Most of the value types are supported. <ComboBox ItemsSource="{utils:Enumerate {x:Type EnumSolution}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Solution, Converter={StaticResource EnumToStringConverter}, Mode=TwoWay Mar 27, 2012 · 4. I can manually create a button column in XAML, and I can dynamically generate columns from a DataTable, but I can't seem to do both. 2 WPF datagrid grouping. Header = templateField. So far my code resembles this: // Used to pivot the information data. In this exampe the DataGrid is sorted every time that columns are AutoGenerated but you can select other event like DataGrid1_Loaded. Dec 19, 2014 · First of all sorry about my english. Nov 19, 2012 · 1. edited Mar 27, 2012 at 14:17. <DataGrid. Normally at design time when we create a DataGrid, we also create the required columns or set the autogenareted column property of the DataGrid to true to create automatically generate the columns based on the bound item source. ColumnSizer property. 2) On your DataGrid, add a handler to the TargetUpdated event. Columns for this datagrid are dynamically defined at run time according to the user. taskTable. Nov 11, 2019 · Nov 11, 2019 at 12:33. The DataGrid is also editable by default, allowing the end-user to change the values of the underlying data source. NaN will 'fool' WPF by 'not setting a fixed width' and this creates an illusion of 'Auto' width. (Make sure that the AutoGeneratedColumns=True) My View Model. Dynamic grid is implemented as user control that contains DataGrid control bound to observable collection of collections of cell view models. Each column has its own properties and renderer to handle different types of data. Apr 19, 2011 · The DataGrid provides a feature called AutoGenerateColumns that automatically generates column according to the public properties of your data objects. Rows; DataGrid allows you to set the column widths based on certain logic using SfDataGrid. Say now Window is 300, used 100 in 2nd Row, 200 will use for DataGrid. Refresh(); and the grid loads the data properly using Aug 21, 2010 · DataGridTemplateColumn col = new DataGridTemplateColumn(); col. Hi team. table. 4 KB As of writing, the following column types are available: DataGridTextColumn. the number of such columns may vary depending on the data in the database. <Grid. Columns. 3) In your TargetUpdated event handler: -- a) Set the DataGrid's * sized column's width to 0. Also, the whole DataGrid has the IsReadOnly as well [This does NOT affect the binding, just the ability of the user to edit the field] Dec 6, 2011 · NotifyPropertyChanged("Name"); – Rachel. How do I programatically change datagrid row color in WPF? Programmatically assigning a color to a row in DataGrid Sep 21, 2021 · I am working on an MVVM WPF DataGrid application. 1, WPF with MVVM pattern. Because the columns property will show that there are 0 columns when they are hidden and as the columns property is changed, the callback will be fired and it will try to add the columns again, but Here's a workaround for Binding Columns in the DataGrid. I downloaded the custom multi-column ComboBox with the included DataGridComboBoxColumn subclass from the link in my last update above. CellEditingTemplate>. NET 4. DataGridTemplateColumn. WPF application is done in MVVM pattern with one main window. In this article, I describe how to add dynamic columns to a WPF DataGrid control. I'm developing a product in wpf (using the MVVM pattern). <RowDefinition x:Name="Row2" />. Bind ad a Listview to a DataSet w/out setting columns explicitly, or 2. Collapsed; If you want to Hide the first column say "Network ID". You can work with variable FrozenColumnCount which will set the number of leftmost columns in the grid that are frozen. Column. However if you want to freeze only say the third column, then I think you need to write a custom control. Dynamically modify column DataGrid. For instance, the DataGrid can automatically generate columns, depending on the data you feed it with. Columns in WPF. I have a WPF DataGrid that contains some data. 0 WPF DataGrid - Group Elements in code-behind C# . <DataGridTextColumn. Collapsed; Oct 27, 2015 · This article extends the first "Dynamic Columns in a WPF DataGrid Control (Part 1)" article. Binding = bindingExpression gridControl1. Feb 6, 2023 · Adding a row details section enables you to group some data in a template that is optionally visible or collapsed. Columns[IndexOftheColumn]. Hi this article demonstrates how to create a DataGridColumn at run time with Styles and Triggers. Nov 23, 2018 · My problem is: The resulting cell content of the dynamically generated columns would be an object (Trait in my object structure), and I want one of this objects properties to be displayed (Trait. Feb 12, 2017 · 1. Handle the CustomUnboundColumnData event to manually fetch and save edited data. The solution is based on my previous article "ViewModel to View Interaction Request Nov 20, 2013 · I am trying to dynamically generate a DataGrid from a DataTable while at the same time display two button columns for "Edit" and "Delete" functionality. XAML. 4 KB. " On an other thread but it's not the case Apr 2, 2013 · The Answer is simple. I want a column for each MyObjectElement in a MyObject's myObjectElementCollection only if the IsField property is set to true. Columns>. using System. You must add the columns to the Columns collection of RadGridView. Mar 6, 2015 · I have the following DataGrid where I want the column sizes to be automatically stretched so that the full window size is used with all existing columns. Dec 14, 2012 · 2. DisplayIndex in AutoGeneratedColumns event will do the trick. When I change content of a cell, the object behind should update. Divides the total width equally for columns. If you don't know the number of columns at compile-time, you need to create the columns programmatically. listviewname. HeaderTemplate>. <RowDefinition x:Name="Row1" />. Feb 26, 2024 · WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) allows you to add or remove columns using SfDataGrid. e: decimal. Sep 27, 2016 · 1) In your DataGridTextColumn Bindings (all except your * sized column) set NotifyTargetUpdated=True. The documentation on MSDN about the ItemsSource of the DataGridComboBoxColumn says that only static resources, static code or inline collections of combobox items can be bound to the ItemsSource: Aug 25, 2014 · I am using WPF datagrid to display details using MVVM. Header = "Date"; // Create a factory. For example: string headername = e. Jan 29, 2011 · 1. The aim is to collect department totals of shops with indefinite number of departments. The second part of this problem is the DataGrid Column Types. I need to render a XamDataGrid in my WPF application where certain columns are dynamic in nature. InitializeComponent(); var viewModel = new ViewModel(); var rows = viewModel. 6. So you should be able to achieve this if your DynamicObject implements ICustomTypeDescriptor. ItemTemplate as usual. Add("=>"); 1. Additionally, I want the DataGrid to fill the whole place available (I am working with a DockPanel). IsReadyOnly by default if property doesn't have public setter or if property has ReadOnlyAttribute with ReadOnlyAttribute. Jul 16, 2014 · Introduction. The way I have made the binding presently, all the class variables have been binded(one to one mapped) to datagrid's columns. And you have ColumnWidth="*" in the DataGrid, you will not be able to resize the columns because it will not go beyond the size of window. DataTable table = GridViewConverter. Star. But it is possible to dynamically hide columns. To do so you have to omit both Columns and data and use a single Nov 23, 2018 · My problem is: The resulting cell content of the dynamically generated columns would be an object (Trait in my object structure), and I want one of this objects properties to be displayed (Trait. Edit: If you are not trying to pivot, but just rotate it 90 degrees, there is a rather good answer on how to do that, too: WPF horizontal DataGrid. Just mark AutoGenerateColumns=False and manually define your columns. The post showcases a WPF datagrid with dynamic columns where the number of rows and columns is defined but all cells have the same size. Below are the built-in column types supported in SfDataGrid. I think I can accomplish this very hackishly using the plain ol' Grid, but it seems like it should be possible using a "real" grid. Column = col; I found a way to auto generate columns with the data template in this post. Datatable is filled with data but In datagrid , data is not displaying. Nov 14, 2017 · And this is the code that I used to bind data table to grid. Handle the AutoGeneratingColumn event of the DataGrid and then you can create some kind of map between the default column names (Property names) and your custom headers. Jul 23, 2014 · To model this in the UI, I need to replace that single Checkbox GridViewColumn with a dynamic construct that creates a similar Checkbox GridviewColumn for each date in the order. private List<DetailItems> _allDetailItems = new List Aug 3, 2023 · Dim column As New GridColumn () Dim bindingExpression As New Binding ( "ProductName") With { _ Key . UpdateLayout(); and . ComboBox columns for enumerable values. XAML: <DataGrid Grid. Use to display the string data. ItemSource=ListName; Or however you like. Triggers>. ItemsSource = table. DataGridHyperlinkColumn. I'm trying to generate Datagrid with dynamic Columns and Rows. Header. Currently I'm binding an Mar 15, 2017 · Grid with dynamic number of rows and columns . Actually the widths of my five columns are minimum sized. BasedOn wont work if you set target type to DataGridCell explicitly. Apr 19, 2011 · Basic usage: Auto generate columns. All, I am relatively new to WPF. NaN but the nature of WPF to measure its available width vs. Auto. Basically I just made this work with Entity Framework Code-First POCOs and it solved my problem. {. These columns can display any values and are suitable for dynamic data. You should use the types DataGrid supports. I need the combobox column in the first row to have EmployeeID 1 selected, the second row to have EmployeeID 2 selected, and the third row to have EmployeeID 3 selected. It instantiates a new DataGridCheckBoxColumn, assigns the CheckBoxColumnStyle and the UserRoleValueConverter. Especially the last one, the DataGridTemplateColumn, is interesting. <Style. Manesh M posted over 7 years ago. In one column I currently show a ComboBox with values of an enum. " ElementStyle="{DynamicResource TextAlignCenter Jul 13, 2015 · 5. un mx sa li ip zt oi ph mg er